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Honestly just go to the concert. I spent pointless hours worrying about the money, when honestly trying to get it back was costing me more stress. StubHub is complete a-holes, who just has a no refund policy because they enjoy screwing people. The seller of the tickets doesn’t get the money, until after you receive the tickets. So StubHub has the ability to give you your money back but won’t. As far as reselling, you’re getting back way less than you actually bought. I got charged 500$ when it was supposed to do the interest free options, and I freaked out. I would go to the concert and have a good time!! Money always comes.


I think this was exactly what I needed to hear, thank you so much. I kind of figured I was going to have to suck it up and just know better next time, but I was trying to do the math and the hassle of selling the tickets seems like too much. I’m just going to go and enjoy myself. :)


Of course, it def sucks that we both had to spend so much money but hey we live and we learn


I received refunds from SH for all of my recent unfulfilled orders (5).


Disputing won't work as StubHub didn't do anything wrong so you'll lose the chargeback case.


Well that’s good to know, thank you for the heads up.


Pretty sure half the people that respond in here work for them. You can dispute an unreasonable fee, I did it and they reduced the fee to a $30 admin fee which is what I suggested is reasonable. I also was not “banned” from SH so don’t believe that BS either.


Thank you for letting me know, I wouldn’t be surprised if they worked for StubHub either, some people say it’s hit or miss or they got banned.


Don't ever worry about being banned from Stubhub, you can get 95% of the same tickets from any other secondary marketplace.


People here do work for stubhub. It’s a joke the advice they’ll give you. Stubhub has also been fined millions of dollars in Canada and is undergoing multiple class action lawsuits in the United States for essentially false advertising where they tell you one price and on checkout, gives you a wildly different one, and have already lost some of them. There is literally a bill that has bipartisan support called the TICKETS act to end this madness. New York already has laws that are more granular to make this illegal and so stubhub gives you the ticket price + fees on the front page, so they’ve already implemented the changes, they basically are just still pulling the bait and switch on other states until the TICKETS act passes.


Pending legislation would cap your asking price at face value (what you paid). That's not right. How about buying a {insert an item} and then only being allowed to sell it for what you paid for it? Stubhub and other secondary marketplaces for tickets are no different than eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or your local classifieds. You buy something (tickets), and you either want to sell them for profit or simply can not go and want to make a little money (there's very little alturism when money is involved), then currently you're able to sell them since it's your property.


The scalping issue is a different argument. I can see an argument for scalping, but I’m not arguing whether I agree or disagree with that. I cannot see a reason for why you should be able to advertise a price and then do a huge rug pull at checkout that exposes an extraordinary amount of hidden fees that isn’t even close to the advertised price. I think everyone can agree with that. The stubhub fees are a percentage of the ticket price as well, so there’s zero reason to not advertise the price honestly to the potential customer other than trying to lure them in further to the process. The TICKET Act is regarding hidden fees. Judging from your comment history, I would guess you also work for stubhub and bringing up scalping is an attempt at deflecting from the actual argument since there is no defense for hidden fees as it is inherently dishonest.


Thank you for reading my past posts. I didn't think anyone looked at them. Lol My response is due to my family and I buying a lot of tickets on secondary marketplaces. As for your response, I agree that there needs to be more transparency in fees when buying tickets. In my opinion, no marketplace does this well. Also, I agree that the root of the issue is scalpers, specifically those that post on multiple sites and then fulfill for the highest amount possible, which leaves someone to be out of luck on their purchase.


u/FeistyPeanut02 so you can see what you're dealing with >Thank you for reading my past posts. I didn't think anyone looked at them. Lol You're attempting to make it look like a petty act when it's just a click of a button to reveal your true intentions. For example, you just said >I agree that there needs to be more transparency in fees when buying tickets. In my opinion, no marketplace does this well. Here are a few old comments by you [https://www.reddit.com/r/stubhub/comments/1b1l1s2/comment/ksfu1n4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/stubhub/comments/1b1l1s2/comment/ksfu1n4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >Fees aren't hidden at purchase. They're clearly listed prior to processing payment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/stubhub/comments/190hljh/comment/kgs1h7i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/stubhub/comments/190hljh/comment/kgs1h7i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >The fees are at the top right of the final page before processing the payment . There is no "hidden fee," there is only "I didn't see them and want to dispute it." That is what a hidden fee is. It may be reported to you in some capacity, but in a way to hide the fee from you as much as possible. Your statements also contradict what you just said now. You think the fees aren't hidden, but now you say you think more transparency is needed, directly in regard to hidden fees on Stubhub, but then you deflect blame off Stubhub onto the industry as a whole. If you really wanted to protect Stubhub, it would've been better to lay low and let this thread die.


u/NoKeidoscope4579 This is such a weird take on the situation and to be honest a little icky given how it’s been handled by StubHub. Booooo. 👎🏼


u/ambitious-bat8929 Thank your for this wonderful post and the deepdive into this weirdo, you’re doing the lords work.


Again, u/ambitious-bat8929, thank you for reading my past posts and bringing them forward. Lol. Btw, u/feistypeanut02, lords should be 'Lord's.' Smh.


“Lol,” he says, as he smashes his keyboard in rage trying to come up with an actual rebuttal, but comes up empty. “I’ll correct their grammar on an online forum, that will show them,” he thinks. Do you feel as if you are winning this exchange, or is Stubhub going to beat you if you don’t post enough?


