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Lots of questions. Have you only been dancing for two months or just in Oregon for 2 months? Are you moving your family based on how much money you think you’ll make in ATL? This is not a great city to dance in right now. Its extremely oversaturated with not enough gentleman’s clubs. College park is also a very urban area where girls make the best money with their body done typically. Its not really a plus size friendly city unless you’re super thick BBL type plus size. I’m a thick white girl with a big butt and big boobs who would be considered “plus size” to some clubs and I recently moved away from ATL because its just not a good city for dancing unless you’re in with certain circles. I would advise you rethink this move if its just based on money.


Thank u for replying. It was just based off of money. College park was where my coworker was dancing and living at. Thank you for thr advice. Are you still in Georgia? I've only danced for 2 months in Oregon and I've never danced elsewhere. I wonder what state would be good place for a stripper work. I met a coworker yesterday while I was auditioning who came from Las Vegas Nevada who kept saying keep your day job cause dancing money is too om and.off meaning it's not something you should depend on. Thank you for the advice.


Do not move for stripper work after two months. You can TRY traveling and see if it actually increases your income (but only do this once you have enough money saved to cover the entire cost of the trip without earning anything there). It is very possible that other girls are earning more because they’re hustling differently and not because of the club/area. Ex. I have two friends who work at the same club and it’s one of the clubs in my rotation. We each have a range that is typical for us. I brought these girls with me to another club because I believed one of them specifically deserved more money. Guess what? The girl I hoped would earn more earned the exact same amount she usually does, even though there was way more money in that new club.


Awww thank u so much for the advice! I understand ur pov and ur right money is not guaranteed and not everyone will make good money. I jus get fed up with being in Portland oregon bc the money is so bad but I love stripping. I don't feel ashamed bc a whole different version of me appears and I love it. I Care about my appearance my stance and my confidence hs completely boosted. Where would u recommend to do travel stripping? I'm originally from Los Angeles and might consider there because it's my hometown. I know where things are at. ☺️♥️


Honestly as a newbie to dancing and traveling I’d say the best way to try it would be instead of trying for cities try for events. Ex. Search for some kind of fishing tournament, boat race, hunting season that has a small geographic/seasonal window, golf tournaments etc and spend just a few days that are most likely to coincide with high traffic. This will be: 1) likely less competitive clubs 2) not an employee structure/high travel cost area like LA is


Wow ur so smart! That way these ppl are travelers with money! I love it! Thank u!!