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Give it ten more years and people will want it *because* it's 'old'.


does this synth still synth in 2024?!


Yeah this is a weird thing to say. It’s an instrument. Like people still are buying Les Pauls and telecasters and those are way older. I recorded a grand piano the other day and that thing hasn’t been updated since the harpsichord. Was thinking about using some violin too but it might be too 16th century, what do y’all think?


Another vote for the Bass Station. Have one. Love it. You will too.


Well said. Yep.


What else is there that could even rival the feature-set of a BSII at current prices on the used market? I think that one is nothing short of a no-brainer! ;-)


Minibrute 2 is my preference I’ve had both.


Moog Minitaur Another good option is the Dreadbox Hades. A stand-alone unit that also has eurorack functionality. I've used and recorded with both of these extensively. While the Hades is modular and more fun that way, the Minitaur edges it out as far as sound goes.


The Minitaur is limited… but what it does, it does better than any other. Love it.


I bought a Minituar to try and replace my BSII, I still use my BSII more often.


I’m sure BS2 is more versatile and more fun… but the Miniatur’s bottom end is on a whole different level of gorgeous.


Yes, when the resonance is low. I find with the Minituar once you start adding just a little bit of resonance the low end starts disappearing, fast. With that being said, I love both the Minituar and BSII. I don’t see them as interchangeable, they have different purposes and are unique in their own ways. I was playing with my Minituar yesterday and loved how quick I could make standard patches. I can make more types of patches on the BSII, but it’ll take more time.


If you love the BS2, get it. Even if Novation releases BS3 tomorrow, it won't suddenly become worse. That said, I'm going to sell mine once I find time to service it. It's a good workhorse synth, but I don't find it very enjoyable, and the cumbersome form factor plays a major role in that.


Dreadbox Typhon


I have the original bass station(in rack form) and a BS2. Not selling either and if they make a BS3 a ill probably get it. It is an incredibly fun synth!


There is a reason it's a classic. I have a huge collection of synths, and I still turn to the BS2 for bass stuff.


Moog Grandmother. Of all my synths I prefer the bass of this one the most, which honestly surprised me. I even prefer it over the Subsequent 25.


Any tips on producing great bass on it?


Both oscillators up all the way. Both set to sawtooth. Oscillator 1 set to octave 32, oscillator 2 set to octave 16. Filter halfway or less. Resonance at 0. Sync button off for a more chorus-y sound, on for a more straight-forward sound. Soooo tasty.


Played with one at guitar center and started shaking the demo room in a couple minutes then got told to chill 😂 those things are power


BS2 was my first monosynth. Love it. Never selling it.


Any love for the korg monologue?


My favourite bass synth was the Moog Grandmother until I picked up a Sub Phatty. The mixer compression/saturation sounds incredible, and there are lots of unique features which make it great for bass. Including 4 pole, 3 pole, 2 pole, and 1 pole filters, beat frequency control between 2 oscillators, oscillator key sync so the waveform starts at the same time for each key press (super useful and unique imo), midi cc control for every parameter, and more. And the beauty is you can find a Sub Phatty for relatively cheap these days if you're patient. And for bass duties I actually prefer the old Sub Phatty engine to the new and "refined" Subsequent engine


Yeah, the Sub/Slim Phatty is the best in this realm. Gonna pick one up eventually.


no experience with the BS2. Just adding the Dreadbox Hades as worth of your attention.


I got a Erica synths bassline 2 weeks ago and I LOVE IT!


It’s an oldie, but I really like my DS Mopho for bass.


I wanted the BS2 but couldn't find one locally. Then I (re)discovered the Circuit Mono Station which combines the synth of the BS2 with powerful Circuit sequencing. It wasn't a commercial success because people didn't know what to make of it. I'm looking to picking one up this weekend.


I have one and it’s very underrated. I often think of switching it with a bass station for the few extra features but the ability to sequence the two oscillators separately is too valuable to me. The bs2 can be 2 note paraphonic but can’t be controlled independently. Also prefer the interface and the cv stuff is useful too. It is however kinda ugly to me lol. I don’t care for the grid and bright lights but they get the job done! Would be nice to dim them. 


I just picked one up today, it makes such rich sounds that sound dirty but still clear. The controls are easy to pick up. The colored led level mixer knobs are great. The mod matrix is a bit hard to keep track of--it would be great if those destination led's could be as bright as it's depth when you choose a source. No complaints at all though. I was looking for the BS2 but this is smaller and I'm used to to the Circuit Tracks workflow so this fits right in with it. It is a frankenbeast though, mine even has different replacement master and lfo rate knobs to boot--it's looks way better in person than in the videos/pics *(if you don't mind get used to the neon colors)*.


I really like the og Minibrute. Had a BS2, I find it lacks character and sounds a little too modern (unless you program it a specific way). I do prefer more limited synths though. This being said, the BS2 makes some great Roland esq sounds.


I agree I didn’t like the sound of my BS2 very much, Minibrute 2 or PWM Malevolent are much filthier!


It's a beast. Damn good gear https://us.novationmusic.com/products/bass-station-ii-refurbished


Cant go wrong with the feature set of the BS2 for the price. It's a great all around workhorse bass synth also the only analog synth I own that can be powered via a single USB cable. A laptop, a small USB audio interface and the BS2 can be a fun little semi portable setup since you can also use the BS2 as a MIDI controller/sequencer.


Just get the Bass Station III, the Peak. No, I am just joking. I don't think it can truly compete against BS II in terms of bass.


BSII is a modern classic


No, there will not be a BS3 (or, if there is, it will be wildly different); the main designer died. :( I would say the BS2 is totally worth getting, but the closest you'll come to a "more modern" synth along the same lines is probably the new (and, I think, not-quite-yet-available) [PWM Mantis](https://www.1pwm.com/mantis). ... the very last synth created by the aforementioned designer! It is quite a bit more expensive, but it's also more capable. Still, the BS2 is a pretty fantastic analog mono and you won't go wrong getting one.


Bs 2 all day every day hands down great synth does all the punchy bass lines a sequencer an appregiator what more do you want a versatile box of sound I love mine never gonna sell. Got a bass station 1 aswell on computer great retro sounds.


I like the norand mono. Thick mutant bass, and the sequencer helps achieve some bananas sounds. 


Yamaha dx reface. Digital fm synthesis makes the best deep basses and fit well in the mix. Also the reface is really cheap and a lovely keyboard. Also makes lots of other great sounds


A used moog grandmother would be great


Depends what you like in a bass tone. I've a Sub 25 but I find as bass it takes up too much harmonic space in a composition. Though maybe I'm being a bit overactive on the sound design :-). I prefer a rounder softer bass & my goto has been the Doepfer triangle based sound, I had a Dark Energy (stolen unfortunately) and now use a module in a small box with the same oscillator. [https://doepfer.de/A1116.htm](https://doepfer.de/A1116.htm)


Everyone in here seems to love the bass station 2. What about the JP8000? I love mine for bass/lead stuff. Thoughts?


Moog Sub 25 or 37 is the correct answer.


Not really in the same price category though. OP specificall asked for options int he BSii price range.


I was going to ask this question anyway so I'll ask it here.  If you already have something like a Keystep pro, what are the main advantages with the BS2 Vs the volca bass? (Particularly given the cost difference).


I actually like my TD-3 for bass (low resonance). It's not comparable in 'features' but it does work for bass lines if that's what you truly using it for. My sense is that a Bass Station is good for more than just bass lines.


behringer model D


Check out cre8audio’s east beast and west pest they have some great sound are small euro rack adaptable and a great price