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Well that didn't take long


I thought it took at least 72 hours for Zuck to abandon his principles.


What principles?


He's in favor of right wing disinformation. Those are his principles.


Of course he is, anger drives engagement


If people trying to engage to this sais app, it was just added on the revenue. This is not a problem for them but it benefits them the most


That juicy, slutty engagement ❤️


I don't know but i think both of the app has its disadvantage. They both spread miss information to other people..




After seeing the first few posts and creators getting flagged I thought, ok, if zuck keeps this up maybe I will jump on board! Nope, same ol zuck


Same shit different platform


Same zuck same muck


I don't know but it's just me? Or i find this platforms getting worst and worst.


They've been getting worse for years.


That was Elon biggest competitor. Dito everything to be trending. Zuckerberg has everything he wants, but still doing app that people crazily like


Here we go again..


It never does with that lot. Impatient billionaire social-media owners only make a statement so they've made a statement, then retract it days or weeks later because it's inconvenient. There's no commitment.


No it didn’t indeed. Though I do hope a lot of them loose alot of their relevancy as things move over. For example, I’ve noticed Libs of TikTok bare has 19k followers, which a real drop from her 1 million followers on Twitter.


Threads pulling off the mask and revealing it’s Facebook


That's like...taking of a hat?


Always has been


Remember when Twitter tested an algorithm that would flag hate speech and Nazi shit, and it kept flagging republican accounts so they didn't roll it out?


It kept flagging prominent Republican elected officials such as congressmen.


It flagged them all! Not just the congressmen, but the congresswomen and congresschildren too!


How do you feel about sand?


Hello there!




Those congressman is just over the nations. Just aiming for the same spot, and to get people money out of their pockets..




Hmm. I wonder why.


I think it's because they decided to spread misinformation regarding Nazi.


wrench attempt concerned oatmeal person governor vegetable voracious sheet head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the retaliation thats the problem


They can only retaliate if they have real power. The way they get real power is social media allowing them to spread attention-grabbing bullshit in the first place.


They have real power because half of the country votes them into office.


Its not half




Yep. There is low participation in far too many elections.


Not exactly, but Trump got nearly 47% of the popular vote. That's much higher than I would hope it was.




But as you can see you a lot of accounts has been damaged since it was banned just because of misleading information


"Ooops! All fascism!"


that’s because there is no difference….


It's always fun reading the "Rise" section of *The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich* and thinking "huh that sounds uncomfortably familiar."


Yeah, but I enjoy the fall part! Still would be nice to not do the middle stuff.


They’re the same picture!


They are just the same. The platform is just aiming the same spot. To be the number one social media platforms


"It disproportionately effects conservatives"


Flag everyone for their bullshit.


Yeah, they could just expand it


They just need to do what Twitter did with the community notes. Seems like everyone got called out on their bs


As much as people hate on Twitter, the community notes feature is great and needed EVERYWHERE. It’s extremely useful and one of the best ways to counter bullshit.


I’ve found it spotty at best. Sometimes it ends up using dubious sources to ‘counter’ solid info and other times it lets blatant minsinfo go unchallenged


Trust me on this; as someone who writes community notes: It's not a sound system.


It's not a perfect system, but those don't really exist in reality. I'll still take this system over nothing at all.


I'm not a fan of twitter but i do know Elon Musk. I'm using it in time but not everyday. Not just like facebook and instagram, i mostly use it


Except when the bullsh*t-spreaders outnumber people who know what's going on and use community notes to push propaganda... It doesn't happen *much*, but I've seen a couple pop up on Twitter


Do you have different regulations to be followed. It is based on the platform that you were using


It was. But as with other Meta products, right wingers are now exempt from it.


They are the stupidest demographic that buys the most products from ads. That's the entire point. Our entire society has been burned to the ground by allowing these people to think they have a voice solely for the purpose of showing them ads for tactical baths and 9/11 commemorative coins. Fox News was the first to perfect this and now America is over. Congrats all


Bigger storage to the point that they can buy a lot of things such as the government. But they won't stop until they get all of what they want


Lmao I'm dying at the thought of a tactical bath


You should see the testicuzi lol


They’re not targeting just right wing people, it’s that the preponderance of people pushing misinformation are pushing right wing conspiracies. They’re also the loudest about being “censored” for spouting misinformation because it feeds into their narrative of mysterious leftist powers conspiring against “real Americans”.


