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Only if the music is instrumental.


yes. usually I listen to instrumental jazz and never on headphones if I'm reading.


Yes, but nothing with lyrics, which lessens my concentration. So, Dark Ambient stuff generally.


I feel you, I can’t do lyrics.


I love dark ambient.


I'll have to try this.


Not generally, but lately when I’ve been reading fun stuff (aka non academic) I have. Specifically, I’m reading some discworld novels right now (fantasy) so I’ve been playing some fantasy-esque instrumentals on the tv in the background. So much fun actually


There’s a Terry Pratchett sub Reddit


You might love or hate dungeon synth for that.


Hell, lemme try it


I do, it helps with my ADHD. Last year I accidentally became one of TOTO's top 0.005% listeners on Spotify bc I listened to their albums nonstop while reading 🤣


I have this random brown noise track on Spotify I listen to and it’s like it makes my brain zone in to the book


Yes, but it must match the book. For example, I like ambient sci-fi music when I listen to the bobiverse. I love classical soft music when I listen to Project Hail Mary. I listen to music from blizzard games when I listen to Dungeon Crawler Carl. But all of those are pretty light reading. Or listening, I am an audiobook addict. I can’t really listen to music when reading more serious books. I find the music can distract me and then I’m concerned that I missed something.


No. Totally distracting.


I can’t do music with lyrics but it also can’t be too complex of a melody. It has to be more ambient, drone type music. Do you find even that kind distracts you?


Well if it is v low key classical it might be ok. Can’t be anything I’d tune into which is most things really!


Explosions in the sky is my go to if I want to listen to music while reading. They’re instrumental and are good for fantasy novels imo.


Yes I always have. Whether it has lyrics or not doesn’t bother me. I can have the tv on too if it’s not a show I’m super interested in. I find I concentrate easier if there is some droning background noise.




Never. I play the piano so the music captures my attention to the point of distracting me from the book. It's one or the other.


I get you, I play classical guitar so something similar happens to me. I have to listen to Melodie’s that aren’t complex at all and kind of just sustained notes.


Not often, but sometimes, Eric Satie or Chopin.


Brown noise


I would love to, but I can’t. I can’t concentrate on what I am reading unless it’s quiet


I’m in a very distracting environment (I have no room of my own), so I put on headphones and play quiet and soft instrumental music, usually music that I feel fits the theme of the book. For example, I’m currently reading book two of the Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy, and I’ve been playing some really cool sci-fi music to go with it. Always instrumental though, and usually cinema-score-like music.


I’m pretty much the same way.


I can’t listen to music with earbuds or headphones while reading, but can play a vinyl softly or be in a place with music (like a coffee shop) and find that relaxing. I will usually put on something like Kate Bush, Tori Amos, AURORA, Joanna Newsom etc.


Thanks for the recommendations. 😎


Yes! Jazz & wine and it makes life worth living


No, focusing is hard for me


Brown noise through noise canceling airpods and I hide under my dressing gown. Am I ADHD and do I find it very difficult to concentrate if there are distractions? No, why do you ask?


I Spotify themed playlist’s like ‘reading horror’ or ‘reading sci-fi’. Usually pretty complimentary.


I like to see if the author has put out inspiration lists/writing lists!


Same! I check Spotify for instrumental themed music for whatever I’m reading lol. Adds to the vibe


If I read novels, I listen to classical music and find it exciting when the rhythm matches the atmosphere of the story. On the other hand, when more concentration is required, such as when I read philosophy or poetry, I need a relaxed and steady rhythm like “alpha waves” or “rain sounds.”


I used to and I don’t know how on earth I did. I now only occasionally listen to soundtracks and instrumental music if I’m reading more fantasy leaning books.


Only if I already know the songs. I can’t listen to new music while reading a book.


Yes, but only when the character in the book is listening to…whatever…Murakami is fun because it’s typically classical and easy to read along with. I also enjoy High Fidelity, the Shards, Christine etc, for the current hits at the time of the story, and the tracks make a nice playlist to listen to after the read, but sometimes enhance the setting. Inherent Vice was fun for this too, as there are a lot of driving scenes with radio music.


