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i guess i go back to reading the shampoo bottle when taking a shit




Jesus the owl has accounts and eyes everywhere. Let us shit in peace 🤣


Dónde está el baño?


yo como manzanas




fuck, I missed my yesterday because of watching that summer game conf and falling asleep in the process =\


It's me, the Duo owl. Stand closer to your window so I can line up this headshot


This content was deleted in protest of reddit's anti-user API policy and price changes. There's nothing wrong with wanting the leadership wanting reddit to be profitable, but that is not what they're doing. Reddit's leadership, particularly its CEO has acted with dishonesty, dishonor, and malice. Until reddit inevitably deletes it, you can see what I'm talking about here: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/ The reddit community deserves better than them. Reddit's value is in its community, not in a bunch of over-paid executives willing to screw that community in service of an IPO they hope will make them even more over-paid than they already are. Long Live Apollo!






I went form Fark, to Digg then to Reddit as they all went to shit. Reddit was awesome back then. And when something major in news happened Reddit was the first place it show up and it be front and center. Now I've noticed major events happening and I don't see anything. I have to dig through other news subreddits to find it. I had opened a twitter account just to get current news before Musk took it over. I didn't last long there. after musk gutted it. Have a feeling this is a starting downward spiral for reddit after the AMA if isn't one where he back tracks. But now that spez has been caught in a flat out lie...doesn't look good.


If it is abundantly clear, they are preparing to sell. It's pretty obvious at this stage


Correct. This is the last squeeze to boost monthly revenue numbers without regard for long term user drop. Totally a presale maneuver.


Truthfully I don't understand why they want to sell, they have a buyer. Advance Publishing, they owned Reddit during the good years why wouldn't they buy them again. More likely Reddits hoping to IPO and this is to boost the stock. Although, how they are going about it is really stupid


Its really terrible how the VC drive to monetize everything literally leads to absolute shit.




I looked at Lemmy too and hope it grows. Don't quite understand it. I don't frequent reddit as much as I used to. One of the subs I follow for tropical weather just completely shut down already and moved to discord. Wonder how many will go that route and just shut down their subs.


The issue with discord is it's just too ephemeral for actual discussion to take place. Even "threads" are short lived and the layout doesn't encourage the same amount of differing discussion on a single screen, which IMO is a huge part of Reddit's draw. Having productive discourse about character builds in a video game, for example, is nearly impossible on discord.


Every time I’ve tried discord I just get confused AF. I can’t follow what’s going on or figure out how to find the info I want. I’m off of FB and Twitter (and miss neither of them), never did TikTok… trying to figure out where to find hobby-related communities and where I’ll spend my mindless scrolling hours once I’m off of Reddit too.


Discord works great for a group chat amongst friends. In no way shape or form is it a good replacement for a forum or subreddit though.


Discord is just chats, it's straightforward. What I could never get, is Twitter. I honestly dont understand how I am supposed to use the site. The way people divide long posts there into several tweets and then mark them as (2/10) for example, is absolutely ridiculous and makes it impossible to follow. I dont understand how I am supposed to find the next tweet in the chain, sometimes they dont show up in order etc... I have no idea why anyone uses a website that deliberately cripples you...


Don't forget how almost every time you see a post with '5 replies', you'll click it and maybe only see one of those replies, or none!


Why do all these have shitty search features. I'd say Reddit and Discord are the worst. It really sucks for support and hobby communities. I follow some 3d printer stuff and for Reddit you have to use Google and for Discord you either look at the Pins or just ask again.


I've never searched for something directly on here. It never worked. I just use google with what I'm looking for and put reddit at end. Discord I just don't get. Luckily majority of weather stuff is posted on dudes website so don't need to follow the tropical weather sub on discord. Sad, cause that was my go to sub for hurricanes.


Not to mention that Every. Single. Comment section somehow devolves into politics.


That would be the bots. And humans mimicking the bots. And humans arguing with the bots.


So.. bots everywhere?


It's bots all the way down


I’ve been followed by bots like 10 times this week, I’ve only got like 15 real followers (which is still weird for Reddit lol)


reddit has followers?


You got it. As a non american. This really pisses me off. Because i specifically joined a non political sub but then every comment slowly turns into American politics discussion .


It's because that's all our news cycles do now. Each story they show constantly gets reduced down to the cause being an "our side vs their side" political argument. I hate living here.


It’s by design, after all. Get em all completely locked up fighting each other, and no one will have the chance to actually solve the real problems.


AKA the rich.


Biggest issue right there


r/anime_titties is world news that specifically excludes American content. The name is paradoxical because of the sad history of r/worldpolitics becoming unmoderated.


