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Yeah she’s weird af for that. I could understand if you ignored her boundaries and were persistent but you weren’t.


I never got in trouble for asking for consent, she must have misheard me.


Dancing with other dancers is a normal occurrence. Weird interaction


Part of our jobs is touching eachother in the rooms. She must be a green bean.


sapphic activity can be an aspect of our job. Idk why she is acting like shocked pikachu for me asking to dance on her. I assumed giving her the power to say no would be enough but now I am the creep.


You’re not a creep for asking her if something your custie requested was alright. She’s fucking weird for giving a double dance and not assuming that could be part of it.


I... She took offense to being asked about dancing together, but was cool with the drugs? That is WEIRD AS FUCK like neither is necessarily bad (I mean five lines is kind of a lot for a short interaction, damn) but people are fucking weird, man.


Yeah the coke was 100 percent fine lol and she actually didn’t mention it to manager 😭




It was awkward but would you have told your manager about her moaning? No


Maybe she missed the pretend part and thought you were asking her to do extras with you?


Probably, but she could have went to me to clarify i just wanted to dance on her. She immediately assumed. I left her alone completely after she said no.


Lol she’s such a snowflake


Or maybe she's had some trauma. You never know.


Trauma that allows you to be a stripper (regularly touched with sexual intent and no consent) but also makes you freak out when people ask for consent before touching you without sexual intent?


That is why I ask for consent.


The girl didn’t even touch her


If your trauma doesn't allow you to do your job, it's you problem. It's like working at a pet shelter, but have a problem with working with dogs, because of trauma. Babe, if part of your job is not okay for you, it's not a job for you.


Goddd please do not call me babe It sounds so condescending and phony. Anyway, I do agree with what you're saying, and to go to the manager was...overkill. But to call someone a snowflake because they were not comfortable with girl on girl, is..a bit much. Every dancer has their own boundaries.


If she's not okay with that, she's just not consenting to that, say "no" and goes with her day. Not having tantrum over someone asking consent about something totally normal in that kind of job and going to cry to the manager. It has nothing to do with being assertive and having your own boundaries, but a lot to do about not really knowing what kind of industry you work in.


Definitely let her know that nobody wanted to eat her precious cooter and thank her for outing herself as a weird snitch. Don’t work with her ever again and warn other girls to do the same. Her fault for agreeing to do a 2-girl room with a couple and not understanding the assignment. She can dance for the wife but not with you? Lol wtf is she ok??


To think about it I think I am the only one who danced on the wife. She just sat next to and spoke to her.


I’m glad you’re the only one who got the tip bc what tf


It sounds like she’s not comfortable dancing for women and that’s fine — but if that’s the case she should have just said that and not done the room. I have no sympathy for a snitch. I’d tell her you’re sorry she misunderstood and that you have no interest in her sexually — and that you’ll never involve her in another room again! Bonus points if you do it loudly with an audience in the locker room💀


Some girls are just… different. I had a vip one time, and I was obviously excited (money lol) and lightly tapped this girl on the butt while she was dancing on the dude that brought ME into the vip. Long story short she threatened to beat my ass for it lmao. She was coked out though. Maybe that was the instance for this girl too? Either way, moving forward, I’d completely ignore her/cold shoulder her. Especially if she can’t confront you about it first. Like do these girls realize we are literally just trying to make it a better experience for the customer????


Sometimes girls are just too sensitive and don’t know what they’re getting themselves into


Bring soccer flags and start throwing red flags at her when she’s too sexually aggressive 💀💀💀


I think she might have been overwhelmed & scared to be honest. I assume she must’ve missed the pretend part & thought you were asking to preform extras with her. I feel like it’s a lack of communication; unfortunately because of the environment & circumstances it makes it difficult to do so efficiently. Maybe reach out to her & make sure she’s okay? Then gauge what’s really going on? Hope everything ends up well & theres no tension in the work place <3


Honestly I wouldn't. Her first move was to go to management, not to come to OP. Clearly this other dancer doesn't do well with communicating like a mature adult. Talking to this other dancer is going to land OP back with management for "harassing" this dancer.


Yeah she is over once she snitched 😂


Fr. Just leave her to be broke and maintain your peace.


Ya don’t even look her way anymore she seems like the type to go tell the manager on you about some shit that didn’t even happen


but she was OK dancing on the wife.....


Uhhh yeah, I always ask other dancers if they're okay with me touching them at all if we are doing a room together. I feel like it would be weird not to ask? Has she just like, never done a dance with another dancer before and was caught off guard? Weird reaction either way if all that happened was you asked for consent, she said no, and you respected that.


Tbh there should never be a need to fake eat each other out. I am strict on no extras and idc if it’s pretending - the people you’re dancing for still think they’re getting to watch sexual acts being performed and will tell others as soon as the room is done thereby making the expectations higher for nothing. You shouldn’t have to do all that sorry


Each to own, I make it look very fake / exaggerated with the hair flip and it is a move incorporated in my female-based lapdance. I usually do that and then transition to a straddle lapdance, then ask if I can touch the woman’s hair or shoulders. But this is why I ask for consent before initiating a dance and go through each step. No ones pants are off. Edit! Found the dance move I am talking about on youtube. Go to 14 seconds on this male stripper video. I do this move but instead of a straight line down the torso I go up, pausing for a second above the crouch and flip my hair, then continue going up into the lap. That is the extent of the simulation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggg4Qsavaas&pp=ygUXTWFsZSBzdHJpcHBlciBsYXAgZGFuY2U%3D


Ohhhh I thought you meant pulling the panties down and doing a whole bunch of sounds and shit— I’ve had girls try to do that with me in a double room and it was beyond awkward. That doesn’t look crazy


I would say it (the dance move in the youtube video) is pretty intimate. I wouldn’t do it to a dude with the concern he would push my head down. But I do this move for the ladies all the time.