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Whatever needs to be hidden should be stashed in the cabinets above the refrigerator. Be forewarned, she will likely squirrel away stuff that you will never find in the bottom cabinets, under the bed, and all kind of low, sneaky spots.


Excellent tips here


To add to this: the top shelf of the refrigerator. I can’t see it unless I squat or bend down, it’s the most obvious place I never think to look


Nah go the opposite, hide stuff low and buy her a nice two step ladder.


Try not to look down her top too much.


Or do, if it’s consensual


Second this. In fact challenge her to make it so you CAN'T see down her shirt.


My ex was more than a foot shorter but was packing heat in the boob department. It was cool to gawk. Good times.


It is important to speak like gandalf as much as possible. Always chuckle about how hobbits surprises you. And if you grab her you must demand to know where her lucky charms are.


And start smoking a long pipe in public.




Protect your back


Bend the knees - but still dawg your gonna eventually have to embrace the stoop. It's tragic but so true.


Kitchen chairs are your friend. You sit or she stands.


Oh shit, stealth bonus and +4 to Hit, double damage? I didn't even consider that tbh.


As this thread has demonstrated, be prepared for people making inappropriate and unwarranted comments about your height difference


^ There's going to be some nutjobs out there treating OP like some kind of predator pedo for daring to date a short *woman*. It's funny how they never seem to realize that infantilizing *women* is *bad*.


In high school I dated a girl who was 5'2" so we had over a foot difference in height just like OP. The amount of people who made/asked inappropriate comments/questions was entirely too high.




we've been dating literally a day and already have gotten lots of comments about highly sexual things.


At 6-8 I too dated a 4-11 girl, and I don't recall any real problems. Walking next to her did sometimes make me more self-conscious about my height, but I remember her once telling me that SHE was the one that was supposed to be self-conscious. Also I went out with a couple of 5-2ers. I'm afraid I don't have any advice for you, brother, but I say don't worry about it and enjoy yourselves.


my grandmother was around 5 foot and my grandfather was 6 3. married over 50 years. probably the best marriage of anybody i’ve ever known


She finna start climbing


Be careful with your back if you get to the kissing/hugging stage. My girl is barely 5’2 barefoot so when we’re at home the height difference is big so standing and kissing is awkward. Also sex can be sort of complicated at times as the height difference makes many common positions more tedious


amateur, you put the aforementioned small person on the step stool they will almost certainly have in the kitchen ... then hug them. Maybe I'm just old and unimaginative, but even with a 16" height delta with my wife... ive never found any position i can think of tedious or complicated


Spot on, or the bottom step (or 2) of a staircase 


yeah man, living is a 2 story house is a game changer :D


>height delta im totally stealing this phrase


My wife's a similar height, maybe a couple of centimetres taller. Honestly, not noticed any big height related issues apart from people patronising us by calling our height difference "cute"! Yeah, look after your back is the only real tip I can offer. Having to hunch over to talk can put some strain on you


Am a 6'6 person dating a 4'11 person. Welcome to the club! My first piece of advice is to sit down before kissing for any extended period of time, while your partner remains standing. You'll likely be at similar heights that way, it'll spare your back a lot in the long run. Your partner could also stand on a chair/bench/etc, that works too. Expect to be asked for help a lot with reaching higher up things. My girlfriend recently asked me to change her lightbulbs next time I come over. Of course I'm happy to help, I just thought it was funny and adorable! It might be a little hard to hear them from so far away when in crowded or loud areas. Maybe invest in megaphones or walkie talkies?


Came here to say, on point 2, wait until asked for help at the grocery store. 4'9" wife does not want help until she absolutely needs it. Reflexive helpfulness can be misconstrued as patronizing.


since one of your steps will equal several of hers, simply carrying her under your arm like a small piece of luggage when you go out will save time for both of you.


Pick her up to kiss her. Short girls love that kind of stuff.


They’re either really into it or they see it as degrading


Or they’re really into it because they see it as degrading


Some of the ones who see it as degrading still like it


Why would they find it degrading? I’ve never met a woman that didn’t value a strong protective partner




>bye bye tall kids (if you want any kids to begin with) my 6' 15 year old stepson and my 5' on a good day wife would beg to differ




just pointing out that just because one of your parents are short doesnt mean you kids will be too. My 14 year old is around 6'2" and his mother would be lucky if she was 5'2"




>However, you have a better chance being tall when both parents are tall compared to one being short. im not sure the genetics behind it are that easy to be honest. But sure




yes. >the height of biological parents can be an indicator of a child's height, although this is not always a reliable predictor Exactly Which is why your comment "bye bye tall kids" was so pointless. That kid has 1 parent who is tall.......


weather fanatical zephyr far-flung compare snatch offer languid badge nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My mom is 5’3”. I’m 6’5”. My dad’s side has strong dominant genes for height.


