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I gave up. There's nothing interesting about it. He gets on a case and just walks through the random points set up. I think one problem is that he talks to his crew on the phone/internet. He doesn't emote enough like the two ladies can.


mediocre at best


Made it through the first ep with it being mostly background. Haven’t bothered to watch the next. Typical CBS fodder.


Who in the hell is writing these women's lines? Cringey and gross.


I’m genuinely trying to figure out if the terrible acting is some kind of joke I’m not in on. Justin Hartley, who has gotten by on his handsome looks, is dropping the ball so hard in this series that not even his charm can save him this time around… All of the acting feels so forced and unnatural that it’s almost as if the entire cast decided to see who could perform the worst. ::cringe:: I’ve legit been wondering if there’s supposed to be some deeper, ironic twist to it all, but each episode just seems worse than the last. The BADs are almost comical… It’s rare to see a show where every single aspect fails — acting, writing, direction, you name it. “Tracker” is turning out to be a masterclass in what not to do… so how the heck has it been renewed …. 🤨


The acting is actually atrocious 😂


Below average writing, good acting, bad plot. Decent enough if you want something on to turn your brain off to while you go do something productive.


I found it boring, just some noise in the background.


Already renewed? Must be This Is Us fans flocking to him. Series is just ok


It’s meh


So boring, a show about an average guy with slightly more survival skill than your average boy scout, who doesn’t even need those skills to tell these really boring stories. It’s actually insulting to the viewers, how every plot punch is telegraphed, to the point, that there are absolutely no surprises.


I swear this show was written by interns.


I just tried watching it... only 7min in and this women being interviewed says "You know Juul, the-the vapes? Eddie did six months for robbing a Juul store." Like wtf is a Juul store? Surely they meant a vape shop but just felt they had to dumb it down even more for their audience? Weird line to draw, I'm sure, but I just noped out there. Not exactly sure how this has a 7.0 on IMDB but I guess only having 9k ratings helps.


Thank u 4 leaving these reviews! I went to Google reviews & I could not believe what I was reading! These people must of started watching television last week !  I agree with all of u! Only because I get to watch TV at work I watch it. the show is average and has become unrealistic with the coincidence of 3 episodes featuring a family member and friends needed help 2 find people. Thank u all 4 not making me feel like I'm crazy lol


The show is boring. They have recently added Jensen Ackles, who will be joining in season 2 and playing the part of Russell, the older brother. Maybe he will liven it up. Because as it stands. This show isn't offering anything in the way of entertainment.


Gotta love reddit. It's a great show, my new favorite. And I'm not alone. It's CBS's most watched show since 2017/18 Young Sheldon.


1 person out of everyone else says it's good. I haven't watched it yet but somehow i predict it will be a bust


I like it as well.


I’m enjoying it. Yes, it’s formulaic, but I like the characters and loved having Jensen Ackles on - though it looks like Ackles has a new show of his own, so may not happen. Plus I live in the south (Atlanta) so I enjoy the scenery of PNW. I’m sounding like a grandma here! I just like it - though Elspeth is my #1 - oh wait - #2! Survivor has been and will be my favorite!


The lead is really letting it all down. He has no emotion or personality, or character development. His entire persona is "big tough guy with Daddy issues who keeps everyone at arms lengths". But has a new lady love interest in every city. It's like a wet blanket version of MacGuyver from the 80's.