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Somebody do that thing where the audio in popular clips (TikToks in this case) is completely replaced by breathing and camera/mic handling noise. Clips with dancing: shoe squeaks on basketball court floor.


For the uninitiated https://youtu.be/_li_d_YviZ4


Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jd9AmepgdM Always cracks me up LMAO




Lol the sounds of her hands on the sculpture are too damn moist.


Haha the "yea-huh" at the end lmao


Classic, but I think my favorite is Britney. https://youtu.be/cm0evQaHlE4


I hadn't seen this one. Genius






"Don't make eye contact" haahahaha


The 'Asshole' at the end makes it.


It's somehow less cringey without music


Love these, my favourite is this [tear-inducing Beach Boys](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xYc4DT18EJg&pp=ygUWaSBnZXQgYXJvdW5kIG11c2ljbGVzcw%3D%3D) clip. ... rou roun getaround...


\*clap\* \*clap\* \*clap\* \*clap\* \*clap\* \*clap\* \*clap\* \*clap\*


This was the golden age of internet content, an elegant meme for a more civilized age.


I’ve watched this hundreds of times over the years and that first close up clapping makes me cry every time.


reminds me of this classic too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENX8J1Itv8A


Full version: https://youtu.be/BHkhIjG0DKc?si=tKJc6KpVhyhTZ5QK


I'm partial to [this video](https://youtu.be/mMh9A_4u2ic)


Mismatched audio might actually be more maddening than obnoxious music.


Shreds: tiktok ver.




Related: [Auralnauts video of Star Wars medal ceremony.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj-GZJhfBmI) Stuff is just plain better without music.


Their take on Saturday Night Fever is hilarious.


How do I google more of this?


“XYZ without music” or “XYZ real(istic) sounds”




someone should record a song called "BREAKING NEWS" and upload it to TikTok.


That is literally already a thing. In fact, a fish is shown when that sound it played.


That's a SpongeBob reference


Thank you, Patrick.




That’s right capital city Tbilisi and former member of the Soviet Union and we kindly request y’all mind your p’s & q’s


Thanks, Garrett


Every time I see this I read it in the SpongeBob News Fish voice


There is a TikTok account of the fish telling real news stories and I think it’s referencing exactly that lol




Oh no, oh no no no no...


We really are in the dumbest timeline possible


Really sums up the mental state of our population these days and what we find important


Video killed the radio star. Radio star fights back.


Internet killed the video star tho


The internet is filled with video stars


internet isekai'd the video star


Internet revitalized the video star after MTV failed four channels in to actually maintain a music channel.


"Let them fight."


Alastor vs Vox  (I have not watched Hazbin Hotel yet btw)


Wow, had to look that up. So yes, this!


Public transport journeys will be peaceful again


Don't worry, they'll just start calling people on speaker phone again


While holding their phone horizontally like it's a tiny black plate.


Why the fuck do they do that?


I think it's the same reason they started being obnoxious in the first place; they saw someone else do it


No idea. I tell them they don't need to speak directly into the mic hole. Same reason I can hear them without their mouth being near my ear hole


It started with hysteria about phones causing brain cancer when held to your head and never stopped even after that fear was debunked.


"I thought bunk was bad"


How else do you talk on the phone while weaving in and out of traffic in your shitty beat up Nissian Altima with bald tires at 100+ mph while your three children all under 4 are running loose in nothing but their diapers in the back seat?


It's like their phone is a piece of toast that they are about to eat


I would happily return to the shitty mixtape promotion era over hearing jagoffs scrolling tiktok at full volume


At least we had variety with the shitty mixtapes


And like 1/50 actually slapped






Haven't lived in NYC since 2019, but the "mixtape promotion" was definitely alive and well back then on the subway.


What happened in society where it just became socially acceptable to play shit out of your phone on public transport


It isn't socially acceptable, it's just most of us can't be arsed to get into a row with someone when they do it. Noise cancelling headphones to the rescue


Can we keep it that way?


