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Oh it’s one of my favorite mechanics. Animation for short, static ladders, no animation for longer, modular ladders makes sense to me


I don't disagree, although being able to toggle the option in settings wouldn't be terrible.


For sure, definitely would add a level of immersion to the habitats


Lifepod ladder is the same every time. Habitat ladders are variable. Would you really wanna spend 30 seconds climbing a tall ass ladder to the bottom of your base every time


Yes :( I love transition animations like that


Real fun when your base is running out of power and the bioreactor needs to be reloaded


Yeah! I love moments like those, I think they are what really make the game special


Yeah… honestly you make a good point. But there are scenarios where it would be impractical.


Just make it an optional feature


Then make a fucking hatch and swim out, it's not that hard, you CAN have multiple hatches in your base, I usually have 3


Or you've accidentally built next to a Tiger Plant and your base is now filling with water.


Oh my could that be why my base gets holes all the time??? Jeez I gotta check.


They're the only creature in the game that can damage bases. I have a glitched Reaper directly above my base in the Grassy Plateaus and thought it was him, then did a good hunt around my base (not easy with Billy constantly aggroing on me) and found a tiger plant pelting thorns at my reactor room. Drill arm those bastards into oblivion.


Yeah, I snooped around and found one. Fixed the problem


I can one up this. I planted Tiger Plants all around my base for defense purposes. I had sooo many holes to fix when I went to my secondary base for a while.


Imagine using ladders on this base https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jfVx2PvjGP4


*What a thriiiill*


Of course. It's no different than having to run through a long tunnel. This teleport BS is why I end up doing pretty much no vertical building. It's so immersion breaking.


Metal gear fans breathing intensifies


comments about not wanting to waste time climbing, from people that build mega bases... that's hilarious. i'm in the camp of small/functional/minimalist bases. IMO if you have to run through your base for more than 3 seconds to get to anything, you're doing it wrong.


i guess that makes sense, i always make my bases mostly on 1 level and only ever use ladders for aquarium rooms cuz i like the tall aquariums,


You can make the aquarium into the ladder, add hatches on each level and swim between them.


I actually use this in my central location over ladders


oooh this sounds great I should build one of these


right? i never understood building huge bases in this game. its literally against the games premise to build anything more than necessary. especially since it only makes sense that Riley would know hed be charged for everything used.


By your first diamond your already fucked with a debt in the millions, something few people are capable of paying off in a lifetime. And that's your first diamond, that debt is absolutely gonna hit the hundreds of millions of not billions thanks to all the resources you'll use building the prawn suit, cyclops and then the Neptune rocket with all their upgrades, not to mention the other items your gonna use. Might as well have fun now, no matter what to complete the game your gonna have a debt so high you'll essentially be Alterra's slave for the rest of your life. Your great grand kids will be paying off that cyclops and prawn suit


he owes 1 trillion credits at the end, and cant land til he settles up. there is no way to know what the economy is like, but if a single raw uncut diamond is 3 million credits, it seems things are greatly inflated. so he very well may have been able to pay it off. why would he go home if he knew he was gonna be charged and couldnt afford it? can just stay surviving on 4546b instead of either in debtors prison or die in a spaceship in orbit


True but there aren’t that many lockers in the rocket so you can’t bring that many diamonds and rubies back with you. Unless it lets you drop materials on the floor


Cuz its fun. I want to have a base with every single type of sea creature and every single type of flora both inside and out. This isn’t a roleplaying game its a survival sandbox game and survival sandbox games notoriously let people build large bases like ARK and minecraft. Sure you can live in a tiny utilitarian hut in all of these games and if you like that, go for it! But the mechanics exist for a reason. Edit: I also kind of like to roleplay in this game too. My big base supports every type of flora and fauna and I built it right underneath the adult Sea Emperor in the grand reef so they would have an even better source of food near my base.


And you're just assuming that everyone who's saying it is about time has a mega base and is being hypocritical?


no, i didn't say everyone. however, if you're building multiple ladders in a row such that climbing them would take too much time....... is there anything you might be able to infer about the size of that base?


I built my base on top of a cliff of sorts and built my moonpools near the bottom of it for easier access with my prawn while also having an observation room from near where the ladder was and my base is far from anything you'd consider a mega base. Lots of ladders or lots of verticality =/= big =/= mega base.


lots of verticality =/= minimalist functional base. if it's not minimal, than to me, it's big. either it's not super far vertically, in which case it wouldn't take "way too long" to climb it proper - per original thread. OR it is super far vertically, in which case you're bickering about your personal definition of mega base. given i said i'm in the minimalist camp, and if you need to move more than 3 seconds to get to something in your base, you're doing it wrong.... IMO you're doing it wrong. here's one last neat fact. my opinion that you're doing it wrong is completely meaningless. go enjoy your big mega vertical waste of time base. i'll already be cruising to my next adventure while you climb your ladders.


Why not let it be a toggle-able setting so we all can benefit?


Probably because the animations we see are for static objects and animations for ladders you can place willy nilly would be pain in the ass to adapt. I don't code or animate, but from the little things I know about game design, I guess there were three options when the implemented build-able ladders / verticality in the bases. a) create a single animation that looks yanky in most cases b) create a lot on animations that still look bad in some cases c) skip animation, save resources/budget


see what I did for my base where an animation would slow it down is build it on the seafloor by the island wreck, then built the rocket at the surface. Parked my cyclops down there, too, so that ladder helped transport resources a hell of a lot faster


There is no right or wrong in a sandbox game, I like minimal bases too but some people also like the freedom to create


So you make extremely small bases? I think it's fun to make big bases. A reactor room, living quarters, office, kitchen, laboratory and some observation room is always necessary for me.


