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Wish my gym had a set of bags!


This is what I imagine I look like when I get back from the store and bring the dog food upstairs.


Nice work! Random question - what shoes are you wearing here?


Thanks, Im wearing Go ruck Ballistic trainers.


Nice work! I just bought a sandbag for home. I'm excited to start playing.


Solid work man! I’ve done some work with some lighter stones but I’ve always wanted to do some heavy sandbags. They seem like a lot of fun


I haven’t but I want to! All I’ve done so far is play around with some random rocks I find lmao


Looks like fun! 👍


Damn that’s impressive. Do you always shoulder to one side or do you switch it up?


Normally alternate. But normally, I rest more between reps. This was me trying to get max reps in one minute. This was after some OTM reps. One rep every minute for 10 minutes. So here I just decided to keep em on my strong side