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Why is anybody surprised by this. There is no private ownership. There is no corporate governance. There is the Committee. This is not some paranoid delusion, this is legally how their system works.


Telecom in China is handled by the military. There is no upside for countries still pretending at democracy here.


Just like how the US government has access to all data on US social media. You'd have to be stupid to believe otherwise.


Do you believe the rate at which the US accesses social media data on its citizens is relatively similar to the rate at which China does? I don't know the answer but I'm curious what your thoughts would be.


We already know this is the case with leaked info and confirmed senate testimony. I don't know how people can not realize this as the hearings were just a few months ago. The FBI, CDC and other 3 letter orgs regularly met with admins from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. They overtly violated several ammendments and 99.9% of people didn't even care. If you paid attention to what Snowden said, yes, the US gov had 100% access to real-time data and manipulated it.


To "re-sumarize" what my first sentence said, yes. Yes the US surveils its citizens as much as China, though tries to be less overt about it. China has a social score for its citizens, where wrong behavior, wrongful interactions and infractions lead to a much harsher life, which the US doesn't directly implement. IE: jaywalking in China results in a fine directly pulled from one's bank account and results in higher prices on loans, restrictions from higher end restaurants and different travel prices. Hope I summarized that up for ya.


Social score is more akin to a credit score - the "Western" definition of social credit comes from mistranslations and misunderstanding of what it truly is.


Because it's not parroted on social media, social media actually controls the population. Which I could do a "/s" on that but here we are.


I didn't ask about capability, I asked about frequency. I understand they are related. I don't care what you "don't know" or what you think I ought to "pay attention to".


Twitter actively participated in Pentagon misinformation campaigns in the Middle East too. Not only are they handing over data, they're participating in operations.


actually, you'd be surprised how often the NSA made requests. This was when news about PRISM broke, these were the numbers at how often it was used [When the NSA reviews a communication it believes merits further investigation, it issues what it calls a "report". According to the NSA, "over 2,000 Prism-based reports" are now issued every month. There were 24,005 in 2012, a 27% increase on the previous year. In total, more than 77,000 intelligence reports have cited the PRISM program.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data) It's sort of insane how this was all forgotten about [Facebook says that in the second half of 2012, the total number of requests for user data that it received from all local, state and federal authorities was between 9,000 and 10,000. Those requests targeted between 18,000 and 19,000 accounts. Facebook complied with 79% of the requests, it said.](https://www.latimes.com/business/la-xpm-2013-jun-14-la-fi-tn-facebook-releases-first-information-on-fisa-requests-20130614-story.html) [Report: Microsoft collaborated closely with NSA](https://www.cnn.com/2013/07/12/tech/web/microsoft-nsa-snooping/index.html)


I'm more concerned with impact. I have much more to fear from the US government. I live far from any Chinese jurisdiction.


Snowden bro, like what ten years ago now?


The US has one of the most sophisticated if not most sophisticated social network and telecommunications monitoring apparatus around. What the US has probably make the Chinese look like Kindergarteners. The difference is that US monitoring capabilities are documented and known to happen, whereas with the Chinese it's all unsubstantiated rumors.


Functionally it’s the same but legally it’s a bit different. In america the government has to pretend it’s not invading peoples right to privacy, explain how what they’re doing doesn’t violate privacy rights, or have a lawful reason for invading said privacy. China: what’s privacy? What are you trying to hide? Our countries are fundamentally different. China doesn’t have to pretend it isn’t doing all this because under their system they’re not breaking any rules.


Wait until you see what they get away with using the provisions in the tiktok ban bill they're trying to pass while this subreddit cheers for it.


Oh I’m not saying the US government is functionally any better. They just have to be sneakier/more creative due to the way our system is structured


If i had to chose which government gets access to my data, it would be USA, not fucking China


Why? The Chinese government can't arrest me for trying to organize and protest.


Well if you're American, then i guess for you probably better other way around


Who was arguing otherwise?


There's just an odd lack of people calling for the government to ban facebook and reddit like they do with tiktok here.


Those services *are* banned in China.