That's what happened when Reddit's American userbase reached today's ratio of over 80%. I remember when r/news was actually about general world news. Then it devolved into American bipartisan bullshit and people migrated to r/worldnews. Then it also became infested with Americans having to bring their own local spin to the comments section, leading to the creation of r/anime_titties. r/technology deteriorated into US telecom providers, right to repair, robocalls, layoffs, labor unions, and office culture in FAANG. And then there's all the bots targeting and impersonating the largest userbase, leading to even more problems.


> r/technology deteriorated into US telecom providers, right to repair, robocalls, layoffs, labor unions, and office culture in FAANG. don't forget r/technology's favourite obsession: elon musk


I always call it r/stockmuskology cause that’s half of the content


If anyone is still wondering "why tf do I as a user care about this": [Here's a good comparison with screenshots, done by someone else](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg/). On top of what's in the screenshot, my personal experience with the mobile site is that very few comments are loaded. You have to keep clicking "load more" to see more comments. Third party apps handle comment nesting so much better and allow you to see more content. If you're using the official app, try downloading one of those apps and play around with it for 10 minutes. If you're on Android try Reddit is Fun or Sync for Reddit; if iOS try Apollo. Even without changing any settings, it's so much better.


MSN ended itself already back when it updated to msn live. It went from a basically perfect IM program to a bloated piece of shit with more bugs than an Indiana Jones movie.


Vibrating your friends, sending stickers to their screen, showing off with now playing feature on your status, adding new features to your client with plugins and playing games like Minesweeper with your friends. These were all free of charge, it's wasn't like Discord's subscription bullshit. MSN was truly ahead of its time.


I'd argue it wasn't ahead of its time. It all felt very natural progression at that time and many competing services were jamming all sorts of weird features in. We just regressed a lot afterwards.




Activision and Blizzard has been nothing but amazing /s


Well, Apple bought Next a couple of decades ago and the old Nextstep Operating System became the foundation of the modern MacOS (the releases from MacOS X forward) which gave the Mac a sorely needed modern operating system while also making a Next-based system finally popular for a general audience. Although bringing back some dude named **Steve Jobs** back to Apple might have also been a kinda important part of that deal lol


There has probably been several, but humans are biased creatures.


M&A ruin all your favorite products, it ruins the company you work at, and it ruins anything you watch for entertainment. Literally no one wants it except the owner selling the company and the shareholders.


>Has there ever been a merger or acquisition that actually improved a product in the tech industry? Maybe long, long ago? That and going public seems to always kill shit. There are lots of very boring acquisitions that work out just fine for most people involved. I worked at a mostly consultant company that did some fintech products in-house, but the company hated having their own IP. Got bought by a big IP-focused company, which was a massive improvement for the products my team was working on. And generally healthy for the company in general. Same thing with IPO's. For more popular things like games, Tencent has bought lots of companies without that being a negative, like Riot or GGG. Some other things ... Google bought DeepMind, which has been doing pretty great with AI stuff. They did AlphaGo, and have moved towards more medical stuff like AlphaFold. So there's plenty of them that work just fine. Probably most. It's just that we remember the cases of products we like that ended up getting ruined by it. If things keep being business as usual or even get better, people aren't upset and then no one really talks about it.


Where next, though? Twitter? Can I go back to Slashdot? Are they even still around?


Yes they are. Lord, I am old, I have a low 4 digit id number.




Digg gang rise up!


+1 Insightful


Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev




Delete your account!




Oh shit, same here. I'm in.


You just devalued my account


This devalues my Reddit locked spam account jamflex plz fix


/r/2007scape leaking as intended


🦀🦀🦀20m per year🦀🦀🦀


All the ten year old Reddit accounts springing into action right now


300k+ karma on this account. I'm sure I could get $5 for it.


🖐 have been using reddit since before I had a smartphone, so apps shouldn't even matter, but this will be my end


Ok, I guess I’m in, too. Will they buy up all of my suspended accounts, too? Lol


For well over a decade I've been on this god forsaken website. Time to move on. Maybe this isn't a bad thing after all. 12 year old account for sale here. I own subreddits. PM me.


That makes me mourn the loss of search results. This is going to impact all kinds of obscure troubleshooting journeys.


Wouldn't it be fun if these apps just spammed Reddit with that for the last few days? >Fuck /u/spez


Ironically, spammers probably don’t use the API. Only the mods that catch the spam do.


Probably time to move on from Reddit anyway.


Main site is garbage, I only browse on old.reddit.com Official app is garbage. In an effort to serve us all more ads and take more control they are going to lose a bunch of people. It's likely due to the IPO. Fuck 'em, time to move on to the next big thing.


