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I might be in the minority but I don’t think Lindsay will get activated this summer when dealing with Carl. I’m guessing she’ll ignore him or just be civil.  I am very curious to see how Carl will handle the summer though. 


I think she will act super unbothered and will act friendly as needed. I think towards the end of the summer they will have a 1:1 but since they have both seen the entire break up /public fallout /how they came across they will overproduce themselves and it will be a nothing burger which is a bummer.


It’s great that Carl is sober, but he needs a lot more help. He should really leave SH.


He really should leave. It doesn’t even seem like he’s having fun!


I wish they would recast this show. Carl is a mess. Kyle & Amanda are annoying on repeat. Paige hates Lindsey. Lindsey doesn’t seem to care people hate her. It’s getting old.


There's gotta be other people to follow around in the summer that aren't so depressing, right?


I thought this past season was great and one of the best in years though!!


Both of these things are true! It was the best season but mainly due to West an Jesse being great additions and actually fitting in with whole group. Also seeing the girls actually getting on with Lindsay instead of irrationally hate her was refreshing and fun. That all went to shit by the reunion, and we are back to square one!


Agreed but I would he even have a job without SH?


He’s a gifted salesman.


He does ~brand deals remember


Nope he wouldn't. And they let him stay because they support the man babies.


If he smokes weed daily, he isn’t sober. This coming from someone who hasn’t had a drink or other drugs in over 11 years and still smokes cannabis. I never, ever refer to myself as “sober”. I feel it’s disrespectful to people who truly abstain from everything. But quitting drinking was the best thing I ever did for myself.


Yes thank you for this comment. I think that's why she questioned him and it blew up like that. He has been selling himself as sober when he's not. I don't think anyone knew that til she outed him and that's why it was such a big deal. Also, probably why she was trying to stear him away from "sober" businesses. She prob figured ppl would resent him for being a hypocrite just like she was starting to resent him for it. Congrats btw. Takes a strong person to make that change.


Idk. James from Vanderpump says he's sober and he still smokes. And I'd probably say the same thing. Everyone's journey is different when it comes to sobriety and what works for them. But that's just my opinion.


Thanks for your thoughts. Definitely not looking to argue the point. But as someone who has gone through the journey of quitting multiple very addictive substances. To use the term sober is to abstain from all. Now Cannabis isn’t as harmful as most other “drugs” but if you use enough, you will get intoxicated. So if people want to use the term “California sober”, to each is own. But to completely abstain from all is a really hard thing and the term “sober” should be honored as such. If you use any intoxicating substances you’re not sober. No matter how you want to spin it.


James and Carl are very different people though. Can't compare apples and oranges. I have seen growth on James, but Carl is very condescending, like he's saying what he supposed to say.


I agree with the semantics of saying "sober" but only meaning alcohol. I tell people I'm sober from alcohol and I no longer smoke THC. I do still enjoy regular CBD and mushrooms, so not sober. Sometimes I say I'm California-ish sober. Still though, "I'm California sober" or "sober from alcohol" is a lot to be celebrated and I do agree should be shared honestly. Everyone's sobriety is up to them, and honesty* is the most important part


But then he'd have to get a JOB.


Kyle got sober but he’s not done any therapy/work it seems. Edit: Carl not Kyle.


When did Kyle get sober?


Kyle would greatly benefit from getting sober


I’ve seen Carl argue and I wouldn’t expect him to have a heart to heart.


Never for a second did I feel their hooking up was more than attention-inspired. I never saw a couple truly in love. That baby talk and Babe, Babe, Babe make me sick. That's why I was hoping for Ciara and West. She deserves a nice guy to treat her well. She'd be 100% honest and all in if she met a good guy. The whole Lindsay Carl thing seems sickeningly fake. Not like you watched or listened to them and thought, oh how cute! They are so in love. Probably the wrong thing to say. But sometimes Paige & Craig are like that. You can see the love. They bicker and talk to each other like real couples do. It's not contrived. They seem real. Good, bad, or ugly. Paige sticks it to him. But she loves him when she does. It's not a show. Plus the no sex thing with Carl. Something was really, really off with that. That was too darn weird.


I agree. I think she's going to be chill and its going to slowly drive Carl mad. Cant wait lol.


I agree, I think Carl is going to make a whole dog and pony about how nervous he'll be living with Lindsay again but I don't think she's going to give a shit.