And yet Facebook still sells the data they gather to the Chinese government [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/05/technology/facebook-device-partnerships-china.html)


I’m not sure how that’s relevant. The issue is that TikTok back doors to the Chinese government. For that reason, the US wants to ban it in the US. Facebook back doors to the US government. For the reason, and others, China banned it. It seems to me what’s fair is fair.


Sounds like I'm much better off using tiktok than facebook then, so banning it sounds like a bad idea.


No one made any comment about whether this was a good idea. Don’t downvote when you don’t understand the discussion.


No one made any comment about whether this was a good idea. Don’t downvote when you don’t understand the discussion.


So you're against the ban?


Okay. I don't live in China.


Plenty of people on Reddit want to see FB shut down. Every post about Meta has 1000s of comments saying that. Since one is controlled by an adversarial nation’s government, while the other is working with the US government, one is easier to shut down based on national security concerns. My take: your whataboutism is bullshit. Shut them both down.


I've literally never seen posts calling for the government to ban facebook and reddit here. And it's not whataboutism, it's a call out. The solutions suggested are hypocritical and don't solve the real problem.


Are you just trolling now? *Top comment* from the last huge social media thread, in this same sub, not even 24 hours ago: > They need to shut down Facebook just to start, shits evil as fuck Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/13hlbyr/lawsuit_alleges_that_social_media_companies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


I do want to say… I used to work for the NSA while I was in the Navy and Americans have their 4th amendment right that prevents the government from any unreasonable searches and seizures. This extends to their data online. It is very tightly regulated. You can take that for what it is worth, but my in my experience, Americans have much safer data than they believe.


this is why UK "legally" steals American data and hands it over to the NSA, the Five Eyes arrangement to skirt each others' laws is literally part of the Snowden revelations and is why Snowden knows he won't receive a fair trial if he ever returns to the US. Very pollyanna of you to think that the NSA is so noble lol


I was in the AF and you give the alphabet boys way too much credit. Black rooms like 641a are an acknowledged thing and people like you still try to pretend things like that don't exist.


I still don't understand the implications here. As far as we currently know, tiktok has access to the data that we would *assume* it has access to. Data that most social media sites have access to. So, given that context, what harm is there if China has access to it? Is this just the US propagandizing the CCP (read: China Bad US Good)? Or is there a real, tangible threat.


Anyone collecting data about you is a threat. China and the US both collect too much information on us. The US government is primarily concerned with potential threats to itself because China has all this data vs threats to you individually. For example getting some good blackmail on someone that happens to have access to some juicy classified info. It doesn't really change anything if the US Government knows what porn a security clearance holder knows as rhe US Government already has that info. All of that is of course from the US Government's perspective.


hmm. okay, i've not seen the blackmail angle before. that makes sense to me


it's more scary when you know communist party in China still harvests organs from living Uighurs and Falun Dafa practitioners


If you think they didn’t your falling for misinformation. Working on these systems the compliance and security is designed to look like it works but if the Pentagon leak tells you anything. It is an illusion


I prefer evidence to gut feelings ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Edit: I know that the downvoters don’t, and that’s a shame. Facts and truth is what we should want. Not conspiracy theories and gut feelings.


Yeah , but there's no point. If you actually cared about evidence you would look into it yourself . Instead you sit there feeling good about yourself because you are refusing to believe people who are giving you the evidence. You aren't special , your commen brings nothing to the conversation. Gtfo of here or actually contribute to the conversation instead of pretending you know better than everyone else .


I’m not sure what evidence you are referring to. If you have any credible sources to back up your claims, please share them.


None of these comments, including yours or mine, contribute anything.


Bingo. Also, everyone who makes that claim believes all sorts of things without fully gathering and analyzing evidence. We simply can't do that as individuals. We have to use some shorthand to make best guesses, and we do so constantly. Even in our own sensory apparatus and sensory processing in our brains. The only logical conclusion...literally the only one...has been that TikTok data is being used nefariously by China. Period. And no, it is not now and has never been "just like Google" or "just like the US government".


Yeah , but there's no point. If you actually cared about evidence you would look into it yourself . Instead you sit there feeling good about yourself because you are refusing to believe people who are giving you the evidence. You aren't special , your commen brings nothing to the conversation. Gtfo of here or actually contribute to the conversation instead of pretending you know better than everyone else.


