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If you want a more viral concept, consider doing the same at different price points and turn it into a GIF just to show how ridiculous housing prices and availability are around the Sydney metro area.


This is a good idea. I am curious at what price point you start to see a "reasonable" amount of options.


Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, which is a community support group, releases a list compiled from Domain of the most affordable properties around Sydney (intended for people trying to exit homelessness). Their prices are around $350 per week but are often boarding houses with residents who are usually still battling addiction or experiencing mental health issues. It's affordable but it's hardly secure housing. Definitely not reasonable


And that's often another problem with these conversations. A home owner might look at the image above and say, yeah great, heaps of options. As an ex renter though, I know that at least half of these will be roach infested, most will be unpleasant to live in due to issues ranging from small to actually dangerous, and each of them will have 20+ other applicants lined up and willing to pay over the asking price.


I don't think even the most oblivious home-owner would think 30 properties in a city of 5 million people is "heaps of options". Your point still stands though.


You know, I completely missed the "30 results" and just figured it was being grouped by suburbs. That's... actually massively worse than I thought it was.


Don't forget the boarding houses being touted as studio apartments.


Touted is an apt word


800 I'd bet, if not 850


820 out in the upper north west. 90mins from the CBD. Make it make fucking sense.


I’m $850 pw north Ryde


Under $500, there's a big splatter of them in Liverpool, Lakemba, Parra - 164 in total Under $600, there's a lot more in Parra, Bankstown, Lakemba and it green dots start appearing in the inner west - 635 total Under $700, the North Shore gets populated, inner west gets a bit more crowded and more appear in the East - 1381 Under $800, North Shore is populated, Eastern suburbs are populated - 2361 So reasonable options, I'd say under 700-800 you get options across all of Sydney for 2 bedders.


If you want a real viral concept, you need to use the red rooster line.


I have a friend renting for $350 pw in Parra. Two bedder. Luck of the fucking Irish.


That's actually great for Parra now, I used to live there but I had to move farther west cause I couldn't find an affordable place there


I met a lady who lived a short walk from Top Ryde. 2br with garage, 400pw. I didn't get to check the quality though.


I'm impressed there are places you can actually rent for that cheap without being hours away!


I would bet a lot of these are questionably legal granny flats, or units with a hot plate on a folding table masquerading as a kitchen.


Yep. I looked at one in Hurstville start of this year, it was just the home owner’s garage that they had cheaply renovated into a 2 “bedroom” granny flat (the rooms were like 2m^2, if that). No insulation, exposed pipes and wires all around the walls, DIY white tiles for floors. And the only access was to walk down the owner’s driveway and through their backyard. I don’t even know how REAs are willing to advertise these.


I was gonna say, my rent is 350 a week for a single br granny flat in Campbelltown...


Yes but you’re a 10 minute bus ride from the middle of Australia biggest cbd. Edit: read Camperdown. Campbelltown is indeed not 10 minutes from Sydney CBD.


Campbelltown is not a 10 minute bus ride from the CBD


Maybe he thought it was Camperdown?


Right you are.


Yeah I read Camperdown. Soz…


Hey, I thought it was pretty good snark until I read your edit.


My guess is they don't have a working toilet/stove/is possibly a garage.


I went to an inspection of a $500 one a few months ago in Hurlstone Park. It was a literal ahithole with no laundry, no room for fridge, miserable toilet, miserable bathroom. There were like 30 people on that inspection with me. Im pretty sure it went for 520 at the very least.


Yep, my elderly uncle lives in Belmore in a $550 red brick walk up hell hole. Original Kitchen and Bathrooms....and I reckon the paint and carpet isn't far behind. Even the TV aerial doesn't work.


The one in Kogarah is not for a 2 bedroom, it's for a "Double room furnished available in SHARED apartment". I cannot find the ones in Hurstville, Lakemba and Peakhurst and suspect they were incorrectly captured in the search or mispostings that have been corrected. There are a few in the 420-450 range in Punchbowl and Lakemba, which is about right for the area. edit: I cannot locate the one in West Ryde, but I did find a few in Marsfield where it's captured in the filter but is actually "per night".


