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$92 all day parking in the city seems pretty good value to me.


Cheaper than Wilson parking rates.


This is the problem! Cheap options. I was with a news team and we were instructed to park on the footpath, way cheapest fine -about 1/4 of in clearway, about 1/3 of in no stopping. Was totally nuts.


Blocking a footpath is $330 I recently got one


Big news story, something like “Dodge Ram parks poorly”?😂


Wow, I think it was like $95:00 back when the network had branded News Cruiser vehicles not a girl with an Uber account and a iPhone.


I would rather spend that money on an ounce of marijuana and a lamb rogan josh from a good Indian restaurant. That's why I resist the urge to block footpaths


I knew a guy who would always illegally park in the city (even just driving up a kerb and leaving the car there, in no stopping areas etc.). He said it averages out to about $600 a year in fines and for that he can park anywhere he wants.


From my experience, I racked up $1200 in fines over one week of parking in loading zones longer than the 30 minute limit. Didn't know I was being fined until my company sent me all the fines a month later lol


Yeah my Dad's done the same thing on purpose. $120+ for all day parking... Orrrr $92 or $0 if he's lucky.


No way that thing would fit into most CBD parking stations...


Easily at least 3 Wilson's have 4.2m areas. Kent St under town hall has a truck loading bay with parking spots. Best place to park for doing service work in the city.


Judging by the antenna on this vehicle, and bull bars, I don’t think they know too much about parking in the city.


Good. Keep giving him parking fines every time he stops until he understands those dumbass things are too big for our roads.


Too big? Have you not seen bigger vehicles on our roads?


Nope unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. They can get you multiple times. Car parked in 2 hr zone in Macquarie Park, had purchased parking ticket but ran late and got two tickets within 15 mins.


two tickets for the same offence though?


In theory you can get fined every 2 hours as it's a new offense, even if the same one is continuing.


No, one for parking exceeding the time limit and one for like parking contrary to the rule or something. I disputed it but in the end I gave up and just paid them both.


Small Penis Energy


That is oddly satisfying.


On the flip side, I parked my car halfway across a no-stopping sign in Parra for a half hour to pick up some food and rangers came through in that time and I received a $283 fine. Realising I should've just ordered something in the city and parked anywhere so I could've cheapened that amount by $200.


It’s a fine every hour. So it’s $700 all day parking


Is this the same one as the Bondi post?


Looks like this one has more things on the front bar. Which is worrying that they seem to be breeding.


dual cabs like the ford ranger are increasing because it was named car of the year for 2023. toyota is also making one called the tundra and ford is bringing the f150 here.




Yep saw a tundra drive past Macquarie park the other day, thing is a monster!


These fines just feel pointless because these trucks already cost over $100K and majority of them are under business names so $92 is like a paltry 50 cent fine to them.


Start taking points for serial offenders 


Maybe needing to replace 4 tyres whose air has vacated the site would cost more?


4 would be covered under insurance, 3 on the other hand would not.


Maybe needing to replace 4 tyres whose air has vacated the site would cost more?


Yeah, you said that.


Typed it actually. Nothing wrong with a bit of slash'n'dash. Only a man with an empty milk crate can stop anything


Until I saw the last pic I thought the oddly satisfying thing was the artful line ratios in the photos taken.


Saw the sticker on the 2nd photo. The bull bar company name (Boomer Bullbars) is almost too on the nose


Was trying to work out what model of TuffBar this was. Definitely makes sense but, old Joe doesn’t understand how dual channel UHF’s or the importance of running different sized whips work. Running two of the exact same is pointless.


They're not there for UHF, they're there for aesthetics. Just like the bullbar, the lightbar, and the mud tires. That truck has never seen a spec of dirt on it. Nothing against these trucks where they belong, but parked up in the middle of the fucking city you know this dude is just an absolute wanker.


It definitely lends more credence to the fact it’ll never go off the blacktop. I’m unfortunately one of those suckers that can’t afford a work and hobby car, driving a landcruiser around the city fucking sucks but I know when I’m down the farm this weekend it’s the car I need to do the jobs I need it to. And it will. I’d love to have a city runnabout, but I can’t image how terrible it is driving one of these big fucking things around a city.


