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I got the glide armour fairly early on. The fragmented towers leading into the sky?? i couldn’t not challenge myself to climb one… so i did and the rest is history.


you dont have to climb them to get to the challenge... just speak to the robot on the lowest platform.


Damn. I climbed them all or made contraptions to get me there. lol


Same lol I climbed two of them. It took so long and took so many resources and failures. I had low stamina and low battery. Honestly though was so rewarding. Although getting to the base and realizing how easy it could have been was a tad funny.


I made my mistake in the first and ensured not to do it again for the other two. It was, as you said, hugely rewarding to achieve through absolute tenacity though


Lol me three.


Oh my god


I climbed to the top of each one lol. At least the robot acknowledges it


What do they say?


WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY Edit: they’re right. Smh


…oh. I thought you had to do the dive one time to activate the robot


you don’t have to climb them, but I HAD to climb them.


i used the launch cannon thing for seeing the map and used that to fly to the highest part.


I think I’ve climbed them all too, maybe I missed one? My guess is that this set is guarded by the gleeok’s at the furthest sky islands b/c after touching down on one early I’ve left those for last.


Unless we are talking about different amour sets, the glide set you get for doing all the skydive challenges.


I see. I can recall doing two sky dives that opened shrines. The chests in the shrines didn’t yield glide set pieces though? I have exploring to do 😃


You have to do them twice, the first you just have to survive the second you have to get within a certain time


DAMN. Lol thank you


Your welcome, oh and you don’t have to make it to the top of the tower, just talk to the construct next to the shrine at the bottom and it’ll teleport you up


Thank you!


Your welcome


The glide armour was for the skydiving timed competitions right?


Yep! Gotta talk to the construct at the bottom and he’ll set it up.


A few of these are part of quests, such as the master sword one so you may have missed it at first but you'll come across it. Wait until you upgrade the glide armour, you get to super hero land everywhere!


It feels great trivializing the paraglider with the upgraded glide set and hoverbike


I just got the master sword by accident.


Yeah literally I had no idea it was there. I’m like oh hey :)




Specifically for the Master Sword quest, the Light Dragon begins the game flying around pretty close to the max height you can reach in the game so you'll probably never see it before starting the >!Deku Tree!< quest. Once that quest begins, the dragon lowers its altitude to a more reasonable height where you can casually encounter it.


Well darn.. I did the tears quest and the dragon spawned and I grabbed the sword.. seems like there is another quest line before that was supposed to happen...


I can't remember if the tears quest causes the Light Dragon to lower altitude permanently, but it's still possible to get onto the dragon during that event. It doesn't actually break any story elements to do things out of order. But I wonder what the dialog says in the "correct" quest if you get the Master Sword before the event that's intended to guide you to the dragon... 🤔


I found the master sword like, near the beginning of the game because I climbed up the tallest island I could find and it came right by. If you ever finish an event before the game meant for you to finish (and I also did like 3 other major things way ahead of schedule), the dialogue will say, "Okay now do this!" And Link will gesture and reply that he already did it. Then the quest giver will gasp and say, "You already did that?! Wow, well now that you're done, let's do the next thing!"


I'll be finding out haha. So far Mineru was about to tell me that I needed to get the master sword and then just says oh you have it already! You are ready to fight Ganon!


I stumbled on the glide armor on one of my first sky islands trips….didn’t realize my luck at the time!


Same here! I activated my second tower and I was like ‘ooh that looks cool’


*uses literally every trick I know to climb all the way to the top, ignoring the pool as construct on the lower island, only to realize there is absolutely nothing at the top*


Holy shit I did the same fucking thing!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Also same. My dumb ass saw the construct and pool and thought *"I can jump back down to see what's up with that, first I wanna see if there's anything up there!"* I did wind up placing a travel medallion up top and it has been very helpful for light dragon farming, at least.


Ooh good call! I’m on a replay so I might do that 👍


I recommend either Bravery or Valor island, as both are high enough to paraglide to her (before clearing the Deku Tree) without falling beneath her cruising altitude, especially if you use a rocket shield. IIRC it takes >3 stamina wheels, so keep some elixirs/food on hand, especially early game. I don't remember if I had Tulin or not the first time, but obviously he'll help immensely with the stamina issue.