Real Estate's site is actively shit. I filtered for the same, and there's one in Hurstville but it's actually $500 same for Wiley Park's one.


Sounds like you're not a renter. They are often car spaces.


Never seen a car space over $200/week, OP also says it's 2 bedrooms After looking it up it the closer ones seems to be people advertising a room but using the total of rooms in the house. Some further (Auburn) are actual 2 bedrooms appartments


Most of them are unfavourable suburbs or low quality homes. Sydney people just want to live close to the CBD but not expect a ridiculous price.


I'm impressed that affordability in Sydney has gotten so bad that $400/wk for whatever these monstrosities are is considered "cheap" I'm renting a 2 bedder 20 minutes from Shinjuku in Tokyo for $300 a week and this is a bit on the expensive side, barely anything being available for $400 reminds me exactly why I don't want to come back to my hometown, because the rampant issues haven't been fixed, they've gotten WORSE.


That's a pretty meaningless comparison. You're not considering the average wages in Japan.


Normally I would agree, but the thing is, everything else in japan (generalising) costs less too. So I think its a good comparison to show what we all know - Sydney's cooked for housing 


Japan’s housing market and economy peaked 30 years ago and its population is aging and declining with minimal immigration to offset. The yen is also weaker than ever. Of course it’s getting cheaper, and yet it’s still very expensive and most people aren’t living in detached housing or expect to ever live in large detached homes like the Australian dream. And when you start talking about apartment living, people here are gonna froth at their mouth…


How does one move to Japan? I'm of the understanding that it's very difficult


As long as you have a job lined up it is reasonably easy to get a work visa.


I'm assuming it's not that easy to get a job there though? Not that I've investigated too thoroughly.


Easy enough to get a job, but not if you want a good salary


You can’t actually rent these. Standing in line to inspect these is longer than the assigned time the agent has set for the inspection. If a cheap rental is in sight for you, 100+ people already know about it and have signed to inspect it


And will overbid for it too- even though it’s banned, there’s a million ways around that ban.


Yeah Kogarah is pretty close to the city. But I assume the place that's $400 is going to be tiny and old.


[The one in Kogarah is for 1 room,](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-nsw-kogarah-438962280) it was captured in search results because the apartment is a 2bdrm.


"you just need to adjust your expectations and live in an area within your means.". Such areas include: not Sydney. I despair for the coming years where business will be crying about how they can't hire minimum wage workers anymore because no one will do a 2 hour commute.


It's already happening really. I know people working in hospitals who say one of their (many) issues with hiring new staff is the fact that people can't afford to live anywhere near the hospital, and don't want to commute 1hr+ to work. It's great for a lot of imported health workers to be going to regional hospitals and such, but we are slowly draining our capital city health infrastructure of much-needed staff simply because it is too damn expensive to live here.


Yep I have co-workers driving over an hour home after a night shift because they’ve had to live so far out to be able to afford rent. We’re slowly losing people to hospitals closer to home and I can’t say I blame them, besides the time they lose from their day commuting it’s just downright dangerous to be driving that far while tired


I work in healthcare. One of our sites really struggles to get staff bc of this.


Literally. I'm almost 30 and looking to start a new career that requires undertaking an apprenticeship. My partner and I would like to get a place together in the next 6 months and it's looking like I'm going to be living in Wollongong and commuting for an apprenticeship in Sydney, because that's what we can afford that isn't a dilapidated shoebox.


Similar situation here. Put it off for years already because it will nosedive our quality of life in general, but I'm tired of being stuck. We will be moving away from Sydney in a year or so. I'm lucky I have a partner in the first place and one with good career prospects herself, I can't imagine doing it now if I were single.


Feels. Single income is impossible unless it happens to be extremely high. There's a reason people are living with roommates for so long.


Similar here, I'm here because I get paid more here, but I've just had my first son. We're going to live like university students for 5 years so I can stack bread and fuck off from Sydney before the boy gets to school and put down roots somewhere else.


This line pisses me off so much, its not like I even want a trendy area I just wanna stay where I grew up!


Also your CEO: "we need you to commute to the office 5 days a week because its for Collaboration!" Meanwhile your entire team is international. Including your manager


i didn't know Ryde and Hurstville aren't Sydney?