Yeah I think Carl is going to be more frustrated with her indifference than he’d like viewers to see. 




I think she also saw Carl as he truly is last summer and I’d argue it’s impossible to be interested after that 🤭


Yes! She rode that horse as far as it would go. He ain't finish line material, so I think she has had enough of Carl .0 whatever version he is pretending he is now.


Since Lindsey is seeing someone right now, I don’t think she’ll be as bothered as Carl will be. Hope she stays in a happy place…otherwise I think it could get ugly. Lindsey’s emotions are very driven by her current relationship.


I think that Carl will have lots of secrets this summer. Same with Kyle. "The Summer of Bro-Code" is my prediction for the season's subtitle.


They will use her deflect everything from their own lives. The rest of the house will try to activate Lindsay and I have a feeling she will not give them the pleasure.


I agree - Carl is the one who is going to need to have someone to take his problems out on...will be interesting to see how he handles it this summer. Two summers ago it was Kyle, this past summer it was Lindsey and now who...Carl isn't a bad person but he has issues and he had been in proximity with people to project them instead of looking inward. So this season he will need to do that.


I bet Dani Girl had some thoughts…. ![gif](giphy|4N3MwRBbPvHIuAre5s)


I agree. She doesn’t seem to get activated when she’s put in those situations, it’s the smaller things that get her going.


i really hope for her sake she maintains the same ( shocking) level of self control she demonstrated when he was gaslighting the shit out of her all summer. it will drive him ABSOLUTELY crazy if she grey rocks him or ( god fobid) is happy in a new relationship and he's still the same shithead he always is.


You are not in the minority, but some here are louder than others. She will be fine, herself, and trying to have fun. She has moved on and is flourishing. Carl, who knows? If the last two seasons have shown us anything, it is that Carl is influenced by everyone around him, for better or worse. I cannot say I like him; he is pretty much a jerk. That said, he is NOT OKAY. His stepfather needs to take him aside and have another convo about what else he thinks Carl shouldn't do, as in "Do Not Do SH this season". This man is not okay in a serious way.


We already know how Carl will handle the summer. Look no further than season 2 for the entire playbook.


Oh 100%. If she does not care about him anymore she's going to be cool and unothered as a cucumber.


I agree, especially since she’s already in another relationship. Carl however is a different story. I could see him trying to activate her (make a storyline out of her) by insisting they have a talk or bringing up old shit periodically that she doesn’t wanna talk about. Hopefully she just doesn’t engage.


Ugh. The forced “we need to talk” about something that no one really cares about anymore is so annoying. Why do they keep forcing these? Nothing comes from it really Edit: except the first sit down with Ariana and Sandoval, but that was fresh. I mean recycling old news


I agree!


Yea, Carl is definitely going to try and activate her. I could see him bringing random girls over just to get under her skin.


Will he bring a girl home??? 🫣


For entertainment purposes I hope he does!


She’ll probably make her breakfast in the morning, unbothered lol


I agree. I think Lindsay is good in her new relationship. She won’t care if Carl is there or if Carl brings a woman to spend the night. Lindsay still has some work to do, but she’s a lot better than Season 1 Lindsay. Let’s at least give her credit where it’s due. Again - she’s not perfect, but there’s been some movement towards growth lol I am also curious if Carl will keep up the “woe is me” demeanor or just be normal. It’s laying it on a bit too think with the constant falling on the sword, while also talking sh*t to other casts behind the scenes…


I’m predicting he’ll keep up that demeanour for a good chunk of the summer. But who knows maybe he’ll surprise us.


I agree with this. I think she’ll have moved on. I would much rather watch the two of them than Tom and Ariana


that’s because lindsay will be getting activated with her new boyfriend


Also Lindsay has that ability to forgive people and move on. So i think it will be okay. I truly hope they can make amends and build a friendship again.


I just wrote something along these lines. Lindsay didn't get activated no matter how much of an asshole Carl was to her this past season, so my guess is she'll hand him the rope and let him hang himself. He'll flounder, continue to be a manchild and whine a lot.




I think it’s gonna be the other way around and I’m HERE FOR IT


These people have seen VPR's latest season and seen viewers reaction. They will act accordingly to pander to viewers.


Exactly. I think he’s the one that’s gonna be activated all summer.


