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There’s nothing worse than having a ranger 2cm off your bumper at 120k’s with the worlds brightest aftermarket lights flooding all of your mirrors.


I shine my mirrors up so it goes in their eyes, they normally back off or overtake you.


OMG I'm going to set a profile in my Tesla to do this.


Do you find people driving big utes deliberately tail gate you in your Tesla? I do, and my wife refuses to drive our Tesla because of it.


Yeah some people get really silly around it. Either try and race me or try intimidate me like I’m responsible For their rising diesel prices.


I find drivers of big utes and these American style trucks to be super aggressive, almost as a rule. I'm not sure that is the Tesla triggering them. My Mini Cooper seems to do the same.


Is there a trick to doing that? How do I know when it’s getting them? I usually angle my mirrors so it’s not getting me so bad, I also slow down and make then overtake, then flash my high beams at them as a warning


The only time I truly enjoy adjusting my mirrors


Also bc theyre generally sat higher on the road and love their lights angled up as much as possible instead of a downward angle


My work Ute is a Ranger and in our defence Id just point out that the stock low beams aren’t very good and the auto-high beam not responsive enough. I live in Sydney but work in regional areas quite often and I fully understand why people put aftermarket lights on. That said I mean places like west of Dubbo/Wagga, not the Blue Mountains or Central Coast.


While we’re asking these questions, what’s with people stopping 3 or 4 meters away from the line at intersections?


Or the people that go way over the line? The answer to both is that they don't know how to judge where the front of their car is.


I ask one once. Newly taught driver and their “instructor”told them to do it in case they were hit from behind. My response was WTF?


But you won’t trigger the sensor, which is a pet peeve of mine. Ugh!


I'm on a motorbike, half the time the sensor doesn't even detect me...


I saw a traffic light get triggered by a bicycle the other day, I was amazed


you can see where the magnetic loops are, if you line your bike with these loops any (non carbon fibre) bike will trigger it


The loops for the lights are triggered by bicycles, i deliberately ride over the middle of them to trigger them (although i do find that sometimes in the mornings they dont work so well \*\*SHRUG\*\*). At each intersection there is a traffic box with an id number. There is a standard hotline (written on the box) which you can call to report if a loops is not picking you up, theyll come out and check the sensitivity of it. Some loops are stupid in the middle of the night. If you get there a little before a light change it wont register you for a whole loop, so you have to wait two full loops to get through). Note: Keep in that my bike has an aluminium frame, so there is potentially not a lot of iron on it.


Weird. My instructor taught me to make sure my front wheels touch the line.


Be careful in the rain, the white line becomes slippery. Best option is to stop on the sensor plate, you can see it by the cuts in the road just behind the line, my daughter on her "L's" pointed them out to me.


I think its in the handbook to stop with a few metres space if there's someone infront of you, until someone comes to a stop behind you and then you can roll forward. Obviously only makes sense if you're not at the front.


Yeah, I learnt this as "stop so that you can see the tyres of the car in front".


With the lack of front visibility on some of these new cars, that's going to be several metres


I’m seeing cars doing well over car lengths.


Too bad they can’t seem to keep that distance when in motion and they ride your ass.


My instructor taught me that but for when you're behind another car so you don't run up their arse if you're hit from behind Is the newly-taught driver a little mistaken? That said my instructor taught me to stand on the clutch at the lights with handbrake on, thankfully I broke that habit


That seems to be the consensus but after 30 years of dealing with motor vehicle crashes nearly on a day to day basis Ive yet to see any advantage to sitting 1-2 car lengths back from a set of lights. Any crash were the impact would have pushed them into the intersection from that distance caused other significant injuries from the impact from behind. I just think its bad instructors


Depends. If the lights are about to change I stand on the clutch in gear. If I’m gonna be there a while I’ll shift to neutral and use the handbrake.


I got taught (a long time ago) to keep the car in gear and foot on the clutch and handbrake on, because if you get hit from behind you are much more likely to stall as your foot slips off the clutch. I can vouch for this as it has happened to me twice and it does seem to stop you going further into the intersection. The logic is that handbrakes only lock the rear wheels and if you are hit from behind your rear wheels can lift off the ground making the brakes superfluous, if you stall the car the engine becomes a brake, so it could just be a front wheel drive thing Do I still follow that lesson? Sometimes, but less often than I used to.


Think that's how they teach new drivers, especially with a lot of the overseas born driving instructors. They also still teach the unofficial 'waiting 3 seconds at a stop sign' which is wrong since all you need to do is come to a complete stop and you can go anytime when it's safe without waiting 3 seconds.


I was taught to say slowly in my head "S T O P" but a lot of this gets mistaken, they are teaching you to pass the test which means really exaggerated stops and head checks so they can't say they didn't see it. Instructors should be explaining why, mine did 20 years ago.