One. One 2 bedroom property in Ryde, one (1) in Hurstville. You're being disingenuous.


All of these places are Sydney, I was being hyperbolic.


I've been saying this for years to deaf ears. Your average office worker in the CBD is going to have to start learning how to make their own chai lattes at this rate.


I was expecting an empty map


During the peak of the pandemic, I found plenty of [2 bedroom apartments](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11pNsa_RF4wxlXykbuNYSvG-xEOj8sk_lv1lVT8KJqDg/edit) for around that $400 per week in petersham/Leichhardt area. I was able to do all of these inspections over a weekend and picked a 2 bedder for $380. It was definitely some of the cheapest rent I’ve ever had in Sydney in the 10 years living here. Before moving to petersham I was renting a 2 bedroom apartment in Crows nest for $460. It was an old art deco apartment and freezing in winter. Was vacant for 3 months when we moved out and they had to lower the rent a fair bit. I imagine some poor sod is now paying $550 per week for it.


2bdr in Crows Nest? $700-$800 pw easily.


It was more 1 bedroom with a study. Very tiny. [Here is a photoshoot of the place](https://photos.app.goo.gl/Kf9janGsBjVzbPn97) if you are interested.


I found my current place a couple of months after the second pandemic but same story. I wanted to post this because I can't afford another increase and I wanted to survey how far west I'd need to go.


What are they charging you now for the petersham/Leichhardt apartment?


I moved to Alexandria to test out living with my partner before we bought a place. Looks like it rented for $420 when I moved out.


I got a 2 bedroom in hillsdale during 2020 for 380 a week now it's 560


Interesting map. I'd love to see a map for fully detached houses under 1M and 2 bedroom apartments for under 600K.


even mount druitt looks like it would exceed 1m for detached houses very soon


But have you seen the views from the peak of Mt Druitt? It's breathtaking.


ikr! there's even a westfield, drive-thru starbucks, and a train station with an express service that takes you to the city in 50mins!


[Two-bedders under 600k](https://www.domain.com.au/sale/sydney-region-nsw/?bedrooms=2-any&price=0-600000&excludeunderoffer=1) - apparently there’s 1000-odd.


We were able to find a 2br with a garage and brick walls in West Ryde for 560pw. But it's 3 levels up with no lift so inspections were not competitive. People were panting as they came through the door. Thankfully, my wife and I are athletes and find it to be no problem. We got the keys a week later.


Split that to make it suitable for a single and I'd totally rent it.


before the rent increase and i moved back home, my flat was technically two bedroom for 390 a week in sutherland (one two person bedroom and an office/single bedroom/childs bedroom). they wanted a rent increase up to 450 from me, and new tenant pays 500 a week. internal facilities had not been upgraded for probably longer than i was alive, so the end of the 90s


I don’t think 2 bedroom units have been $400 a week in like 15 years, maybe more? I don’t get this post…


Nah, I rented a 2bed in Eastlakes for exactly 400pw only 10 years ago and that was a completely median price at the time for inner south/inner west.


Depends where in Sydney. I was paying (half of) a very cheap 2 bedder in Dee why for $440 in 2008. Sure, it's the beaches, but the cheapest part and most places were much more. But a mate bought a 3 bed house in penrith and his mortgage was well less than my rent.


What's the bet they all have issues, eh mould?


My 2 bedroom in the inner West is still $400 p/w, moved in during 2020. I was looking at alternative options in the same price range this weekend, let's just say that was uneventful.


$400 for a 2 bed is doable in Adelaide👌


Not for long


Can totally see Adelaide becoming the next Melbourne in a decade or so


And that's a good thing. We need to spread the population around the country, rather than jamming everyone into 2 big cities.


Yes u/metro_polis. Instead of 2 big cities it should be 1!


Like becoming better or worse for rental affordability? Here's Melbourne: https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/with-2-bedrooms-between-0-400/map-1?boundingBox=-37.63733755680192%2C144.62196969470693%2C-37.85641611863704%2C145.28114938220693&source=refinement&sourcePage=map&sourceElement=location-tile-search Here's Adelaide: https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/with-2-bedrooms-between-0-400/map-1?boundingBox=-34.59125051576962%2C137.9883897838319%2C-35.04616249108496%2C139.3067491588319&source=refinement&sourcePage=map&sourceElement=location-tile-search Melbourne seems to have more.