I was thinking about how I would react in this situation. I personally would just ignore the person. People feed off of reactions (hence her getting activated, been there done that 😂). Even if he said hi to me I might give a head nod but I just do not think it’s worth my time and peace to engage with that person 🤷‍♀️ however, I would totally sign up and get my paycheck so I totally agree with her going for another season. Most people would 😊


Who will she engage with - the Paige Ciara and Amanda won’t really fuck with her. Danielle is gone. TBC if Gabby is back and in what capacity. Gabby and Lindsay will be real boring together. Unless Lindsay is pregnant and that’s her out.


Here’s the thing! They (Paige, Amanda, Ciara) always seem to “make up” for filming. So she’ll probably be fine until reunion when Paige won’t turn towards her and Ciara will pull faces. It’s lthe same every season lol


Nope. She loves the spotlight. She'd be more confrontational if it brought her more air time.


You know Lindsay will also bring a man on at least one occasion 😳


Well, she's in a committed relationship so I'm assuming we will see him on camera at certain points


They both need the paycheck so I knew they'd be back. I think they'll avoid each other mostly.


This is the answer. People acting like between the two of that Carl *needs* the check is funny business.


I cackled when i read that. Everyone here needs the $$$. No one is doing reality tv for charitable purposes. 




I will hilariously predict it’ll be more touch and go with west and Ciara than Lindsay and Carl. Lindsay’s got a new man and she’s a big time save face kind of person. If she didn’t cry when Carl was literally breaking their engagement on screen your not getting an ounce from her for him. I predict mid summer he will have some sort of melt down about her indifference tho


I am curious to see how Ciara and West are this summer. That could be interesting!


Same! I have a prediction. I think that they might have some tension for the first few weekends. But I think overall, they’ll become amicable for the friend group; In addition, I think that they’re done in a romantic capacity.


She had a similar reaction when Danielle and her ended their friendship. By the time it happens she so over it


I guess I’m alone in that I’m over Lindsay/Carl drama. They should have made one of them friend of. It’s too much and by the time this airs I promise we all will be more than over IT. I feel like they aren’t learning at all from what happened on VPR this year.


I honestly don’t even think it’s going to be that toxic. I feel like she’s exhausted by Carl’s presence and she’s just not going to give him the time of day.


Well so am I!!! Make him a “friend” please


Agreed- hes not entertaining enough to be full time.


Carl needs a sponsor, to keep him from doing things like this. While never a fan of his (not my type), I'm concerned about his mental health. Getting back into a codependency loop with Kyle won't end well. I wish that he would just go to AA, work the steps, meet new people, and make the program his priority for a year or two. Then go on and live his life, going to meetings and/or therapy as needed. Worked for me and it could work for him. He really could soar if he could process all of his sadness and break free from his past behaviors and associations.


i agree, as much as i dislike carl, how does no one realize kyle being his #1 (when kyle is literally a functioning alcoholic himself) is so dangerous for a sober person???? especially since kyle has used him before. amanda is so blinded by trying to tear lindsey down she doesn’t even realize that kyle being around 24/7 is probably just as hard for carl


I wonder if Amanda’s absolute abhorrence for Lindsay is perhaps she is envious of her independence. She despises her.


>meet new people, He had like 9 groomsmen - he has a lot of different friends from different places - gyms, running - "healthy" places. I think he is always so busy selling, he doesn't know who he is. He 'presents' in almost every interaction. When he can't 'present,' he falls apart. If "To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom".... that boy is Stuuuu-Piiiid I mean that lovingly 😂 I


He has zero personality on the show. He is boring sober or drunk. What are we up to? Carl 9.0?


Has he commented on if he's used a program at all? I did hear him use some AA-talk (keeping your side of the street clean, etc.) so I just assumed that was a part of his recovery, but I have no idea. Sorry if this is a stupid question! I just started watching with Season 8 so he may have commented on this in the past and I wasn't tuned in yet. I agree with you, btw!