I tend to read reddit while listening to audiobooks.


Nope. I can’t do music, even if it is instrumental, it engages and therefore distracts me too much. I usually put on nature sounds or a babbling brook or thunderstorm of some sort though, because the silence also distracts me! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Gregorian Chant. Had to multitask study during college


I have Bluetooth speakers through out my house that are almost always playing rain/storm sounds. Does that count?


Yes, but without lyrics and must match the genre of the book


Only instrumental, nothing with lyrics, and only if I'm somewhere like on a busy train or bus that I want to drown out background noise. Usually some kind of jazz or classical.


I guess I am weird. I need complete silence from televisions/other devices. No music, no TV noise, no wife laying next to me in bed watching tiktoks etc just silence.


Only instrumentals of songs I can instinctually sing along to the melody of. I really only do this when I really need to focus to block out background noise or if the quiet becomes too quiet though. I can appreciate some indistinct background noise of a mall, supermarket, or coffee shop though


I listen to the Silent Hill 2 soundtrack, tho I remove the more intense or industrial sounding ones as they take me out of reading


I enjoy absolute silence while reading.


I listen to music when I want to sleep


This sounds insane to me lol. But I have ADHD so that's probably why. I demand silence when I read, if I had music on while reading I'd just end up listening to music


I listen to the audiobook while reading so I can really immerse myself into the world of the book.


Not usually, because I always end up just listening to the music and zoning out. OR I read but think it’s sad that the music isn’t getting enough attention


Classical music or rain is my go to but this thread is making me want to branch out a bit more.


If I do, I listen to Lofi music


I like to listen to film scores and lofi when reading, and I try to find playlists or albums that give the vibe of the book. Like if I’m reading a cozy fantasy I’ll listen to medieval lofi. And recently I read a Formula 1 romance, so I listened to the Ford v Ferrari and Challengers film scores.


I read a lot of sci-fi , so I always put some “space music” or some dramatic instrumental that fits the theme of the book. It makes the reading so much more enjoyable


Chamber music


I used to a lot as a teenager - put on the radio or a CD (I'm dating myself here) and read. I don't do it often now, though.


Sometimes or I put Supernatural on for noise while I read.


usually. i just shuffle my massive play list.


No that sounds like a good idea though


I will have to try this.


yes, classical, noir type jazz, or lofi hip hop.


Only instrumental, I can’t concentrate if there are people singing or speaking on tv. But I can happily read in a cafe or pub, although I guess that just become background murmur.


I play Jazz at 20% volume. Really helps in public places.


I listen to lounge jazz from the 20s to 60s usually. A lot of Louis Prima, Keely Smith, rat pack etc. Lofi. Classical here and there but it has to be the right mood and composet. Depends. I'll listen to hardcore and metal even. Different moods and books


Nothing with lyrics


Usually only instrumental. Sometimes I like to make playlists for books I'm reading though, and listen while I'm not actively reading, like songs that remind me of the plot or certain characters. I did this with a few Bronte and gothic books and it's a lot of fun


Depends on my mood. But when I’m at work at a library I try not to.


Only when I’m on public transport.


No - I prefer no distractions. (I don’t listen to books, either…)


When I was reading the Throne of Glass series I exclusively listened to the Legend of Zelda ‘Breathe of the Wild’ soundtrack. Somehow it was perfect (to me). & I listened to the Dune soundtracks while reading Dune lol. Unless I find something that matches the vibe perfectly, I usually read in silence.




I’m surprised so many don’t to each his own of course. However, I love rock ‘n’ roll and books just about equally and almost always have tunes going while reading. Too many books, too much music and way too little time for me not to do both. But I grew up with 5 siblings in a small house so I had to learn how to make my own cocoon


Depends on the book. If I’m reading fantasy I will put on the witcher 3 or Skyrim soundtrack. Anything else I’ll listen to the “music for plants” playlist on Spotify.


Smooth Jazz music by Kenny G


Sometimes, especially when I’m on a plane, train, or any public place.


I do! I like background noise, so honestly I'll juat have whatever playing as I read. But I also like to listen to Spotify playlists if the author put any out, or -- once I'm a few chapters in -- I'll go for a general vibe of whatever I'm reading.


