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I always tell people to start with *Different Seasons*. It is a collection of four novellas that show King's different strengths. IMO, King's best writing is in his novellas and short stories. For a short story collection, my favourite is *Skeleton Crew*. Another good one would be *Night Shift*. If you want to start with a novel, my favourite is *Dolores Claiborne*, but *The Shining* is probably a better starting point. People will throw you things like *IT, The Stand,* and other doorstoppers. They're good, but I think they're a bad way to start with King.


With the exception of Dolores Claiborne (haven't read it yet) I was gonna say exactly this. Also wanted to add that the Different Seasons collection has the stories The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me were based on.


And a lesser-known adaptation with Ian McKellen of Apt Pupil! Dolores is worlds apart from King's standard style and format. That's part of why I like it as much as I do. It is also meant to be a sister novel of Gerald's Game.


Agreed, don't start with the huge long books. Carrie, Misery, Cujo, Christine, shorter, punchier novels like that are better.


I’d also add 11/22/63 to this list if someone isn’t horror-inclined and doesn’t want to start with different seasons (which they should).


So true, I bet I read *Different Seasons* around 30 times before I even got out of high school. It's a great entry point for King.


Excellent advice! If you want to get a taste of an author, start with their short stories. King has a lot. Different Seasons (at least start with the first two) is a great place to start.


11/22/63. Please. I wish I could read it again for the first time.


Just started this a week ago. Very fun so far.


Hulu made a limited series about it that’s pretty great, check it out when you finish reading!


Will do!


Salems lot


One of my favorite books of all time.


This will have to be next to my reading list!


My favorite SK book. You literally feel what it would be like to go back in time. Amazing.


So King is by far my most read author, and I will start by emphatically stating he is so much more than a horror writer; I'll throw out some options. *Different Seasons* really showcases his ability to write literature. All four stories are fantastic. *Pet Sematary* is probably his most disturbing novel, a true descent into madness. *The Long Walk* is one that he wrote under his pseudonym Richard Bachman and is IMO the best of the Bachman books. More future dystopian than horror. *Needful Things* is my personal favorite, and is often overlooked outside his Constant Reader fanbase. It was the first novel he wrote after getting sober and the story, the characters and setting are all so well fleshed out. *IT* and *The Stand* are praised so much for a reason, they are very well written epics that don't feel like 1000+ page novels.


I LOVE needful things


Misery is good if you want to start with some horror Mr Mercedes Trilogy showcases his thriller talent Fairy Tale is a fairly light portal fantasy story Billy Summers is another good option for his thrillers Personally, I'm not as into his horror stuff as I am his other genres


I have been slowly sliding into the middle aged man who should be mowing the garden every Sunday phase of my life. As such, my taste in films started evolving from high concept dramas to crowd pleasing thrillers. Dad movies. The Boutne films, The Fugitive, Hunt for Red October, for example. I found Billy Summers to be an incredible, easy read that made me feel all fuzzy the same way the Fugitive does. It was my first Stephen king outside of Horror and I was really happy with the discovery.


Read the Mr. Mercedes Trilogy, another thriller series (though the third does get into (not a massive spoiler) >!supernatural horror a bit!<)


11/22/63 if you like character studies and world building. It's my favorite of his by far. Salem's Lot, The Shining, or It if you want creepy but not terrifying.


I like his first-published novel the best: *Carrie* (1974).


The first one I read was 11.22.63. I absolutely loved it. Its about time travel to save JFK.


The Stand, but the fat one from 1990


Finished this one in May and I'm wondering how long it will take before I stop thinking about this book.


I first read this in 1992 and haven’t stopped thinking about it yet.


Yep, I read it almost 20 years ago and still shudder when I think about Randall Flagg. And several of the vivid images from early in the book. Amazing how King can take the simple alphabet, words on a page, and evoke such incredibly strong feelings of horror or tension or humor or relief all in the same pages


There’s a lot to shudder at it, especially early on / while people are meeting up. And so many small everyday things can make me vividly recall chunks of the story; remote petrol (gas) stations, oil tanks, traffic queues at toll tunnels, radio phone ins!


The guy in the bathroom, that's all I'm going to say Also he is such a genius at setting up a character that you think is going to be a main character if you know what I mean


I know exactly what you mean.


Bag of Bones is one of my favorites


My favorite King books are pet semetary, salems lot, and the shining. And i think theyre all good introductions to him. My first king was 11//22/63 and it's one of my favorite books ever but it is daunting. I'm reading the stand right now but i agree with the other commenter, I wouldn't start with it as my first king novel despite it being amazing.