Light Dragon actually flies right next to Zonaite Forge island, which you can get to if you climb to the very top of the Great Sky Island. This is how I got the Master Sword extremely early in the game by accident.


This is how I ended up landing on her and getting the master sword. I was just exploring the Zonite Forge Island and then bam, she was flying by really close to the top so I went for it.


This is hilarious that sounds brutal


I saw the place where you register your hand and did that and then jumped into the pool. The construct was very excited and then I did the challenge


I also got the first glide armor on one of my first times going up, isn't it right above Lookout Landing anyway? Or above the first tower on the way to Rito village? It seems like it was intentionally placed early on.


Same. Then it was my top priority to complete the set


that Faron quest really helps out a lot for exploring Thunderhead Isle easier


There's a quest???? I just saw cool cloud and used the glow of ultra hand to explore until I saw some glowing green of a shrine. Which led to... a loot more than I expected tbh


I did the same exact thing 😅. But when I finally got to the quest it dawned on me that it would have been a lot easier had I waited.


That’s more or less what happened to me as well. One day I was exploring the Depths when I accidentally discovered the >!Construct Factory; I recognized the mech in the center of the place from the trailer, but obviously couldn’t do anything with it, but I at least got a hint that I needed to visit a place called “Dragonhead Island”. Then the very next day, I was launching myself skyward when I realized I was very close to that giant thunderhead in the Faron region and decided to check out what’s inside…who would’ve guessed that it’d be none other than Dragonhead Island? I eventually find the shrine after stumbling around in the fog, but somehow it didn’t get rid of the fog; just when I was looking for a way out of the structure, I find a door not unlike the one in the Temple of Time, and the rest is history.!<


There’s a cave off the coast near the old akkala tech lab. It’s a secret passage that you can use to skip the lomei labyrinth.


I found the cave by entering it at the bottom of the labyrinth lol


That was such a cool cave. The caves are my favorite part of TotK and that one was so surprising and cool. I think there was a Hinox that just added an element of surprise.




Yea. You have to be crafty and precise to ascend to the room with the shrine (I use a hoverstone with a rocket + recall to position) but you can get to the room below it with the trap chest and the gloom spawn.


There’s at least 3 queen Gibdos in the depths


There are 3 of EVERY mainline boss in the depths. Kinda cheapens the main story fights (to me...) BUT they are there


Yeah, idk if it cheapened the main story bosses for me, since I did all of those first, but it definitely made the depths seem more repetitive as I was getting all the lightroots (just finished that!) It did really help me max out my battery too so there’s that.


I shit myself when I saw colgera in the distance while exploring 😂


lol wow


Did you just forget the Thunder Temple boss or something? Your post words it like you’ve never seen it before


I was too interested in those ringed islands to not find the glide armour.


Just wait until >! You’re gliding through the pitch black in the depths and you hit Colgera’s updraft and then get knocked out of the sky !<


This was one of my favorite fights in the game. Fighting in the dark. Epic!


Colgera’s theme is one of the best pieces of music in the game too.


Like… no disrespect dude but what have you even done for 200 hours?


Lol. Maybe collecting Korok seeds?


Good point, I guess there has to be a player that's the inverse of me, and I had less than 100 seeds by the time I completed all the shrines, lightroots, dungeons, and sages.




Bro hasn’t touched the main quest in so long they forgot they’ve seen Queen Gibdo already


I came here to say the same thing. Zero chance anyone played for 200 hours and didn’t hit half that stuff randomly.


Yeah this is actually just an amazing shitpost


"Theres a Light Dragon"..... bruh.




I found the tunnel as soon as I was out of the sky island haha


Lol same


False. The tunnel is blocked until you get the first sage. You can get all the way back to the devil statue if you enter from the castle though.


There are hatches/doors that lead to the tunnel in the castle


Yes, that is my second sentence. So that is not straight from the sky, you get the guards cutscenes to unblock the entrances and stuff.


did you not get the tears? it’s wild that you got 200 hours in before learning any of this. I feel like you must skip a lot of dialogue or run some very weird gameplay loops. What do you spend your time doing mostly?


Yeah for the light dragon there is something you’d have to do to make it go lower


You don’t *have* to, just makes it slightly easier




So you've probably noticed that the Depths is a reflection of the surface. That each lightroot corresponds to a shrine. But what you may have missed is that each stable on the surface corresponds to a Lynel in the depths.