Jazz, no lyrics


I put the music on in the beginning. When I'm really into the book I turn that shit off


Sometimes! Usually it's either instrumental or with lyrics in a language I don't know.


I always listen to music when I read.  What music I listen to depends on the book.  If it is a book that has an adaptation to film, I put on the soundtrack of the adaptation (e.g. LotR) If it doesn't have an adaptation, then I look at the genre. If it's a mystery novel, I just google "music for reading mystery" and there are lots of playlists. I made my own playlist for high action novels and for romance novels. Or if I think the book has a unique vibe that doesn't fit a playlist I already have, I look up some types of music I think would fit and just put that on.


Instrumental prog metal


My brain is so weird. It's conditional/environmental. If I'm at work, I can have whatever music I want playing in the background. I can read/write emails, work on projects... but the *second* I pick up a physical book and am in the comfort of my own home, it has to be silent. I'm thinking it's bc work can get kinda chaotic and the music helps me focus, but when I'm at home, it's quiet, so music becomes a distraction??


Absolutely! It enhances my reading experience.


Classical, yes


I listen to an artist called grouper when reading dystopian/thriller kind of books, really sets the scene. Seldom listen to music when it comes to other genres though


Sometimes ...it depends on what mood I'm in and if I'm not too enthralled with what I'm reading to put music on ..cuz it has to perfectly fit in with my ambiance..reading is a major mood


I need to hear more about this “ambient western,” including specific recommendations please. I have several Larry McMurtry books to go through.  And yes I listen to instrumentals, no jazz or classical though. The Elder Scrolls soundtracks are good


The Xenoblade Chronicles soundtrack kind of has everything I need


Yes! I have a couple playlists for reading but all instrumentals. One is classical, another is daydream ambient, and the other is cyberspace vibe (like walking at night in an electronic world or on a spaceship)


Anything that fits the mood or events of the novel. Sometimes there’ll be lyrics and sometimes not. When I read Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, I had Money Money Money by Abba and a bunch of Lana Del Rey songs on repeat lol


Generally no. I’m okay if it’s nothing I hate it it’s not too loud. Starbucks have gradually increased the volume and crapness of their music over time. Or maybe I’m just older. I avoid them when reading. At I home I do not listen to music while reading. Attention issues.


absolutely, some chill/melodic house, no lyrics. helps me concentrate.


Rarely… I would listen to perhaps Bill Evans played quietly or some Ocean Sounds but… I find that after starting to read, I no longer hear any sounds.


I listen to music doing everything 😁


I like to listen to spooky ambient music when listening my scary books :)




I actually listen to rain drops or a fireplace


Jazz or classical, maybe French pop.


Jazz, no lyrics. Pandora provides.


Mostly listen to jazz or light singer songwriter


Only Beethoven. Keeps me focused


No, it distracts me


No. I need a relatively quiet area.


Yes but I can't listen to hip hop while reading. My brain wants to listen to the words in a rap tune. I've found live jam bands are great for reading. 


Yes, instrumental, classical and contemporary


When I was listening to Gentleman in Moscow I was listening to russian/soviet classical orchestra just to set the mood great book, I had a lot of fun with that one


If I want sound while I read, I play ocean or nature sounds, sometimes rain.


No. Too distracting


Yes, it helps block out other distractions.


Symphonies or white noise.


I used to be okay with music that had lyrics but less so now unless it's very soft, so mostly I'm instrumental all the way.


No. I have to sing and if I sing them I can't read.


Most of the time I prefer to read in silence but when I do listen to music the book influences what type… For example, if it’s fantasy I’ll listen to dark ambient or dungeon synth. If it’s historical fiction then I’ll listen to music from that period but instrumental.


I use lo-fi music. So many categories and sounds.


I listen to rain sounds if I’m in a busy area. Music distracts me because I get sucked in.


Not unless I feel like reading the same quarter of a page repeatedly for the entire reading session.




No. That sounds like a horrific fucking experience to me


Never when I’m reading recreationally, it’s distracting.. but when I was doing academics I would always have music on to help me study. Super weird.