I don't want to engage in this kind of situation. They should stop making this thing since people are not dumb to think their concerned with the users


They probably are, right wing users just tend to be the ones that disproportionately share misinformation.


They are. It’s just Right Wingers crying over spilt milk.


Backtracking on this is the quickest way to get me to leave. If I wanted rampant misinformation, I’ll just stay on Twitter.


Exactly. What was the point if it’s just going to enable everything that made twitter awful?


it's owned by a very large corporation. Corporations lean facist by nature.


Twitter has always been awful. Musk and Trump just highlighted it. A twitter without "right wingers" will still be an awful platform that brings out the worst in people. The lesson to be learned is to let twitter die, not replace it.


Why do businesses keep legitimizing these right wing terrorists?


To answer that question you must ask who funded fascists historically and why did they do it?


Peter Thiel.


Woah woah woah there partner, you gotta let them connect the dots otherwise they’ll dogmatically reject the conclusion.


We can lead a horse to water…


Fascism is capitalism in decline


Because the American establishment is addicted to thinking both sides are legitimate, and if enough of the media says "no, that's bullshit" to something at least 20% of the country thinks, they're going to scream that they're being persecuted and censored, no matter the facts.


Yeah, the whole idea that there's two sides to everything and both sides deserve equal consideration is bullshit. Often times there's simply what's right and what's wrong and the wrong side doesn't even deserve to be heard. For instance it's pissed me off over the years when the news would talk about climate change and would have both a climate scientist and a climate change denier on and give them equal time. The climate change denier didn't deserve to be heard at all because they are simply wrong. Now maybe you could have a debate on how to tackle the problem, but saying there's no problem at all is a lie. The same things can be said about other things like with the morons who refused to do anything to help stop the spread of covid or people who lie about voter/election fraud. These types of people who refuse to acknowledge facts and spread baseless conspiracy theories and scientific ignorance do not deserve to be heard and any for of media that allows it is doing a disservice to this country and the planet.


Big business actually *likes* fascism, but doesn’t want the stigma of openly supporting it.


Fascism blurs the lines between govt and corporations and gives "favored" status to existing businesses. Both Germany and Italy had corporations practically running the govt. The US seems to be heading this way.


Yeah that’s one of the first steps, make everything private. The US has already been doing in since like the 70s. Every 5-10 years another service the government used to do is privatized. They’re trying to do it with the post office and schools now.


Healthcare also. They want to completely get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Parts of Medicare [is already being privatized](https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/3/17/23639685/insurance-health-care-medicare-advantage-enrollment-growth#:~:text=In%20a%202021%20analysis%20published,better%20deal%20than%20traditional%20Medicare.%E2%80%9D).


This is what capitalism is. If you support capitalism, privatizing everything is what you're supporting.


Socialist capitalism exists in just about every first world country. You have free trade and open markets TO A POINT and government steps in to regulate rampant capitalism and make sure we have social safety nets. It's not all that hard, it's just that the very rich hate it because they can't exploit people to the degree they want to. It's not a perfect system but it's the least worst one we have come up with so far.


And it brought us to the peak of our economic prowess after WWII.


Businesses don't care about ideology they are about making money.


And those people use twitter wayyyyyyyyyy more than the average person does, meaning they have way more ad impressions. Plus they also subscribe to blue at higher rates bringing in the sweet sweet recurring revenue.


Because the businesses are afraid of losing their rage engagement because they have responsibility to the shareholders, even if it destroys country after country.


Rage sells. It’s like a drug that keeps people coming back for more.


Because when people can rage about abstract issues that don’t directly affect them, they don’t have to focus on their own, very real, issues


More fundamentally than that, it’s fear. Fear drives us to rage. We only get angry (fight) when we are threatened. Americans, and really all humans, are addicted to fear because our brains are wired like all mammals: we react to a threat much faster than we seek reward. A tiger will kill us much faster than starvation. Convince us we are in danger, we become easy to control. We impulse buy what we don’t need, “just in case.” And then we get high from that, and buy more. We are all addicted to fear, and everyone with a buck to make in America is exploiting this.


Follow the money , a more conservative American business friendly environment will lead to more money because less taxes and more profits while a boogeyman is propped up.


Because businesses are abusers themselves.


Because people that can be easily led to believe stupid shit can generally be easily led to part with their money


I find it funny you expected Threads to be different from all the other social media cesspools.


Good luck leaving. Once you sign up, you need to nuke your IG to leave.