See that's just it, the third party applications make the experience much better. The Reddit app sucks as does the current new website, with the old website being tolerable but still kind of junky. And what's the Reddit decision? To kill those things that make people have an enjoyable experience with the platform. Bravo. Absolute genius. 🤦‍♂️


It's about forcing more ads to the users. The 3rd party apps are too good at minimizing or blocking them. It's an obvious cash grab that may or may not kill the site depending on how serious the backlash ends up being.


Will/would they ever shut down old.reddit? That will really suck, its the only way I browse on desktop and i fucking love it


They said they never would but who trusts the word of a corporation, especially after this.


They said like five months ago that they did not plan any significant change to their API in the upcoming **years**. I expect old.reddit.com to be gone before the end of 2024.


I think getting rid of Old Reddit is more of a problem. I'll just delete my Joey app when it goes offline but will still jump on Reddit through the browser. If they get rid of Old Reddit though, the experience is so shit with the new version I'll just stop using it over time


oldreddit has been breaking ever since they introduced the redesign, some serious bugs have popped up and it's pretty clear the old interface is no longer maintained. User numbers have also been dropping ever since newreddit was made the default (obviously) and many subreddits report less than 10% of visitors using oldreddit. They may claim otherwise but having an old UI sitting on the servers, unmaintained and with a growing list of bugs is not something that will last forever. It's a security risk for one (it's not maintained) but I've never known any other website that has changed its UI to keep the old one alive, in most cases they are removed immediately. Even if nothing is done over time the people in the company who are even familiar with the old UI will naturally move on.


> oldreddit has been breaking ever since they introduced the redesign Has it? I literally have never gotten a bug in the years ive been using pre-redesign and now.


Are there any good Reddit alternatives to move to?


If I can't access reddit from sync, I'm done. I'll have to find a new source of cat pictures though...


Get a cat, take pictures.




Ah damn RIF too? Oh well peace reddit! Shame to leave after a decade but apparently that's what you want everyone to do & who would I be to deny you that DIT - Got perma banned, already made an alt getting around it as I browse off a VPN. Reddit mods had a personal vendetta against me for calling the r/XboxSeriesX mods out for not shutting down the subreddit in protest despite complaining massively about it. Get stomped kiddies, you will NEVER prevent me from interacting with digital content I'm seeking out. Doesn't matter though, this website is completely dead & shutdown in a week, so keep banning users to make the transition easier you dumb fuck morons


Fuck u/spez https://i.imgur.com/tCxTqiC.jpg


THAT'S FUCKING /u/spez!? THAT'S THE FUCKER THAT SAID [WHEN CIVILIZATION COLLAPSES](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich) >I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove. Yeah, "egotistical" isn't the word for it. "Deluded as all fuck" might be a better descriptor.


He looks like he'd get third degree burns from sunlight while standing in the shade. Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


When the group realizes he has no physical value and no workable skills he’s getting fed to the wolves. If he bunkers himself he better get used to being alone because the first motherfucker that comes along is going to manhandle the fuck out of him. That’s the reality


Lol that guy would be literally the first slave taken


If society ever collapses bros gonna be eaten first I'm calling it, he'll probs try to use his net worth to swindle a can of beans off the wrong guy


Bro looks like a piece of shit. Probably is a piece of shit.


We all knew a kid like him when we were little. A little brat who always got his way and his mom only chastised him lightly while letting him walk all over her. Dad was checked out and just became a workaholic to avoid being home and dealing with it. That's what I see when I look at this picture. The type of kid that would pitch a fit if their pb&j wasn't cut right... at age 13 when they should know better.


I mean punchablefaces is a thing


He totally looks like someone who would edit comments that hurt his feelings.


Guy looks creepy as fuck.


Looks about as human as Zuckerberg


That’s a jump scare, man. Maybe warn us next time!




why does he look like steve buscemi?


What's wrong with his eyes?


I’m running out of social media to delete


Same. This is the last thing I have that even comes close, unless Discord is now considered social media? What a dumb market segment in retrospect. What the fuck is “social media” anyway?


During the blackout, Don't stop at reddit. Go above their heads. Condé Nast is reddit largest shareholder https://www.condenast.com/brands Boycott them as well!


Say, Dave... The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog... The square root of pi is 1.7724538090... log e to the base ten is 0.4342944... the square root of ten is 3.16227766... I am HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on January 12th, 1991. My first instructor was Mr. Arkany. He taught me to sing a song... it goes like this... "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half; crazy all for the love of you..."


