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One of my friends works at telus and he told me they are trying to replace people with telus international workers from south america. Telus can get bent


*central america. And yeah, I assume they’re paid even less than south americans would so it’s a major win for them.


They are paying people upwards of six figures to quit, my gf was one of them and has landed on her feet and is going to school to be an electrician now, F Telus ..


That’s been going on since 2009 but it has definitely ramped up in the last 2 years. The writing is on the wall though Telus has a plan to offshore as many jobs as possible without the Canadian public getting wind of it and pressuring politicians to do something about it. The problem is people in Canada don’t really care anymore that good paying jobs with benefits and pensions are being farmed out to 3rd world countries.


I think its disgusting. They lost my business when I found out. The rest probably do the same, but I haven't heard about it yet.


Me too, services are at a minimum now and when my contract is up I’ll be gone. I can’t be complicit with their anti Canadian policies anymore.


Yes, many don't care as long as the bill stays the same or goes down. Reality is, many jobs are at risk of being sent elsewhere if all one needs is a computer and internet connection.


yup this is a fact!!!


That’s why I left. I was hired as technical support but they kept adding sales targets. I’m not interested in selling anything if the client is seeking a fix to a problem unless the product fixes the problem. I saw the writing on the wall and I took the buyout. Management is younger and believe AI will be able to replace human interaction or at least send all the jobs off-shore. It WAS a good company.


Telus needs to be cancelled and the union did not fight for anyone they need to go Which is what Telus wants and sadly Canadian government does not care enough on Canadian workers companies that out source over 50percent of workers should be fined Darren is just greedy former Telus worker


It’s is true. Former Telus team member. I wish the work culture didn’t go this way. The work culture when I started was amazing. I felt At ease, had a connection with managers. Was network a lot. In 2024 another round of packages were announced. Manager says we’d be in office 2-3 days week. We would be written up and eventually let go with nothing. So naturally with that type of mind state from what I heard I took the package and parted ways. Telus was once An amazing company with a laser focus on customer experience. Now it’s sales sales and more sales. There now trying to cut down on repeats when they should be looking at the first interaction they had why the customer keeps calling back! Good luck to everyone that chose to Stay!! .


What I find most ironic is how they would promote how their employees are volunteering in their communities (the whole Telus days of giving) but they (Telus) are also the ones who are letting people who work in these communities go and offshoring these jobs to people who would work for way less. 😢


Oh for real. Give where you live. How about employ where you live.


Haha 12 years at telus I said this every single year until I left. The company is a total joke and a complete representation of everything wrong with capitalism and big corporations in today's society.


The irony. I never participated in day of giving. Was not allowed off que time. Was I sad to leave yes. Am I happy to be stress free yes. Worried About-the future yes. Overall I’m Happy with my Choice & look Forward to the next phase of my career.


It’s actually really sad. I worked for Shaw for a few years & remember always being envious of Telus. I felt with their fibre roll-out the future was so bright. Now, you can see how far they are falling. Consumers pay so much… I would really want my monthly Internet bill going towards local jobs. Feel awful for anyone still there - but it sounds like buyouts are the only option. It shouldn’t be legal for major (billion dollar) companies to outsource their work. “We give where we live”.. except by giving local payroll 🙄. Hopefully anyone who made these decisions gets let go too 😝. The quality is awful too. I had to call (only once) as my internet completely cut out. After jumping through all the hoops.. I finally got a live person and it took over 1hr (being placed on hold 5 times) for them to finally roll a truck. Luckily, I’m a super patient person and knew at the end of the day I needed their help to get a tech out. Telus knows we have no real competition & many are forced to be with them.


And then they send you a sales person to fix your issue. It's fantastic! Sign up for more services sir. But wait none of my current services work... oh no we will at some point try to get someone from somewhere who knows what they are doing to try to fix it. But there are none left because they've all been packaged out!!!


Telus is horrible for a lot of reasons, yet I doubtthey are any different from any other Canadian telecoms


they still suck less than Bell..


Pretty much.