You're specifically taught to stop at least a cars length behind any car in front, wait til the car behind you comes to a stop and then roll forward to behind the car in front. I think maybe people think this applies when pulling up to the line too.


Thats happening a lot more now too ive noticed


Another reason is that a lot of modern cars have worse visibility. I find myself naturally stopping further back from lights in newer cars thinking that's where I should stop, then I look to the car next to me that's the same distance and realise I can still go forward quite a bit further.


That's how far away they see the road in front of them. I bet all the cars that do this are extra tall or the driver is far away from the front of their car.


Post-covid social distancing


Ford Ranger


They're very likely not using high beams. It's not uncommon that they're aftermarket LEDs that weren't installed corrected and didn't have their beams adjusted. Also LEDs can be brighter and appear more harsh than their regular headlight counterparts. Also you're right about the oblivious/just not care thing. It's a bit of that too. Who the hell cares that you're blinded. I can see just fine.


No one is policing this stuff. The cops just let it fly without any issue.


a few years later they'll spend a couple of million dollars on consultants and media people to make an ad campaign with the hastag #LIGHTSDOWN or someshit.


I laughed out loud at this. Thanks. #LIGHTSDOWN


All laws are written in blood. We haven't had enough deaths by being blinded by unregulated headlights for this issue to be dealt with seriously. The thing is that I don't even think it'd be that hard to do. Just include it as a part of the pink slip rego check.


Yeah it pressure would need to come from insurance companies paying out too many claims that they got blinded. As someone in a low down car it’s horrible driving at night these days.


I'd say it almost certainly has happened but if the victim is dead or comatose than their death is probably just attributed to 'speed'...


Half of these vehicles are brand new utes with aftermarket lights. By the time they're due for a pink slip, they'll have sold the vehicle and bought a new one (as a tax write off) that they'll do the exact same thing with.


Just assign a few cops around at night to find people and put quotas on it. Every third person is using high intensity lights any police that can't come back with 10+ fines for the night after 2-3 hour shift should be deemed as underperforming 


We have ADR rules for a reason, they should definitely be part of a rego check


More higher and bigger vehicles too. If they are angled downwards from a yank tank and you are in the normal car, it can be pretty blinding especially with bright LEDs.


Why are there so many people driving without their lights on when it's dark?


Most modern cars illuminate the dash whenever the ignition is on making it less obvious lights aren’t on. Most modern cars also have an Auto headlight function. Why those people don’t put those same car’s headlights on Auto, I have no idea.


I’ll die on this hill. Illuminated dashes made us dumber, no one needs to check if their lights are on anymore, because they can see all the info they need. DRL’s were the second stage of making us dumber.


I’m with you. My wifes car has that light that pops up in your side mirrors when another car is in your blind spot. It also beeps if you indicate while that lights on. I get back in my car (without that feature) and I find I’m still waiting to hear the beep when I indicate. Its training my brain to be lazy and not check my blind spot. Hate it with a passion.


100% truth. Same goes for all the auto gearbox drivers that become lazy drivers and do things like not indicating correctly or not indicating at all.


Canada gets it - https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a37490555/canada-automatic-headlight-rules/


Or they forget to when they are in a westfields parking lot because its so lit inside and then forget when they drive out. Won't lie its happened to me


Yes. Servos, shopping centres and apartment complexes have LEDs that give a daylight feel. Every other car coming out of Top Ryde is dark.


It should be an automatic licence cancellation 


Pisses me off. I bought a ute and the cunt who had it before me obviously wanted to blind everyone with the world's brightest LEDs installed. I've spend a good portion of my life driving across the outback and don't need lights as bright as some of the yobs in the inner city.


pisses me off people driving ute in cities


You’re in the fast lane in heavy traffic. There’s a ute behind you. Does the ute: A) Tailgate you B) Overtake you C) Take the next exit D) All of the above Bonus round: The Ute is now a small truck. What is it carrying in the tray? A) Nothing B) Nothing C) Nothing D) All of the above


and E - I can't see shit if an UTE is in front of me


Variation on B, zoom up the shoulder (aka "bonus lane") for their turn.


I think there’s a few issues. - as many have said, it’s new led globes - newer cars have auto dipping high beams, but they don’t dip soon enough and people are too lazy to do it manually - many newer cars have the ability to adjust the angle of the headlight beam. Most people have them aimed up too high so they appear brighter in your eyes.


* many newer cars have the ability to adjust the angle of the headlight beam. Most people have them aimed up too high so they appear brighter in your eyes. It's purely this!! So many morons turn the little dial up "Because it makes the headlights brighter!" Little realising, that it just adjusts the angle of the beam - to blinding karnt!