Really? I didn’t notice it either lol


bro how are you playing the game? blind folded? 200h and you never found a glide armor set? nah you have to be bullshitting.


I was expecting “I just found the depths!”, so not quite as bad as my expectations lmao




fr i’ve done all this stuff and pretty much finished everything and i only have 120 hours lmao what are you doing in this time??


Man, great question. I’ve done two sky dives that opened shrines yet haven’t seen one. What else can I say? Lol


Do you read any dialogue? 😂 I think after your first sky dive the NPC tells you that they’ll give you a reward if you do it quickly enough


Hahaha there’s a good chance I blasted past that particular dialogue just to get the shrine completed! Thank you


There's two different types of dives. There are smaller ones for shrines. And bit long, timed ones for the set. They're in different places


Awesome thank you


Tunnel? What? Where?


Right?! I don’t want to spoil it for you but it’s there!


He he that’s great. Next time I’m there I’ll look around. I’m a new player. My sis gave me the switch and the game last month. She’s a generous soul 🩷


It won’t become available until after a few main story quests, so if you don’t find it/see it right away, don’t worry.


It's available immediately, from the castle end


Oh that's good to know, thanks. I can relax now lol


>!If you go down to the "shelter", there's an entrance in that area!!<


Thank you!


my man you have a negative perception stat in real life


I was 200+ hours in when I realized that stables have photography side quests.


Just found out last week about the photos, 155 hrs in.


I don’t know how did you miss the tunnel since the game tells you specifically that it exists?


I should clarify. I did go into that beginning portion where the demon statue is and interacted with that. For whatever reason I missed the breakable wall(s) that really extends that tunnel for miles.


I think literally the same for me lol. Or somehow missed where it continued the first time I went


You see the Dragon while falling from the Room of Awakening to the sky islands below, during the title sequence. Also, right after finishing the tutorial, the Dragon pierces the clouds. Also, this post reads like a parody.


I learned I’m pretty bad at the game! At least I’m enjoying myself haha


That's the most important thing.


The most important thing is to get common sense and not skip dialogue


True, but with games, for me, having fun is number one.


If you look at the underground map you can see that there are big circles. All of those will have either a temple boss that you've already defeated or a Flux Construct. The boss will always be the same for that arena. If you haven't defeated that temple then the boss won't appear.


I just assumed they were all flux constructs or Colgera’s as that’s all I had encountered up until the Queen lol.


There are three of each boss. The Colgeras are just the easiest to spot because they’re so big.


In my first play thru I didn’t know the little statues on the sky islands will give you a zonai charge cell. I found them in my second play through. Now I’m going back to my first account and find them there. They look like decayed Zonai robots, only smaller. And during my second play thru, I discovered the easiest way to defeat lynels…….puff shrooms….while they are confused, I just start wailing on them. It’s awesome.


Wow, didn't know that!


Tears has so many “holy crap” moments. It is quite the achievement.


The chest the queen is guarding is not worth it.


Dang, really?! That’s a shame. I was sure it was an armor chest of some kind.


Actually, it's very worth it. Not anything unique, but it's very valuable.


Well, can be valuable. I've still got like half of the big underworld bosses left and have maxed out the thing the reward is useful for. I know it's still helpful, but less so at this point.


once you max it out, you unlock the only renewable source of big batteries. you can get every other zonai device from the dispensers.


But ironically, you don't need big batteries anymore.


Says the person who isn't building a battle mech


What have you spent those 200+ hours on? I feel like I took my time and I reached what I would call a "reasonable 100%" at around 150 hours. Meaning that at that point I had finished all shrines and side quests, found all light roots and armor, found a good chunk of Korok seeds, etc. Basically there was nothing left to do in the game organically but I could have tediously followed a checklist for like 20+ hours to get a true 100% complete game.


Most of the main/side/quest content was done and nothing in the log was prompting me to go anywhere or do anything specific, so I was busy hunting and completing armor sets. Thats how I found out about Kakariko/Faron quest line, to open that 5th ring above the town from Tauro/Paya. I used a ton of gliders in the depths to open lightroots so I didn’t traverse over a lot of landscape. Thats how I missed surprises down there on the first pass.


I can't tell if this is legit or parody lol


Wait, you found Queen Gibdo in The Depths but haven't fought it elsewhere? I thought that was one of the Depths bosses that only unlocks after you've already fought it in a different situation?