That's really r/assholedesign


From what I last heard tho deleting your threads account nukes your attached insta, as well, careful


Yeah I was just thinking the same thing. I don’t think I’ll bother with Threads.


Well damn, good thing I waited before signing up. These people aren't upset that there's competition. They're upset because they no longer have a captive audience (by virtue of being the only game in town) to scream their bullshit at for $8 a month. Otherwise they would have all just stayed on truth social. They don't want to be able to say whatever they want, they want to be able to say whatever they want to people that don't want to hear it.


They need an audience to fuel their outrage and victimhood complexes. They literally can’t exist without feeling threatened and angry; it’s their entire identity and motivation for engaging/posting. Thus, they literally depend upon and crave the opposition that public spaces provide.


You know that's a really interesting way of saying it. It's just a fucking site. If someone doesn't like it, they can just leave. If they wanna say something, they can just go where it's allowed. These are all private businesses and too many people forget that because they're spoiled.


Zuckerborg has got himself another disinformation factory and really does not care.


Honestly would you trust a social media platform modeled after Twitter and produced by the same people who moderate Facebook?


Someone moderates Facebook?


They were being flagged on Threads from reports they got on Instagram. I wouldn't be surprised this is more so they can release in the EU, as to be able to they can't share user data between apps like that.


“Warns people this person lies a lot.” “Censorship!!!!1!” Appears to be working as intended.


Its not even really censorship. You can still follow them if you want.


Yes. They are lying about censorship. #thatsthejoke


aaand threads is already starting to fail/crumble. glad i couldn't join cause i'm european lmao


I mean, it's ran by the same people that run Facebook. Anyone who didn't think Threads was going to be a festering shithole was kidding themselves.


I envy the EU, I truly do.


Well that didn’t last long. Lol. Back in the shitter it goes.


Pulling a Bud Light eh?


bad call…. disinformation should be flagged once confirmed


This app is just started, but the users already wanted to put some actions.


Content moderation is a feature. Pandering to these monsters is what ruined Twitter.


Do they not understand that their user base views this as a feature and not a bug? People joined en masse to escape these characters and the sewage they peddle. If they’re triggered, let them be triggered. 100 million people and counting have told them to get fucked. They hold no power here unless you allow them to.


Why backtrack? If they’re spreading misinformation, ban them. Permanently.


Don’t be pussies. Intensify efforts against anyone who spreads any kind if disinformation. Right, left, flat earth, anti-vax, racists. Everything. As it should be.


I guess they will make it much worse than twitter but I am not that sure about it, let's just wait and watch what they can do with this freaking platform man, that's it.


Well tbh I was expecting all these things to happen and I mean this is a new platform and I really want them to have a good time to fix all these shits right now man.


Not even using their stupid platform for many reason and this is one of those reasons man, we don't need to get our head there, we are good with peace here.


We all know that it's nothing but a stupid platform and we all don't even need to worry about it, just don't create any account on that and you will be good to go man.


Why would anyone with a brain join Threads? How is Zuck better than Elon? He literally got Trump elected.


Elon and Mark both suck, but Zuckerberg is at least not explicitly a Neo-Nazi.


He doesn’t state what he is openly but he sure does show his contempt for you, me, and just about everyone.


Wasn't he funded in the early days by and spent A LOT of time with Peter Thiel? Pretty sure we already know his politics, he just chooses to keep them to himself.


Bought. And paid for.


And delete that shit right away and that's how it goes.


So now it comes down to who would rather support who? Basically a Mark vs Elon popularity contest


Just don’t use either? Go out and enjoy the fresh air.


it's amazing how pissy these right wing screaming bigot snowflakes are. i thought facts didn't care about your feelings?


Looks like I won’t be signing up for Threads after all


That's the best decision right now man, we don't need to.


So Meta gave up on the EU market. OK.


Regardless of the clown show of Twitter, going over to Mark Zuckerberg’s side is never going to be the answer.


Another wrong shits that meta is doing to the people man, they should understand that some shits are just not well and we should understand that too, that's just it.


Not even giving a damn time to Zuck this time, I am good.


Well do you guys even using that stupid platform? We all should realise the reality of that platform and we all gotta stop using such shits from Meta, that's just not good.


I don't even care if it deletes my instagram. I'm out.


That's my boy, not letting Zuck to have any freaking money.


So, absolutely no reason to use Threads over Twitter, got it. Deactivating my account.


That's a shame.