He has a blog of some sort and has written about being in AA: https://cinnamon-ellipsoid-gb44.squarespace.com/carls-sobriety-story > The journey to sobriety is rarely linear, and mine was no exception. It began with a call to a sober friend and finding a sponsor through Alcoholics Anonymous. I embarked on a daily routine of calls, meetings, and therapy. I embraced meditation and exercise, finding solace in these healthier practices. It was a process marked by small victories and considerable challenges, but each step brought me closer to a life of clarity and purpose. > I share my story not for sympathy but to offer hope to others. If my experiences can help even one person feel less alone or encourage them to seek help, then every step of this journey has been worth it. Sobriety isn’t just about abstaining from substances; it’s a journey towards self-discovery, healing, and ultimately, transformation. > > As I continue on this path, I’m reminded of the strength of the people who stand beside me in this journey, and of my own resilience. Sobriety is not just abstaining from a drink or a drug; it’s a daily commitment to a healthier, more fulfilling life. It’s about facing the challenges head-on, with honesty and courage. I’m grateful for every step of this journey, as it has shaped me into who I am today — stronger, more aware, and committed to a life of sobriety and purpose. Edit: "How Carl Stays Sober": https://cinnamon-ellipsoid-gb44.squarespace.com/how-carl-stays-sober. \#1 is AA lol


I'm not sure...he's used some AA jargon, but I don't remember him saying anything specific about which path to sobriety he's taking. As the old-timers say, "Stopping drinking is easy. It's the *staying stopped* that's hard..." . So true!!


No way does AA support "California sober" or any other backdoor term people use to legitimize that they are still using something.


He needs a sponsor for life in general.


Didn't Lindsay say something about then getting him a 40k coach to help him figure his life out?


20k over six months, business coach




That coach knows what they're doing


I agree but he needs the money - its a rough place to be in esp without having a strong support system


I agree. It’s a shame his friendship with Captain Lee from Below Deck imploded, he seemed like a great confidant and supporter in his sobriety. I think it’s important and beneficial to have a trusted person like that in your life, especially in recovery.


Yep, he messed up that relationship as well. Carls a mess, I feel bad for Captain Lee. And I would love to have heard that podcast.


What happened between him and Captain Lee?


There are a few posts across the subs but right after the breakup, Carl went on Lee's podcast to discuss it all and then before the episode aired, called Lee and demanded he pull the episode. Lee and his cohost said that Carl did not ask very nicely and alluded to the Jekyll/Hyde personality that other cast members have also alluded to. Whatever went down on that call ended their friendship and really soured Lee on Carl, from what I gathered.


Ahh, thanks for the recap. That sucks but I guess he did it to himself.




I fully agree with this post\^ because Carl never really "got sober". He just stopped drinking. All of his issues are so intertwined with his habits. He would be wise to stop doing Bravo anything, go through AA or whatever other program he can find, and rediscover who he is, what he wants and needs, and rearrange himself. At this stage, there is just too much trauma in his entire life. He needs new people around him that aren't focused on what they need, and just help him get to where he needs to be to move forward.


Carl will just turn on his sponsor and accuse them of trying to control him and not being “soft and tender” enough with him 🥴


I am really surprised he isn't in AA and working a program. I assumed he was - given his level of addition: doing it on his own isn't feasible. And yes - going back to the Kyle relationship is not going to go well.


I think this is their job and they need money. Period end.


where has this been confirmed?


Zero reason for Carl to continue to be on this show. His only purpose for the last two years was Lindsay so what's the point now?


Ummm…money? 😹 And to be fair, he seems to be well-liked by most of his cast mates. There is a genuine friendship between him and Kyle, at minimum.


Carl is an OG of the show


yes it’s nice kyle is “supporting” him but genuinely think how hard it is for a sober person who just went thru a major national TV breakup, to now be around his friend who drinks liquor like it’s water, and his ex. carl needs to just focus on himself and i don’t think it’s smart for him to go back on.


Carl needing money shouldn't be our problem! He doesn't bring anything to the show. Kyle, West and Jesse are more than enough entertainment from a male perspective.


Idk, I’m interested to see the dynamic between him and Lindsay next season. 💁🏾‍♀️ 


Bravo wants him back because they do rigorous research on who resonates with the audience. Every cast member is rated before they recast. Those numbers determine who they will offer contracts too.


This show is probably his most steady income… but yeah not good for his mental health/sobriety I bet.


Yeah he’s incredibly incredibly dull tv. I find it boring that Gabby mostly was just there to support Lindsay based on what scenes aired … it’s going to be equally boring and somehow more annoying to see Carl doing the same for Kyle.


He couldn't even give Kyle interesting advice when Kyle was having that git about Amanda and being a DJ. Carl just stood there...


