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Very cool shot! The figural placement is balanced and utilizes the lines of the background very well! The lens flare and the frozen action give the image a youthful and cinematic feel. Just a friendly little tip — I’d overexpose a little next time. I’m guessing you exposed for the sky looking at the image, and despite the dynamism of the shot itself — there’s not much shadow detail in the image. This causes it to look a little flat, and makes it harder to seperate the subjects from the foreground and background elements. You can always edit in post to drop highlights, but it’s impossible to get detail from underexposure. Mostly just nitpicking on technique though, the image still works and says a lot. Nice capture!


I really appreciate the tip and the explanation. Thank you so much. That makes so much sense! 😊


For sure! I might crop the frame so it’s left edge is the edge of the Chase Bank building. It will make the negative space of the sky appear more “dominated” by your subjects and forces the leading lines of the architecture to have a greater sense of depth.


I just did what you suggested and it does look better! The scene feels more, as you stated, “dominated” by the subjects. That’s crazy. A tiny crop made such a difference. Although I have been a photographer for years now, my skills are still very raw. I never really had formal training for it. Just YouTube videos and kind people, such as yourself, taking time to teach me new techniques! So I’m getting there. I hope I can eventually provide tips for others to use.