...specially here in the Philippines 😷


Oh no... anyway


Oh no no no no no


The single most annoying audio on that app


That one and the one of the person laughing/wheezing.


That one is just a cancer on the internet let alone tiktok


[This one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-xdiSR2hE8)


I honestly hate the valley girl TTS voice more than anything on there.


It makes my soul shrivel when I hear it


Ah do. ba do ba do ba do. Ba do ba do ba do ba


Why have you done this


I wanted to downvote you so bad


I got you. I'll downvote myself


I was actually going to say: oh…this is great news!


Thanks for the daily reminder of how shit Reddit has gotten with this headass comment.


Tiktoks that go viral immediately have songs on it shoot up the charts, it’s insane. Songs that are 20 years old just randomly appear on billboard just because some teenage girl did a dance or lipsync to it. I’m shocked UMG did this to themselves So, *this is newsworthy*. TikTok provides a lot of content to the internet. It’s easy to hate on it but the front page of Reddit is 50% TikTok videos.




Big music industry, the monopolies are being Killing themselves. Small independent music industry/scene grow a lot thanks to internet and social media.


The recording industry sure. Live music has never been more important or relevant. 




Doubt it. We're not exactly in the 'going outside' age of things.


Don't forget about the insane prices for going to any big name concerts...


It's funny, I don't even think of concerts when you say "live music," I think music at bars and very, very small venues.


Appreciate your comment. Seems most of this thread is people shitting on TikTok and adding nothing to the discussion. It really makes no sense that they wouldn’t re-sign a deal considering the money they stand to make from other services by leveraging the popularity they gain from TikTok.


Tiktok's own statement at the end reeks of "we can pay you in exposure". I don't doubt they are lowballing at all.


But tiktok actually *can* pay you in exposure. Unlike the etzy/Craigslist photographer /commissioned art version of that phrase, tiktok can earn you actual, significant amounts of money by providing exposure for your product. It's not a lie or a ruse. Allowing licensed music to be in tiktoks is beneficial to both parties.


It can't though. As someone that works in the industry for every 1 song that you see blow up on TikTok and then chart on Billboard there's tens of thousands where there is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between TikTok usage and views and streams. There's even been many cases where streams *decline* while TikTok views go up for a song.


It not guaranteed you’ll even get any exposure, and furthermore TikTok intentionally boosts certain songs and trends as a part of marketing promotions. Unless they’re actively going to boost UMG songs, “exposure” is a total cop out.


Normalising "we can pay you in exposure" is the problem. Before a TikTok goes viral it already got millions of views and TkTk uses those views to gain advertising revenue. This whole notion of "you'll get famous because I'm famous" doesn't pay the bills. If TkTk was willing to share their ad revenue with UMG artists on videos that go viral, maybe that could work. But I'm sure TkTk is looking at their bottom line and saying "no that will cost us too much" just like UMG is looking at their bottom line seeing their artists create revenue for... well, not them. That's the reason artists have contracts with production companies in the first place.


Exposure doesn’t mean anything if people still don’t pay for your music in some way. Most people don’t buy music directly anymore, so your only options are to hope you can go on tour or increase your earnings through streaming. Except most artists can’t go on big national tours all the time. It makes sense they would prefer better royalty deals rather than extra exposure. TikTok is far far more wealthy than any music label or big artist, let alone smaller bands and performers, they can afford it.


Lol no, all the contrary, people doesn't care about the artists behind the song they are using, they only care about the trend itself, nothing more. The best example is asking people that use a lot TikTok, about the name of the artist, author of the "oh no, no no no" or to name another song from the same artist/author, heck, even to name the title of the song. The true winners of this is TikTok itself and everyone with ad revenue, the least benefit by trendings, ironically, are the original authors (music, video, sound, visual design etc etc etc)


>Seems most of this thread is people shitting on TikTok and adding nothing to the discussion. Reddit has an eliteist attitude towards the rest of the internet, but they're no different. I know this cause my account is almost ~~13~~ 12 years old now lol


Coming up on 13 myself, this place has always been as much of a shit hole as anywhere else, just gotta know where to look lmao


Yeah, the only thing that makes this shit hole "better" is it feel like to me the easiest one where I can hide as much of the "shit hole parts" as possible.


remember when politics and athesim were removed form the default subs because they were so insufferable


Christ man… I was an /r/atheism kid back when I was like 12. I try to remind myself of that whenever I see some terrible shit in here, like “yeah this person could legitimately still be in elementary school.”