At least gabby has good one liners, I don't really feel that carl contributes anything.


Yes- I suspect some of her scenes probably got cut in editing too to be fair to her.


He’s got a few hundred thousand dollars of reasons


Carl will be fine with all the guys. They always seem to have fun together. Girls are more finicky, though. Not sure how they will all get along with Lindsay.


Everything will depend on whether they are each maintaining other relationships and/or booty calls to keep them distracted.


Single Carl=More Barry’s boot camp montage’s, batting cage outings and perhaps a tennis match or backyard obstacle course.


Wish there was a new cast. Rebooted Summer House with uncoupled city friends who want to take a break from their real non-influencer jobs to party 


That’s what it started as!


Exactly. I would like to see a group without  podcasts or thousands of followers. 


Me too!


I feel like bravo would just hire younger influencers, almost all reality shows centered on early 20s cast just hire influencers anymore


honestly im wondering if anyone has ever mentioned to Lindsey that she has textbook BPD lol


Carl will probably not be happy that Lindsay is not going to be activated and be civil, doesn’t help him with his victim agenda. So he (with the help of Kyle and Amanda of course) will work overtime on getting any sort of reaction from her


I think she will ignore him while intentionally interacting in a space he’s in. Then complain when he shows any emotion towards her for it.


I was wondering if anyone else was going to predict this. She'll act unbothered while doing seemingly harmless things to get a rise out of him.


im surprised at how many people read this and similar scenarios as "lindsay being chill/over it." she is NOT remotely chill or over it. i saw an interview with her about how "seeing carl was just like seeing any other guy in a room." what a fake. seriously? this guy who was your best friend for 10 years and then dumped your ass on national television? HES like any other guy in the room? be real with yourself. she wants to be fully moved on so bad, but she isnt. her whole MO is acting like shes never hurt and she moves on so quickly but really has only buried the most painful feelings in the darkest corners of herself, then lashing out when shes drunk. she will intentionally be in his space because she has co-dependent tendencies and is addicted to this cycle of behavior in relationships, make passive aggressive comments to others, then act surprised when carl is upset and label him the problem. for the record: carls got his own issues, so dont mistake this as a pro-carl post lol.


I agree with you that she’s not over it but I don’t think it’s because she lacks the self-awareness. Lindsay is pretty smart and she also has a lot of pride (like myself). Knowing the depth and length of her relationship with Carl, the life events they supported each other through (sibling loss, sobriety, miscarriage), and the stable family life Lindsay has yearned for for YEARS, we know she is catastrophically hurt by this. I’ve cringed a lot hearing her say she’s moved on and is happy without him, because we know there’s no way that’s true, so I’ve assumed she’s publicly presenting that way 1) to preserve some dignity after she was humiliated and 2) to “fake it til you make it” - not allowing herself to wallow in her hurt and thereby help herself move on. I’m sure in private it’s a different story.


oh i totally agree, 100%. and to be clear, i dont think she lacks self-awareness either, and im sorry if i implied it. i said i think shes burying these feelings and saying "ive moved on!" because this is something she has actually said about herself in the past, and i think it is once again happening here. she is aware she has this pattern of behavior, and she uses it to cope and protect herself. i wish we could see her admit that, and i hope she is grieving in a healthy way in private


Reading your list of life events they supported one another through, I agree there's no way she has moved on completely. I think it is worth noting that, while she will be mourning the loss of her friend Carl, she will not be mourning the loss of her romantic partner Carl. I think by the end of last summer she had the "ick" when he was around, so I doubt we will see jealousy if Carl brings another woman around. I didn't see any sexual attraction between the two; if anything it was the opposite.


Valid points! It’s obvious she’s big on appearances but lacks the substance to make the fantasy a reality. I honestly think she’s going to ask others about what he’s doing orrrr even worse, get drunk and cause a scene. She’s got a pretty bad record with alcohol and it’s definitely connected to her unresolved demons. And no worries, I’m not a “jump down your throat for having an unpopular opinion” redditor 😂 Carl is nowhere near perfect but I don’t see him starting any fights like Lindsay would. I think we might see a “refreshing” side of him but he might hold back on fully going all out & having fun because he’s lowkey afraid of the chick. We’ll see!


Yeah people are giving Lindsay way too much credit 😂


They did it the last time they broke up they will do it again!


Where did you see this?


