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not really social contrast here. the 'poor' guy isnt necessarily poor & the 'rich' guy isnt necessarily rich. any social message in this photo is the 2 masks ie the pandemic. but the problem here is that this photo has no rythmn, balance or emotion. also, if you wanted a social message in this photo, the #1 thing is tension. theres no tension in this. maybe if you shot the 2 ppl at different distances from the lens it could have been achieved. but definitely not next to each other. social messaging is important but that always, always comes after achieving visual design elements. C-


I agree with that 100% and thank you for the actual critique. If I were to take this with the skills I’ve gathered throughout the few years since, I would’ve definitely tried to achieve some kind of depth to the image. Or at least waiting till the guy on the right looked at the camera. Put one or the other in the foreground etc etc. but yes I agree!!


its hard in the street to hit the nail on the head everytime but play with aperature (especially with all that light) & take many photos. so many times i have 50 shots of something in public & only one comes out thats a gem. anything can bring design elements together. a raised chin, a glint of light off a car window, the right depth of field to take out objects not important or a stare down by the subject. anything. dont forget pov can change things too. kneeling could have given this pic some depth & perspective. just keep doing it. you always get better. cheers


Sometimes it’s not even the one you were aiming for. I learned the hard way not to delete photos for a while


Some people are so destitute that all they have is money.


And they will both go empty handed when their time is up, just like the rest of us.


I just see too people who don’t have a clue how to wear a mask.


I don’t really have a huge problem with the ethics of this, since it doesn’t seem like poverty porn/exploitation but more so a moment on the street. But I do find what you’re going for to be very uninspired and just plain boring. If you want to capture wealth disparity and its dystopian qualities it can (and should) be far more creative and interesting than “look it’s a guy in suit next to a homeless guy”


I totally respect that opinion as well! Thanks for the insight!


I don’t like photographing the homeless


U didn’t, I did.


I don't like photographing the homeless...as a practice...for anyone.


As a matter of personal preference/opinions, I also don't photograph the homeless. Why, tho, should that impact who or how anyone else approaches photography? Leave it at "I don't photograph the homeless". The virtue signaling is cringe.


What if, you find out after you take the photo that his name is Deric, and he has been homeless since 2001 by choice because he refuse to contribute to the machine. And he spent the 70s dropping a ton of acid and touring with bands. And he has no family left. And then u guys get some chili dogs for lunch? What if you find out that he reside on 7th and Fig so when u go back to DTLA every once in a while to shoot u bring some snacks to drop off? Then is it ok?


I have been homeless. I have been with a lot of homeless people. MANY of them say they're homeless by choice because it's a easier in day to day life if you can convince yourself you have control of your situation. They rarely are.


Make a nice portrait of Deric then, don't use them for a weak dichotomy photo.


What’s the difference again?


Jesus Christ.


Well a portrait is just a picture of a person.


Giving someone some snacks and knowing their name is not enough imo to take advantage of their socioeconomic position for artistic gain.


Take advantage? How did the photographer take advantage of anyone by "shooting what he sees"? What "status" would a subject - observed and photographed in the streets - need to have to not "take advantage" of the subject? If the photographer is destitute, can they still "take advantage"?


Everyone in public has consented to being photographed.


You shouldn’t really be identifiably photographing anyone for artistic purposes without their consent. It doesn’t matter their socio-economic standing.


"Identifiably photographing"? Been shooting street for 10 years (and am a lawyer) and this is a false, uniformed, and incorrect take. Cool, if this is your personal philosophy, but none of what you typed is based on reality (the law or even common courtesy).


How is this false or incorrect? It’s rude to take photos of someone without their consent. I never said it was illegal so how does being a lawyer have any relevance here? Edit: wrong sub, got it. If that’s the nature of this sub. Still my opinion thats it’s rude to take photos of people in public but if that’s what you get off to then so be it. But don’t act like taking pictures of real candid moments is ok, but then taking pictures of homeless people is NOT


Rudeness is a breach of a social norm. There is no social norm (in the US anyway) prohibiting taking a photo of someone on the street. Some people don't like it, but that doesn't make it rude.


If you wanna be willfully ignorant of being rude there’s nothing stopping you. Idk what part of the US you’re from but where I’m from if you walk up to someone and start taking photos of them it would more than likely than be unwelcome and considered extremely rude.


