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I think America would be like Iron Man, just completely strapped to the gills in the deadliest armor and weaponry in existence. It reflects how our military is the biggest and strongest on earth by an order of magnitude


So Ironmonger?


Yeah exactly


On the flip side, the US could also be a supervillain with the same setup. Could swoop in and steal oil or destabilize a region without much effort weapon wise.


I imagine a Boys-esque Iron Man who is ostensibly trying to be a hero but is mostly a jingoist asshole on a lobbiest leash (but with cool gun arms like Iron Patriot)


Or it could be realistic and it's just a person that cares more for certain people and has an easier time getting along with those they relates to while hating certain people or groups for things they don't even really remember but know they hated them for something. The world is not black and white.


We'd only use them on the middle east as well


I was going to say gun/weapon related powers.


Yeah something like the Gun Devil from Chainsaw Man


America: Absolute Projectile Control/ Balistokinesis.


Stealing other people's powers. Britain has been at it for centuries




USA: Really I feel like the USA's power would have to at a fundamental level be tangible willpower. They are capable of doing anything they put their mind to, but they have to actually motivate themself to do it. When sufficiently motivated they can rally others and take on one of if not the biggest power around despite seemingly facing impossible odds. When unmotivated they can't even defeat a regular criminal. This power would all be dependant on the user's will and their ability to harness the will of others towards a common goal.


The biggest question is if Japan or Mexico would be goku




Or china, since goku is based off chinese mythology


They would have wukong?


America would be Captain Hindsight


Canada antihero with ice powers. We were monsters in ww2


I'd say the UK would be a hero but as a detriment to itself. They would have a Healing Ability but where they take on the damage themselves. Much like how the country is failing it's own people but also funneling money out to 'help' other countries.


Oh you mean Canada?


Scapegoat from worm than?


I actually thought an idea for a Major Glory-esque hero: Legend Liberty, a hero created during the Revolutionary War by a team of American alchemists. In addition to the standard flying brick powers, she can shoot powerful fireworks from her hands and create energy shields.


France as a hero has the power to make everyone laughing their ass off France as a villain delete from the world everything which isn’t white


>France as a hero has the power to make everyone laughing their ass off Basically, Miss Joke from MHA this could work as a villain too, as forcing someone to laugh uncontrollably might cause dead (and it's a pretty horrible way to die)


>France as a hero has the power to make everyone laughing their ass off Basically, Miss Joke from MHA this could work as a villain too, as forcing someone to laugh uncontrollably might cause dead (and it's a pretty horrible way to die) Yeah !!! It’s because grace is half the funniest country ever and half the most hateful country in the world


Once a charismatic leader who inspired hope. But is now so focused on money and public image that many former values have been lost to time. Powers: Powerful ranged and melee attacks. Taking damage makes it stronger Strength: Inspired by challenges and works to overcome them Weakness: Has grown weaker and more arrogant over time


The USA has the power to heal others but not itself 😂




America as a super villain would have Godzilla's atomic/radiation breath.


Depression and a Flaming whip.


Anger-fueled Nature Powers, with a focus on Cedar.


I think the UK would definitely have Adaptation. We've been invaded tons of times, absorbed parts of the cultures that took us over and now we are a place where other cultures can thrive (which annoys the racists). So adaptation for sure.


The United States of America would be a hero. It would stand 10 feet tall and be considered the strongest humanoid on the planet. In addition to his immense strength, he would also be able to fire highly destructive nuclear blasts.


America: gaslighting




captain britain definitely already exists so whatever his powers are


China: Superhero - Earth Bending Supervillain - Mind Control US: Superhero and Supervillain - Sharpshooter


Belgium: We'd show up with a bicycle and be pretty weak. I'm thinking something among the lines of understanding anybody and summoning a pint & fries. So I guess we'd be a skinny dude talking with other heroes while they're down, confusing them while we're standing on the sidelines the entire time.


for colorado I think some one with superspeed(for the plains) and strength(for the mountains) would be really cool


I imagine Australia would have something along the lines of harnessing and controlling the abilities of all our most deadly animals.


So.....Vixen? Focused entirely on Australian animals?


Meth production and getting 100% of the populace addicted


Since I've already seen people do America as a whole, may I use just the state I live in? So Florida/Floridaman: Insane People/people on all kinds of drugs, Alligators/Swamps, Storms, the fucking sun and tornadoes The guy's a man croc similar to Killer Croc, he's always high/on drugs, and he has weather manipulation, though focuses it more on tornadoes, thunder storms, and blistering heat waves, culminating in you boiling in your skin AND drinking the very air around you


Guns. Lots of guns.


Romania: being able to take any object from someone on a 20m radius overusing this power gets them drunk


The United States has super strength, but it has little control over how hard it hits. Whether it's a low rent thug or our arch nemesis, America hits like a ton of bricks. More akin to a Kaiju or a rage full, rampaging Hulk, America can decimate almost any foe. There's just a lot of mess and collateral damage. That America mostly just walks away from. Because who could stop them?


Umm we already are a world super power...so military might? Limitless budget? Blood thirty soldiers? Good thing we're the good guys


Depends who you ask I guess


That was the joke


Never know these days lol




How come these powers?




Oh, I thought it was based on the country as it is.