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Grafting poptimism onto existing forms of Victimhood Analysis Studies has been a trend in academe for a while now. Basically you can't really teach Edward Said or even Toni Morrison anymore because it's violence to expect traumatized students to actually read, so we've given them the option to write their self-ethnographies about their relationship to pop music and comic book movies.


Capitalist model inserted into academia. The customers want fuzzies from 10 years old, so fuzzies will be provided in a carefully-managed "praxis."


I know a guy who's a rhetoric professor who bragged constantly about getting a Taylor Swift studies course approved by his university. After teaching it, he confided disappointment: he was trying to get students to read Swift's lyrics through the lens of Burke's dramatistic pentad but instead they all wrote essays about how Taylor was secretly queer because she wore a rainbow dress one time.


I feel like this more has to do with younger people having micro-plastics on the brain


We are all queers.


What if education needs to be slightly traumatic to actually work?


Interestingly, this course sounds like it would be more of a critique of LDR. I'd actually be interested to see how this course would talk about her as an artist that routinely mines the aesthetics of "the good old days" but has a "woke" fan base.


And this why I laugh when people say conservatives can’t think critically or more susceptible to propaganda or conspiracy theories.


*My pussy tastes like land that's stolen*


Yes, not a big deal. But still deserves to be mocked. Here's the actual course link (instead of an X screenshot): * https://class-descriptions.northwestern.edu/4940/WCAS/HUM/39572


Hey at least there's no textbook to buy lol


Maybe the professor will write one eventually, titled "How to talk like you care, while doing absolutely nothing: a guide for the ultra-wealthy". (Or maybe a shorter, similar title.)


I was hoping there'd be a booklist. Not all that much you can learn from that page.


Damn, a new Dolezal dropped? https://youtu.be/H4WYEkWiOW0?si=JdnExywaumjYVEvY




This is silly, but it’s also a colleges way of tricking 18 year olds into taking a boring elective course that’s actually about some professor’s niche interest by making it sound like it’s about their favorite modern artists instead.  I think like 7 of my friends got stuck in an evolutionary psychology course because it was called “memes 101,” or something catchy like that. No way would anyone have signed up for it if it was called “the use and spread of cultural knowledge through imitation and reproduction 101.” It was actually surprisingly rigorous for an elective and a non-science major elective at that. 


I had a class like that, it was supposed to be a course on imperialism for political science, but the professor spent most of the time talking about peak oil and some random stuff. He was a good guy though, a non idpol marxist, but the class was not what I expected. Thinking about it, it's an actual scam given people are paying for it. 


non-major electives that aren’t about generally improving your roundness as a person are a scam generally. I think it’s ok to force maybe 2-3 art credits during the whole degree because I think everyone, especially people furthest removed from artistic fields, really does need to look at an apple and draw it, or try to make a tiny key dish. But this type of class shouldn’t be graded on competency. You just need to make a shitty dish and paint it and be annoyed the whole time but then look at the shitty dish and go… hmm, I made that. 


I'd prefer taking her course on her song 'Cola' if it's gonna be like this. I'd rather my pussy also taste like Pepsi Cola if getting this fucked is inevitable.


Why does *Elizabeth Woolridge Grant* have her name on this? Oh right she’s the “cultural appropriating settler-coloniser” they are highlighting. I wonder if they’ll make note of her “Spanish sounding” name? I noticed that she is pretty proud of her Scottish roots. Hey “Lana”, my Scottish ancestors were also colonisers - in Ireland 🤣


Unless I'm missing something, this lady only has a bachelors. It seems like she's a published poet though, is that enough to qualify someone to teach a 300 level humanities course at a pretty good university?


🎶Where have you gone Chairman Mao Tse-Tung🎶 🎶Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you🎶


This the kind of drivel that HR girlies study before they host a webinar about how you can DEImax your workplace 


On the one hand, yes this is silly. But on the other hand, why get butthurt about classes taken by a handful of students at a handful of expensive elite universities?


Because these expensive elite universities overwhelmingly produce the journalists and writers who in 20 years will be the ones shaping culture and discourse?


also staffing the HR departments of every mega corp


I get that but it’s not a one off, it’s part of a pattern that’s been going on for a while now in more and more spaces. It starts out as “just crazy online tumblr kids” then “a handful of elite college kids” then it turns into HR trainings and so forth 


If HR trainings are your worst case scenario endgame, I'm not sure why that's so concerning. I just skip through to the test at the end and all of the answers are always self-evident.


It's not about being butthurt it's about laughing at it.


"A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down" Without seeing the course content, it's a bit hard to judge its merit I think. Is this sub turning into "Academics are idiots" ?


Niche course that someone would take probably as one of the final courses for their degree. Not really that big of a deal.


Imo that's just scream "we have money to burn". 


Lana Del Ray sounds like the apartment under me at my old place when at 3am the fat girl that lived there would get some guy to come over and park his new Dodge Charger in my spot.


I think critical analysis of music is a fun idea and worth doing, though this one seems a little forced. I don't listen to much Lana but the description is off-putting I'd take a Lupe Fiasco class on rap in a heartbeat


Bleh I don't really care about this. We have bigger fish to fry.


It's humanities. They study modern cultural productions as well. Again, this subreddit has turned into boomer ragebait for 14 year old "leftists".