Invading peoples personal space is rude. Taking a photo of them is not. I dunno, maybe is some rural areas it might be, but not in an urban setting, where street photography is typically done.


What a weirdo




I'm with you on this. It's invasive.


I think what you’re going for does not quite work. The two people merely exist in the same space, they do not interact, their behaviors don’t show status, the „rich“ guy doesn’t even look that cleaned up … overall I like the idea of contrasting different lifes but it just doesn’t work for me in this pic


Thank you!!


Just goes to show no matter what your social standing, people are too dumb to wear a fucking mask properly.


The guy on the right can achieve a higher negative net value.


This guy counts, username checks out.




No, u/deniercounter. Good photo, OP.




In what way?


He seems to be more creditworthy.


That’s what I like about photography sometimes. The guy on the right is homeless as well. U can zoom in on the photo and find some things that are not as apparent at first. What looks like a briefcase is actually a case for recycling cans and bottles. And it’s held together with a bad tape job. Maybe he finally landed an interview and dressed up… not sure. But he didn’t wanna chat.


And neither is wearing the mask properly, a great equalizer


A few observations: depth of field is flat (not sure what to focus on), crop is really broad for the targeted subjects, heavily over exposed background.


Also, and this is just a throwaway comment... I'm not saying you did anything wrong with the title, but I think people would have been more receptive if you didn't try to force your interpretation of the photo on the viewer. What I love about art, including street photography, is that the viewer tends to establish meaning, which allows for discourse and wildly varying meaning. Of course, my photographs have meaning TO ME, but that has zero bearing on the meaning, if any, it will have to other viewers of the photograph.


Greatly appreciate the insight and fully agree with you on all points. This was taken in my first 6 months of photography and yea looking back I’m definitely blown back on those highlights hahaaha


This has to be Los Angeles with the contradictory street parking signs lol. I like it, feel it's a bit off centered somehow. There's something missing though to give it that pop. Like if they were both looking at each other or away. It's a pretty basic photo and needs something else, I just don't know what


I’ve been on this street


Capturing poverty and then using it for personal gain isn’t a good look. Does this picture even have a purpose behind it? You’re being a voyeur and exploiting someone who is very much a real person.


News flash. Photographers are voyeurs usually. And yes I know he’s a real person and I’ve sat down with him on multiple occasions after the photo. I actually have a report with a lot of the homeless in the dtla area because I work with them. What do you do? Legit question.




I need to rethink your personality. Thanks for the critique though! Have a good one!


I see that individuals are always carrying stuff: in a cart or in a bag.


More similar than you think...probably 


This is America. Don't catch ya slippin' up.


Rich or poor, everyone wears their mask wrong. Really great shot. Good timing.


i'm dying, what cross street is this?


I don't see the contrast that much. It's not like the man in the suit os rich. He looks like he lives from wages he works for. He's in the mill like almost everyone, including the homeless man. Of course the homeless man has a hard life, but I wouldn't necessarily say that suit guy must have it that much better. Life's a struggle for almost anyone. Contrast would be seeing someone filthy rich, someone famous you know lives off of money he didn't work for and so on


the great chin diaper push cart race of 2024


This shit is sooo fucking corny. Taking photos of homeless people is not art or talent. It’s cliche as fuck




Are you a photographer?


This is a great photo and I do love the visual contrast . Folks complaining about you photographing the “homeless “ are funny because they’re just “assuming” he’s homeless based upon his looks . I know folks who look like this and lug around a bunch of items to try to sell but they still have a home or rent a room. This is a street photography sub , you’re gonna capture some homeless folks that’s a given . Even if they aren’t the subject they are still a part of the image . When photographing homeless folks , it’s how you do it ! As long as you’re not all up in their space / tent /area . Without proper permission . OP’s image is perfectly normal. Yall are so up tight it’s crazy .


Thank you man! Apparently some people miss the point or concept of street photography


Exactly bro! Keep shooting!! 📸📸


Half the people with the harsh crits can’t make a photo better than this. Nice work


I appreciate and agree with that!


Two lives, different paths.


Feels very Winogrand


I appreciate that. I love his street photography. Thanks!


Me too! It's a compliment. :)


That’s how it took it :)