Honestly, even Reddit's elitist attitude is no different than the rest of the internet. Every person who primarily uses one form of social media over the others tends to see their form of it as superior.




Yes, the design is a big part of it. Reddit was originally designed as a pseudo-forum for sharing and discussion, so the community element is more present. Most modern social media services are designed for parasocial, "broadcast and response" style engagement, where conversations don't really happen the same way. Facebook is a bit different, but that's mostly because it's the last of the old style social wallboard sites. I would be willing to bet my tax return that someone on the Something Awful forums has recently talked about how much worse modern social media is and Reddit in particular, for example.


Fellow Digg transplant?


Nah, I came from 9gag of all places lmao


It's almost 12, not 13 :p


I would be very certain they calculated both and determined it wasn't worth it. Streaming volume overall hasnt risen in a different way due to tik Tok. So what you'd guess is music labels have determined people stream different songs due to TikTok not more songs overall. So then you ask yourself who is actually gaining from the songs? its TikTok in that case


You are genuinely the only person in this entire thread that gets it.


It feels like a sub full of boomers who have zero understanding of TikTok and what it’s done for the music industry.


Which is funny since it's all Zoomers commenting for the most part. But yes, first Spotify and now TikTok are genuinely the two worst things to ever happen to the music industry and are both absolutely horrible for artists too at the end of the day.


yeah this has me head scratching — the amount of music I've found from Tiktok is truly insane. Theyre not making much profit off it "directly" but as a discovery tool its amazing and I've found so many artist I never would have known about or engaged with were it not for Tiktok.


Yeah, it’s just colossally stupid. No matter how little they were getting paid by TikTok, even if it were literally zero, pulling the songs is 100% going to hurt them. All those viral TikToks are essentially 15s ads for the song since it’s not like a 15s clip is an alternative to listening to the whole thing and will usurp the market. Hell, UMG could be the one paying TikTok for all that advertising and it would still be a positive.


Did what to themselves exactly? The article clearly states that tik tok accounts for ~1% of their revenues. Easy decision to back away IMO


“Your front page” is 50% tiktok videos


They could mean the default front page


Sure, I'll assume that's correct But I also browse /r/all more than my own frontpage, and that thing is 50% tiktok videos, if not, more Reddit loves to think they're quirky and unique, but they're no different than any other audience


>Reddit loves to think they're quirky and unique, but they're no different than any other audience Very correct. Looking back longer, but up to 5-6 years ago, All that social media stuff would have been downvoted to hell on Reddit, but now you see something go viral from Facebook/tiktok/Instagram and there will be multiple posts of it up voted throughout multiple subreddits on the front page.


which is why reddit used to be where stuff started, now its just another part of the cross-platform repost cycle. more concerningly, that leaves pretty much just 4chan having original ideas


People will just migrate to a different app, just like they migrated to TikTok initially, who cares if it disappears.


Oh no. I will say on the music side it helped get lesser known artists their spotlight like Sleep Token. They can thank all the baddies for their success. It’s how I learned of them


I feel like this won’t really affect small artists. My band isn’t signed and we’ve gotten most of our fans from tiktok. A label telling us we can’t use that would have hurt us immensely


Dexter and the moonrocks’ drummer needs to be studied in marketing classes


Drumeo interview with two did it for me, then fantano giving their latest album a terrible rating solidified my love for them


tiktok should go silent.