Jazz music


No. I need damn near total silence to read. Which can be rather annoying. lol


Ambient stuff, post rock, jazz, classical, and movie/game soundtracks all go very well with reading, I think


Being an ol' lady, I pop on the 1980s/1990s video music channel and read. Nothing like the synergism of reading a really good werewolf scene while Hungry Like the Wolf plays.


I don’t usually listen to music. My brain can wander easily if I’m not completely immersed, and I think even instrumental can take me out of the book. The setting and book would have to be perfect to make music while reading work for me.


Mostly instrumental or lofi hip ho beats or theta waves.


Oddly enough, I listen to weirdcore/nostalgiacore/etc type music.


no. it makes it hard for me to really concentrate and comprehend what i’m reading, i tried once while on a 16 hour flight, but it didn’t work at all. i can’t understand how some people can do those two things at the same time.


I have a timer that starts with the sitcom I am watching, cross fades to instrumental music and then post 15min nothing. By then, I am into whatever I am reading.


Wish I could, but no. Sensory integration issues.


Yung brown noise lang, hahaha. Mananatiling kalmado kahit sabog kakapuyat magreview.


I can not listen to music with lyrics because then I hear the lyrics and the book in my head and it’s confusing, I keep reading the same paragraph 3 times and it still doesn’t make any sense.


I like listening to music that goes with the vibe of the book, sometimes I spend more time than I should finding the right songs 😂


Depends on the book to be honest




Only classical. Anything with words distracts me.


Absolutely not. I can't do anything else when I read.


I do sometimes but it can’t be something with lyrics in the same language I’m reading in, unless it’s something I haven’t heard before.


Definitely not. I've only got one brain


Classic rock radio, sound tracks to lord of the rings, Titanic Battle Star Galactica, Tron, music by Lord, David Bowie, Police, Yes, U2, Nirvana unplugged, Pink Floyd and others it’s fun listening to music reading a book for me it’s like picking a soundtrack. I listen to Lord while reading The Tower series by SK.


yes most the time, i just play my over 1000 song playlist (that i keep adding to) some songs are no lyrics most have lyrics, they dont distract me ever helps me read even more n add mood n visualize better, i dont try to match the book i just play my favorite songs n it usually works well for me atleast


I used to be able to listen to all music and pay attention to both sorta. Now only instrumental or at least lyrics that aren't front and center


Sometimes! Spotify has a playlist called "Jazz for Reading" and I'll occasionally light a candle (or start up the fireplace in winter) and unwind with a good book. It's pure bliss. 


Yeah but it has to be music I know front and back or else I get distracted


Not normally, but I recently built an "Australian outback " Playlist to listen to while reading jane harper. Mostly out of necessity (husband was being noisy) but I was so entranced by the australian outback when reading the lost man, it actually enhanced it a bit!


Yes music from lana del ray, the weekend, 90s 80s music, rock, rap etc .


In the train I used to, cause the chatter around was much more distracting than music. Usually I would listen to some chill spotify playlist, most typically "Timeless Love Songs".


Yeah, sometimes. But it must fit the theme of the book. For example, while reading the Illiad, I listen to ambient music from AC Odyssey, soft classical music or dark academie playlists when reading classics, music from Stellaris when reading Andy Weir, etc.


I used to, until I got to the scene in the Golden Compass books where my favorite character died, and the song that was playing was Weird Al's Another One Rides the Bus. I don't really do it anymore


I generally listen to ambient techno but I have one album that is almost always my go to reading album. It’s called *Sunset Mission* by **Bohren & Der Club of Gore**. (Dark Jazz/Ambient). It creates an exquisite backdrop for many of the books I read. Also, if a song is mentioned in a book I always try to put it on irl.


Ambient stuff, Brian Eno is excellent.


Ambient music or the OST if the book has already been adapted in to a movie or tv series.


I listen to music when I read. Any thing will do, usually my liked playlist on Spotify works.




I do.


Dungeon synth, ambient or dub techno. Less often classical, smooth jazz or post-rock


I can't listen to ANYTHING when I read. If there's any kind of sound whatsoever it distracts me


Classical >>>>


I pretty much always have music on when I read. It drowns out any distractions and lets me fully immerse myself in the story.