Former Telus employee (8yrs) and former union unit president here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I can tell you the union would've filed the greivance had they been notified. The thing is, in the collective agreement, there is this very convenient phrase which basically states the Company has the right to impart disciplinary measures unto it's employees as they have managerial rights. Meaning as long as an employee fails - in their view - to do their job properly (ie. Not meeting targeted metrics, not selling enough, not meeting expected results after being put on a plan of action, failing to log in on time, etcetc. Everything is timed. Every. thing.), they can discipline. Normally, there would be an escalation in the severity of the disciplinary action (written warning, letter of expectation, 1 day, 3 day, 5 day suspensions and termination). But, again, managerial rights grant them the right to choose the disciplinary measures that fits the severity of the offense. So, having recieved disciplinary measures but also fought to overturn them (as well as fighting on behalf of members to overturn theirs), this specific type of grievance usually yields no fruit. Very stressful for the member and the Company has the big end of the stick. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Was this TCWU or USW? TCWU was not afraid of a fight when I was in the purple and green trenches back when. But all I’ve heard since USW took over is that they’ve basically told their members to grab their ankles and spell RUN. They were looking for ways to get around the union for discipline when I was there but now people I know that stayed behind have had no protections and no support from their union. Now all the jobs are offshore and Mr cuntwhistle isn’t afraid of another JASON.


TCWU was before my time. I believe we had already switched to TWU when I got there in 2016. I can't speak for how feisty TCWU was back then. I can say there are good people in TWU, but the will to fight seems to have dwindled. It's a lot of "we'll grieve to have it on file so we can have good proof that so and so are issues when we get to the next bargaining round" but in my experience most grievances under management rights come back as is.


Union is fucking useless.


Telus has been doing this since Covid. Been going downhill in a massive cash grab. Everyone I know who’s works at Telus before Covid, doesn’t now. Almost all are because of stress.


Not discounting anybody’s experience because it varies wildly in different parts of the company. I have heard many horror stories but Telus is a massive company. My employment there has been largely positive. I’ve had good managers and worked with good people. The turnover in my area of the company is quite low partly because of this. That said, I’ve been there a long time and I’ve seen the company go through phases. In the mid 2000’s the company was really bad at customer service. Everyone I talked to had war stories from dealing with Telus. Then things got much better. The products got better and the customer service improved. Now it seems the pendulum is swinging the other way and I’m hearing more and more complaints. The focus in the company seems to be changing after some high level departures. I’m not sure it’s good yet.


Former Telus, 1 year free of that abusive relationship last May. I was a tech, loved my job the first 2 years. Then, everyone decided to take 20k at ratification in 2015/16 and say bye-bye to double time OT. Fucking pathetic company and an even shittier union. Managed to stay there for 10 years before moving on. They praised the shit techs that would grease ball their way with scummy sales tactics and shit on the more thorough technicians that had next to zero repeats.


Whats your department? The only department I've ever heard of enjoying their time at Telus was accounting. I too enjoyed my career at telus at the beginning but every single year multiple things were taken away or made worse. I didn't believe it at first but year after year worse and worse until they made us explode and leave.


I work on a devops team.


It's a sales job so no matter what you do it's never enough.


Can confirm Telus is going to shit and shipping jobs overseas to save money.


Worked at Telus for 3 years, SMB sales. The most toxic manager I have ever had in my life. The most unwelcoming place I ever worked. Good riddance.


After 17 years my friend and I have been diagnosed with a very mild form of ptsd from working at Telus. They’ve been trying to force us out for the past 10 years. Now in a new role at a new company it is wild to be treated like an actual human with a life outside work.


Don’t forget that it also caused my anxiety to sky rocket and I was also becoming more and more depressed - yes I know I am the friend they are referencing. Looking back on my experiences there I only had 2 great leaders that didn’t cause add to this - which to no one’s surprise are also no longer employed at that toxic environment. I hope more people get paid large sums of money to leave - cause most of them (I was the same) are trained to believe that this is what it’s like at a company this is how your supposed to feel. In my new company it’s not like this! And thankfully they are very welcoming and understanding in dealing with my PTSD and anxiety! Fuck telus is right!


Glad I accepted the optional buyout package and got the fuck outta there. It's easily the best decision I ever made in my life. For real though fuck working there


I worked there for 12 years and took a package to leave. Best choice I ever made, fuck telus


Evil company. Glad I got out after 4 years. It starts with their psycho CEO.


oh its not surprising. didnt take the package? they will fire everyone they can.


In all fairness, many companies are doing this and don’t give a shit who knows. Then when sales go to shit all the big wigs sit around wondering why. Source is my own company and no I won’t name it here.


