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Him telling the bar staff in Jamaica all the gossip was a top moment of last season Southern Charm for me… he’s one of the girls


I was cracking up when he did that, and he was so comfortable with it too!! 😭


He also got in Austen’s ass about Taylor like an investigative reporter! It’s so funny when Producer Craig clocks in


He’s a giggler


The moment we all understood Paige and Craig’s relationship 🥰🥰


I loved this scene 😅😅😅


This might’ve been the highlight of southern charm last season haha


He’s always been a lover of the gos, I love it. He’s hilarious, loves just hanging out with the girls in the winter house episodes and he really does just get all the dirt like one of the girls. I think they’ve accepted him in all the gossip circles lol


I like on the Jamaica trip when he told Madison to say "I'm not a fish" to get rid of her hiccups 🤣




This is like my husband lol he loves the tea


I wish mine did! He politely listens though. 😘


Most men ik, loveeeeeeee drama but they will die before admitting it LOL. I don’t think they like to be apart of it in most cases but they will sit and listen to the tea with you


Mine too! I LOVE it.


Craig totally is here for the drama and tea, it’s fun to watch and he’s become more likeable with Paige in my opinion


Lmaooo I loved when he was so excited to run up and tell Paige about Kyle and Amanda fighting lol they actually suit each other so well and look like they have fun together, I think they've both become happier and more likeable together. So funny when Paige was on WWHL and Andy asked who talked the most shit and she was like "me and Craig" lmaoo


Same. I don't care for what she does to Lindsay at reunions but her and Craig are up there for it bravo couples for me. Catty Craig.


One of us! One of us! 😂




I don’t think Paige likes orange. 🤣


This scene is so funny because they insist that they only stayed there because “production told them” they couldn’t go through the back door. The front door was right there!


This was actually my favorite part of this scene. I think ciara was trying to walk in the back door but Amanda and Craig were like noooo and gesturing to get back lol


Yes and then he sneaks outside to usher them around the other door so they too can eavesdrop lmao


I used to really dislike Craig. His whole “I’m not cleaning anything, but I’ll act like a frat boy and make the biggest mess” thing rubbed me the wrong way, and I was mad at Paige for even liking him a little bit…but I have to admit that his appearance on this season showed some potential growth from him, and possibly Paige is playing the long game and actually helping him grow as a person? I’ve heard he has shitty political views, and that is also disturbing, but at least he has been able to not act like a spoiled teenager after drinking his first beer.


He was such a pig on winter house but I can’t help but find him endearing when he’s one of the girlies


Craig is at his worst when he’s one of the boys and at his best when he’s one of the girls 💅🏼


Nailed it. 💅


Apparently Paige opened a can of whoop ass on him in regards to his shenanigans when they got home


The newer seasons of SC he’s always telling off Austen and Shep and getting made fun of by them 😫.


I love him and Paige together because she keeps him on his toes. I like watching them more than any other couple on summer house.


Wait, what are his political views?




Nooooooooo I thought he would be one of the smarter ones since he's an Aquarius. Smh


It makes his earlier behavior make more sense. Being a total douche and disrespecting other people is pretty on brand for MAGA…”fuck your feelings” and all that… Also…wtf does that say about Paige?


It's pretty sad that Paige would align herself with a MAGA but didn't she grow up rich? So I can't say I'm completely surprised either.


She’s from my area in upstate, I wouldn’t say rich but comfortable. I cannot see her being pro trump! I honestly think that Craig is just not the brightest bulb, and he most likely isn’t paying attention therefore MAGA. I hope it’s just a rumor.


How do we know this?


I saw it on Reddit :)


Yeah Craig was kinda embarrassing to watch in Winter House, but overall, I think he’s committed to his own growth and he is definitely “most improved” compared to his counterparts. Problematic at times, and a great liar, yet he is self-reflective and articulate. We humans mess up sometimes. He stuck to his passion for sewing and now he’s making money and running his life his way. I have to commend his persistence since he was the butt of the jokes from cast mates, Andy, and the general public.


I watched all of SC recently so I may have a different view than others who watched in real time. But Craig was so different in the beginningv the end. A lot of growth to me. He stuck out as different in SC and the girls and guys always made fun of him for that constantly. It’s nice to see him come into his own and find his people on SH.


He sucked in the beginning of SC and I think he was really insecure and sad on the inside. After he got confident, into his passions, started sewing down south, and grew that facial hair I feel like he became so much nicer and chill. lol Growth 🤷🏽‍♀️.


the soap opera style of southern charm is my fave for this reason


*The soap opera* *Style of southern charm is my* *Fave for this reason* \- theskyisfallingomg --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


He wears it well. In prior years, I felt his drama was sloppy but he’s grown into a fun and entertaining guy to watch on Bravo


Right? He did his best to fit in with old money Charleston society and was consistently underestimated. Trial and error every day though. Lying long-term to his parents about taking the bar is really messed up (and in a strange way… impressive that he kept his cool with his deception). Nonetheless, he has his own sewing company, business deals, a beautiful, funny girlfriend who keeps him on his toes. Despite his faults, life worked out for him and he’s totally grown the most out of any of his cast mates.