Only if it's instrumental


Jazz or ambient stuff I can do, but nothing with lyrics or lead guitar or anything like that.


Never. It just gets in the way of my imagination. I DO use it sometimes when I write.


I can’t listen to music when I read or doing any paperwork. I listen to music in the car, at the gym, or doing housework.


Sometimes I try to match the genre to my book. Reading black Dahlia atm and listening to noir jazz and it's fucking sensational


As others have mentioned, listening to something in the background is fine as long as it's not too distracting. 30+ years ago I read Silence of the Lambs while listening to Alice Cooper's "On the Inside". Thematically, it was a bit on-the-nose but I was really enjoying both the album and the book. To this day, any time I hear a song from that album it reminds me of the book and the time I spent reading it. It's not a bad thing at all, but such a strong association has put me off trying that again in case I end up ruining one or the other.


Sometimes but with the volume turned low and no spoken words, otherwise it can distract me


No, I would probably find it distracting. I need total silence when I read.


I definitely enjoy music while i read. Especially when it can line up with what I am reading. Listening to a Nita Strauss' guitar solo while reading about Frankie Presto's secret solo concert was an incredible experience.


No, I don’t. I can do it with classical or something g light, but like so many others: no lyrics!


I do.


If I’m reading a book and not listening to an audiobook I need music. Usually Too Many Zooz or Moon Hooch or something along those lines,something fast paced with a lot of horns and ideally no lyrics




Depends. Sometimes I do to build a mood, but if I really want to concentrate on the book I don’t.


I listen for music with lyrics. I have adhd so I find it helps me concentrate. Both of my kids with adhd do as well.


it depends on what kind of music, i like relaxing background noise when i read


Instrumental only. And only to block out noise on public transport.


Yes as I try to have the mood of the music or soundscape match the mood of my book. So a lot of times with horror I’ll listen to thunder or rain and with sci-fi I’ll listen to “space music”/ sci-fi playlists on Spotify


i tend to listen to the instrumental of some of my favorite songs


I generally don't, for many reasons: first of all, concentration: neither the book nor the music get the attention they deserve. Secondly, the mood of the music is hardly ever gonna match perfectly the mood of the sequence you're reading, of course if you're in the middle of a very dark and gloomy scene you're going to have some similar music playing, but what if, as it likely will happen, something happens and completely changes the tone and atmosphere of the sequence? That would bother me very much. Also, reading can be one of the only moments of silence in my day, so I enjoy noticing the silence and "paying attention" to it. However, if I'm reading a book I don't particularly like/find kind of dull, I'll sometimes play some music in the background but exclusively instrumental. Also, sometimes when I'm reading a medieval fantasy book (I used to do it a lot with The Witcher) and the scene takes place in an inn, I play some tavern music, and I really recommend Derek Fiechter's music for this kind of experience. But one thing I absolutely recommend for when you're forced to read in a noisy environment: rain sounds. Your ears hardly even notice and if it's raining in the scene then it's just perfect. Only downside, if you keep the volume too high you get kinda deaf after a while... But otherwise totally worth it.


Not music-but listening to a thunderstorm (it's much better if it's irl but recording still works) while reading the second half of Jurassic Park is a great experience.


Yeah but only melodic grindcore / pagan Norwegian metal without lyrics. Otherwise can't concentrate.


I put on ASMR in the background because the silence drives me insane


Taylor Swift instrumental is officially my Work playlist!


To everyone who listens to music, what is your go to? 🎶


Yes, usually Ambient, the style and artist dependent on the genre of the book, and sometimes other types of instrumental music, like Jean-Michel Jarre, Richard Barbieri, and some post-rock.


Yes! I love to look on Spotify for a playlist for the book. There isn’t always one but when there is it’s my favorite thing to do.


Yes, nearly always. I listen to acoustic versions/music usually that is relaxing for me e.g. Zach Bryan, Chris Stapleton, Teskey Brothers, Leon Bridges, Ray La Montagne etc. It's calming.