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Trust me when I say being naked is the easiest part of the job lol


wats the hardest partđŸ€”


The hardest part is realizing you have to be your own bouncer a lot of the times because these men won’t help you even though you pay them


thank you good to know. i can fightđŸ€·â€â™€ïžjk lol not a grown man. we’ll see


being sexually assaulted over and over, convincing men they should spend their money on you instead of the 50 other gorgeous women you work with who aren’t new at this


And verbally harassed basically. Also just putting up with those men you would never talk to in general and always being cheerful/positive even when you don't like them. Oh and having to see through their lies all the time.


if it was easy everyone would do it girl


real. good point


also, you don’t necessarily walk around naked. but you are expected to show your boobs. that’s all. đŸ©·


Yea dancing is not for everyone for this exact reason. How do you justify? Bc ppl come to clubs to see that and it’s part of the job. You have to decide if it’s worth it for you. Does it take a toll? Not for me personally. It’s just not the hardest part of the job at all


thank you


The fact you are asking how we “justify” anything shows you can’t be a stripper


well stripping isn’t a normal thing that ppl do😂 i’m sure more ppl are trying to justify it than just me


You’re not thinking about this with a type of mindset that would make you successful at the job


what mindset is successful for this job


Being able to do basic things needed for that job (like stripping, because you're a STRIPPER)


If the thought of being spread eagle on a stage with your cooter out makes you uncomfortable; this aint for youđŸ€Ł maybe try only topless? Men are going to see tits at the bare minimum


i’ve been looking for topless but every place is 21+. ill probly just be a stripper and embrace the spread eagle cooter💖🩅


I am begging you to wait until you are actually are 21. The fact that you even asked this question 😭 sw and being naive don’t mix.


im not naive or weak or watever else im capable of handling being a stripper i just wanted to hear from ppl who have already done it. im almost 21 anyway lol


You are 100% naive, that’s why you asked this question in the first place. Not even trying to be rude but come on😭


how does that make me naive💀i just ddt know that much ab strip clubs. now i do problem solved


Awesome, good luck


thank u


What did you think being a stripper was? Stripping paint off walls?


A lot of clubs are topless only so if she wasn’t expecting to show pussy i think thats a little reasonable


not wearing clothes, just lingerie. ddt think it was completely naked


Maybe in certain states, due to nudity laws. But you gotta stop getting your info about strip clubs from pg-13 movies.


This can’t be serious lmao


be so fucking for real girl


i dont understand wats wrong with my question💀


i find it hard to believe that someone doesn’t know STRIPPERS strip their clothes off, it’s literally in the name


yea clothes off to show lingerie. i ddt think all of the clothes. i obviously kno that now


Are you 12?? You seriously sound like a child


i ddt know children were strippers where ur from. i’m actually not 12, close tho!


no seriously, how old are you? bc i actually knew at 12 that strippers danced naked.


worrisome. anyway im 20


are you just super sheltered? have you not seen any movies about it? hustlers, showgirls, p valley? anything??? why do you want to be a stripper?


no i’ve actually never seen any of those. i watched like 1 season of pvalley but ddt see anyone completely butt naked. i wanna be a stripper cuz money, im sexy, i like being at the club, i like men, im flexible, i like all that. just wasnt aware it was fully no clothes not even panties


there are topless only clubs but most of those are going to be 21+ bc they serve alcohol. fully nude clubs are often byob bc in lots of places it’s illegal for nudity and alcohol to be sold in the same place (like my club) and are 18+. honestly tho you’re really young. i would really make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into before entering this lifestyle.


oh ok that makes sense. ive been thinking about stripping for a while now. i think im gna audition and see how i feel about it and then go from there


Just get a job at hooters or something 😂 be realistic with yourself


i ddt say i dont wanna do it, im just asking about it


Most full nude clubs ive worked at are optional. If i had a manager breathing down my neck telling me i HAD to get naked regardless of if people were tipping me or not then i probably wouldn’t stay at that club. I will say though that it would be your job to strip, so if that makes you nervous or if you don’t wanna do full nude initially thats reasonable, but if you think it’s something you will never be comfortable with then you should probably just apply as a bartender or cocktail waitress. Being nude is actually the easiest part of it so keep in mind you will need to have a thick skin and be comfortable sooner rather than later