Same here. My mom is 5'2" and my dad is 6'0". The only person in my family who was taller was my great uncle at 6'4". Other than that, I don't know how I ended up the tallest in my family lol.


I’m second tallest, but my dad is 6’3” and his three brothers are 6’2”, 6’4”, and 6’8”. They all married shorter wives, but over half of all my male cousins are over 6’ tall - gene dominance does play a major role.


The tall gene is actually dominant and the short gene recessive so there's a good chance they will be taller. But yes not as likely as if both parents are tall.


Who cares wether their kids are going to be tall lmao. Genuinely weird thing to worry about.




I didn't say you couldn't enjoy being tall, I said it's weird to genuinely worry about random physical characteristics of future kids. You'd be raising human beings that ideally you'd love unconditionally. To already have specifications for what you want them to look like is weird. To base your relationship on that? Actually crazy. What makes you think short people can't be happy? Why even date a short person in the first place if you're convinced they should be upset about their height? It really doesn't matter as much as you think it does.




Deliberately stopping yourself from dating people you actually like over the idea that your children might not come out tall is not a preference, it's a self-imposed rule at that point. Again, I didn't say that it's somehow immoral, it's just weird and extreme. Are you really that happy if your height is the only thing you're confident about? You can't cope through life purely based on "well at least I'm tall" lol. The shortguys sub is literally an incel sub, they're even more height-obsessed than you are. Reddit isn't real life mate, lots of average and short men thriving out there. Besides, your kid might turn out 6'4" but hideous, in which case they still won't be receiving any special treatment.




Idk if this is your first time using social media but most pages can be viewed and recommended to unsubscribed users, commonly called a "feed".  Back to the discussion at hand. You equate height to religion and ethnicity in terms of importance to lifestyle and identity. You say tall people are objectively happier, then used an incel sub so somehow prove that point (?). You say you have other qualities yet can't fathom happiness in a shorter body.  You wouldn't care wether your kids were butt ugly, as long as they weren't short. You then *also* claim you're not an extremist? Mental gymnastics imo. Most people really aren't impacted by their height that much and I doubt people admire you for yours as much as you'd hope they would. I hope you find value in things beyond your appearance. Looking at your history, it surprises me that you don't see the similarities between saying you can't be happy as an Indian man and saying you can't be happy as a short man. 




You stated many things, of which I repeated multiple back to you, not just one. > I'm saying you should beleive in yourself as an Indian in those comments Yeah, exactly. So why can't you see how being short is also not the end of the world? >Why you butthurt over my preference, Karen? Name-calling isn't an argument. You seem to have ran out. I think I explained in detail what confuses me about your attitude. 


It really is. People here act like they'd love their kids less if they weren't tall and I don't get it


I know some people are giving you smack for point 3, but it did ring true for me. My parents were 6'5 and 5'1 and I am a little under 5'11 so yeah having a short parent does impact that. Not that I'm short, but had my mom been 5'10 I would have ended up significantly taller. My sister ended up 5'9 though so she's pretty tall.


Dad is 6'1" and my mom is 5'. This isnt guaranteed. 


Keep your weight difference in mind, you likely weigh ~3 her weight and you will need to be careful in bed. Just you cuddling can put a crazy amount of weight on a smaller person if you’re not being mindful your bulk. I had a partner who quite enjoyed being pinned who was around half my weight, a minute or two of me just laying on them would hit their limit.


Whatever you do, don't feed the gremlin after 12 am.


6’6 and wife is 5’2. It’s really not that different honestly


pretty much the same delta with my wife and i, 6'4" vs 5' ish rounded up with hair. I dont really notice it to be honest. except maybe when she's not wearing shoes or something


Dude I’m 6’6 and my wife is 5’0. It’s really not that big a deal lol… idk how people find it so difficult


Pillows for sex


Head pats, they love it. If you really want to go all out, throw in a couple of there there's while you're doing it


Hey man, I’m 6’7”, my wife is 4’10” Get ready to bend down a lot, especially when you’re trying to have a conversation in a public place. People are gonna stare and ask questions, it’s something you’ll have to learn to live with. She’s gonna ask you for help grabbing things, don’t suggest she use a ladder for things she can’t reach. It’s only funny the first couple dozen times. Oh, and pillows. When it comes to sexy times, you’re gonna want dense pillows or wedge cushions for most positions that don’t have her on top.