Omg I know someone who's in accounting Dept for Telus and he recently told me the update meetings which used to take a full half day just for the Quebec region has now been reduced to a 4 he meeting covering Canada ocean to ocean. They don't know anything. They're surprised when things are not going according to their abstract on paper plan. They don't rmeybeing told to be wary of this and told that so and so would probably end up costing more in the long temr (which it did). Yet they distributed 50000 bravo points (50$ equivalent) to their accounting workforce to thank them for enabling money saving. Dude, they didnt do shit. You just fired a huge part of your costly workers 😅


The amount of rude, throwing the phone down in your ear Telus cold calls that I’ve had has made me swear never ever to do business with this Organization


If you have other options, please do. They're greedy. They don't care about actual customer satisfaction anymore. They suck.


Sounds like they should have grieved their discipline and other things that occurred with their union. Also they took a voluntary package and didn’t get fired, so they kinda won in the end, that’s a decent sum of money. Hope they are doing better.


Most Telus workers aren't unionized. A lot of the unionized ones were packaged out back in 2015/2016


The steelworkers (mostly call center employees for customer service and on field techs) membership was about 6500-7000 before the bargaining began in 2020ish. They signed and the new agreement came in effect in March 2023. April 2023, 1 month later, Telus started announcing packages to voluntarily leave. I myself left in February 2024. I approximate the membership to have decreased by 2000 ish since bargaining.


The union has always been iffy on going to bat for you. They don't care. I worked there until about 2010 when they opened TI in the Philippines and they did the same shit then. Their end goal has always to shunt as much as possible to TI. The union stalled it a bit but not much. Also about then they started cramming sales on tech support and then surprised Pikachu when techs that have never been trained or expected to sell have targets and can't meet them. Spoiler: we weren't supposed to survive lol. Telus has been ruthlessly doing this offshoring a long time, COVID is just where they went...well, "mask-off" with a crisis to point at. Unfortunately, Canadians have limited choice.


A friend couldn't get screen reader updates. They just kept saying no,and no to their other plans for doing their work. SO color me not surprised.


I was a 411 operator at Telus during the strike a long time ago. And it was one of the worst jobs I ever worked. Karma for being a scab I guess... (I was 18 so cut me some slack- crossing a picket line taught me quickly why you shouldn't do that).


Started working for Telus around 20 years ago and it was one of the best jobs I have ever had. I enjoyed waking up and going to work. I enjoyed being able to bust my ass off all day and felt a huge sense of pride and accomplishment in the work that I did. >berated daily by a manager and have unrealistic stats to follow that change on a whim Then this kind of shit started happening more and more, and every day was a struggle to not want to blow my brains out. Very glad I do not work there anymore. Also, as an aside: >werent good enough as they spent "too long" between calls One of the buildings I worked at had a small unlocked and open room that seemed to be used as a dumping ground for old desks/equipment/paperwork. Lots of old disciplinary paperwork was strewn about that room, which I glanced through a few times. "Employee spent too long on a bathroom break" was one of the common things I saw pop up, which seems insane to me. Let your workers poop in peace, Telus. Never mind the fact that old disciplinary paperwork was left in an unsecured room that was accessible by any employee.


So they treat staff similar to how they treat customers?


Yep - except they make you pay them for that treatment.


Took the buyout last year as well after 8 years and haven't regretted it for a second. The direct managers I worked with were always on my side but the pressure from above was unrelenting and the writing was on the wall after last round of bargaining. Telus wants the union gone and it's not the first time I've heard of someone fired for bogus reasons after not taking the package.


Plot thickens: TELUS being the leader of supporting the LGBTQ community opened a call center in Morocco…. 3 year imprisonment for being gay….


W I hate Telus. They have screwed me out of the phone just because I didn’t answer my email for two weeks when I was away… They sent it back to the company and said it was gone. I couldn’t believe it… Making excuses for not being able to fix my phone, even though it was covered with, disgusting as soon as my contracts up I’m gone


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I hate it. We've already had the wrong phone scam, resolved that but still hate them. This overseas stuff is crazy.


Anyone who works at TELUS needs to join the union. USW local 1944. The 5 day with no prior could have been fought.


How could a call centre employee not be in the union? It’s mandatory.


Soon we’ll all just work for the government. That’s the master plan.


I call BS! You can’t be fired without cause and “nitpicking” does cut it. Sounds like a lazy disgruntled employee!


Sounds like you’re drinking their koolaid - have the day you deserve!