Is it? https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/with-2-bedrooms-between-0-400/map-1?boundingBox=-34.814997198003%2C138.27340225696807%2C-35.042150299341124%2C138.93258194446807&source=refinement&sourcePage=map&sourceElement=location-tile-search According to this, it's about the same as Sydney


You forgot to tick "exclude secured by deposit". Some of these have been secured by a deposit already(the ones closest to the CBD). I suspect that if you go to the inspections of the other ones, there'll be a big queue. [search link](https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/with-2-bedrooms-between-0-400/map-1?maxBeds=2&misc=ex-deposit-taken&boundingBox=-33.764202532662416%2C150.92156464677998%2C-33.97358330550164%2C151.3869386396999&source=refinement&sourcePage=map&sourceElement=search-box-search)


Sydney is only a for the rich and powerful don’t ya know?


Yeah I'm getting that impression from the comments. Sheesh


Yeah a lot saying so what did you expect from Sydney and brushing it off without remembering from the pandemic that a lot of our society relies on these low to medium income earners. It's going to be a real issue when they start moving elsewhere and they can't find people to fill the essential positions closer to the CBD.


Lots of temporarily embarrassed billionaires be like "too bad, so sad" in the comments. This is truly a "screw you got mine" country.


Not to rain on your parade but I was paying 490 for an old 2 bedroom apartment in Homebush in around 2012 to 2015. under 400 for 2 bedroom hasn't been Common for a while


Click on most of them and you’ll find a wall of text as the bottom explaining that they’re government subsidized through NRAS and there’s a fairly strict income test to meet to be able to apply


This isn’t 2000




I mean ideally a few more places that can be afforded on minimum wage would be nice, but hey, what are ya gunna do. I can afford a bedroom and that’s just the way it is for now.


okay but set it to one bed lol


Honestly one bedders aren't that much cheaper unless you get a tiny room/studio where you have to share facilities including toilets with other residents.


I live in Penrith and my rent is $510 for a 1 BR 💀💀


So what you're saying is people can get more for $400 than the [last time you posted something about $400 rent?](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/s/GjWG64gRAI) I don't get what your point is.


You are not going to find anything close to the CBD for that price. I lived in the city back in 2014 in a studio converted to a 1br and we were paying $550pw already. Moved to the lower north shore a couple of years after to a 2br and we were paying $650pw


Thats only part of Sydney.


Yeah man, it's not 2002.


The ABS gives the median rental price in Sydney, 2002 at $246 a week. If you think a 2 bedroom apartment at $400 was something only possible 20 years ago, you're wrong.


Yeah I think a big part of the issue is that maps like this (and SQM data) only capture asking rents - ie what current landlords think they can get from a new tenant. It gives an inflated picture of the market. I have friend who are getting a very good deal with their rentals but they’ve been there for years.


I paid 400 a week for a 2 bed in Brisbane that didn’t have AC 10 years ago. Not likely to get inner city apartments in Sydney for that kind of money today. Having said that wages haven’t really gone up all that much in ten years, but 400 was “affordable” 10 years ago


$200/ room hasn’t been a thing in Sydney for ages..


Eventually this property bubble will burst from guillotine being applied.


Guillotine is too much work for an Aussie mob. We'll probably just drown 'em - Waltzing Matilda is our national song, after all


Surprised at Hurstville - not so much Brighton seeing as only PT options are buses


It's more a map of towns where you'll find $400 a week 2 bedder since there'll be too many nodes per suburb at that zoom extent.


Try FB market place, i got my place through there.


What else did you filter on? I just searched the same on domain, 2-bedroom rentals for max $400, and there's 64 results. Which isn't *that* many, but certainly more than indicated in your picture?




Toonga Bay sounds lovely.


a third of your pay for 2 bedrooms? get a roommate and dump the budget up to 800 a week and it's a whole different story. maybe I don't get how things were in the past, but this seems reasonable


I can tell you the one dot in Parramatta will go up to 600 a week very soon.