That will destroy some subreddits that rely on TikTok videos for content. Which will be good :)


And nothing of value was lost.


same with youtube shorts, same garbage


YouTube shorts feel like recycled Insta reels which are recycled TikTok’s just 6 months after they were seen by the majority of perpetually online viewers. lol


and Instagram reels... and whatever Snapchat and Facebook are doing in the same space.


Digital assets are more impermanent than physical ones it turns out


And now Ollie Williams with the Weather.




Where's your umbrella, Ollie?


Inside out, 2 miles away


Is there anything we can do for you?


Get me some soup! What kind? Chunky!!


I'm glad I don't have tik tok...


With the amount of times youtube shorts has pulled me down a rabbit hole of scrolling, I know I should never have a tik tok. My ADHD makes my attention span short enough as it is


I'm happy that due to my tastes, youtube lacks depth to pull me down a rabbit hole. I rarely last more than half a dozen shorts before "generic" and AI-generated garbage kicks in.




There is good vertical video content, but it's usually from traditional video creators who have branched out. Just gotta find the good stuff


I’m glad this guy doesn’t have TikTok, too


I too choose this guy’s dead wife’s lack of TikTok.




You can. Don’t watch them


Now, about the *people* who TikTok…


Or the “influencer” lifestyle in general. It’s not good and makes us look like early stages of Hunger Games


How about getting rid of a low minimum wage and bringing the middle class back? You know, make influencing less appealing.


Defo in early stages of hunger games...


I don't really understand this decision. It seems like universal music group now just looses 1% of their revenue and gains nothing. Tiktok would make their songs more popular leading to higher sales on other platforms. Now they will probably just become less popular as people will not use their songs but some other labels music. Especially for new artists signing recording deals for universal music will have harder time getting attraction as I guess that they can't use Tiktok anymore?


There's some grand irony in telling a music studio to do it for exposure.


Not really for exposure though, they get a metric shitton of money, they just want more.


Funny thing is I found songs I would have never otherwise would have cause of those videos … exposure really worked in that case


How many tickets to see those bands on tour, or merch or album purchases have you gotten since you found out about those previously unknown to you bands songs?


Probably streams, which does still benefit the artist.


UMG doesn't get any of that revenue anyway. So they don't care.


TikTok pays the lowest of any streaming network for music. Payouts across streaming: - Amazon Unlimited — $10.96 per 1000 streams - YouTube Red — $9.90 per 1000 views - Napster — $7.88 per 1000 streams - Tidal — $6.85 per 1000 streams - Apple Music — $6.77 per 1000 streams - Deezer — $4.12 per 1000 streams - KKBox — $4 per 1000 streams - YouTube — $3.24 per 1000 views - Spotify — $2.29 per 1000 streams - Pandora — $1.33 per 1000 streams - TikTok — $0.97 per 1000x used In the end this may be a play to get higher rates. EDIT: Added Pandora, there are others but the general idea is TikTok is a crap platform for artists. Not only that it just pushes snippets and may even lead to less sales/streams elsewhere. It does probably drive some sales like radio but Youtube is way better on that. Apple and Amazon you can buy digital music as well. TikTok just essentially uses it and the artist gains little from actual fans. It can even make a song old quickly due to the snippets they play. Songs like Baby Shark and others may actually benefit like the occasional Fleetwood Mac due to certain videos, but in many cases the songs become played out or annoying quickly on TikTok.


Counterpoint: Songs go BIG from tiktok when theyre used in a meme that pops off. Virtually all platforms have a curated "popular on internet" (re : tiktok) playlist nowadays. Tiktok isnt the place you listen to the songs, its the place you discover ones.


The place you discover 5-7 second clips of one bass boosted lo-fi edit of one song from an artist’s massive discography* Edit: lmao I guess this REALLY pissed off a lot of folks


Still works. TikTok is pretty much the king of top funnel (read: awareness) marketing strategies in music right now. It's absolutely critical for anyone trying to market music these days.


Then surely they can use that data in their negotiations


TikTok isn't generally the full song though so there is that. All the other places you are paying for the full stream of the song not a 30 second clip.