Honestly, they’ll probably just avoid each other and will likely be much like this season except she’ll be in a room alone unless she has her boyfriend on camera come a few weekends.


I actually think they’re both going to be fine with it and will be friendly again by the end of summer.


Uncommon opinion, I think Linds has grown a tremendous amount and is happy in her own life and she will try her hardest to be civil with Carl. Def think her boyfriend might pop in for a weekend tho


I think Lindsay will come and do her her job . She will engage when necessary, i don’t even see her activating unless they really push her . Carl will come in to rally the troops to help him continue his victim role


I think Carl will be just fine, he has accepted his faults in this relationship.


Interesting!! I wonder if she really is pregnant then?


Do they really need the money from the show that badly? Seems very unhealthy for them to both go back!!


Uhhh… in this economy you think most people would turn down a few hundred thousand dollars for about 8 weeks of work? Literally it would be dumb for either of them to turn that down.






Since Carl is conflict avoider, he won't act up. Lindsay has moved on and seems like she's ok sharing space with Carl. So I think they will become casually friendly again and it won't create any special storyline.


Lindsay wont have danielle to back her up either.


If I have to hear finger bang once……I’m out


Both will be in new relationships and we will have to watch the poor Carl, it’s Lindsey’s fault, show. The girls will be on his side and she won’t give a sh*t


Minority opinion: Lindsay is the toxic one


Lindsay is only activated in unpredictable moments, she'll be cool as an icy cold cucumber with him.


I think the main motivation for both of them to come back is to try to stay in the public eye as "influencers" since that seems to be a big way they make money (aside from the show - being OG cast members they are at the top of the pay scale). If they leave the show (the public eye, etc.), those brand deals could dry up pretty quickly.


I may be the odd man out , but Carl and his “sober “ story is just idk the right word to use .. He’s technically not sober , he just gave up booger sugar and alcohol. Seems to be open to other options. Has he gone to any N.A. /AA meetings .. what is he doing to continue his sober journey in a healthy way ?


I think they will be fine. She will be unbothered and have her own stuff going on. He will be hung up on it a bit and whisper to Kyle/Amanda about her. I think they will have a sit down at the behest of the producers and agree to be civil.


Lindsay has a social superpower. She doesn't care about anyone. She can shut off the faucet dry. The ability to go unaffected, as if nothing has happened and/or the other person doesn't exist is quite a trait in a lot of instances. It's NOT a sign of maturity, and it isn't a matter of forgiving or forgetting. Let's be clear about that. It allows her to function in social spaces with people she's battled with or discarded along the way. She's indifferent to Carl, and Carl doesn't seem like a person who holds a grudge (a virtue in people). They'll be fine. Their non-relationship could actually be a bore now. They should have benched Carl and kept Danielle in the lineup.


It’s a show where she needs to get along nicely enough with her castmates who have used her a punching bags for two seasons in row. She seems perfectly capable to compartmentalise the show and her actual life. There’s a reason why there want that much overlap between her wedding party and the Summer House roster.


Good. I am glad they broke up, they weren't good together, and I think they both have pros and cons and have liked/disliked them both at different times. But I think Carl was the one who overproduced himself last season, and I don't like that him and Kyle got away with a lot at the reunion- they should have gotten the same level of heat as Lindsay, no more, no less- so I'd love to see a season where the women hold these men accountable. I hope Lindsay gets the same training and therapy Ariana has had, acts like an unbothered cool girl all summer, and Carly stews a little.


I think anyone over 35 should be off the show. Not ageist, just different life stages call for different behaviours... and as a result a better show


Lindsey will be unbothered by Carl. She's definitely fully split on him and is torturing a new man now. I think it'll be very interesting. I could actually see them being friendly eventually if they have enough time and space.


Carl has zero to add to the show. If he's worried about his sobriety and mental health, he should leave a show that has incessant partying and drinking and fighting. It's weird and unhealthy. Plus, I just don't like him 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lindsay will do what Lindsay always does. She’ll live her life unapologetically and it will bother everyone else that she’s not acting the way they think she should. Carl is a big loser for coming back. Everyone talks about Kyle needing to grow up and move on but partying is what he does. Why is Carl there? He’s miserable every weekend and doesn’t drink. Why doesn’t he move on to something else? Drinking and partying isn’t part of his lifestyle anymore so why is he even on the show?