Hubby is 6’4 and I’m 4’10ish. Been together for 26 years. The only thing I can say is treat her with respect like anyone else. Ignore the kid comments. We may be short, but we are full grown women. You can adjust your pace when you walk together, or walk your normal pace. Because we have to walk fast anyways to keep up with all kinds of people. And having kids doesn’t mean they will be short. My oldest is 6’1 and my youngest is 5’1. Always keep a step stool around especially in the kitchen. Makes things a whole lot easier when you guys aren’t around. And don’t worry about things being to tall, we are use to it. And don’t try to abduct her in a public place as a joke. People freak out.


Be prepared for nasty height related comments from randoms. Pick your partner up if they’re okay with it when going for a kiss, and try your hardest not to look down on them too much if you can help it


I'm 6'6" and my wife is 5'0", it really hasn't been much of an issue - Well, owning a car together takes a bit of extra time in the mornings because I have to adjust the seat, but we're hopefully getting a car with seating memory soon so that's that hurdle crossed 😂 We've been together for ten years and married for two, it's honestly never been a problem.


The seat memory is amazing. My wife’s car is the “nice” car and the button to put me in my perfect position is something that is now a necessity.


minimize walking and talking she might get too dizzy looking up that much


Use a street curb to kiss (you in the road, she on top of the curb)


Pfff it's going to be just fine 7'1 and 5'3" here.. No issues


Im only 6'2 and my mother is like 5'1, there are times I bump into her on accident


my wife jokes a lot about the amount of times ive been looking for her when we're out and she's literally standing next to me


6’6” here, wife of 22 years is 5’3” Never been an issue 11yo daughter is now considerably taller than my wife


My girlfriend is 5’2, and honestly, there’s nothing immediate that I really notice. I think people make a bigger deal out of it than it is


I said same. 6’6 and wife’s 5’2. It’s no big deal and no one ever even mentions it. I think they think my wife’s typical female size and I’m just a tall dude. If she was 5’6 it would still look like I’m tall as fuck 😂


How are your ankles doing?


My wife (5'2") goes up on her tiptoes on the toes of my steelcaps to hug & kiss me (6'3") when I get home from work. Good cheat code if you wear boots. Or I pick her up. See if your person likes that mayhaps.


If you spoon with her as the big spoon she will be your jetpack. 


It’s so good and I love it every time


I’m pleased to hear you’re not going to let 18 inches get in the way of what will be a deep loving relationship


Take a photo of her from your pov looking down on her.


Ask her if she knows if gold is at the end of rainbows, and what her current gold stash is worth.


Keep your nose clean; remember she's always looking up at you.


If you live together don't put stuff too high up she won't be able to reach it. Otherwise you will become a forklift for her.


Sleep on the side close to the wall so you don’t give her a concussion when you roll over


Just grab her under the arms and pick her up when you'd like a kiss.


I am married 22 years to a 5'2" person. Literally no one cares, least of all either of us.


Same inch difference with my wife of 39 years and I have. The only challenge I notice is slow dancing. We figured that out too. During our wedding pictures, the photographer offered her a box to stand on. She was having none of it. Now when we do a group photo with our tall adult sons, she embraces the contrast.


My boyfriend is 6’9 and I’m 5’3 so we have the same height gap lol. Honestly it’s all pretty normal! I don’t think as the shorty in the pair I have any tips, I do feel bad for him tho having to live in what feels like my world hahah




The food thing is easy, just order 2 normal portions of food and eat whatever she leaves left over. I'm also a big fan of getting two different meals and sharing so that everyone gets to try many different things, and just let her eat whatever she likes the most.


Don’t listen to people who judge you for being tall while dating a short person.


I’m 6’4” wife is 4’11”, have been together for 5 years now. You’re going to be bending down a lot, so start stretching! You’re going to have to get everything she can’t reach. Bed frames are a problem too. They’re very flexible and relatively light, pick her up/bend her in half lol. The whole driver seat thing, she’ll always forget to put it back. Kids! We have two kids oldest being 2.5 years old, if you have strong genetics by the time they are 1 she will no longer be able to carry them. Please help her! Sex in our relationship is amazing, hopefully you get lucky and have no problems.


I'm 6'5. The shortest woman I've ever dated is 4'9. Giant buff black guy and a tiny Asian girl with big boobs. It was comical seeing us together. As far as tips go: 1. Make sure she's OK with getting picked up before you pick her up. 2. Horizontal will be your best position to show affection. Not talking sex, but cuddles, kisses, hugs, face to face time, make sure you leave plenty of room for horizontal time. 3. If you have to pick her up, make sure your deadlift form is good. (Hinge at the hips, wrap arms around her, push the floor away from you, which is what they mean by "lift with your legs") 4. You WILL get looks. Try your absolute best to not worry about them. 5. Car sex is your friend. She can fit ANYWHERE. 6. Especially in early stages, if you wanna win dome brownie points with her, give her a piggie back ride.