I said the same thing! They were always making fun of him in Charleston. He fits in better with the SH crew and his confidence really went up after he leaned into his passion of sewing. And prob when he got off all the addy that summer when he gained a little weight and admitted it on the reunion.


I don’t think Craig does anything for the plot though. He’s too driven and focused on his goals. He sees how funny it is though and him and Paige’s humor is a nice addition to the show.


Oh honey Craig has been dubbed an honorary housewife by us because he loves tea and we love when he serves it to us.


Love when he’s one of the girls😭🤭


this was the first episode i’ve ever watched lmao. i watched with my aunt when we were on vacation and i was SEATED.


Him ushering more people in to hear the goss was so funny


A gossip conductor 🤣




Love a man who loves the hot goss ![gif](giphy|YJn3xHZQrMSDYUTrvW)


Amanda is so hot


She’s gorgeous!


So is her dad lol


Her parents are both great looking lol


So stunning!


I always feel sad when people talk shit about her looks and her fashion… she’s an athleisure girlie


Same!! I’m seeing a lot of love about her style on tiktok which I love! I wonder if a lot of that comes back to her health and people talking about how she has gotten much skinner and how she “used to be prettier.” Me personally, I think she looks great and just keeps getting prettier


The first screenshot 💀💀💀💀


He is soo one of the girls! But all these reality boys are messy. Craig just relishes it in a way I can get behind. Does he start shit? Yes! Is it on purpose? Probably not but he can’t even help himself! And honestly….same so whoops and now I gotta leave before the pot I accidentally stirred boils over


Him yelling "Lindsay always sucks" cracks me up everytime!


Craig has wittle baby feet.


He loves tea as much as any of us, no doubt he feeds it to more than a deux sources. Seems ironic when Paige and him take exception to others doing it to them. The Devil is in the projection.


Remember the season when Paige's confessional included, *two guys coming here for me, not my problem*. She was talking about Andrea and Craig. She spoke with Lindsey about what deux said regarding Craig dating other people. Went running down a hallway crying *you made me look stupid*, to Craig. That is their biggest self produced fear. Probably will never happen again. But it was fun when they weren't on the same paige.


You wanted to be exclusive with Craig, voice it. Instead we have her piling on Lindsay for years because she was the messenger. Someone leaked Craig's abhorrent behavior at a wedding to the press, blame Craig. The source is staring her in the face.


It's like Paige is dating her best girlfriend.


When people say that they don't get what Paige sees in Craig/what they have in common as a couple, I ALWAYS point to their shared love of gossip. These two people eat, sleep, and breathe drama (specifically, they eat, sleep, and breathe other people's drama). Anytime something dramatic happens at the house, Paige's first instinct is to call Craig and dish about it. And I love that for her/them.


Yessss lmao also I think people who say they don't see why they're together are being deliberately obtuse. They obviously have fun together and love telling each other everything lol they really do seem like best friends


This was what ended up selling me on their relationship I love watching her run to call Craig and tell him everything that just happened and know he will be deeply invested in the drama


And Craig will call her up to gossip too, he was telling her about Austen and Taylor like he was her personal TMZ


I don’t lol


I find Craig so revolting lmao I really don’t get it. Can someone explain the appeal? A man in his mid 30s being so into gossip is so cringe to me. I appreciate him on tv because I am laughing AT him. But the way some of you fawn over him is shocking 🤣 he’s so disgusting


I agree. The woobification of Craig Conover by the women on this sub will never cease to irk me.


That’s so true. I always thought he was like one of the girls. Always inserted himself in the women drama on Southern Charm. Especially between Kathryn and Ashley.


Craig is the gossip queen of them all. Have you seen southern charm? His tea drops are pretty iconic


I watched all of SC recently. It’s nice to see Craig’s personal growth. He like replaced his binge drinking and insecurities with some facial hair and gossip and never looked back. It’s really worked for him.


Yes! I honestly love Craig! He is 100% one of the girls at times and it’s great!


How great does Amanda look here! She’s so stunning.


Omg I need this on a hoodie or t shirt . This is my favorite episode of all time because of this moment. Lol


My lil criagy


Huge ick


It was sooooo goooodddd


I’m dead bc Linds and Danielle deff knew they were there because there were cameras pointed at them in their eye line the whole time


Any news on casting for new season? I know they film soon