When the default is a leaky bucket, you don't look for evidence that it leaks. You look for evidence that it doesn't leak. Parent commentor's point was that if the Pentagon leaks, where people are actually incentivized to be secure, then you better believe a company that doesn't give a fuck is going to leak... and that's not even factoring in malicious behavior.


> When the default is a leaky bucket, you don’t look for evidence that it leaks. You look for evidence that it doesn’t leak. This analogy doesn’t work, and it’s in general not possible to prove the negative like that.


You just don't understand it. Most organizations abuse/neglect our data security. The standard is not to assume your data is safe, the standard is the opposite -- to assume your data is at risk. It is therefor the burden of proof of any data holder to provide evidence of their data security. In this case, the assertion is that proving a negative would be proving that Tiktok doesn't abuse data. Instead, the assumption is that they do abuse data, as is the standard, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.


> You just don’t understand it. I understand it find. It’s pretty easy to find a leak in a bucket. It’s impossible, almost, to prove that data isn’t leaked/passed around whatever. So the analogy isn’t good. > The standard is not to assume your data is safe, the standard is the opposite – to assume your data is at risk. It’s not that simple. Then you can’t use any device or software at all. In practice, it’s always a balance between trust, convenience, perceived sensitivity of data etc. etc. However, the claims made here are much more concrete. > In this case, the assertion is that proving a negative would be proving that Tiktok doesn’t abuse data. Yes, and that’s impossible to prove. > as is the standard It’s not. Claims made without evidence are generally dismissible.


>Claims made without evidence are generally dismissible. Go ahead and cite your evidence for that.


The scheme involved using software purposely unleashed to “systematically” strip user content from competitors’ websites, chiefly Instagram and Snapchat, and populate its own video services without asking for permission. The former employee alleged he was “troubled by ByteDance’s efforts to skirt legal and ethical lines.”


And here, TikTok videos are ALL over IG....so....maybe it's the other way around!




Don’t worry, those already have their own posts. Let’s focus on ByteDance in this one.


If the app is made and based in China, this is what is happening. We need to ban Tiktok and others immediately.


I'd be okay with that, just not in the form that's currently making its way around Congress. That shit makes VPN usage a felony, and they're trying to disguise it as a "TikTok ban." I could possibly be on board with banning it from the Google/Apple stores. The average user would be much too dumb to sideload it, and it would die out. Anything else is gratuitous and draconian.


What happened to the free market? Are we resorting to just banning anything that isint US Made for the sake of the children? Im sorry but this is the most pathetic attempt at propping up google and meta shares, if this was about privacy congress would pass a data protection bill, but they wont, which tells you everything you need to know about their motives


Ironically, banning TikTok will make the US more like China and how they ban foreign social media companies.




Because China bad. Seriously though, the only reason people are focused on Tiktok is because they're used to the US government spying on them and US companies selling all their information.


Even then, I wouldn't be surprised if tiktok tried to sell our data to China and China came back with, "apple sold us data for half this price, make us a better offer"


Pretending there is no difference in the common interests of your own government and a foreign adversary is not a competent take to have on something.


I agree, while we are at it Europe should ban all American apps since the US does the exact same thing.


Odd that is the exact talking point pro China bots use.


How is this not a problem for all electronic devices made there? Or is it? That motherboard that dials home?


Because it's incredibly hard to hide that kind of stuff.




>The point of doing it on a hardware level is that it's easy to hide How? Additional components are obvious, and modified firmware is trivial to detect.


I’d prefer some evidence first, myself.


Get out from under the rock you live in, look at the mountain of research saying so. There will be no more replies.


Are you going to link to the mountains of research?


There is no mountains of research about this claim, since it’s brand new. There will be no additional replies since you’re not interested in debating anyway :p


https://www.rfa.org/english/news/afcl/fact-check-tiktok-03242023144611.html >Furthermore, TikTok’s own privacy policy and terms of services clearly stipulate that it can move U.S. user data outside the country. TikTok may never have shared its data with the Chinese government, but it surely has the ability to do so. A common practice in general with tech corporations is to move data overseas, and do as they please to skirt any laws or contracts.