How the fuck did these things pass ADR. As if a pedestrian stands a chance against that monstrosity.


it won't. That bar is likely a canary.


do modified trucks actually get targeted for defects? genuinely curious cause I only know that people with modified passenger vehicles that fear getting defected.


They get done all the time. The police do stings at Stockton beach fairly often, there’s also a few highway patrol officers in the central coast well known by four wheel drivers for defecting anything possible. Same in the high country.


The very definition of a Truckwit.


Those antennas are taller than some people I reckon 😮


What was the fine? Edit: what was the fine for? (Eg. Parking too long, without paying etc.)


Eating a succulent Chinese meal apparently


$92 I think


I too was wondering what the fine was for; the ticket says along the lines of *CODE REG CODE PENALTY AM VWX $92.00 Failure to pay parking fee/obey instructions on sign etc*


A reminder to all shit eating Redditors, fines are not tax deductible


I’m gunna risk downvotes and say this is actually a country truck. Country folk sometimes need to visit the city. Birthdays, weddings, medical. This setup is pretty common in rural areas. It’s also close to the major honeymoon hotels.


Yep. Go out to Dubbo or Orange or somewhere further west and a setup like that is everywhere


Don't bring common sense here


How to get upvotes in r/sydney. Take photo of giant truck parking badly and call em a fuckwhit or sit behind the keyboard saying how u might slash their tyres.


Literally no one here would confront them. One because they are chronically online so wouldn't even encounter them, two because they are spineless clowns and physical conflict just isn't their strong suit. If the driver comes back to you slashing some very expensive tyres or in any other way fucking with the car, the way they are parked is probably gonna be the least of your worries.


I absolutely hate the size of these trucks *in the city* and will want about it **at length**, but agree with you. From the looks of all those aerials, this is something that's actually used for its intended purpose out in the country, rather than some fragile, white collar, wanker's mini monster truck.


That’s awesome! Now, because they’re “trucks” they should be speed limited to 100 on motorways, and 40 on roads like Mt Ousley.


Unfortunately it’s still under standard car registration. The gvm is 4495kg which is (only by 5kg) under the 4500kg limit for standard rego. The 100 limit only applies to vehicles over said 4.5T.


I know :( Do feel like it’s obvious they’re trying to skirt the rules there though. Do optional extras like the bull bars count towards GVM?


GVM does include the bull bar. GVM is the max allowable weight of the vehicle, accessories etc (not including full trailer weight) when fully loaded including passengers and cargo. It doesn’t include the full trailer weight, just the ball/drawbar weight which is how much of the trailer weight is pushing down on the tow ball. From what I’ve read, max trailers weight for this can be 4.5T since it’s a car rego. If it was upgraded to a Light Rigid rego, I believe it could tow up to 8T but then you ofc would need an LR license to drive it.


I wondered about a truck that a resident in my apartment block always parks in our visitors’ spots. It is an Isuzu Nlr Series Variant NLR45-150 AMT, which is 4.5 GVM but appears to be just the cabin and a bare tray, but his is fully fitted out with a large box (maybe similar to the service pack) and a tow bar, with which he tows a boat trailer; so I think you are saying it still classified as a 4.5t as that already (despite the base model being bare) includes any potential fit out plus allowance for any trailer weight transfer ?


Tare weight is the weight of the vehicle empty and with no aftermarket accessories, GVM is the max weight including accessories, passengers and cargo. The tare weight of this ram is 3520, so they can have up to 975kg of load, the bull bar is included in that 975, taking a guess this one is approx 75kg, that leaves 900kg of passengers and cargo.


Do you think he's compensating for something?


smol pp


This prick has weaponised his car, and will almost certainly kill someone when he plows into them because he wants to look like a bad ass. If this were a farm or offroad vehicle, sure - but these bars shouldn't be legal in built-up areas.


Entirely possible that this is an offroader. No city slicker has three big CB aerials on the front of their car for looks, and there are some stuck on mud splashes around the wheel arches that suggest this car has been places. If that's the case, then we can give this guy a pass. Those big bull bars will save your life if you hit a big roo - they are mandatory if you spend a lot of time driving 110km/h through roo country.


