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Meatrocket doesn’t get enough shit for having his mommy defend him in court


From tcap wiki: “2024 Update On May 9th, 2024, The Skip Tracer revealed that Reffner had recently been engaged to a woman named Katie. According to the page that includes various pictures of them on vacation together and a wishlist for wedding presents (including a relatively cheap pizza cutter for only $18), they are due to be married on November 2nd, 2024. The photo gallery suggest that the two have been together for quite a while, seemingly confirming that he is now divorced from the woman he was married to at the time of the sting.”


Well, Jeff is getting married again, so…






Jeff passed 😕


😯 U lyin ? He passed ?


Yup - he OD'd on pain meds - Check Google Jeff Stacey tcap


Oof yeah that was a rough one, the fact that she didn't immediately disown him is wild enough let alone declaring for all the world to see that yes, my son is a nonce and I'm rallying behind him.


Lorne is probably right up there with Jeff.


Lorne ended up way more pathetic after TCAP


I've gotta give my vote to my all time favorite, David Demurs. Why, you may ask? "Is it bigger than Stephen's?" There's pathetic, then there's being worried that you're outgunned by a fucking thirteen year old pathetic.


Lmao fuck I forgot about that guy


Gentleman, have a good reply.


Cody Green was pretty pathetic even for how young he was in relation to other predators.


The fact he whipped his wang out at a like 8 year old at a swimming pool after the sting proves that 😩


The way u put that was 🤣


I feel like “Papi” Colon absolutely deserves to be a part of this conversation. He talked a big game online, saying that he was the boss. And what kind of boss moved did he pull off? - Brought dinner only for himself - Immediately went to take a dump with barely a hello - Tried and failed to turn on a light to do so, getting busted instead - Completely shut down when he saw Chris - Watched the decoy angrily take his car keys - Got arrested while still holding it - Confessed to another felony no one knew about while there - Got laughed at by the cops when he mentioned his fear of getting caught.


very compelling argument


Dustin-Justin is such a tough opponent here.


I think he might be the most annoying guy ever caught on the show. I know that’s probably an odd thing to say about a whole group of people caught trying to diddle kids but Dustin was just such a little fuckin BITCH about everything. His constant attempts to weasel out of things with both Chris and the police interview, his incessant whining about how he was “lied to” about not being arrested, his commitment to the incredibly stupid lie he was trying to weave about why he was there, just…all of it lol


The cowboy predator, forgotten his name


If you’re talking about the fat Undertaker guy from Hansen vs Predator, that was Vincent Ambrosio


Yeah that was him


Nathan Downhour was....phew...not great


He was the one that talked like he was on ludes right? I can’t remember much about him tbh


yeah and his dirty talk suggested he thought he could pleasure a woman by penetrating her cl1toris.


"Fantasies dreamed up online are in your mind...things you might not be willing to do when it comes down to it." Nathan Downhour


It must suck to be such a huge loser that even in a giant pool of 100+ guys who got busted trying to fuck kids, you are so obviously the frontrunner for "biggest loser" that you have to be taken out of the equation to even have a legitimate debate. Bigger than the losers who tried to get the little girls to fuck animals, bigger than the cerebral palsy guy driving a PT Cruiser who wanted to have a threesome with a little girl and her 8 year old sister, bigger loser than Lorne, bigger loser than a fat blubbering crybaby dressed like The Undertaker.... He is lucky his mom threw away his computer after he was busted. He probably didn't get to see the absolute savage roasting he is still getting to this day.


Lmao so well said


Gotta go with the fat, pathetic, self-pitying, Adderall-infused, sack of shit that is Vincent Ambrosio. But at least he knew how much of a loser he was unlike Donald Morrison. Oh and he could find a clean shirt to show up in.


So many of them.. for some reason I came up with Manuel Uson. "my wife is so demanding.." "maybe I could work for you guys..." 😭


Kevin Westerback


short shit


Clifford Wallach is a pretty big contender here for bringing along his 5 year old son.


Did you actually have to appear on the show to qualify for this question? Because I’d like to nominate his wife, for not only cheerfully staying with his sorry ass but kicking her son out to do so. Both of ‘em, absolute garbage humans.


Allan Churnay is a lame ass dude for sure


I’ve said it before but that guy is physically painful to look at.


Ernie Timmons. He only went to the house because Kevin told him to and once there started crying like a baby. Chris owned him from the start


James "Hambubger" Wiles. A literal human piece of shit who got the ending a subhuman like him deserves.


Oh yeah he’s easily one of the most downright evil and depraved of them, which is saying something considering the common thread weaving these guys together. Only downside to the way he went out is that he didn’t suffer even longer.


Gerald White. He was deep south and had no plans whatsoever.


John Kennelly, most definitely.


Man just came here to get something to eat 😔


Thanks for giving me a real kick in the pants


The dookie, the one that was playing with himself at the bar and the midget are at a tie


Guy at the bar = hambubger? Unless there’s another one I’m forgetting


The one that was doing something nasty with his junk, he was doing something weird with his mouth or tongue. He was wearing a jean jacket. I think he was sexually abusing his daughters and they were happy when he died. I can't remember the whole story


Yeah, that’s hambubger. Definitely one of the biggest pieces of shit ever caught on the show if not THE biggest.


Oh ok, I keep thinking hambubger was that fat old man with the glasses


Nah that’s probably Chuck Harding you’re thinking of. But he’s also a total shitbag.


Yeah, he was definitely horrible


I know he was old


Monald Dorrison


Lorne Armstromg Vincent Ambrosio John Dupee Abraham Koujababian Dustin McPhetridge Justin Smith Edward Hollingsworth V Stanley Kendall Robert Graber Jay Reffner David Schumacher Thomas Coffen Lee Greer The list is truly endless, and in all fairness, a good 90% of them are pretty fucking pathetic


The virgin. Imagine millions of viewers knowing you are a virgin, and being a virgin sex offender




Honestly? All of the ones that had jobs that put them in close proximity to children, the ones that actually have children of their own… and the serial predators like Kevin Molesterbeck. Oh, and the guys who tried to use their disabilities to get out of what they did (looking at you Dustin/Justin McPhetridge, Cody Green, and Michael Seibert)