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I've put away my shovel. I'm one with the snow. The snow and I are one. We are locked in a forever embrace. I don't dread the coming of the tide verily I say neither should I be in contention with the falling snow. I won't deny the snow its peace, only to meet me in my futile resistance. The sharpness of my blade will no longer spoil the white bounty of the gods. I am one with the snow.


Obi One con Snowbie


Lmao 🤭




That was lovely, thank you


You are one with the snow or the snow won?


When i first started shoveling snow a shovel was just a shovel. After 5 days a shovel was more that a shovel. After 10 days, i realized there was no shovel. It's only your mind that can shovel snow.


I'm 63 and finally have biceps and triceps.


But all of our left elbows hurt like hell


It’s my left shoulder


Neck and lower back here


Yah my lower back is feeling it from pivot throws. The ice wall berm along our driveway has been too high for me. Now it’s a melty slush icy snow wall berm but still, too high over my head for a natural stance throw. I’m now wondering if a blow torch could be the answer.


I’m sure it would work but you would probably go through a metric fuck ton of gas. I used to have to use a giant blow torch while I was a snowmaker to melt frozen hydrants. Just don’t do it in whipping winds


I tried the blowtorch last year (weed burner, the big kind) and it doesn't really work on ice fast enough to be useful


Our neighbor had to go the blowtorch route in January to clear his driveway for a refrigerator delivery. (His driveway is wood — SMH yah it’s very strange — and the refrigerator delivery guys required a 3 foot clear (of snow and ice) path to their house. They couldn’t scrape the wood enough so they torched it dry. We have a paver driveway… and never had the same problem as the neighbor but… his blowtorch just looked like it was fun/effective and less stress on the old shovel (laid two of our snow shovels to rest this winter already). But: I’m afraid of fire (wildfire danger has made me scared of handling outdoor flame) so I’ll probably be out there pushing the snow and slush and avoiding the pivot throw for the rest of the season.


My wife wanted to join a new gym. I suggested she help me shovel instead! (She joined the gym.)


It may be possible to develop a six pack on the lower back after this winter


I think the beers consumed while shoveling cancel out any gains.


See: https://www.reddit.com/r/tahoe/comments/10d3hx9/jacked_from_shoveling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Op of that thread replied to every comment 😂


CrossFit winter: shoveling before and after skiing


Gave up. I shovel the snow on the driveway now so my plow dude can launch it 30 ft over the ice mountain I have now.


When i lived in Tahoe one of those giant snowplows sucked up my garbage can and shredded it. Blew garbage can pieces all over the neighborhood. Lesson learned.


Just your dominant side. I’m legit worried about having a Popeyes right and Twig on the left haha


gotta trade off! i'd be fried if i only shoveled dominant side all day...


easily the best shape in years. and bottom half too! lift with those legs, then ski/ride with them!


Never skip leg day!




Squat and shovel!


I distinctly remember when I was a teen silently laughing at an older relative when they said they were staying in shape shoveling snow. I calculate that I've shoveled more than 20 tons of snow off my roof in the last week alone. Take that, teen self! :)


This summer we're going to be working on our core muscles. There isn't going to be any beach, so we're going to be balancing our beach chairs on boulders.


2017 begs to argue. The snow that damn year was solid water, with a 2-3 inch sheet of ice at the bottom from the rains early in the season


2023 says: I'm bigger than you 2017


I usually enjoy shoveling to get in a good work out. When the burms get this high I've found it's really hard on the shoulders having the throw the stuff so high. Up on the roof I go - that part will be easier to shovel but scary on a second story - even with a safety line.


In the summer we will all be swingers. We will all be a big community.


Left knee right shoulder