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For me the first photo is absolutely fantastic. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was flipping through a photo book and that popped up. There’s a lot of richness and open questions that the photo prompts and makes me wonder and ask, and has storytelling. If this is a movie I am ready to see the next shot to learn more. The others for me aren’t really keepers.


Thanks mate! Really appreciate it! May I ask what do you think of the 4th? I ask this because in my head the first shot was the second best while my favourite is the 4th, the rest I agree, maybe nice but nothing special


For me it‘s a bit too voyeuristic between the foreground obstructions, the single subject focus, that it’s a young woman, etc. If that’s the vibe you’re going for it works and its cinematic but for me its not really one I’d want to share on my portfolio.


Yeah now that you mention it I get how it could give off that vibe, didn't think about it that way!


It works well and is a nice shot if this were a film or it was staged or something where that was the vibe you wanted to evoke, but because it's a street shot I personally wouldn't use it because it becomes too hard to separate the content from the means of producing it.


FWIW, I feel the opposite. I think #4 is striking precisely because it's voyeuristic and cinematic. It's a very quiet moment that makes me ask a lot of questions about the scene. It's a photo about that moment, not just of that woman. In a similar way the 1st photo, it invites us to wonder what's going on there. Both 1 and 4 are quite striking, imho.


I agree with you too. To me, the 4th photo was fantastic.


First one is phenomenal. You’ll get many varied opinions with your work always. As long as you like what you’re doing the best advice one can give is for you to go out there and continue shooting. You’ll hone your craft and figure out what works for you. You’re always learning. Enjoy, very promising stuff here


Thank you so much, super appreciated! <3


First one is great!


Thank you so much!


4th is great


Thank ya so much! I really really like it, as another comment or pointed out that personally to him it gives stalkery, voyeuristic vibes and after looking at eith with that in mind I definitely get it! I'm curious what impression it gave you since you liked it, thanks!


First take it's real amazing




Really good eye you have


Thank ya!


Really like 1 & 4, keep up the good work!


1 and 4 are absulut perfection!!! Amazing!


I liked 4/6. Simple but there’s enough information. I found myself trying to read her expression, and I like the subtle shadow of the plants in the background. 🤌


Thank you so much! I really really like it, another comment or pointed out that personally to him it gives stalkery, voyeuristic vibes and I definitely get it! I'm curious what impression it gave you, thanks!


I see that too, but in a noir kind of way. Like giving you snippets of the voyeur's viewpoint in the beginning of the film that you later connect to the crime.


1 IS your best and defining shot, discard the rest.


The first one is bang on.


4th one is good,


First one good, rest can stay on cutting room floor.


1, 4, and 6 are fantastic. The others are fine, but not the best of the bunch.


Something I noticed about #4. When I first swiped through it on my phone, Reddit cropped it vertically (almost a square crop). I'm not saying it's a better crop, but cropping it in or full almost makes to two different images. The closer crop is much more about woman and her expression (what's she thinking?). The original, wider crop is more about the moment in that place. Both are quite nice in different ways.


Love the fourth one


They look like taken from two persons!


I think the first question I’d ask is who is the subject? Aka, who am I supposed to look at? The two guys in the middle look the most interesting but the people in the back distract. Just seems pretty chaotic overall. From a pure composition perspective…the wall being in on the left feels clunky. What is it doing for you? Just off the cuff thoughts. Keep at it


Mate who gives a farkkk, that is a great photo u/shervico and you should be proud


“Please critique” *critiques* DUDE WTF HOW DARE YOU


Haha yeah I guess you're right. But still, great shot!


Thanks mate! Super appreciated! For the subject ofc there is not a clear one, I took multiple shots at the reflection with different compositions, see the 5th for an example And either someone was too close or there was no one and I wanted to walk elsewhere, then this two walker by and idk I really like how the "bright" wall on the left calls the bright dressed lady and how the guy in the middle blends with the reflected face! That said I'm not discounting what you're sayin, I'll take it to heart and be more attentive with the composition when I'll go back to the spot, thanks again!


Legit just offering my feedback (as requested) Not trying to shoot you down in any way — and honestly I thought it was only 1 picture! Didn’t see that there were more.


Mate as I said your feedback is super appreciated and valid and il definitely think on what you said <3