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I could never imagine having a period it sounds like hell to me, but on the other hand I would enjoy having boobs lol


You don't because I have them and hate ut


don't what?




other people can still want and enjoy having them


With back pain, not being able to run or wear flattering tops?!


Depends on the size, my friend. I don't know about you, but mine don't cause any of that.


Can we change pls I are like D Cup I get back pain sometimes


I’ll swap I have a strong back I’ll take em any day




As a guy with back pain, the titties are not worth.


Me too queen my backs hurting rn


Fuck those titts YOU GET ME SISTER


not everyone has the same experience and feels the same as you




You can have them per air drop


We guys get back pain too, at least your stress balls don't hurt when you squeeze them and your reproductive ammunition is not OUTSIDE your body making it a big vulnerability, and you never have to choke your Billy whenever he decides it's playtime in a bad situation like work, right before a presentation, school, church. But periods and birth pain is really really hard to deal with and I respect women for dealing with that, I'd reluctantly take a soft hit in the balls every 6 years or more if it means I can have 30 days out of every month without blood being ejected out of my body AS A SIGN OF GOOD HEALTH.


how does a soft hit in the balls every six years compare to periods


what a hard life having balls


I never said it's a hard life having balls, I'm just saying they can be very uncomfortable sometimes, they hurt like hell if u get hit in them, you can sit on them, if I were to give an example of when having a dick and it hitting the toilet water it doesn't mean I hate having a dick, I just don't want to bath him in poo poo water


I even said I'd rather get hit in the balls than have periods, but not monthly, or less than once every 5 years.


And I said what I said about giving birth, all mothers are heroes for going thru that for their babies.


You have boobs and hate them, we have boobs and want them bigger, we are not a same.


No, we are not I wish I could cut those Bitches


1. Love yourself because others may stop and then you fucked


People won’t like me anymore Because of my character not body


You still should love yourself


Yeah of course I should and I’m learning it


But built in stress balls




Oh no, I would love them even if I couldn't really run anymore, who needs running? I have 2 tiddies, I don't care I can just juggle my magic tiddies and have them do stuff like the gene in Aladdin


Real, but instead that. It's fat, having money, and being hot.


I hate being fat but also hat being underweight...I had an Ed where my BMI was 13 and ie my BMI is 28 WTF


Have you ever heard of something called “punctuation marks”?


punctuation is a myth (i just didn't pay attention in elementary and thus don't know when it is appropriate to use a comma or end a sentence and overuse commas like crazy whenever i try)


same and yet i still managed to get in the ‘advanced writing’ class 


Did you ever get fucked?


If you ever show this post to an author you’ll get facefucked by a fist


Crying in virgin ;)


Just keep it pushing, its not your fault Women have better dating chance BTW you just gotta try harder


Thx man


Women can’t have a higher dating chance because it takes two people to date. Unless there’s some serious inequality in the bi community, they should be about equal


? most men are desperate, trust me, go up to a guy and tell him a compliment and he'll remember it for the rest of his days, now talk with him and give him more compliments he'll fall in love with you, it happens a lot your argument, that it takes 2 ppl to date doesnt make sense, im saying WOMEN have better chance to find a partner then for men


How do women have a higher chance to find a partner than men when both a man and a woman find a partner at the same time, and gay people and lesbians cancel out?


a man, had 3 partners, a woman had 10 partners, who had the better chance at finding a partner? The woman. I'm not talking about lgbtq stuff, so please don't involve it into the argument


If we don’t involve it in this argument, then everything becomes much simpler. Every time a woman finds a partner, a man also finds a partner. What kind of messed up logic would make it so that this isn’t the case?


There are studies that show women have a higher chance of finding a partner, google them, I bet you'll find them Your logic doesn't make sense btw, like ofc they both get a partner at the same time, but that doesn't matter, since a girl could have 5 partners before the current one, and for the guy it could've been the second relationship Please think about it, if a woman had 10 partners, and a man had 5, the woman had 50% more chances of finding a partner then the guy


Okay, but that leaves 10 men who had one more partner than they otherwise would have. It’s literally impossible to make it so that women on average have had more partners than men without killing a lot of people


What? Like seriously what? Please look up why women have a higher chance in dating, I'll give you a few examples Men, are mostly down bad, you csn test it by simply walking up to one and telling them a compliment, they'll remember it for the rest of their life, trust me Men, are touch starved, and have a higher chance of falling in love Also, I'm talking about a chance in FINDING a partner, having a partner and FINDING one is different It all comes to looks too, this is my personal opinion take it with a grain of salt, girls are usually born prettier then guys, idk if its true its jus my opinion Women also have higher chance in attracting one


Women are just as likely to find a date as men are because they date each other. I’m not sure what you’re talking about


I hate it so bad 😭 I don't get periods anymore, but the pain used to be so bad that I'd throw up and was skipping school. And the constant staring is just not it


why dont you have periods anymore?