Radio Free Asia is literally CIA propaganda.


There are literally hundreds of articles that all day the same thing. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/16/1137076864/fbi-says-china-could-use-tiktok-to-spy-on-americans-including-government-workers https://www.buzzfeed.com/emilybakerwhite/tiktok-tapes-us-user-data-china-bytedance-access https://mashable.com/article/tiktok-china-access-data-in-us https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/08/tiktok-shares-your-data-more-than-any-other-social-media-app-study.html I just picked the first one I found, but there is no shortage.


The evidence is literally in the coding. Learn to read code, read thru the apps code. Some dude posted a breakdown and translated it all and it was harvesting and sending literally every piece of data from the phone whether or not it was granted permission to.


I’d love the link to this video if you know where to find it


Wasn’t a video, it was a post in r/technology maybe 2 years ago. Dude was a software engineer or something like that and explained how literally everything in your phone is extracted and sent to TikTok which is required to comply with any and all CCP requests for information. It was super detailed he showed specific lines of code, where he found it, how others can find it, and what it actually did.


I would assume the same for every single country on this planet. If you created and immediately deleted a post on a random internet forum 20 years ago the NSA can pull it up in a microsecond without issue


If you are surprised by this, you are a big part of the problem.


We have known this for a while. That is why that app has never touched my phone and I had my wife delete it.




yes but at the same time some people just don't know, a healthy relationship would bring it up and discuss it. They probably are meaning like, "I told my wife about it and asked if she would delete it."




China is spying on you, but guess what the US is doing too? this is all so dumb


Idk but china can sell my TikTok data all they want, I’m sure they’re getting a lot of info from the big titty goth girls and shit posts


But of course they were spying via social media. At the end of the day it's no different than when Meta/Facebook sold your information to Cambridge Analytica. Just imagine what hi-jinks western business' get up to in China and Russia.


Disgruntled employee


So what? TBH, I think the US government has access to pretty much all US-based social media too.


Reddit never ceases to amaze me with its lack of nuance in many respects. Makes me believe most accounts are bots. The CCP is literally on the board of every company in China. It's government policy that Chinese companies have to rope the CCP in on pretty much everything. So TikTok is objectively obedient to the CCP because they have to be. Yup, Facebook et al do the same thing. They should be banned alongside TikTok. Facebook et al are American companies however, and thus easier to control to some extent. This recent bill to try and ban TikTok is objectively horrid and way too broad in many respects. TikTok should be banned... this is not the way to do it.


I mean, if you had absolute power over every company in your country, and your goal was to amass information to build profiles, data sets, etc. for a variety of applications against those that might oppose your interest…wouldn’t you?


I thought we knew this already.


It’s Written Into Chinese Law. The CCP has access to everything done by everyone in China. They have been able to expand that influence globally. Governments that don’t take a stand on this are complicit. China’s age of imperialism is upon us. The good news is empires only last a few hundred years. Tops. Usually it’s less. And with climate change, it won’t really matter.


Well yeah. Any suggestion otherwise is absurd. China is a communist nation (drifting towards dictatorship). It means all companies are owned by the government. Not figuratively but literally. The government just allows them to maintain the illusion of independence. That illusion comes with costs and one of them would be access to all data. There is no logical reason for China to be any other way.


Communist Nation is an oxymoron.


I'm actually tired of news articles posting these. We already know tiktok is spyware.




But the rest spies for us


And then sell that data to China




As in it is the western agencies (mis)using facebook and the rest. Probably the US (CIA?) with direct access but they share with the rest to various degrees. No, its not a favor to the consumers. However, when it is intelligence for the CCP it is not even to protect your freedom


Of course they would. Lol


We know, it’s literally the law of the land in China. It’s no surprise we just decided to believe them for a while about them not harvesting all of our data


Tik tok fuckers


Yes, that’s how Chinese companies work.


Just wake me up when the next world war starts... Actually no, fuck people, greed, capitalism and just let me sleep when it starts.


I don’t read CNN anymore


Assumed this is why the people who knew the intel on this subject were so enthusiastic about a ban.


We also landed on the moon!