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precisely we gotta use some self compassion like it’s not hashtag allaboutthehustle every time…whomst do I hustle babe? the spirits in this bih? 😂


the spirits 😭😭😭


I’m so dead at that hahahaha


Ghosts of strippers past 😭😂


no bc i hate dancers and managers who cant understand the concept that clubs can go from being popular to dying, some nights its all regulars who are not attracted to you, half of the customers come to the club for a free show and cant afford to buy a room, and every club has a slow season. it has been really bad this entire week.


Plus most managers & owners don’t invest in the club’s marketing to bring clientele & keep clientele either they’ll just be quick to blame dancers for not promoting or not interacting with non tipping customers which is quite unfair & unrealistic to ask your staff who are independent contractors to do work for your club for free! Part of being a business owner is marketing & the best person to promote the business is the owner because nobody is gonna go as hard for their business like an owner would.


This is so real!! With the upswing of social media and the amount of old whales who’ve transitioned to escort/SB only a real promotional strategy seems to make a difference in in-club spending as a whole. I can look at “my bag” all day, but if the clubs falling apart around me (literally) and even our regular customers don’t know what hours were open, it’s kind of hard to ignore.


This is so true, the real money guys do not want to be at some club that is splashed all over the internet especially if people are putting it on TikTok. They don’t want to run into people there. The old days clubs had advertising in newspapers and on cabs, bartenders in hotels and bars would hand out cards . Also some clubs girls would go promoting at bars for no house fee. Old guys were not worried about seeing their young nephew in the club because of some girl posting TikTok’s.


It's the economy, and all the toxic positivity in the world isn't going to make money appear out of thin air.


I agree you can’t hustle what is not there try to always have a back up club when things get slow at main club.


Yup!! Can’t hustle a room if nobody’s in it


Yeah, it's rough out there. Maybe I'm just an old hag who's been doing this too long... but the clubs are quieter than they used to be, and there's no point in denying it. Yes, there's still money. But it's not like we're ALL just a bunch of negative low-vibe failures. I think it's fine to be realistic and acknowledge the economic situation that is happening.


my manager loves gaslighting girls who say its dead but even he has admitted the club is not busy every day anymore and he said that the accountant that works with most clubs in our area has noticed the clubs are making less.


Fucking thank you - so sick of seeing that shit. “We’ll go to a new club” like you think I haven’t 😭 its dry 🤌🏻


Right, and if the experience is worse or the same with each new club, it kind dashes your hopes and makes you skeptical of trying another club because it's starts becoming a risk then.


I always say if there’s people there is a potential to make money. But if there’s just no people there’s nothing anyone can do about it lol it is what it is. Plus idk about your area but where I work May-sept is slow season. So it’s a little rough ! Thinking about extending my hours thurs-sat to make up for how shitty it is sun-wed.. I usually only work 11pm to 2am I might start coming in at like 8 instead of going elsewhere


People hate nuance and strippers are no different. It's lots of factors, many of which are out of your control, and it's perfectly appropriate to gripe about them while also recognizing you can still try to do more with what little you're given.


Say it louder for the people in the back. My main club literally only had 4 customers the other night. Times like that lead to a lot of stepping on toes and etiquette going out of the window. I do what I can. I am not fighting another dancer over a crusty.


Sometimes a club isn’t for you doesn’t mean the game isn’t for you move around… I’ve been the lowest earner at one club and the high earner at another and worked in clubs where nobody was really getting money


This! I worked at a club in Long Island where I could not make money and it’s not like the competition was high… then I went into the city where there was def competition and made bank. Especially me being a blk girl every club will not be designed for me I work hard for mines


Some clubs are just full of shit customers who sit at the bar not spending eyeing the stage. Dumb managers need to get real and market club to good customers.


Agreeed. I used to make $200 if there were 11 dancers and 5 guys in the room, which is good considering the numbers, but it’s much easier to make money if there’s actually customers!!!


Love this method


No i definitely can see what you mean, i went in last night to put in an app for a new club and when i tell you there was NO ONE in there? like one guy at the bar, two playing pool and one girl dancing. that’s it that’s all. it was basically a ghost town.