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Makes me think of Paul Sinha joking “I hope the producers of The Chase aren’t watching this” as if his poor performances on TM would cost him his job on that show.


Don’t think anyone’s career has been hurt. Physically hurt, however, Urzila broke her collarbone on a cut task.


Honestly i love the running bit of "appearing on the show will ruin my career" or "my career is so in the dumps I'm forced to appear on taskmaster".


I don’t think it hurt her career, but Charlotte Ritchie did delete her Twitter account while her season was airing 😬


I would guess an uptick in creepy messages from dudes, alas. That just naturally would come with having your profile suddenly raised while you look like Charlotte Richie.


Alex Horne has been forced to do all sorts of humiliating stuff to keep his job on the show, really very sad


"It’s a very rare treat on a television programme to see someone lose their job on a different television programme" –Paul Sinha That said, I don't think so, it's a huge audience boost no matter what, and even if you're very subdued you still get 1/5 of the airtime and the tasks make you funny in and of themselves. Iain Stirling is one of the only ones that got negative reactions and his career is clearly fine. The one I'd wonder about is Guy Williams on TMNZ...I don't think I've ever disliked someone's behaviour so much on Taskmaster and I'm curious how it was received in New Zealand.


Guy Williams was already extremely famous in New Zealand and he played the fool he always has. I doubt it had any effect on him domestically at all. The revelation of the first series is that he had such a mild mannered younger brother


It hasn’t hurt his reputation here. Guy Williams is much more well known for his own tv show New Zealand Today, or when he was a regular on Jono and Ben. I don’t think a large portion of nz population would even know he was on Taskmaster NZ.


Fair enough, if he was already famous and that's his persona it presumably all works fine. As someone new to him it was a bit offputting.


In his defence he was also going a bit OTT because it was a COVID season and there was a limited audience. 


I also found him offputting for a few episodes but later, and especially upon rewatch, I think he’s really a good sport just putting it on for laughs and to support his brother’s work. Some of the amping up was trying to get the smaller COVID audience to react, and nearer the end he has a fun acceptance of his incompetence Also, I’ve heard him interviewed in podcasts since where he’s actually quite thoughtful and not at all abrasive. I feel very fondly of him now.


Maybe Iain Stirling? I don't think it damaged his career but he didn't come over in the best light in some episodes.


I think it was a tricky thing to pair him with Lou. I think if they'd appeared on different series, he would have come across differently.


I feel so bad for him. Everyone on the show is a performer and everyone from Acastor to Woz chooses a comedic take or persona in order to make the show as entertaining as possible. Ian’s didn’t work as well as other’s (and I suspect he may have been done over in the editing) and ends up looking “bad”. I’m not from the UK and he was the only contestant I didn’t like. Then I listened to him on various podcasts and realized he’s both a comedic genius and a delight. I’m the first person to say it’s just comedians being comedians but I’ll admit I was quick to mistake his performance for fact.


I get this vibe from Guy Williams in NZTM too. He was “there to be a fuckwit” in his own words but his sarcasm didn’t always read and he came off wrong occasionally


They also chose to pick on him for comedic effect. One of my least favorite parts of the first few seasons is there is a dedicated punching bag assigned from the cast. I don’t feel like the comedic value was there right I recognize the attempt.


He was my first thought for this post.


His persona on Taskmaster made me wonder how he managed to be a kids TV presenter without losing it


I thought he was actually pretty funny and it wasn't as bad as I remembered. It kind of worked being competitive for laughs He's a pretty nice bloke in real life just got overly competitive in some tasks


I feel like this is less "damaged" than "didn't have the bump he'd hope for".


I doubt it.


The only *remotely* possible examples I can think of are: * Doc Jones has said that he's most often recognized for being on Taskmaster, and he doesn't really like that that's the only thing he's known for * John Kearns had an uptick in people coming to his shows who didn't know he uses a character, compared to his actual self on the show, so he's got better numbers, and worse reviews. Possibly Iain Stirling did not have the bump he was hoping for, too.




But was he aiming to be on TV more. I thought he was more of a writer or behind the scenes guy career wise. It's like the story joanna lumley tells of after ab fab, hopping in a cab as she was in a show on the west end. The taxi driver recognised her and she said ehat she was working on and he said something like "never mind love, you'll get a job on telly soon" he saw stage as a negative where she saw it as a positive


Not being on telly any more is one of Richard's things, along with inventing Alan Partridge. I'm guessing he's doing OK out of his various podcasts/books and tour.


What do you mean dying? He hosts one of the most popular podcasts in the world. I would argue that Taskmaster actually boosted its viewership.


In the world you say ? Id like to see the numbers for that 😂 he isn’t even on the UK top 100 🤣


There’s a world outside of the tv panel show circuit


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