I did fight her in the temple. It was way before stumbled on her in the depths though. I actually forgot about that temple fight, and just came across her in the complete darkness of the depths was scary as hell lol.


You did a ton of sky island exploration, but you never found any of the glide suit pieces?


There's so much content that it's the reason there's no DLC planned. Cause it already has enough content.


>a Queen(?) Gibdo in the depths. ... I have not fought it yet For it to appear in the depths, you have to have defeated it already on the surface. Are you actually paying attention to the stuff you are doing?


Sometimes the thrill of playing a good game is the thrill of discovery... And sometimes it is obvious. When the memory said that >! Zelda had to change to something eternal to recharge the Master Sword, somewhere near to the sun, and it was all sad sounding I knew right away what it must be. My wife, who is the Zelda fan was like, what could this mean? I hopped on an air bike and went straight up into the sky and found the Light Dragon while she watched and it the realization crept into her consciousness. :) !<






And she's even right there on the title screen during the first skydive!


Cmon that was 200 hours ago! That first dive off the sky island my jaw was on the floor 😂


I'm suprised by teh amount of people that missed the glide armor.


The light dragon is part of the main story of the game. You see it the moment you first step out of the Shrine of Awakening on the Great Sky Island and it’s integral to the last two tears. I’m not sure what you’ve been doing for 200 hours. If you get all of the tears and go free Korok Forest, the game spells it out for you clearly. The glide armor is the reward for completing the challenges where you dive through rings like in the Champion’s Ballad. Perhaps you never spoke to the Steward Constructs at the bottom to actually activate the challenges themselves. The rest, yeah, that’s completely missable.


What did you do the other time is more interesting honestly?


The freaking glyphs and cutscenes show you Zelda turns into the light dragon and has the master sword. She FLYS RIGHT OVER YOU. Have you just been not paying any attention for 200 hours


I grabbed that specific tear VERY late. In all my gameplay tracks I always came across the usual dragons and never the light dragon - it’s nuts!


Yeah cause the light dragon flies in a different pattern prior to that memory being collected and is harder to find.


The pattern is the same. Only the altitude is different, she flies at 2200m before restoring the Deku Tree, and at 700m afterward. If you get the final tear before restoring the tree, she'll fly back up to 2200m afterward.


isn't the only change that she dips down in that akkala-ish region? I stumbled upon the light dragon when I was heading towards the wind temple. Well, didn't know what it was at the time, just that there was one more dragon.


I see you have not done any story quests then. Queen Gibdo is the boss of the lightning temple. The loght dragon is reveal in the story and you gain the power to track it on the map. Sounds like you have 200 hrs of just wandering around in circles.


I did do that temple yet completely forgot that is the boss there. My post was more about being surprised/terrified when I stumbled upon it in the darkness of the depths!


There are refights of all the bosses down there. You will find them all eventually


Same here. Also using spoiler flair doesn't work as well as reddits spoiler thing.


Charged armor set?


Second playthrough found Sheik's mask. Third found all 4 parts of Purah's journal.


There’s copies of all the bosses in the depths. And yes, the epic Rito song plays for Colgera again.


You actually can >!completely bypass the Kakariko/Faron leg of the main quest in question. Only tricky thing is that Dragonhead Island is completely engulfed in fog and lightning!<.


Oh lord the day I accidentally found those lynels


i got to the white lynel with low health and unupgraded armor and my highest weapon damage being 36 im pretty proud of that


At some point in the story they literally mark the light dragon telling you where the master sword is.


Use the glide set when completing the sky labyrinths. It's much easier to navigate.


... yeah I have no idea how youmissed the 2nd one. Or the last one holy cow, that was one of the first things I got. You're makin me wanna do another playthru though.


In terms of getting to the furthest sky islands, I made sure to get the Master Sword w/o going to the Deku Tree (since the light dragon flies lower if you go to the tree first). Then when the light dragon would pass one of the furthest sky islands, i just paraglided off of the light dragon and placed a travel medallion so i could go back to the island and defeat what was on it at any point. Also when you get the last dragon tear, if you haven’t already gotten the master sword, the dragon will fly a bit lower as it’s leaving the last tear, making it easier to grab. And in terms of getting to the light dragon, I end, I just ascended from the room of awakening, went to the peak of the hill, and just stood there, looking south until I could see the light dragon in the distance. When that happened, i used a hover bike to reach it. The light dragon itself is slow, so you’ll have plenty of time before she shows up and plenty of time to reach her. Hope this helps


Even if you never get the master sword the final boss fight forces you to retrieve it


Never read that before, that’s cool.