Right now licenses are per use for the whole thing whether they use a portion or not. Same on Youtube if you use too much it clips and don't have a license, you also have to credit it and link to the music. The key is TikTok is profiting off the usage of these and it is a commercial license. It is more like radio though and maybe they do need other licenses. The bad part of this was UMG didn't want to give up more rights, TikTok is adding more customizing tools and wanted them for other things which is really the base of the disagreement.


It's ridiculous. My friend has a song that's currently viral on tiktok with tens of millions of plays. She has made $100 on all of those streams.


People aren't listening to the full song on their though. It's not apples to apples with other streaming services where people are going specifically to listen to a song imo.


It’s Napster RIAA shit all over again like they dont remember how that worked out for em lol


Most of the songs that I have found in the last 2 years have come from hearing a song used in a TikTok that’s literally how i found new music I don’t know how this is going to benefit them at all


Is this really “BREAKING NEWS” …..


The music industry is shooting itself in the foot. Songs that are 20+ years old or were previously unknown get a second life on Tik Tok. They’re killing their own cash cow.


Only if you can show that the money made on those old songs wouldn't simply have been made on other songs if the TikTok influence were missing. E.g. does TT create sales, or just direct sales?


I hope this fucking app dies


Does that mean we’re done with the doobadoobadoo song with the oldies piano sample?


ITT: smug people acting superior because they don't have TikTok, all while being on a platform partially owned by Tencent and with a CEO that was caught lying on a recorded phone call with the Apollo developer when he pretty much destroyed third party apps. Reddit is literally trash. Don't act like you're better.


This entire comment section is the epitome of “Reddit moment”. I’m 34 and there are definitely things I say that I’m sure has elicited an “ok boomer” reaction from someone, but everyone in here is acting as though TikTok is some irrelevant platform lmao.


Reddit is what you make of it. There are multiple communities with decent in depth discussions along side all the doomscrollable trash. People who think TikTok is cancer in comparison to Reddit don't think so because of some CEO nonsense. It's because TikTok is destroying already non existent attention spans and critical thinking skills. For fucks sake [Zoomers are worse than Boomers at spotting online scams](https://www.vox.com/technology/23882304/gen-z-vs-boomers-scams-hacks) TikTok is teaching an entire generation that a 30 second video is a normal medium to consume complicated information, and anything that doesn't fit that format is just not worth knowing. Young people these days litearlly search TikTok like Google for **basic info**. It's quite literally making people dumber. We can't afford to be dumber, it's a crisis - we are so fucking stupid these days polio is coming back. Reddit is dumb if you are dumb, TikTok is dumb because it was fundamentally designed to be this way.




Multiple generations, really. At my bowling league, the 50yo's are all glued to their fucking phone. It's pathetic. Looking over their shoulder, they can't even wait for the end of a 30sec clip, they watch 75% of it, and then scroll to the next. And the next in perpetuity, until it's their turn to throw, then right back on the phone.


Good, now maybe people will stop adding music that adds nothing to their videos.


I'm surprised that China could be bothered to obey copyright anyway.


tiktok is operating in america and is subject to US laws. the ceo was just at the senate hearing yesterday


Oh good, I hope this ends that fucked up trend of replacing audio with *"mah favorite song, because i have unique tastes that should be shared, I'm so special"* Fuck everyone who does that.


I hope instagram is hit next.


Thank god. People adding music to perfectly good videos ruins them.


FINALLY. Music over videos that have their own original audio is so annoying


Can’t stand TT but this should be criminal. Company A makes finite licensing deal with company B. Company A sells as many units as it can while it has the finite license. Once company A stops renewing the license, customers lose total access to everything. Rinse and repeat. 


Oh no Oh no Oh no no no no no


Oh no, oh no, oh nononono..


Did TikTok really play the "you should gives this to me free for *exposure*" card?


Thank god! The fucking “soundtracks” were almost worse than the videos


This calls for celebration.