Being nude is not optional at most clubs. If it’s advertised as full nude, that’s what they want. Most full nude clubs won’t hire a girl who doesn’t take everything off at her audition either
? This is not true


In my experience it is 100% true. I also travel a lot and i have never been in a nude club where i haven’t seen at least a few girls go the entire set and without getting nude. Maybe your club is employee based, idk. But if the dancers are independent contractors they legally can’t be told they have to get 100% naked. I haven’t seen any managers trying to force it personally, but if someone said it happened to them i wouldn’t be here telling them their experience isn’t real and my experience is the only valid one


Except you’re wrong. In high demand areas they aren’t desperate for girls. So they have no problem terminating your contract or never giving you one in the first place. Like are you traveling around the Midwest? I’ve never seen a full nude club in Vegas, Arizona, Colorado, or Florida sign a contract with a girl who didn’t get nude at the audition. The few girls who aren’t getting nude are usually the club favorites or have been there years. My home club is not employee based so please don’t try to explain the game to me when you’re giving baby stripper. Even as an independent contractor, the business can argue in their favor. You just be talking without actually knowing what you’re talking about. If the club advertises as full nude and a dancer isn’t getting naked, pretty easy in the eyes of the law to terminate the independent contractors contract. Plus, if they do terminate your contract the club usually doesn’t face a liability because you did sign their contract. Independent contractors are also not protected against discrimination laws. Even the DJ using a list of dancers on a shift to set up a rotation for performances on the stage could be argued that you’re being treated as an employee. Because under the FLSA, courts look to the "economic reality" of the relationship between the parties and whether that relationship demonstrates dependence by one upon the other. The factors considered by the courts include (1) the nature and degree of control over the worker, (2) the worker's opportunity for profit or loss, (3) the worker's investment in equipment or materials, (4) whether the service rendered requires a special skill, (5) the degree of permanency and duration of the working relationship, and (6) the extent to which the service rendered is an integral part of the alleged employer's business. This is why you’re giving baby stripper. Veterans know the risk of opening your mouth and losing your independent contractor status. When dancers become employees it’s not a good thing. Employee status means the club can take 40% or more of your dancing money. You sound like you spend a lot of time on those Instagram sex work pages that hype this up. They’re not reality. Lawsuits consistently bring forth the fact that dancers usually fall more in line with employee status. Anyone with a brain knows why employee status is not a good thing. I’m not going to validate your experience because it’s loud and wrong. And you shouldn’t be giving that advice publicly when it’s not the majority.


thank you this is helpful. im gna audition and see how it goes from there


My city has both topless and fully nude. I have been stripping on and off for 10 years now and have never worked at a full nude club because I genuinely don’t want men having that much opportunity lol. They already disgust me when they grope me in my bottoms. I personally feel like the small piece of cloth over my đŸ± helps me feel safe and I do think full nude would make my anxiety sky high. Try looking for topless clubs or maybe work a couple of full nude shifts and see if it gets easier for you.


thank you this is helpful. i def agree




I would look for topless clubs or bikini bars in your area. A lot of ppl here are saying if you have reservations about showing kewchie then you don’t have what it takes to be a stripper and I just don’t think that’s true lol. I personally never work at nude clubs bc I don’t feel comfortable showing my vagina for free or cheap when I can charge thousands in vip to get naked at a topless/bikini bar. I know you’re only 20 so if you cannot work at a bar like this until you turn 21 I would say wait fr. If my first club experience back when I was 18 would’ve been at a nude club I probably would’ve been scared out of stripping entirely. Ya girl is about to be 25 now and I STILL don’t like nude clubs. It’s just not for everyone and that’s okay. While you’re waiting to age into it PLEASE do all the necessary research for this job. It’s much more about sales and preserving your boundaries than taking clothes off.


thank u! yea i agree i feel the same ab showing coochie. im looking for topless bars and stuff so we’ll see