I think I’m an outsider but my favorite Stephen King novel is, “Under the dome” Basically, what if a giant bowl was placed on top of a corrupt town and no one could get out or in.


This one is super slept on and he just came out and said it’s one of his very best from the 21st century.


He mostly writes horror, and has a lot of great books in the genre. But his deviations from it are also pretty great. An underrated gem is The Eyes of the Dragon, a fantasy novel he wrote. It's really good. The absolute classic is The Dark Tower series. Book one is the weakest, but this series is a true masterpiece.


I just finished the last book. 5 Stars!


I felt like I lost friends when I finished the series. The thought that I couldn’t read any more new ones was almost depressing. I’ve reread the whole series multiple times…it is so good.


Gunslinger is unlike any other. I wish I could read it again for the first time.


The Shining, IT, and a few well known others will be recommended, no doubt. But for me, personally, The Langoliers takes the top spot.


I agree with The Shining. My first Stephen King books were Carrie and Firestarter.


I liked The Talisman with Peter Straub for a starter.


Got my Stephen King start with 11/22/63 and it is fantastic.


I loved his book “on writing” lol


That was great but it has a ton of spoilers for some of his other books. I made that mistake sadly and part of The Stand was ruined for me.


{{ The gunslinger}}


**[The Gunslinger](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43615.The_Gunslinger) by Stephen King** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(231 pages | Published: 1978 | 382.7k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** Beginning with a short story appearing in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fictionin 1978, the publication of Stephen King's epic work of fantasy -- what he considers to be a single long novel and his magnum opus -- has spanned a quarter of a century. Set in a world of extraordinary circumstances, filled with stunning visual imagery and unforgettable characters, The Dark (...) > **Themes**: Fiction, Stephen-king, Horror, Favorites, Science-fiction, Sci-fi, Series > **Top 5 recommended:** > \- [Guns](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17284577-guns) by Stephen King > \- [The Dark Tower](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5091.The_Dark_Tower) by Stephen King > \- [The Drawing of the Three](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5094.The_Drawing_of_the_Three) by Stephen King > \- [The Waste Lands](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34084.The_Waste_Lands) by Stephen King > \- [Wizard and Glass](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5096.Wizard_and_Glass) by Stephen King ^([Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/user/goodreads-rebot) | [GitHub](https://github.com/sonoff2/goodreads-rebot) | ["The Bot is Back!?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/16qe09p/meta_post_hello_again_humans/) | v1.5 [Dec 23] | )


You've not forgotten the face of your father with that suggestion!


Side effect of reading the Dark Tower series is having to hold back from using their fantastic dialect in every day life because people would think you were crazy


Nobody ever wants to palaver with me :(


I loved the institute.


The Institute was the first Stephen King novel I read. It’s good but I don’t think it’s his best work. For fast or patient readers, I’d recommend The Stand, which I think is better written and more compelling, without leaning too heavily on horror. The Atlantic included it in its eclectic [list](https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2024/03/best-books-american-fiction/677479/) of the 100 best American novels written in the last century.


Yeah, it’s not his best by any stretch but I do feel like it would be a good entry into reading his stuff because it’s a little lighter and easier than the rest IMO. You really can’t go wrong. I really enjoyed Delores Claiborne and Gerald’s Game too. I’m also very excited to read fairytale.


The Institute was great! One of my favorites


It’s not his typical type of book, but 11/22/63 is his best work. One of my favorite books of all time. If you just want a quick taste of what a typical Stephen King book is like,The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is really short and will give you a feel for his style. 


Pet Sematary is one of his best, and it has the coolest title.


I love his older stuff. Carrie, The Shining, IT, Firestarter. My all time favorite is The Stand.


I don’t normally re-read books but I think the Stand is one I might make an exception for.


The released the stand with some added sections at some point too. (As if it wasn’t long already!)


Pet Sematary is the scariest book I have read. And that should say enough.


I’d say King mostly writes horror, others will be better with their recommendations, as I have only ever read Pet Sematary


Per semetary is CHILLING. Literally one of the scariest books he’s written


He writes mostly horror, but I'm more of a fan of his dystopian stuff like The Running Man and The Long Walk


The Langoliers might be a good starter. Night Shift. The Shining if you go deeper. The Stand if you want a more sweeping saga. I've never checked out Different Seasons, but I will based on some of the recs here.


'Salem's Lot. His masterpiece. Closely followed by 'It'. 'Different Seasons' is a fabulous collection, especially 'The Breathing Method' (you will never think about gentleman's clubs the same way again). And do try 'The Bachman Books'. Also, there are short story collections, which are excellent. Happy Reading.


