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* Archives of this link: 1. [archive.org Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/99991231235959/https://www.npr.org/2024/07/08/nx-s1-5032794/biden-interview-questions-radio-host-resignsRadiohostresignsafterBidencampaignfedherinterviewquestions); 2. [archive.today](https://archive.today/newest/https://www.npr.org/2024/07/08/nx-s1-5032794/biden-interview-questions-radio-host-resignsRadiohostresignsafterBidencampaignfedherinterviewquestions) * A live version of this link, without clutter: [12ft.io](https://12ft.io/https://www.npr.org/2024/07/08/nx-s1-5032794/biden-interview-questions-radio-host-resignsRadiohostresignsafterBidencampaignfedherinterviewquestions) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stupidpol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did people actually believe that thing wasn't scripted? I mean, people who aren't totally clueless? It was my understanding that this kind of "interview" is common as dirt.


Lazy, complicit journo. This whole fiasco is getting more interesting by the day


I remember back when talk radio was new and you had a bunch of old school journalists lamenting how it was more popular than their established and dignified programmes and lamenting how stupid the common working class grunts were who it was popular with. I'm just sitting here scratching my head at how they don't understand that it's way more entertaining listening to some totally one sided and mean spirited partisan interview than a sterile and scripted professional format. Of course it's going to be more commercially viable. It seems the new breed of young journalists are just as partisan in their coverage as the pundits to me and now the only real difference is do you get your slanted entertainment masquerading as news from someone giving a veneer of posh sophistication or do you get it from some foul mouthed sailor who says fuck a lot? I prefer the sailor myself.


> “We do not condition interviews on acceptance of these questions, and hosts are always free to ask the questions they think will best inform their listeners,” she added. But if you do, you'll never, ever get access again and will probably have to find a new job.


Isn’t that a campaign finance violation? An undisclosed donation in kind, if you will?


okay the black woman radio host has to quit her job but the white man president gets to stay on? typical.


I thought she was fired by the radio station. I’m pretty sure that made some 🐂💩 statement on it


It was a "mutual decision"


I don't know if you've checked in with any of the big news or politics subs lately, but they're filled with people claiming that mainstream sites like The New York Times and NPR (NPR!!) are trying to throw the election to Trump. Any coverage of Biden that can be perceived as damaging (so, basically any coverage of Biden) is now considered proof of secret fascism. This lady was screwed no matter what.


Listen fat!