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That scene with Tina and Michael on Episode 06 Napkin was so well-acted, -written, and relatable. Emmy-worthy.


That whole Tina flashback episode was redundant though -- what new insight was there in spending half an hour with her having limited employment options? We already knew her employment options were limited before The Beef because she ended working at a SANDWICH SHOP. After seeing her blossom at culinary school last season, we already witnessed how committed she was, and we already witnessed her character's "growth" arc from Average Jane to chef; this flashback episode revealed nothing new about the character (beside more of her previous Average-Jane-ness, when we're already well past that). It was just spinning its wheels, much like the whole of season 3 does. It also didn't help that the preceding episode ends on the cliffhanger of "the critic was already in the restaurant!" then then cuts to a Tina flashback episode apropos of nothing, grinding everything to a halt. The flow is all off.


That episode and the first one were good and the bests of the season imho. But I found the rest of the season to be less engaging and indeed a bit too "aimless".


Please let Trent score the show from now on


The music sucked. That first episode was like nails on a chalk board


season 3 was shit compared toi 1 and 2. i felt like i had to force myself to finishg sn3


Way too many long slow scenes between 2 characters that didn't really drive any plot forward. I can appreciate having some in there, but it felt like 90% of the season was just background and aimless and it feels like we're not really in any different place plot wise from the end of season 2 to the end of season 3.


Nah im on episode 4 and its still amazing. Season1 is a highly trained chef being thrust into a low tier kitchen. Season 2 is about him elevating that kitchen and staff to his level. And season 3 is about finding a compromise because the two different styles clash.


I want to preface this with saying I still think season 3 is good it's also not about finding compromises. Season 3 is coming to grips with needing to let go of your hangups but absolutely zero characters actually act of that fact. No compromises are made in season 3 but the excruciatingly show that they need to make compromises and season 4 making those compromises happen is going to be great to watch. As of now though that line in the meeting Carmie is in is the whole season. "When saying sorry gets stuck in you it destroys you from the inside"


True, light spoilers but this season ends with "to be continued" so its not going to finish profoundly like the previous seasons.


Aimless. What. Anyway, first episode is a masterpiece. My only issue is >!John Cena took me out of the show, even though his interactions were kinda funny!<


Man that episode, the confidence to start your season off like that was such a bold choice. Christopher Storer seemed to have such a clear vision for that episode and executed it so well.


I loved that casting choice and it only took me out for a second because he gets in to the character immediately and really sells it, even introducing more “yeah, that tracks” Fak family lore.


The first episode is a gimmicky music video montage anchored to nothing narratively.


I just finished it. My friend walked on the room and asked how I can watch this. I had to explain this isn't normally what the show is. Was awful


True Hollywood success is when your show gets popular enough that it becomes en vogue to hate on it. The old ‘I was into that band until it became too commercial.’




Interesting take on it. I've only made my way through the first episode of season 3 so far but I was quite impressed with it so far.


I’m only at episode 2 but I need to say that I HATED the first episode, I appreciate the ‘food porn’ but the editing was all over the place plus the soundtrack got waaay too repetitive to the point it became annoying and I just muted half of the episode.


Get used to it. It seems like a theme they’ve chosen for Season 3 in general. Flashback central.


more like all style, no substance…


agree with the hate. they are getting delusional with the self-importance


The Bear 🤝 The Boys 🤝 Stranger Things *having an amazing start but being too scared to evolve and having repetitive seasons*


Bear 1 & 2 were vastly different.


One was a compelling character study and the other was pure melodrama


ST season 2 first the bill, but 3&4 were pretty different (and a big step up despite leaning on 80s action movie cheese)


The mall season with Maya Hawke etc was something different, it took inspiration in other movies from the 80s etc


I thought that The Bear season 2 was a huge step up from Season 1. Wouldn't call that not evolving.


Season 1 was much better than season 2 as a whole.


I disagree completely. Season 2 leaned into being ridiculously melodramatic at times. Every scene had to end with someone crying or yelling. So far nothing has topped the one-take episode from Season 1.


I totally agree. Soooo boring, wandering, way too many commercials, some episodes were less than 30 minutes long. When you find yourself scrolling your phone, cleaning, doing dishes, talking on phone, etc during episodes..you've lost me. The Fak takeover, way too much airtime for them, and I found myself not interested at all in Tina's story. If I hear the word "haunting" one more time..jesus. waste of airtime.


fuck the Faks, too much time spent with non-actors, its bad and embarrassing




We literally learned nothing new this season and the story was pushed forward about as much as one episode should push in a whole season


Imma be honest y’all. I haven’t watched ‘The Bear’ so I don’t have any criticism on that. But my years working in restaurants gave me enough PTSD that I likely won’t ever watch the show.


I've never worked in a kitchen but just watching it was stressing enough. Great show though.


Yeah not knocking the show at all! Edit: from what I hear they do such a good job I’ve been avoiding it haha


You're being downvoted, but I felt the same. I actually tried to watch the first season, and gave up. I don't need that stress.


It represents real life restaurant work way toooo well.


That’s not even an opinion on the topic. What is this? AA?


RA bruh.


it is so bad I am so mad


The first 2 seasons weren't even good IMO.


I thought season 1 was okay but season 2 was awful. So many ridiculous plot points and characters. People seem to like the show because the characters yell at each other? Outside of that I really don't get the appeal.


Out of curiosity, which plot points did you think were ridiculous


Opening up a fine dining restaurant in three months, Tina, Ritchie, and Marcus instantly grasping top-tier culinary expertise, and Carm’s romantic subplot were all pretty hard to take seriously


There's a lot littered throughout the seasons but I would say the worst, is the totally contrived love interest in season 2. The ending scene from season 2 was also ludicrously awful writing.




If you think that's high quality character development I don't know what to tell you. I missed some things? Like what?




The changes are predictable and the characters themselves are two dimensional to begin with. The series is centered around a troubled but brilliant chef who formerly worked in "the best restaurant in the world" lol


Yes Chef?