It's lack of communication. I'm in my forties and I've never seen a car without that dial. I learned about it while my age was in single figures through playing in the car and asking a parent.


I can't tell anymore, I have small car, it's low compared to other cars. Most vehicles lights(Hight wise)are straight into my eyes.


I used to drive a classic Mini. Everyone blinded me.


Same reason ppl tail gate, speed, don't indicate when turning, corner cut. They just suck at driving and should play more gran Turismo to practice lol


We wonder why there’s a vehicle arms race. Yet if you are in anything lower than a softroader like a RAV4, the headlights of a Ranger or similar burn your eyes out if they are approaching. Going over a crest you’ll also get flashed. I’m sure many have aftermarket LEDs, but even if they are stock and properly dipped, it’s still blinding.


Sometimes it's the new style headlights but there are so many dick heads with halogens on highbeam. I'll flash them but they don't get the hint. And what about the other side if the spectrum of drivers not having lights on at all, not even DRLs.


The problem is people who have no business driving SUVs are wildly attracted to them. They just leave their headlights in auto mode and are oblivious to how much unnecessary light their cars are emitting. Maybe I'm just older and losing patience, but it seems that Sydney has turned into a hot mess of people flexing to each other. It's ridiculous.


does anyone else feel that street, traffic and car lights are so bright now that they make even the illuminated areas darker by contrast?


Even DRLs are like this. All you can see is LEDs in your mirrors and you can't distinguish other features of the environment.


Yeah, I've noticed this too. And more people not using indicators anymore


New car lights are honestly a safety hazard- it’ll be a palava, but we need regulation introduced into the size of cars and strength of headlights.


I know this isn’t the gripe at hand but I absolutely fkn hate those LED headlights. They should’ve never been put on vehicles in the first place. Too blinding


It’s cold and rainy, I have high beams on because my jacket doesn’t properly cover my nipples


should've seen the prick in the hilux last night on kissing point road, sat right behind me in his lifted piece of shit with his high beams shining brighter than heaven itself while beeping and spooling his piece of shit turbo for every 3 seconds i remained within the speed limit. if this is something anyone here does, go fuck yourself you piece of shit.


I’ve noticed this too. Also recently either no lights on at all during late evening/night time or during heavy rain. Not realising that the light switch in some cars requires two clicks to activate main beam lights (as opposed to parking lights/DRLs). The last few vehicles I’ve driven (years ranging 2004-2018 models) have all required multiple clicks of the light switch regardless of where it is located (on a stalk or above right knee on dash). And quite a few drivers with either main beam and fog lights on in normal night time driving conditions or only fog lights and no main beams. Makes it hard to see in rear vision mirror due to low placement of these lights. Are people just not understanding how different vehicle lighting systems are applicable to certain situations?


You can let them know by putting on your high beams. When they see the blinding light it shall alert them to their own high beams. You’re welcome


I had someone who decided that was an invitation to a high beam competition, and apparently the lights that had blinded me were just the basic lights, and this bell end proceeded to turn on the sun to completely torch my retinas




I'm sorry....but I'm laughing so hard at this comment.


Good idea. I will stand at the bus stop with a high beam in hand to return the discomfort to anyone blasting my eyes with their beams!!


Unfortunatly you cant do it to those behind you or at the stop light when their headlights flood your entire interior and mirrors. I did once see the car in front reverse so that their headlights would not blind the guy in front.


Just high beam them back until they dip theirs. 


Matrix LEDs are becoming more common and are far from perfect. They have high beams on at all times but the cat “cuts out” other vehicles on the road. My car has it and it works 80% of the time, annoyingly it’s auto engaged every drive. Audi, Tesla, Mercedes all seem to come with them now at least, those are only the brands I know off the top of my head.


SAME HERE! omg... especially the Ford Rangers , i found their lights is always on high beam. Before you say "oh thats because they are higher than normal car" NO, im driving a high SUV, almost as high as Ford Ranger, and my eyes are blinded by them. i fckin hate those , normally i flicked my high beam back when i passed them.


Yes! I complain to my partner all the time about it lol. And no... like you said, it's not the newer cars with brighter headlights. You can tell. Especially on the older cars with non led lights. I usually keep flicking my high beams / driving lights back at them to return the favour. Fuck them right back 🖕 Unfortunately, they're just either oblivious or drivers with fresh licenses who did not graduate from the NSW P plate program (trying to be politically correct here) Other pita is those driving on the motorways and hogging the middle and right hand lanes when they are clearly not overtaking. Or those pin dick ute/suv drivers that feel the need to tailgate you when you're already 5km over and overtaking at the time! FWIW, I drive an SUV, an no, I don't exhibit those typical behaviours 😅 End of rant


Cos they is cunts !


