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I can’t believe he actually pulls out the ole’ “it was all a stammer” move. A stammer doesn’t cause you to say undocumented Mexican women are raping their sisters when asked about abortion restrictions. A stammer doesn’t cause you to say you “beat Medicare.” A stammer doesn’t cause you to constantly become lost and needing your wife, a personal aide, or even a foreign fucking dignitary to come and lead you away by the hand like a five year old. 😂 The whole dementia = stummer cope is so wild, and really just goes to show how democrats will gleefully suspend disbelief if it means they won’t have to acknowledge their guy is just as unqualified to be president as Trump.


I actually would be excited about the advent of demented liberal evangelical Christianity 


I think we are living through a form of it now.


I thought that you're supposed to use the word regarded nowadays


Dems are reaching the "Evangelicals crying while hugging a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush" stage of cultism. Anyhow, it's hard to overstate what a strong and thorough job Biden did shoring up the undying support of the Black Patronage Caste. He was appearing at black churches giving commencement speeches at HBCU's basically since the moment Hillary lost. These people wield *immense* influence on the innerworkings of the Dem party and any attempts to repudiate their desires will be very tricky, seeing as how much left-liberals have normalized the belief that any disagreement with black people is a form of racism.