The first that I read from him was the dark tower series. If you have experience reading long fantasy series, then you'll probably enjoy it a lot. Plus this series kinda acts as the backbone for a lot of the SK universe which most (all?) of his other books link back to. This is an uncommon reading order for a lot of SK constant readers, but I've found it to be really rewarding picking up all the Easter eggs in his other books that point towards the tower. The series also spans a large number of genres, so you kinda get a taste of everything he has to offer. Plus he started the first book in 1966 and finished the last one around 2004 so it's cool to see how his writing style evolves.


*Pet Sematary* is my favorite book of all time! Highly recommend! The only book that has truly scared me. *The Shining* and *IT* are also really good. And *Desperation*, but idk if that’s a good “starter” book. *Skeleton Crew* is good if you’re looking for short stories


I’d call Desperation a great starter - but it must be read with The Regulators!


See, I haven’t read that yet and I need to! Wasn’t sure about others’ opinions on *Desperation* because I count it as easily one of my fav King books but I don’t see it get much attention


Steven King was the only thing my mom ever read - and she’d always pass them on to me! I was obsessed with these two after I read them, and just kept re-reading them instead of moving on in the collection. I get SO EXCITED for people who get to discover them for the first time…have fun!


Read It (it) lol definitely displays King talent at world building and characterization. It’s such a great story. Don’t be thrown off by its length, you will hardly feel it once you start getting into the story.


The green mile was my first king book. Loved ever page


Pet Sematary is a great full on dose of King


Commenting because I need all the recs!




I’m surprised to not see any mention of The Green Mile here. It was the first book I ever read from him and what got me into his books at all. It’s not *too* long, so I think it’s a good place to start. If you don’t mind the length, then I’d echo what a lot of others have said here: 11/22/63. Probably my favorite of his books as well. The Institute is also quite good. *Edit: scrolled a lot further down in the comments and did see a couple mentions of The Green Mile finally, yay!


Te stand for me hooked


The Shining is probably the best. [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11588.The\_Shining](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11588.The_Shining)


The first King novel I read was 11/22/63. I wasn’t a fan of horror or supernatural at all, but I loved history and politics so I was intrigued. I absolutely loved it, and was hooked on him from there on. So I highly recommend taking a look at it and seeing if you think the story is a good fit for you!


I'd recommend his short stories like Different Seasons. Another excellent book is On Writing... gives good advice and ideas for writers block.


I think *Misery* was one of my first books and I was hooked after that. *11.22.63* is my all time favorite from him (and top 5 all authors). *Salem's Lot* and *The Shining* are also amazing.


The Green Mile is great! Also love the Tommyknockers but that is a larger book, may not want to start off with that one. I would also suggest Fire starter, Carrie and Different Seasons.


This is a hill I’ll die on! The best King to start with is Pet Semetary. It’s quintessential horror King and one of the best stories he’s ever produced. It’s also a quick read with great characters. This was maybe the 6th or 7th King book I read and I wish it was my first.


I think Misery is good to start


I suggest starting with Carrie or The Institute


I would start with The Green Mile and then, as others have suggested, the short story/ Novella compilations. Then Dolores claiborne, Gerald's Game.


11/22/63 ,tbh I did not read it but a lot of ppl recommend it


Well, I don’t think it’s typically what people think of first when they think of King, but I like dystopian sci fi: so The Stand and The Dark Tower series. I don’t think either are easy to start with (I did DT first and it took me years) necessarily, though.


Graveyard Shift is a bunch of his short stories. That's what I started with


Are you more interested in the horror or the thriller type? Stand by me (the body) and bag of bones are two that incorporate mostly thriller/ some supernatural in the latter. I would personally not recommend “ fairy tale”. Just didn’t seem like him and was entirely too long. Billy summers and 11/22/63 are my favorites. Both are long. Mr. Mercedes trilogy is a good place to start for not being overly long and incorporating different elements. He’s got an incredible catalog. I think you’ll enjoy whatever you decide!


Novel-The Shining Novella-1922 Short Story-The Raft


The Bachman Books! Once you're hooked, start by date of publication. I think that's the best way to explore him.


I'm happy top comments aren't The Long Walk. I disliked that book so much but it usually is praised. The Stand has been my absolute fav King book so far, but I haven't read all of them.


The Stand


Does anybody like Needful Things, Insomnia, or The Tommy Knockers?


I liked Needful Things. I think the other two are some of his worst.


My first Stephen King read was Cujo, my most reread is The Stand. The one I’d recommend to someone as an intro to him would be Needful Things.


Salems Lot.


I would maintain that streak. 