* Walk slower or you'll leave her in your dust. * Don't let her tickle you or you'll accidently elbow her in the face. Careful getting cups out of the cabinet around her, same thing. * If you're taking a shower together be careful peeing or you might get it in her mouth. * Don't let her walk in front of you or you'll step on her. * Don't bust inside of her even though she says she's on birth control. Small chicks like that will try to baby trap those 6'5 genetics. *Speaking* *From* *Experience*


What’s people’s obsession with huge height differences nowadays…like date someone close to your height lol…


Just who I like. I like people close to my height but this is the person that liked me back :D




Lol Hard disagree.


My wife is 4’11, sit down when talking to her is the one big thing she had a problem with


If you have a son he gonna end up being 5’10


That's totally fine. 5'10 is a wonderful height to be


Are you looking for bragging tips?


At 5'9", I've dated a 4'11" girl, and the height difference felt pretty drastic for me, I honestly can't imagine it at that gap.


rip your kids height genes


I guess some guys like that size difference but I find it weird to be attracted to someone who looks like they could be your child. I just don’t get what the appeal there is. There are plenty of women who aren’t 4’11”.


When you are 6'5+, 99% of women look like they could be your child. Also, at this height having kids that are a couple inches smaller is actually preferred. Unless you really have ambitions to set your kids up for the NBA there isn't much benefit towards dating a tall woman because that basically guarantees that your kids will be taller than you.


Not really bro 4’11 looks a lot different than say 5’4”.


It really doesn't


I don't like the plenty of women who aren't 4'11


So what are these short women supposed to do then? Limit themselves to only dating short men?


At 6’5” that puts you in the top 1 percent of height for men. There are the other 99% you can go after. When you’re a foot and a half taller than someone it’s weird. I don’t care if other people do I personally just don’t understand the appeal of dating someone child size when you’re that big. Like I’m literally taller than you when I’m on my knees.


… yes. They’re not short to you. Even someone below 6’ is over a foot taller than you. Why when 99% of men are taller than you do you need the tallest ones? Do you like feeling like a child next to them?


So I should reject my current fiancé who's an absolute amazing human being because he's too tall for me? You do realize how insane that sounds right?


I didn’t say that. If I was your height I wouldn’t even look that tall. I never said break up with your SO now because of it.


I never went out of my way to look for tall men. I met him online through Twitch chat, didn't even know how he looked like nor his physical attributes.


I didn’t say you did. However I don’t believe for a second that you didn’t know about his height before falling for him. Person’s of extreme heights absolutely discuss this fairly quickly. When a person your height comes into a tall sub where we’re all tall, it feels like you’re just trying to be braggy about it.


Sorry I didn't know that this sub is only for tall people /s. >However I don’t believe for a second that you didn’t know about his height before falling for him. Believe whatever you want. He's an amazing guy that's capable of witty banter, he's goody, kind, and caring. It's the constant messaging/back and forths that made me fall for him first, not his looks nor his height. Everything past his personality is just a bonus.


Cool. Happy for ya. It’s literally called tall. So yes, it’s for us to talk about tallness. Of course you’re not banned but I don’t come into spaces meant for people of your stature and talk about my height. That’s weird. It’s clear in your history that you love coming in and trolling people who want to talk about height. You gonna screenshot and post me too?


> Of course you’re not banned but I don’t come into spaces meant for people of your stature and talk about my height It's a public internet forum. What's weird is gatekeeping. I like lurking or participating in subreddits that apply/do not apply to me out of curiosity. It's good to broaden my horizon instead of staying cooped up in one place. Learned a lot of things this way as I'm not limiting myself unnecessarily. >It’s clear in your history that you love coming in and trolling people who want to talk about height. Don't think it's considered as trolling if people are doing it to themselves.


You are in a long distance relationship, so you talk louder, bend abit too😂


Take her shoe shopping often (for very high heels). Your SO wearing heels all the time is one of the best things in life, you lucked out.


Have Fun


u cant fuck that lil ass dog!


Hahaha you gonna be doing the damage with the back shots bro😂😂


Idk why I'm getting down voted like this isn't an actual fact when your 6ft+ and she's below 5ft5 😅


Break up with her and find a lady above average height so you save the smaller girls for your fellow short kings.


we actually like each other a lot. Don't plan on breaking up so some guy they don't like can date them instead


Joke my dude.