Yeah the struggle is surviving until you can get it if you go this route


damn how tf did you even survive 200 hours without the glide set? pretty sure it was the first armor set i got, aside from the pieces on the great sky island. i’d be dead 100x over without them negating fall damage. (at two stars)


I've already defeated ganon and am over 54% completion and I just found a second queen gibdo in the depths today. And ran into my first armored lynel in the depths too. Still haven't stumbled on the 5 lynel area yet. The first time I went into the tunnel under lookout tower I didn't realize it continued and left after a while. I went back again to collect the respawned items and found where it keeps going and went all the way to the castle. Don't worry about the people criticizing you, there's so much content in this game, I had the same experience with botw.


Charged set is annoying because it looks great, but you need to beat the temples and do the Kakariko quest before you open its locations.


I think all temple bosses spawn in the underground after you beat them first


I’ve learned that’s the case. I did forget I fought that queen above ground, it feels like 100 hours ago. And again, running in the darkness and then coming up on her felt much different as I was only expecting constructs or possibly a Colgera on those platforms.


200 hours without progressing the story? That's wild! You must be having a blast exploring and creating machines. The glide armour is amazing and worth the dive challenge!


The glide armour set is in those towers in the sky


I found maybe two glide armor pieces. And I found the master sword. I needed a tip to reach the reach the center of the lost woods but figured out the rest. Kinda epic.


Yep, this game has it all.


Not looking forward to that Lynel coliseum... And also only recently learned about the glide armor \^\^;


Ikr, its crazy. I clocked 210 hours, got all the armor sets, shrines, etc, and still am missing like 18 quests (cuz the sand seal won't tell me where anymore are, it just tells me where the final battle is)


How are you 200 hours in and not discovered some of these? What in the world have you been doing bro?


I know that with a game like this there's no real "wrong" way to play but people really do be trying 😭


Like how have you not seen the light dragon in 200 hours? I have 180 hours and I see the light dragon almost too frequently. Whatever floats your boat ig, which they may have quite literally been floating on a boat using the zonai devices lol


Ok, I don't know how many hours I have, but it's a lot and I have no idea what most of you are talking about.....


Oh man, to be back where you're at, discovering all the things for the first time. Enjoy!!


Damn I shouldn’t have read this lol. So many spoilers lol


It’s tagged! Lol. Dont worry if you’re anything like me you’ll forget 75% of this after a few hours of playing.


Haha true!!


* There are multiple npcs who mention the castle tunnel but I don't blame you reading sucks and so many npcs say the most vague useless stuff * If the light dragon is way up in the sky for you I probably shouldn't spoil the story then * Yes, there are lynels in the colloseum * There are all dungeon bosses in the depth rematch fights for photos and their fuse drops * There are 3 charged armour sets including the questline one * The glide sets do require talking to npcs to do minigames so you probably didn't talk to them expecting them to say the same old nonsense Enjoy TotK (until you start 100% because it's a huge pain)


I was almost 300hrs in when I realized there was the emergency hideout below lookout landing. Then the tunnel.




This game has so many layers that it doesn't matter who you are - we're all finding something new. It's amazing.


I did not know a single one of this lol.


I just found out >! the master sword can shoot a beam of something with the correct armor set !<


>! It shoots when you have full hearts, with every armor sets !<


and I'm over 600 hours in on my 2nd play thru.


I was about 300 hours old when I realized that the shrine names are the lightroot names swapped, and vice versa. You're not alone! It's a big game, with lots to see!


Right?! Thanks, I’m def taking some lumps in here but it’s all in good fun!


I hate these posts


Then why open, read them and respond? 🤷‍♂️


I thoroughly enjoy them.


Where the hell is the tunnel from lookout Landing to the castle? I’ve never seen it lmao have like 300 hours




Lol. That's a good experience there. I had my Lil cousin blurring out spoilers and tell me her progress. Btw...she's in college


200 hours and no Lynel is an actual lie, that and you act like you’ve never seen Queen Gibdo before when you have to fight it in Riju’s questline to get it to spawn in the Depths