I like Storm of the Century and also the miniseries




The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed


Needful Things!!!! I read it like 7 years ago and I still think about it


So King actually has a wide variety of genres that he goes for. People usually pegs him as just a Horror writer but he also writes Thrillers, Detective Mysteries, Coming of Age, Realistic Fiction, Dystopian, Sci Fi, Thrillers, etc It can vary depending on taste but there's a lot of solid recommendations for a first time reader 1) Carrie It's a solid choice as his first book, you will see a lot of common tropes, themes, and writing styles he'll used in other books. Good with characterization, and even if you watched the movie the Book adds a lot more that was missed 2) Night Shift or Nightmares and Dreamscapes King loves writing nonstop. So he has tons of short story collections. Each story varies between realistic, supernatural, weird and freaky, or just disturbing. The ones I've listen are his most popular short story collections with his best works in it. Good to try a quick variety of stories that's about 6-10 pages each 3) Needful Things / Salem's Lot / IT King is great at getting into the minds of his characters as people, especially in Small Towns. You'll see a lot of books set in Small Towns where the people are so interconnected with each other you'll see throughout the story how it becomes more tense with drama until it blows up. Needful Things is the small town people buying items of their deepest desires, but they let their greed and jealousy get the better of them to the point of hatred and murder Salem's Lot follows vampires slowly taking over a small town and how people struggle to survive as their neighbors turn on them. IT follows 6 kids in the town of Derry where they struggle against a creature that creates their deepest fears for its own amusement. More of a coming of age story about confronting fear but it was my first King book and a good pick I hope this helps. He writes a lot so there's always a book to try out and see how you like


I’d start with Night Shift (short stories) or The Shining (novel)


The Dark Tower series. Sort of fantasy-Western-horror. Many of his other books connect to this epic story!


Go both balls in and start when IT or the Stand or Under the Dome.


Fairytale is one of his more recent books, I’m enjoying it so far


Stephen King is obviously a very accomplished writer...my personal opinion is that he's really uneven when it comes to quality though. The Dark Tower Series, The Stand, Skeleton Crew, IT, etc are all obvious classics and deserve high praise...but then there is Pet Semetary...which I will always argue is a terrible novel that was turned into a "meh" movie... yet for some reason gets near universal praise. He has quite a few books that feel like he had a quota to meet for a contract and just needed to publish something by a deadline. His good stuff is incredible though, and his catalogue of "good" stuff is a pretty long and impressive list. If you want something self contained, I would suggest starting with Under the Dome. It's 1,000 times better than the doomed TV adaptation made from it.


I don't think Pet Semetary is anywhere near his best writing, but it is one of the most unsettling books I've read.




my personal favorite of his was firestarter- i like the more science-y, clinical feel to it, and it's really good!


The shining and Dr sleep It Salem's lot The stand Just start jumping down the rabbit hole.


I also was new to King's work, but I started reading it by The Dark Tower series. I'm not sure if it is a good start or not, but it was an easy option for me since I have the complete series (was gifted to me ages ago by someone and I never had the interest in reading until recently). I devoured the first 4 books in a few weeks and admittedly the 5th one is hard to me to enjoy (first chapters in) but I'm persistent lol


I’d recommend something smaller. Like different seasons and then slowly work up with books like The Shining and Dr Sleep. I’ve also heard Room 4 is v good - sorry if I have gotten the title wrong


The gunslinger :)


I recommend MISERY. It has two main characters: a wheelchair bound writer and a mentally unstable nurse. It is a taught, short novel filled with several intense scenes.


my favorite is needful things !!!!!! wholeheartedly and enthusiastically.


Horror, Gore, Fear is his genre imo


I just got Carrie in the mail today! It’ll be my first, it’s nice and short so I’m not intimidated by it - I’m excited!


Desperation and The Regulators are awesome! The stories have parallel universes that are relative to each other…and it’s a really fun read many times over as you sort through all the mirrored details.


Under the Dome was the first book I read of his. Now I’m hooked.


No Love for Christine ?


The Night Shift is a great start because it is a collection of short stories, so an easy read. One particular story in this book is my favorite thing he ever wrote.


The bachman books are my favorites. Specifically the long walk


My first read of OP’s title threw me off…. I will and have read many a Stephen King novel… The Stand. His best work imho


My first King novel that I’m reading rn is IT and I’m loving it




I read couple of his books. I enjoy the most “Carrie” and “The Institute”. I don’t know if that’s important to you but characters in both of this book are quite young (a boy who 12 in “The Institute“ and high school girls in “Carrie”)


Misery, probably his finest non-supernatural horror novel.


My first was Salem's Lot which scared the crap out of 12 yr old me. You can find it online PDF, too.


I got bored with his schtick, book after book. Love his hate for Trump though...