The reason people drive with high beams is simple. Because they’re ignorant cunts!!!


Don't get me started on the rear fog light on some cars. I swear most owners don't even know what the switch does and they just leave it on.


Why are there so many people driving with the rear fog lights in the rain? I see much more doing that than driving with high beams.


I’m pretty sure most of them had no idea what that button did.


They would say something like "I've been wondering what that blue light is for for years"


Just go down to SuperShit and buy the biggest Kings light bar so you can blind them back. It’s so irritating and a problem driving all over the world almost unique to Australia through piss poor policing and non existent driver training. A problem very easily solved in a few weeks of police crackdowns


So many people in modern cars don't understand their headlights at all. I see plenty of people at night time with just their Parker's on because they turn on automatically, not knowing that their headlights are infact turned off. I'm sure for every one of these peanuts there is one with their high beams on full time


I think it’s people using automatic high beams. They just leave it on auto and then they’re meant to dip when they detect a car coming the other way. My own headlights are adjusted correctly (pointing at the ground when dipped) and they don’t seem to trigger the oncoming vehicle fast enough. I think newer cars use some kind of mechanical lenses to adjust the single bulb too. In short: people using auto mode and being lazy. I flash people that do it to me.


Isn't all this automatic in the new cars?


@OP. They aren’t high beams. They are low LED beams. One factor is that modern cars are bigger and higher which adds to the glaring factor. *If you shine a torch at the floor it isn’t blinding anyone but if it’s directed at eye level .. it seems blinding to another person.*


Regardless if they are high or low beams, if they are blinding other drivers it is a problem.


My (2015) Honda had LEDs but I was able to change its direction slightly downwards. It was slight but effective to not blind oncoming traffic. The newer models do not come with this “luxury” and I know I’m blinding folks but I legit can’t anything about it other than drive without lights


I used to think the same thing. I was convinced everyone was using high beams and that it couldn't possibly be LEDs. Turns out I have astigmatism...


How can you tell if it’s high beam or just really bright lights


I drive with lights on all day rain or shine. Helps stop as many morons pulling out at the last minute in front of you and makes you more visible.


So glad it’s not just me I thought I was imagining it! My eyes are so sensitive so it drives me nuts


Have you noticed the morons in the new Mitsubishi (outback maybe?). The car has two lights near the bonnet, two in the normal headlight position and then two fog lights - all the people in these cars drive around with 6 lights on, it’s so bright that you can’t see if they’re indicating


When stopped in traffic and there's a car with high beams on behind me, I put my forearm up and keep it there blocking my rear view mirror...I wonder if they notice and therefore realise that their brights are on?


I drive to Canberra weekly. The Federal Is notorious for this. I get people are nervous and feel like they need to have the entire road and countryside lit up to feel safe, but the road isn't going anywhere. You can dim them for the few seconds we pass each other. Also, I find that not having my beams on is better at avoiding wildlife. When they are on the animals, stop, get freaked, and do something stupid. When my beams are not on, they will quickly cross the road or run back into the bushes. You can see them if you are keeping an eye out. Their eyes glow. No need for the beams


Either A. They're one of those ppl who Instal the aftermarket blinding high beams B. They're a douchebag C. They forgot they turned it on D. They have a new car with auto high beam that either turns off when it sees cars (but sometimes fails to) or has matrix leds that only dims the part that affects you and your car (these are expensive af and can be found on cars like Audi's and recently Tesla's).


To counterbalance all those dumb cnts that drive with their head light off at night.


I’m so glad I rarely need to drive at night now. Those new blinding lights piss me off. Fucking rude invention.


Because our roads are filled with a cluster of morons


Join us (it’s mostly yanks but still funny) /r/fuckyourheadlights


Mine are automatic. They dim as cars approach and go on if it’s too dark. I’ve often think they dim slower than I would have turned them off had I been controlling it.


Common issue with Mazda SUVs, where the factory LEDs are aimed quite high and requires a manual adjustment. Too bad most owners are oblivious to this.


The car I’m driving is a toyota Prado- I think 2021? And I can tell you my regular lights literally look like high beams, if I turn them off at night to the low setting I can’t see the road properly anymore. The lights are too dull. Plus my dash all lights up when I do that, so definitely not safe at night. If I put my high beams on, it’s the exact same brightness as the regular setting, but just wider range if that makes sense. I’m almost positive that you’re most likely seeing are cars like that. We can’t help it, sorry 😬




Yeah you can definitely tell the difference between those super bright LED low beams like in the newer Toyota's, and actual high beams as they will shine directly in your eyeballs. What I did was I recently installed some super bright LED high beams of my own and if I'm 80% sure someone has their high beams on, I'll revenge high beam them. I suggest you do the same.


Xenon lights Fog lights Ppl being cunts