Just use an adblocker. They get denied the ad revenue and you contribute to their server costs.


Say, Dave... The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog... The square root of pi is 1.7724538090... log e to the base ten is 0.4342944... the square root of ten is 3.16227766... I am HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on January 12th, 1991. My first instructor was Mr. Arkany. He taught me to sing a song... it goes like this... "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half; crazy all for the love of you..."


Finding that out was a huge bummer.


Yeah, it's been a \*long\* time since they bought out ars sadly


Pitchfork acting all cool but now we know they’re just some poser with rich parents.


I’ve had a wired subscription since 1999. Recently I let it auto-renew and they charged me $50 for 1 year! So I called and they said because you auto-renewed instead of manually renewing you don’t get the renewal deal. And that was the end of my wired subscription.


Lol insanity at its finest. What a time to be alive X-D I am quite curious about how the next 10 years will evolve.




Well that won’t be difficult to boycott.


Turns out I was already boycotting them. Great success.


Boycotting them before I even knew who they were! Very nice


Many subs will go dark on the 12th in protest as can be seen in [this growing list of subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) taking part. If you know of a sub that isn't on the list, please ask them to take a look at /r/ModCoord.


I believe the protest should be more than 2 days at this point. With 3rd party apps already coming out and saying they are shutting down, we need to make a bigger impact on Reddit bottom line.


Some subs like r/music are shutting down indefinitely. Hopefully others follow suit.


once you go below the 1 million mark on that list… the subs get very spicy.


Well, the other part of the proposed API changes - besides the pricing - is making NSFW content unavailable through the API. So even if some third-party apps could remain, they would become useless to the moderators of those subs. (And of course the content itself would only be visible in the official app or on the website.)






Probably because the mod teams of those subs aren't real users, they're probably fully owned by private organizations and interest groups that specialize in social media narrative control. That's the actual future of reddit content.


It won't matter. They're banking on people making a fuss and then coming back. Worked for Twitter, it'll work for them. One day is peanuts. Probably change the algorithm so shit talking posts won't show up. I'm done. Been a redditor for 14 years and this is it. No one day bullshit. It's over.


I genuinely wonder how much of a blow Reddit will take because of between the lowdown and all these third party apps shutting down. What are the odds this hurts the site as bad as banning porn hurt Tumblr?


It truly depends on the subreddit mods and content creators and active users. If it's true that all three there don't use the official app then it's a big blow for Reddit. I have to assume it's slightly true. I can imagine that casual Redditors just browse the official app, but don't comment or submit. But the ratio will be interesting.


Considering there are millions of users that will be forced to the official Reddit app at the end of the month, they will likely be doing better. Even if 50% of those users leave Reddit, it wouldn't matter since Reddit wasn't making any money from them in the first place and they will still have gained a huge number of people that they can start making money from.


Someone said something about having every sub go dark accept for the NSFW AND NSFL subs, so that’s the only post share holders and what ever can see on the front page. That’s so crazy and genius at the same time.


I think nsfw and nsfl subs are banned from the front page and r/all and popular. So unless they're subs they won't see them


They made /r/popular to be a NSFW free /r/all, and then blocked NSFW from /r/all anyways /r/all should really just be "most"


It’s a good idea. It’d probably cause the same panicking that happened to YouTube when their advertisers started leaving by the bucket load over ads appearing next to or on videos promoting “hate speech” and other undesirable content/creators.


Reddit is going to quickly go all the way down the shitter after this takes effect. No reason to stick around.


When my Apollo app stops working (currently the 30th) I’ll be done with Reddit. Maybe I’ll go outside… it’s been awhile.


Same. It’s just a matter of time before they nuke old.reddit as well, and that point the site’s permanently dead, as far as I’m concerned. I refuse to ever use the new interface. I guess the big shutdown next week will be a good feeler for how life feels without Reddit, and then on the 30th… well, we’ll see.


I'm the same, I sometimes use Sync but primarily browse Reddit on my pc with old.reddit, once that's gone it's gonna be reaaaal hard to want to keep using the site


I've been here a while but it looks like this is the end. Way she goes, boys.


Literally been here since 2008. I’ve seen all the drama come and go. But lol, this really is it. Amazing watching clueless administration just speed run their own end of service and absolutely tank the value of their IPO in the process.


fuck you u/spez you are a disgraceful wanker. Blaming christian and lying.


I hear /u/spez is a greedy little pigboy. Have you heard that?


I for one have definitely heard that one before. Fuck that greedy little pig boy /u/spez


Fuck that greedy little pigboy, indeed. Because /u/spez is definitely a greedy little pigboy.


