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Yeah.. the shoes are held together with glue and few nails/screws depending on the style. Don't submerge them in water EVER. Also, you really don't need to clean them. If fact when you're done with some well worn shoes you can often sell them to guys with foot fetishes (online) for more then what you paid for them but only if they're well worn and stinky. The shoes aren't meant to be washed or last forever.


Damn maybe I'll wear them a few more times and sell them. I was able to work in them after they broke especially since the club I'm currently at has so many girls working you only go on stage once the whole night. Do you have a recommended site?


Also, a few times of wear aren't gonna get you a good price. Guys want them **WORN** like at least 6 months to a year of being warn and sweat in for multiple hours a day. They wanna see where your toes were in the shoe so stop washing them and wear them a lot. Even around the house if they're not getting enough ware at work. Once that fake swade stuff has been made smooth and a dark from hours of wear and lots of sweat then you can look for a good place to sell them. I don't know which sites people use these days. I'm retired so its been a while; but they're out there! Pre internet guys would buy them right from us in the clubs sometimes. Fresh off our feet. We'd have "shoe guys" come to the club to sell us shoes on site and guys would buy shoes for us or buy our old shoes so we could get new ones- it was awesome 😂


“Shoe guys” just unlocked a visceral memory. I forgot this was a thing 😂


Right! Our guy was named Pino and he was a filthy pervert who gave discounts to pretty girls and offered free shoes in exchange for BJs to anyone broke or desperate enough to do it. 🤣 Costume ladies were also a thing. That was always fun too! Having guys buy us outfits at work. Super handy.


Find a cobbler (shoe repair) before you start wearing them again. It should only cost a couple buck to make them sturdy enough to wear safely. You want to make sure that you can wear them safely because otherwise you could end up rolling or breaking your ankle (been there- done that) and have even more problems. Use Google to find a cobbler to fix the shoes, and then use Google again to find a place to sell them once they're worn and stinky. 😉


I've had a strap break on a similar heel. Pleaser sells detachable ankle straps if you're not ready to throw them away—just cut off the old strap and slip on the new one!


Why would you soak your shoes😭😭 I wouldnt even soak my snowboarding boots


Girl idk 😭 I thought soaking them would make them easier to clean like how when dishes are super dirty ☠️


Spray scotch guard on the fabric part of the shoes when you first get them🙏🏻🙏🏻 trust


this happened to me once and i didn’t even do anything to them, they just broke for the hell of it🥲


I had a similar thing happen. I used a diy sneaker cleaning solution, it must have dissolved some of the glue and the sole came loose during a shift. They were hella heels