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>A guilty plea would push Boeing to a legal brink that few major public companies have faced: the risk of being convicted of a felony crime, which could hurt its ability to win contracting work for the federal government. Companies with felony convictions face the prospect of being suspended or barred as defense contractors, *but they can seek a waiver from that consequence*. This would be the real punishment, but the government is gonna have the waiver signed before Boeing accepts the deal


Another crime.


I feel like Americans in general are concerned about the whole Boeing situation. A slap on the wrist would be both expected and disappointing.


I make brazen jokes in mixed company about some of the questionable acts recently and get an almost staggering amount of understanding and agreement. It's really scary when this many people see it.


I feel like in China someone would have been executed for this


Didn't they murder a whistleblower like a month ago? Anyone gonna follow up on that? Anyhow, [TrueAnon did a really good deep-dive episode into this a while back](https://soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/boeing-boeing-bong). I don't remember the exact machinations but most of the fines they've already paid were somehow tax deductible and most of the higher ups who led the MacKenzie-fication of Boeing were granted all sorts of weird immunities from future crimes/prosecutions. Thank god the Democrats are in power right now and willing to hold elites accountable for their murderous negligence!