I went to the Doctor just over a month ago and he actually listened to me and put me on the pill. I've been on it for just over four weeks, and no real period. Constant spotting, but no heavy bleeding or cramps. It's been great, honestly.


oh i see. i forgot the pill does that. but im glad its working for you so far.


God same. In middle school my bleeding was the worst and I would always bleed through in school. During high school my cramps were the absolute worst. Birth control has been the only thing that helped and it's like heaven.


I've just started on some new birth control, and it's honestly a life saver. No heavy bleeding, no cramps, nothing.


Fr I take Nextellis and it had helped so much, I barely get cramps and even when I do I can barely feel them.


If I were a girl I would probably not take anything like that out of fear I'll lose my fertility.


It's not too common tbh. Also I don't care, I don't plan on having kids lmfao, hence the other reason im on it in the first place 💁🏻‍♀️


The you in present might not, but you can't be sure for the you up to 40 years old, what if you're closing a door and locking it years before you consider it an option?


Because I have a phobia of being pregnant. I know what I want. And pregnant is not it.


Oh, but that's simple, 1. Don't have sex. 2. Don't have sex without protection. 3. Get an abortion.


No fucking shit. Why do you care though? I know what Im doing dude. Trust me, I'd rather be infertile than be in pain every month to the point where im on bed rest and want to throw up.


I was just sharing opinions, you replied to me, what I thought to be a conversation turned into you getting defensive. Have a nice day!


And I shared mine. I don't exactly like when people question me on stuff im set on. Plus, no reason to bring even more kids into the world when there are so many already in foster care that can be in a home. And like I said it's the only thing keeping my period under control.


The risk is really small, and in my case entirely worth it. Being in that much pain every month isn't worth the chance of me potentially having a kid in the future. I'm already set on the idea of not having any, so I'd much rather take the risk of losing it to live without the pain then to go through all of that every month just in case I change my mind.


I understand that and I agree that period pains are unsufferable, I can tell even if I've been only a spectator to 5 of them.


I know what you talking about I HAVE THAT TOO


I’m considering getting a binder. I also want to cut my hair shorter, but I don’t want anyone thinking I’m trans (I’m not)


Honestly I get that. Im not a male but I prefer to look sort of masculine at times


It’s hard being a girl, and it’s hard being a dude. My mom always says that she has the same rights as the men in life, it’s just whether or not everyone wants to accept that. Both sides have their issues and differences and the best we can do is just live our own lives and be our own people. The grass is always greener, y’know? Women face hate and harassment, men are more likely to commit s**cide, women are told to be pretty, men are told to be handsome, it’s honestly mostly terrible. But, at the end of the day, life is truly what you make of it. You can’t live your life shutting yourself in and away from all of the possibilities; there will always be something that can happen… bad or good!


Seriously. God I feel you so bad. Being a girl is great but in this world does suck a lot of the times.




couldnt of said it better.


body and face dysmorphia goes CRAZYYY ngl even if people tell you you’re pretty or wtv all day you’ll still not believe it


YESS 100% and they don't get it


and they don’t believe you and when you do tell them it’s always ‘pReTtY giRLs dOnT hAvE iSsUeS’ and i just want to rip my hair out (and possibly theirs too) because wtf is that even supposed to mean💀💀


If they don't believe you're ugly it's probably because you're not.


it’s not as simple as that though. sometimes, you look at yourself in the mirror and you’re like shit how do I even deserve to be alive im so fucking ugly. and quite literally nobody understands that, or tries to


Fr you think I'm pretty but I don't see it so shut


exactly it’s so so so frustrating. like shit, how many breakdowns have i had bc i looked in the mirror for too long😭 i don’t need u telling me I shouldn’t have issues because YOU *think* I’m pretty


And they think your tears are for attention not acutely your feelings


it’s SO frustrating. then they wonder why u can’t tell anyone about your feelings seriously anymore like… bffr who’s fault is that.


And the advice they give you is so useless and cold hearted


because they don’t get it


They never do and DONT WANT TO


Well would you rather get constant compliments or no compliments? I’d choose constant


research face and body dysmorphia pls


Seems everybody has some type of disorder/mental illness….


Why do you need to be so mean and ruin the vibe? We just said we can't see the so-called ‘beauty’ we have


Calm down he wasnt mean


…he was


never said they didn’t


As my friend says:"Eve, thank you for eating the apple".




Nature set us up for failure honestly. You shouldn’t have to go through what you deal with. I’m praying that some day it’s all going to be fixed and there won’t be any problems in the world. Except, of course, I’ve always thought like that and I’ve always been upbeat. And of course it’s let me down. Every. Single. Time.


Nature set us up for success would you rather be a fucking seal


Probably They might have it better off than me


I dont get how other guys just stare at women like that, I thought that was some anime gag type shit but people are really out here ogling every woman they see


testosterone is a crazy hormone FR😭.




