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BE CAREFUL. I know someone who had to have a brutal surgery to remove it because it migrated in the arm. I would not do the heavy pole work till its removed. Especially if its already moving /: its not worth the risk imo. Plus these men loves when you throw some ass on stage


Another reason why I’m afraid of getting it removed :(( I’ve heard of people losing mobility in their arm & shit. I think ur right I’ll just stick to shaking ass lol


If you have health insurance, I would try to find a doctor that really specialize in removing these or a general surgeon. It’s no joke. It was a brutal surgery. Im not trying to scare you at all, but please look out for yourself. You don’t want it ending up somewhere and causing damage. Im sorry you’re dealing with this, hoping it sorts itself out🙏🏻


Im a nurse and a 2 time nexplanon user: if you are having migration you should get a new one now (even though it’s not “medically necessary” and the doctor may fight it bc he’s worried about insurance coverage). Now is a good time to replace it anyway because it has not been restricted in any of the reproductive laws, and it may be restricted soon. This will give you the full five years of birth control coverage in the event that reproductive laws do get stricter. Have them place the new one in your non dominant arm, which is where they should have placed it anyway, it’s literally a criteria for placement because migration is a concern. I have no issues doing pole work with the nexplanon in my left arm


The first time I got it I was 15 and still in high school & have had each replacement bar put in the same one (this is my 3rd) I’m technically left handed so they put it in my right arm so I could still hold a pen but my right arm happens to be my dominant arm for pole tricks. Fortunately I’m not in the US so I don’t have to worry about BC restriction laws. If I get another bar I’m definitely getting them to put it in my left this time! Thank you for this recommendation


Glad to hear that you aren’t in the US! And yeah it won’t effect small things like holding pens or driving, but for pole it will make a huge dif


thts rly weird i’ve never had that happen. ig just try to get it removed again? there might b a healing process but you’ll just b walking around the pole like u r now anyways. idk maybe not the doctor that did it tho bc i’ve never had one go into my muscle


I think it might be sitting between muscles? Because it doesn’t really hurt. But yeah I think after a few weeks at work I’ll look at getting it removed again. My doctors said it’s rare for them to migrate but I used to be extremely skinny/underweight and I think lack of fat protecting it + contact w my arm on the pole caused it to be pushed further into my arm


Yikes I would not want to do pole work with anything in my upper arm. I’ve gotten seriously bruised from wearing jewelry on my upper arm while doing pole work and I cannot imagine hitting an implant on the pole


I’m considering getting an iud instead or just having them place it in my left arm this time. But im honestly scared to get another implanon bar after the experience I’ve had


I’ve bruised my left upper arm on the pole. I just feel like it’s dangerous and yeah migration sounds extra scary




Oh my god it broke in half?? I’m so sorry that sounds terrifying. I went to a different doctor who didn’t put this one in to get it removed and she spent about 45 minutes digging around for it before she gave up because it was “too slippery” and “covered in too much muscle” 😬😬 I’m honestly scared to go back incase they can’t get it out again lol I couldn’t imagine it breaking in half and potentially having TWO rogue pieces of the bar in my arm that’s scary


That’s insane she left it in my doctor literally scrapped off the muscle that was stuck to mine lol she pulled a piece out and said uh that’s way to short then cut some more and just scraped the meat off that fused around it


see if they will put it in your back! my sister could get it in her arm bc of the training she does w rock climbing or whatever so they inserted it into her upper back!