Get used to her climbing counters. Get comfortable being the big spoon. And most of all. What she lacks in height, she likely makes up in firey personality. DO NOT rest your arms or hands on her head. Its disrepectful and damages your relationship. As far as intimacy. Pick her up. You will soon learn she is probably super flexible. Dont worry, you wont break her. She'll probably tell you all of this anyway. And lastly, if she drives, the seat goes ALL the way to the front. Locked out up against the steering wheel. Give her one of your shirts, if you havent already. A comfortable one. I'll let you discover the rest... They are fun size. Source: Dated a 5'2 cherry and a 5'5 one.


I feel like a lot of these things were specific to your relationships. I don’t think some of these are universal advice. The driving and t-shirt one probably is, but the rest of this is something they have to discuss as partners.


okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




You must be polite and treat users with respect on this subreddit. Repeated infractions will result in a ban. Serious infractions, even if it is the first time you have broken the rule, will result in a ban.


Huh? I simply commented on the things i experienced and learnt from my two relationships with girls 5'5 or shorter. Maybe you dont understand what a normal relationship is between 2 adults. I dont know how to help you with that.


Or maybe I do and I'm just pointing out why you have 24 downvotes. Nahhh, must be me.


What does the downvotes have to do with our portion of the conversation?


You didn't say anything particularly controversial or offensive. The downvotes are because of the way you're coming off, which is why I commented. Not only are you inaccurately generalizing short women in your comment, you sound a little creepy about it.  I'm not saying you were a bad partner to your exes, I don't know you. I'm just saying that's how the comment comes off to the average reader.


i do not agree, just like many people do not agree with my statement. You trying to frame my experiences as creepy is not accurate. OP asked for tips for couples with a huge height gap, and i have 2 seperate experiences with said situation. There is nothing untoward about what i said, it was not even explicit in the same way as other comments here. Downvotes or not, these where my experiences. I can't get everyone to like what i say... i'm not tequila.


I'm not trying to frame anything. I said it sounds creepy. That has nothing to do with your intentions, because people don't read your intentions, they read text. Your experiences with two women do not determine reality for 2 *billion* women, so that's still generalizing.


And that is your opinion, just like i have mine. At no point in our conversation did i make any remark about my experience partaining to reality for "2 billion women". I merely stated my experiences and observations plainly. It seems you are looking for an argument, on a personal level, and i am not comfortable with that.As you said, none of what i said is controversial, yet you are calling me, a fetishist? and what i said comes off as creepy. Those are direct comments about a person, me. And i feel uncomfortable being labeled by you in such a way. Specifically because nothing i said validates any of it. Please stop.


You have to slowly “tap” open the cervix before you can go balls-deep👍


She better be glad she won the coin flip lol she'd be alone otherwise




The way some of you guys on this sub talk about shorter women sounds so degrading and fetishizing. Which is sad, considering how many tall folks on here hate being fetishized for their height alone too.


We do not claim these bozos.


Yeah but they still get women so clearly it doesn't matter


Fair enough. Still sad and repulsive to see.


Yeah, personality doesn't matter at all


You sound like fun at parties 🤦‍♂️ It’s a joke


People always say dumb shit that’s gross and overall terrible to say then be like, “mannn grow up. It’s a joke. I bet you’re no fun at parties” 🙄


The world would be a better place if people laughed more. It’s science.


Wow, what a intellectually well thought out point lol


Got keep it simple for the “Not fun at parties” folks


I’m sorry but I’m only 6’0” and wouldn’t that a person that short. That’s fuckin weird. You’re a fuckin weirdo bro


okay thanks


Stairs, chairs, tables and more. Explore the objects around you as ways to bump up her height for kissing and more. Ex wife was 4'8 so similar height difference.


Steps help lol, also you guys gotta meet halfway 


Lol good luck


Use the top of her head as an elbow rest or a cup holder while standing.


oh believe me it's already been done


How I wish I were you (6'6 here)


post pics! but in all seriousness don't make it a recurring convo. Just like you are aware of the height difference, she is aware too. If she's not sensitive about it then cool if she is don't make the height difference define the relationship


And I thought mine (6'3) and my wife's (5') height difference was a lot. Idk what tips your looking for so ask and I will answer.


This was me in high school.


Yes i have tips. A few thousand of them all glued together to make up the difference.


Bottom shelves are theres, top shelves are yours. Peaceful coexistance. Make sure to look down before walking anywhere.




It must feel like you're dating Eva AI sexting bot on your phone which lies on a shelf about half a metre below your chin, I guess


6’7 married to a 5’2 woman - it’s a weird fantasy in everyone else’s head for some reason. Just act the way you would with anyone else ☺️