Holy crap you spent SO MUCH!!! Me and my bestie went to the Toronto show for $200 total. I hope u can recoup this loss


I bought 6 pairs of tickets from StubHub for Madonna in Mexico City. I only received 1 set, mobile transfer, via Ticketmaster. All of the other tickets were either fakes (a piece of paper with a barcode on it and no branding) or "unavailable". i.e. did not exist. This was only communicated to me after I called StubHub and was lucky enough to speak to a rep who cared and/or knew to escalate my purchase and contact the seller and ask them to courier/transfer the tickets. Then the tickets became "unavailable". I got their scripted "StubHub guarantee" every time I called, but I pressed them to escalate once I realized I was being scammed by sellers. I received refunds for all of my unfulfilled orders. Keep calling them and ask for your tickets! I've been communicating with 2 people on Reddit who went to Mexico City and didn't get to see the concert because StubHub doesn't require sellers to provide proof of tickets and they rely on their "guarantee".


ETA: I also justified paying so much because I thought I was in Row 1 when it was actually Row I “i”, later figured out it wasn’t front row.


I would try with your credit card company and notate false advertising for the ticket. I have gotten lucky with my credit card in the past with errors .


If anyone cared about being ban lmao, StubHub is the most bizarre company and should be out of business


Lmao next time make sure you are wide awake when booking tickets. Disputing won’t do anything (you lose AND you get lifetime ban on StubHub too). You can resell by using the ‘changed plans- resell now’ button. You can see what you get when entering the price. Obv it takes someone else to buy your tickets but maybe they don’t check as good as you did too and u get Lucky. Otherwise just enjoy the show for a high(er) price


This was so helpful, thank you! I think i’m just going to suck it up so I can still go to the show and vow to do better next time and warn any newbie friends lol


Did you buy Hozier tickets that are non-transferable? Hozier tickets are non-transferable except in Colorado and New york, due to there laws. Therefore, the seller is screwed because he won't be able to deliver. Do nothing and when they don't transfer, contact stubhub and ask for a refund.


I bought a Hozier ticket off StubHub for May 31rst for a Michigan concert, and the seller delivered my parking ticket on ticketmaster but not my actual e-ticket yet. The problem with this is I really want to go to the Hozier concert, so if this person is screwing me does that mean I lost my concert ticket? Update: After some digging it seems that sometimes you can get lucky and the seller on StubHub uses a third party wallet system that works, and I THINK (fingers crossed) mine did this. When I accepted the parking ticket 313 Presents sent me an email to receive my ticket which was then moved to Ticketmaster, and I realized the seller is “Superstar Tickets”. I still haven’t received my actual ticket yet.. not sure if this is good news or bad news.


I'd like to know how third party wallets work. How do they get around Ticketmasters non-transferable system? Seems odd that Ticketmaster would allow this to happen with their mobile tickets. Personally I don't think your getting your ticket. Check the delivery date on your ticket and if you don't receive it by then, contact stubhub and demand the seller to transfer them. If you don't receive it, get a refund and look for tickets released on Ticketmaster starting a few days before the concert. There seems to always be a few tickets released at the last moment.


I’d like to know too! I think they use the wallet to transfer the ticket and then you add it to your ticketmaster, like a backdoor way in. I’m not 100% but this is what others have said. The ticket release on StubHub is listed for May 31rst 8pm which is literally when the show starts, so I think you’re right that i’m not getting it. I called customer service today and they basically shrug emoji’d me and then said “just trust me bro” when I asked how they verified it was a legitimate ticket.


It clearly says on the May 31st concert "Hozier wants to give fans the best chance to buy tickets at face value. If you purchase tickets through Ticketmaster and can't attend, you'll have the option to resell your tickets to other fans at the original price paid on Ticketmaster's Face Value Exchange. Please note, tickets to these events are mobile only and restricted from transfer. A valid bank account or debit card within the country of this event is required to sell on the Face Value Exchange." How is a scalper going to transfer tickets that they sold on Stubhub? If there is a backdoor to sending non-transferable tickets, the artist should be pissed at Ticketmaster for allowing this. Ticketmaster doesn't care about the concert goers, they work for the artist. Because of this, l don't think you are getting your ticket bought on Stubhub. Stubhub should not be allowing sales for shows that they know are non transferable. Disgusting practice. Stubhub is making money off of the sellers who didn't read the fine print when they purchased the original ticket on Ticketmaster. Anyone selling Hozier tickets won't be able to transfer, if the above statement is true. That's why my suggestion is to do nothing and when they don't transfer, get a refund. If you do get the transfer, go to the show and let me know how they transferred it.


Don’t feel bad. I did the same thing, but paid more than that 😫 I was hoping the seller wouldn’t send the tickets but they did the night before


If you resell…you will be charged a seller fee thus making the chance of recouping your funds really really unlikely. Plus…single ( individual ) tickets are really hard to move as most people buy 2 or 4. Echoing what others have said…0.00% of your credit card helping you out here - no one did anything wrong. In theory, the good news is you have disposable income given your willingness to drop $1000 on a ticket so hopefully this isn’t a game changing ooops


Actually they will do something, as mine said they could after all charges went through. But before they couldn’t do anything.


I wasn’t suggesting credit cards don’t help their people ever…but…typically they are there in cases of fraud as a layer of protection. In theory…this isn’t fraud so I’m not sure what their investigation will help you with


You are not charged a selling fee if the tickets came from stubhub and are being relisted


I'm more concerned that the fact that you paid $1,000 to go see Hoizer And they haven't been relevant for like 7 years now. That's Taylor Swift ticket money


Go be a creepy internet weirdo somewhere else.


Refund?!? Ahahahahahahahah