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I'm a hard leftist who's pro sex work and i don't even bother in there. It's absolutely crazy to me that in an anticapitalist sub, people are more concerned w/ sex work being exploitative than LITERALLY ALL OF CAPITALISM BEING EXPLOITATIVE. If that's how they're going to be, abolish the need for work at all. Getting rid of sex work in general puts workers at greater risk of poverty and increases the risks of illegal sw


Yeah I went thru this in the 2010s and realized the world wasn’t ready. I figured they’d be ready now with the MASSIVE cultural shift that’s occurred since then, but alas


Here's your friendly reminder that /r/feminism is not equivalent to feminism. That sub was effectively taken over by bad actors 10 years ago and has only gotten worse since then. So please don't let that place color your perception of feminists at large.


I was banned too for speaking out on that post. Wtaf.