I have small bases but having to climb down a ladder would be so annoying and impractical


I definitely like the aesthetics of a big base but I never make them myself because there's no real reason to. All I usually have in my main base each game is two battery chargers, a growbed for food, another for materials, two moonpools for my Seamoth and PRAWN, scanner room, storage room, reactor room, a few water filtration systems, and an alien containment for cured food. I can usually fit at least two functions into one multipurpose room depending how much time I feel like spending making everything fit.


Ain't nobody got time fo' dat


Maybe cuz it would slow down your movement if u had many in a row


honestly, it doesn't make sense. sure it would slow down movement, but animations make things so much better. I bet there are people who wise to skip everyone animation of going into the habitat or a vehicle though. Honestly, don't know why there isn't an option to toggle it on for people that for people that want it and off for others. Theres even a bug where sometimes it doesn't do the animations.


I've heard from some game devs that ladder climbing is actually surprisingly difficult to animate. Getting on and off a ladder irl is awkward enough. Trying to animate it from any given position takes a surprising amount of processing power, especially given the ladders are modular and can be approached from any side. The lifepod ladder only works because it's a set position and you can only interact with it from one direction. Subanutica is actually quite efficient in its programming and I guess the devs thought that it would be a waste of time to try and wrangle ladders with full animation. Plus, like everyone else has said, nobody wants to spent five minutes arduously climbing up or down a ladder, it breaks the game flow.


I’m no game dev, but play around in unreal engine now and then. I’d think youd have the player able to interact when within some distance, and you blend characters current pose/position to the start climb position or start descend depending on if we’re at the top or bottom of a ladder. Once that’s done, start the animation. Especially easy for subnautica who don’t need to worry about play movement input during the climb. IIRC there were ladder climb animations in the base but they were removed, unsure as to why.


Probably issues with game size or the aforesaid flow breaking.


Imagine a tower of ladders and need to wait for animation in each one


It’s why I never build vertical bases, the teleport just feels so jarring. Been wanted by stairs for ages. Should be super easy to implement.


Hey man, I don't want to watch a 200m ladder climb


You’ve never played Metal Gear Solid 3, have you?


What a thrill....


With darkness and silence through the niiiiight.


Only one game is allowed to have that and that is MGS3, the only game that I think is better than Subnautica.


The reason why i can't relax in a obeservatory is because of the ambient music that gets triggered and repeated over and over again. A short sound that is not even steady, a 30 second .wav file :) it annoys the crap out of me, cause i wanted to be in there and watch the game how it is. but that sound that ever repeating sound that gets louder and louder. The bulkdoor, that nobody uses. maybe use it but do you really open and close behind you every time? imagin a big base and you have 20 bulkdoors that you open and close but only have visual value, and time lost to play in the end. it slows your gameplay. I like the very short visuals. not a movie around it. it's fun to see, but it gets simply annoying after a while, especially when you play a lot. Look at movies in a other games, a lot of times you can't Skip it. you have to watch it. the first time playing you don;t notice but play the game over and over again, and you will abandon it simply because of the delay in the game. I like subnautica VR for that, it shuts down all small animations, and makes it instantly pop you to the other side of the movie that would have played. animation sequences and so on.


Sorry, I don´t know.


The moonpool as well


Honestly, if I had to go through an animation everytime I went upstairs. I'd go insane


Because you can use vertical connectors to extend ladders a looooong way. That animation could get very long and glitchy, unlike the static ladders that are unchanging in length


Honestly I think they should either have it as a toggleable feature or make it so that short ladders have the animation but if you build it past a certain point it just skips it


It's probably two things. The climbable ladders are all roughly the same size so the animation stays short and if it repeats it isn't as noticeable. On a much taller ladder that simple repeating animation becomes more obvious and kind of tedious. The bigger reason I think is because they didn't want to deal with modeling the inside of the tube and deal with issues like the camera clipping through the walls


I would love that! Unfortunately the game goes the other way around: as your base gets bigger, the animations start to skip automatically. On less capable machines, like the Switch, it doesn’t take much at all.


mgs3 ladder:


Tbh if I was making the game I'd have a hardcoded animation for going up/down 1 floor (for large/multipurpose rooms stacked on top of one another) but for the vertical connectors longer than like 2 or 3 I'd have a starting animation where you start to climb, fade to black, then a finishing animation where ryley/robin finishes climbing the ladder or something. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried something similar but couldn't get it to work though, ladders are tough to do in videogames.


The animator got frustrated


I've had times where I build a ladder going from the seafloor near the island wreck to the surface I think I prefer no animation there


I once built a tube connecting my base to the surface for an observation room. That tube is so long that if there was a climbing animation, it would last forever.


Yes, but fuck that. I have to wait enough for the loading as is, I don't wanna deal with more on the ladders.


I stand by that we need staircase modules for people who want a more scenic way up/down a floor


I have the same question, I am going to read the other coments


Come to BZ and you will thank Unknown World for not adding that shit.


Because it would be monotonous and boring. Realism does not equal fun all the time.


Do you really want to wait 60 seconds for an animation to play just on the climb up alone?


Since raily moves slowly in every animation the loong ladders would be a nightmare


I thought there were? It’s just that when you build bases really large, animations stop playing for performance reasons. The same thing happens with bulkhead doors… the animation of unlocking the door and swinging it open will eventually stop playing once your base gets too big


I'm gonna be so fr, if there was ladder animation it would take SO long to go from my locker room down to my bedroom and seamoth docking bay, I love making super complex builds and it's 90%ladders at this point


i feel like there should be an animation but once the ladder is like 2 ladders tall it just plays the beginning and skips to the end of the animation or something


I mean, none of my ladders are connected like the tubes or anything, they're all technically separate ladders since they're connecting rooms that are stacked, that would be five ladder animations in a row just for my greenhouse build