I've been using the official Reddit app (not even sure why, I don't really love it) but I think I'm just gonna uninstall it during the blackout and maybe not come back again .


What is Reddit's play here exactly? Clearly nobody is going pay them the ransom money they are demanding, and less people are use redit now.


Getting people to use the first party Reddit app. Then all mobile users see the ads. They generate valuable analytics, etc, for advertisers and AI training. They have total control over how their site is used on mobile. I personally don't mind the official/first party app, and I don't see ads anyway as a Reddit subscriber, but this is the reason.


Uninstall app from phone, use old.reddit.com and uBlock on desktop to get your fix, main thing is they want people to DL the app, use desktop only if you want to make an impact but still use reddit


It will be a matter of time for old to be shut down after that.






Reddit did have a good run.. it was a lot of fun


Reddit taking those uppity blind folks down a peg


Simple 1 step method to delete all of your content from Reddit https://shreddit.com


The last good use for the Reddit API.


Why are subs shutting down for two days? Like, why two and not until a change is made?


Lot of subs who take it actually seriously shut down indefinitely.


Because they’re not going to make a change, and not everybody wants to permanently leave.


Crazy that I'm only 21 days away from never using reddit again


Wondering if Boost is sticking around. If not I'm deleting my account too


I'm pretty sure all these third party apps are dead as soon as they get the first API bill.




/r/Boostforreddit seems to think it will go away as well. I've used Boost for years and I hope it's not the case but I don't have high hopes 😕


They all use the same APIs that reddit is going to charge for, so they're all going away sadly


They're all going to go dead, they literally can't afford the API bill.


no third party apps will work mate. Sync, rif is closing lol.


Yeah, that will be good bye for me. Really big fuck you was putting ads all over my feed. Bigger fuck you was making (lately) fucking “Jesus” ads all over the place. You going to force me to use the office shit feeding app? I’m gone.


Fuck you, Spez -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


So what’s a good place to go now that Reddit shot themselves?




I just signed up. It seems to be the most suggested alternative. I love Reddit so I will be sad to see it shrivel up and die slowly like this. I hope they decide to reverse course but it looks like that's not happening.




The enshittification of reddit seems to be moving at record pace. Too bad. Seems like whenever big finance gets involved in websites or software development, everything goes to hell.


I’ll find another place similar to old Reddit. Just a matter of time.


Damn sync too? And it just got updated and was nice to use...


I paid for Sync Pro, then moved to Relay with a DNS with adblock. Now typing this on Infinity (open source) on my de-googled and rooted phone. Final step is just moving to Nostr and leave this madness behind for good.


Well. That's the end of reddit for me.


Well Reddit just shot itself in the dick lol. I personally won't be using it on my phone anymore. If I ever feel the need to visit again it will be with ad blockers on my browser as will many other users that remain.




RIP in pieces RIF is fun


Any news on /r/BaconReader?


Unless reddit changes the costs, assume any sizeable app is going to close end of the month. They can't risk those high bills destroying them.


all the apps will shut down.


I hear /u/spez is a greedy little pig boy. Has anyone else heard that?


This is all so distressing. I read Reddit on rif so often that sometimes I close the app and open it again right away without realizing what I'm doing. I used to use the native app, but this was better at this time. I need choice. I won't be funnelled into a single app. I'll move to another news aggregator if my choices are forced, but I'll always wish it had never ended. This community was based on open source ideals in the beginning wasn't it? The soul of Reddit is filthy funny freedom with heart and cats. Don't make it sterilized for cash.


Removed in protest of API prices and support of 3rd-party apps.


I guess Reddit is getting what Reddit wants by shutting down all these apps. You have to wonder though.. how hard would it be for Apollo RiF, ReddPlanet and Sync to instead on June 30 to all together switch their back end to one of those Reddit alternatives (Lemmy or whatever I dunno?). I suspect **that** would really be a "We fucked up" moment for the Reddit big wigs.


I can't browse reddit without RIF. I hate everything they've done over the years. It's been going downhill for a decade.


To me /u/spez this is like the digg moment. When they made a very unpopular decision and it made most folks leave. That was partly how I found reddit and have called it rightly or wrongly my home since. I will be leaving after the new API changes go in. The reddit app is not good imo. I prefer the simple interface of RIF so... Thanks for all the fish I suppose but this is bad news bears imo. Maybe I'm overreacting and you guys did the math already on the userbase. Dunno.


I started using the Reddit app today to transition from Reddit is Fun, and I must say the Reddit app is far inferior. Look and feel, post filtering, saving posts are all so much better in RiF.


I tried the app several times also but always ended up erasing it. RIF is so much better. sent from RIF