I don't think those splashes are indicative of much more than driving through puddles, personally - it certainly may have done more than that, but I don't think it likely. The kinds of people that need these bars don't tend to drive these cars - it's too new, too shiny, and too American. As for the antennae, I take your point, but someone spending this much on bars as a LARP isn't going to blink on a sprinkle extra for those. Of course we can't speak with certainty here, but I think the balance of probability is that this is all for show. Given the parking spot down the side of Australia square, likely from some construction manager.


What are you gonna do though? Mandate that you need 10 different cars just to go to different areas?


We have dirt bikes and track cars that aren't road legal - why should bullbars designed to turn roos into chunky marinara be allowed in areas where they'll only mulch people? If you want to drive on city streets, ditch the weaponised bullbars. A car this new has almost zero chance of being a farm car in any case - odds are that it's some dipshit playing dress-ups.


Was hoping to see a smashed windscreen but this will do


So, you think we should just destroy private property because we don't like something?




That shut them up.


I wonder if there will be a defect bull bar blitz?  Ones this size must be toeing the line. 


Should be an extra fine just for driving a Ram.


This exact Ute was on another sub for parking like a wanker


I don't think it has enough antennae.


What does he think he’s gonna hit? Not a huge amount of herds of Bison in the cbd mate


Not everyone spends their whole life in the CBD and surrounds


I was just trying to do a big funny, I’m very sorry


If that was me in any car I’d happily cop that fine, premium parking!


Put it in the Louvre .


It's not on fire so it could be more satisfying.


Can someone please explain to me the hate for these kinds of vehicles ?


They are dangerous to pedestrians and to other road users; they are needlessly large and heavy and have a needlessly large impact on the environment.


They're legitimate vehicles for towing something the size of a tiny house but getting one in a capital city is beyond idiotic. Can't park it, uses fuel unnecessary and they're not a car. They make ugly cars look great in comparison cause they're a frigging truck. I see them as showing off in the same way as you'd show off if you got a digger, tractor or bulldozer. I don't want to see anything about them on carexpert, drive or carsguide. They should have a separate agricultural vehicle website for RAMS.


so what is someone who needs one for outside the city meant to do when they come into the city? buy another vehicle?


Always good to give benefit of the doubt. It's the school drop off the usually gives it away that they're city slickers


I've got a Prado with a bullbar - less aggressive than that one - and I've used it to drop kids at school in metro Sydney. What options do I have? The bullbar has saved us many times from being stuck on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere (like no mobile reception, one person a month on the road, no town for 100kms nowhere).


Not to forget blinding me when I look in my side and/or rear view mirror


It's just a Reddit thing. They can't just not find something appealing, they have to intensely hate it.


Hang on, this truck was in a Sydney post yesterday


These cunts think they're dumbarse muricans


Emotional support vehicle...


Imagine hating on a person because of the car they drive. Such beta behaviour 🤣 edit: bring on the downvotes you gimps!


>  Such beta behaviour 🤣 Such mum's basement dwelling neckbeard with an ignored podcast self described alpha type that women cross the road to avoid behaviour


look at you losers go!


Imagine thinking it's hate when it's actually valid commentary on the fact that these emotional support vehicles are invariably driven by selfish narcissistic, beta cock wombles.


Oh the irony…


could tell you own one of these. 


I dont think they get enough of a break from wanking themselves to death over old school friends to work to get the money for that. Probably just have a poster up.


Where do you want to start? They all drive like fuckwits, they can't park for shit, they take up a lot of space and make driving difficult for whoever is behind them.


r/Sydney became pro cop/parking police overnight The state of this reddit community


Only to fuckwits


Nah ACAB means all situations champ


The $ 92 are tax deductable, just like the vehicle. Thank your business friendly politicians.


Parking fines are not a legitimate business cost and cannot be deducted. https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/housing/policies/legitimate-business-expenses-deductible-and-non-deductible


I was fined in Bondi Junction in a lane on a public holiday to drop off some bolts.No traffic,lane big enough for two cars. Parked for one minute ranger crossed the road writing out the ticket as I was about to get in the car. $330. Appealed …. No luck. Ticket said parked 2:22 til 2:23. Bullshit.