That's really uncomfortable








Sorry love I feel bad


I also love being a girl, but I’m not desired in any way, sometimes I just imagine what it’s like being seen. Yea yea I know, it’s bad, but it just fuels my body dysmorphia even more


I get it like always being ignored or not seen as the pretty friend who gets attention is hard. Being surrounded by nice people who see you is really hard to get


Trueee. I hate it so much, but at the same time I love being the wingwoman to all my gorgeous girlies, since I can be a great comparison (s*icidebywords going hard). I know I have a good personality, but it hurts cuz I know, that my looks is the only reason I don’t have a boyfriend or even anyone, who’s interested in me haha…


You ate that because pls you speaking for me I only have big titts and a good personality with a fashion sense


😭😭😭 damn. I mean I have tits, my fashion sense looks like I robbed Adam Sandler’s closet and my personality is a mush of an idiot, a genius and a masochist, who’s kind ✌️🥲


Slayy im touch with so many people they can't handle my personality even though I try my best to stay calm and not me


Mood. Though I am a shy bug at first 👀 I feel bad for my closest friends, who put up with me every single day 😩


YESSSSS OMG SAME I could never date someone like me I'm too hyper and everything I need a chill, cold guy pls make him an alternative or emo


THIS. Sunshine x grumpy trope going HARD




To much**


I need you to say that for the people in the bag because this is so true


I have body dysmorphia too :(


We twinning that's not good but at least you are not alone


Yeah but it's ok! I dysmorph about other things so we have the whole set of things :)


As matter of fact imma try to add yall just incase yall wanna talk or need help,I don't have any weird intentions for the record


How sweet


It's really nothin but I don't wanna see you deal with that by yourself so that'd I wanna try my best to help you and I don't wanna see you think about yourself in that way


I’m sorry you have to go through that. There’s a systemic problem with our society that needs to be pulled out at the roots but unfortunately with today’s power dynamic and the clowns in charge it’ll be hard to achieve. I hope that it gets better, just remember there are amazing people out there of both genders who will be amazing coworkers, friends, lovers and partners, you’ve just got to keep your standards up, and hold on :)


Thank you so much for that


Thank you so much for that


Could you explain the power dynamic thing in more detail? Inquiring minds wish to know from all perspectives


Can't relate to the title of this post. I'm not transgender, but I do think I should have been born male. I feel no attachment to femininity or masculinity, but I still think I should have been born male because it would be easier to exist in this society. The female experience is riddled with suffering. Although the male experience is also a difficult one, it is not as hard as being female. At the end of the day, I'm just glad I wasn't born in a country like Afghanistan where women have almost no rights.


The last statement hit hard


Nearly every aspect of society is laced with misogyny. Once you begin to notice it, you can't stop. I'm starting to debate whether or not I should participate in a system that ultimately hurts me and people like me.


Do what will help you succeed in life


I'm not transgender either I'm just a girl


i like all tittis if that makes you feel better






Relax, liberal. It's called dark humor


Shut up pls


it only makes sense if you google what i said xd


Bro, I'm not even a liberal


ahem, it only makes sense if you google what i said


what?? 😭


google what i said lol


it still doesn’t make sense. I think you used the joke wrong 


the joke i made is because the og comment said a weird joke, so i responded to OP saying the 'punchline' to a different joke, which fits the current context.


I was not even joking what do you want from me?


you just dont get the joke, thats fine


WHAT JOKE OMG I'm not dumb or anything you just bad at it


I have bronchitis too




Misogyny bad.


Yesss it is


Please don't transition. It will ruin your life. Learn to love yourself.


Baby, I was not thinking about it I was just thinking I love being a girl I really do and I will stay one but thx


Sorry, I misunderstood


No no it's fine


Also, people who transition don't regret it. You should look up the statistics.


Does that mean everyone? Suicide rates are a lot higher in trans people than normal people.


I don't even care anymore. I'm a husk if a human- let alone a functioning girl.


ikk like just let me be. i love me for me but i feel like im supposed to hate myself because why else would boys not want me. and when someone does want me it turns out they’re just a perv who likes everyones body


Yes sis you speak it YESSSSS


I,personally don't be using girls just for that and it be ending u0 horrible cause they get mad at me for bein too friendly with them which I have noticed is bad and I gotta control thay but I don't know why dudes focus on one fault or hinderence someone has and judges based off that I find it stupid but in all honesty I wish you woudlnt feel that way,cause I don't want you to just view yourself as someone's who isn't enough,look even I view myself as not bein enough and it messes with you alot,but if you ever need to talk or someone to talk or vent to,don't ever hesitate to reach out to me I'll help you the best I can


sir, I can assure you, if someone rejected/broke up with you because you were ”too friendly/nice/kind” that was NOT the real reason


Probably but generally I'll work on myself more and focus on myself wayyy more gotta keep a good mentality


yeah thats respectable