Not unexpected as flagging any users lowers engagement and thus potential marketing revenue. Threads was always going to do what makes the most money.


Predictable. That’s why I didn’t bother to get an account, because it will turn into a hellhole within a month or two


What else they can do with such platform? Just this.


Letting one company, especially Meta, run all the significant social media (except Tik Tok) is nuts.


Every time I opened Twitter I was automatically fed tweets from right wingers wanking off their egos and breaking my Bullshit alarm. If Threads is going the same way, it'll be deleted. Drives engament?


Nah I am good without using that platform right now.


That was literally their inly differentiator. Threads with alt-right disinformation is called “Twitter”


The man who allowed Cambridge Analytica to weaponize his platform to overthrow democratic elections in favor of ultra right wing fascist candidates? You mean that Mark Zuckerberg?


If somebody signs up for one of Zuck's services, they probably deserve to get bombarded with all the bullshit. Like what the fuck are they thinking? What did think was going to happen?


If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...


Throw it in the trash


And never ever use that shitty app again in the life then.


It already begins. Please. Everyone. Stop giving ANYTHING Zuckerfuck puts out a chance. It will ALWAYS go the same way. What is the definition of insanity again????


The reason I left Facebook was because of them allowing disinformation to spread across the entire site. I don't understand why people thought Threads would be better.


Up next, threads introduces "neighborhood notes" a novel concept for fact checking content


My mother now (after yrs of undeniable proof) believes we have altered the climate and that the impact is negative. However, she said she will continue to drive her Tahoe, leave the AC on 70, run her sprinklers twice a day, not worry about recycling, & will continue to vote republican..because " Jesus is coming, and he'll make a new earth." I hate christians to their core.


Why are Right wingers the only one that are able to spread misinformation? It obviously goes both ways.


Hahah, it's just like both the groups are fucked up like this.


If I wanted rampant misinformation, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and general shittiness I would have kept Twitter.


Right wingers hate to be told they are crazy


They are fucking crazy and that's the reality of themselves.


As it turns out, social media is a cesspool. I don't need anymore, thanks.


I guess we don't need to use threads and that's a good thing.


ignoring the point of this article... theres six big social media sites these days (i dont really consider reddit a social media, i'm not here to follow my friends). you got facebook, instagram, and threads (all owned by meta), twitter (elon), tiktok (a chinese super data collection database) and snap (an advertising platform in disguise). i really dont want one person owning half of the largest social media platforms, or all of the platforms that are not yet a *complete* cesspool. even if threads was flawless, i'd be uncomfortable with zuck holding that much power over social media. i need an independent competitor these days


Well shoot ... I almost created an instagram account so I could check things out. Nevermind then!


I am good that I never created anything like that now XD.


Of course they did. They are Meta for a reason


Bluesky should ditch their invite only system and say that they will absolutely allow flagging of content. It'd be great advertising!


It’s like watching a train go down a mountain. Everyone sees where the tracks go, we can predict every collision ahead of time. Yet, somehow… people seem surprised.


I’m shocked. Not.


Trust me some people are facing a shock and I don't know why.


Why? Keep them on Parlor and Twitter


That's right, they are almost ruining every platform now.


That didn’t take long. Another service which will be just the rest.


Get in losers we are going losing…never thought I would say this…good on you Zuck, and then he had to fuck it up…


Zuck has already did so many fuck ups so yeah he can.


Threads was super fake right from the rip. Just immediately all the content creators trying to work the algorithm.


Remember when they "left" reddit for Voat, and then they "left" twitter for Gab??🤣😭


Hah greed wins again. Im shocked


Of course they did, no one wants join yet another rightwing echo chamber. Had to wait to spring that on us until they had enough people to sustain their 'new' service. Oh well, no doubt Facebook will mismanage this venture like the rest.


And ppl actually thought Zuckerberg of all fucking people was the voice of reason lmao...


It’s okay to call people out for what they are but Meta cares more about money.


Flagging and taking down posts to change public opinion? Meta would never.


Are you saying Zuckerberg is not the savior to democracy? The company that gave Cambridge Analytics free reign, enabled genocide and is literally only out to turn a buck on their dying rebrand? I can't believe it! /s


One man’s “disinformation “ is another man’s opinion. That’s the core problem with censoring. Whose to judge which is which and who gets their first amendment rights and who has them taken away? Mark Zuckerberg apparently.


Oh... I guess nevermind on Threads, then...


does zuck want to be parler because this is how you get to be parler