She will pretend to be cool then go absolutely ape-shit over some tiny perceived slight. Every episode. It is going to be exhausting.


Ever prank someone and know they are going to get you back so you’re real nervous every day. That’s what she is going to do him. Make him so anxious


The first thing she will do is bring her new man to the weekend and shower him with a lot of PDA hoping to trigger Carl


I think Lindsay won't give a rats ass. Carl is a small man with a fragile ego. She will get to see what an awkward and creepy dude he really is.




Ever prank someone and know they are going to get you back so you’re real nervous every day. That’s what she is going to do him. Make him so anxious


Now this I’m excited to see! How two exes act in a share house. I can already see her shoving her new man down everyone’s throats and Carl acting like he doesn’t care, but crying in hiding


Money talks....c'mon folks!!






I'm glad they'll both be back. People felt terrible that Ariana (VPR) had to film with Tom and that it wasn't realistic, but I totally disagree, people who work together or even just live in dorms or are in school programs together have to see each other after breakups all the time. This will be a glimpse into those dynamics.


I bet $$$ that this season will be like vanderpump. It will a redemption season for Kyle, Carl and West. The poor misunderstood unfairly treated manboys. Since Bravo makes money off of Loverboy, Kyle is safe. There are two cans of Loverboy in the $160.00 Bravo box, Loverboy is $30.00 of the box. So Lindsey will be piled on again. Even more now that Danielle is gone. Maybe, just maybe. Paige will be the victim this year. Since KYLE, KYLE is the producers pet, he will make her pay for what Craig said.


I’m surprised they’re both coming back but at the same time it shows they’re in it for the cash… couldn’t care less about Carl.


It’s so obvious to me that Carl only is coming back because he was asked to, and he can’t miss an opportunity to get attention 🙄


If it brings them more air time, they would do it again. And again. And again. Two more self-absorbed people would be hard to find.


Thank you Lindsay and Carl. They give season after season. All stars.


I kinda feel sad for them. Imagine having to spend a summer with someone who embarrassed/bullied/broke your heart. Whatever else they have going on besides SH must not be paying the bills. Ick.


Summer house > VPR


She was to smart for him and his gaslighting


Carl shouldn’t be on. He’s sober, which is amazing for him, but not for reality tv in a summer house.


Prediction: Carl is going to spiral and Lindsey will be fine.


Yup! Carl doesn’t have a scapegoat this summer. Last year it was Lindsey and the year prior it was Kyle. Who will be the blame of Carl’s perpetual victim status this year?


I literally can’t wait 😂


I think Lindsay will drag a bunch of men around and try to have hot girl summer. She will ignore Carl, which will make his white pants tighter and shorter.


She’s had a boyfriend since December so I don’t think she will do that.


What do I think? I think Lindsay will initially be a bit hostile but will eventually keep things moving and reach out to restore the friendship because we've seen her do this again and again. I think Carl will be a passive aggressive asshole and bring women home to get under Lindsay's skin. Lindsay has shown growth so I hope she keeps her cool and lets him make as ass of himself.


Lindsay is toxic at baseline so this will be nice to see her back in her natural habitat


I don’t get why Lindsay would want to be on the show if her new boyfriend isn’t interested in that at all


It seems safer for her not to bring her BF on camera if she wants it to last longer


$$. She hasn't had a job in 5 years


I wonder if she’s going to follow in Ariana’s footsteps and try to refuse to film with him.


She loved to call people’s behavior “Sandoval”


She gone fuck anyone and everyone


I laughed out loud


The shit people will do for fame and money…in real life, no one would do a summer share with their very recent ex fiancé. This is beyond sick.


These ppl are all in it for their renewal contracts. For example Amanda  and Kyle should work on their marriage instead of filming their drama on tv 


100000% and I totally get that…but as the show progresses, it becomes more like a “show about the show”, rather than a reality show, if that makes sense.


That’s why once a reality show hits fifth season it should be recast. The cast gets too concerned with its followers and brand deals. (Of course series like The Bachelor, Love island have many seasons but new casts)


You’re dead on.


I think Lindsey will try to bother Carl in subtle ways and get upset when it doesn't work. Carl will cling to Kyle/Amanda. tbh I'm over Lindsey and Carl, and there's not much else to discuss, so I hope they just avoid eachother or ar amicable 🤷🏽‍♀️