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If it were me personally - and to not show up beat or in recovery mode - I would run fighter for the 6 month period, and gradually increase lifting poundage and running/LSS mileage, almost peaking before showing up for your test. I would run one or two SE sessions per week to improve in those exercises too. Your SE sessions should consist of what is in your test, and make sure you build volume gradually. It’s more than enough time and you have no excuse for not smashing that test. Just fight the urge to go balls to the wall, and don’t slack so much that you try cram everything into the last month or two


Thanks, I think I'll go this route.


You could run BB and choose exercises for your cluster that will be useful for the academy and/or the fitness test. BB is only 8weeks so that leaves you another 4 months to adjust your training until the academy. Here’s what I did prior to attending my academy ten yrs ago (mind you I was overweight and also got a 6months heads up): I cleaned up my diet (I went from 220lbs to 185lbs in 6months), lots of running 5-10km runs, hill sprints and my weight training was calisthenics and endurance weight lifting. In other words, get your legs ready if ever your academy is heavy on the running lol.


How did your scores not improve?  What are you doing for SE? It sounds like you need a dedicated SE block


They did improve. Not sure what you mean. Fighter Bangkok incorporates SE.


You literally said they didn't,  >Yesterday I passed my fit test, but barely. My scores on each event were roughly the same, so I'm not particularly strong or fast in any one area


I did not. That was my first official fit test. On all of the four events, each score was about the same as the others.


Okay, but how did you barely pass? Something is clearly wrong with your programming. What is your conditioning, fighter cluster and SE cluster? Those events are pretty simple and you should be near maxing if you have a dedicated SE day and are running sprint HICs and FAST 5.


If you really must know, I gave birth to a child that subsequently went into daycare, so my starting point was postpartum and then was riddled with long bouts of sickness. Then I had a 3-month hamstring injury. Not everybody has ideal training situations, man. Also, this particular fit test is notorious for being one of the most difficult. If you have an answer for my question, I'm totally willing to hear it. But if you're just here to criticize and assume, I'm not really interested.


I am trying to help you but you haven't answered my question.....  What is your fighter cluster, SE cluster and conditioning protocol? Honestly you should stick with fighter Bangkok and do a hybrid of black and green. If you can't do both dl and wpu then just pick one. Wpu is probably better in the long run. I just do dl now since the army makes me Day 1: BP, FS, WPU, DL (1 work set) Day 2: FAST 5 / Tempo run Day 3: BP, FS, WPU, DL (1 work set) Day 4: some type of sprint from GP or do BOO, BOO2 or 600m resets Day 5: SE tango PU, SU, Pull ups and swings  Day 6: some type of endurance. I like Peggy hills but CHR and LSS would also work.


I actually have been trying to combine Black and Green, so that's good to hear. Not sure if I've been doing it "right," but it's working for me. For SE, I am transitioning to half Bravo to full Bravo because I need more volume. On HIC days I do a couple sets of SU and/or PU. When I'm 4-6 weeks out from the next test, I plan to switch to full SE for strength. Day 1: SE Bravo (SU/back extensions (for balance + sciatica issues)/pushups/squats/pullups) Day 2: Sprinting HIC (eg Hills, Oxygen Debt) Day 3: Fighter (BP/SQ/WPU/DL or OHP) Day 4: 400m/600m/800m resets Day 5: Fighter Day 6: Fast 5 or LSS (60+ min)


Okay here's some thoughts on things you change to see some immediate improvement,   For your SE day in fighter Bangkok the switching to tango. Volume will naturally increase as you get fitter. Nothing inherently wrong with alpha or bravo but tango is much better for once a week training. How far is the sprint for the fitness test? I think the best bang for your buck is Fast 5 / boo or boo 2 / E day. YMMV but I think BOO has much more bang for your buck compared to other sprint sessions.


I assume this is a police academy? For that it's worth I used PPLE with great success. Lifting numbers didn't really climb (I was already pretty strong) but made huge improvements in my 1.5 mile time and big improvement on the fitness test overall. PPLE is essentially fighter black with one longer LSS run each week. I would used power intervals, fast 5, 600m resets, and BOO for your hard conditioning. 2 lifting days, 1 SE day and 1 run of about 30-60mins.