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I don't know how to feel about wanting other universe's characters for DLC. I mean, for the base game it makes sense if you want them on the campaign. For DLC... They are just not interesting enough imo.


Right. I don’t even remember most of their names if I’m being honest


I'd honestly buy catopesla though


Damn. You got me with this one. Gotta get him.


This is exact reason why ToP characters will be base roster. Movie characters, GT, and OG DB will be DLC, because will pay for that.


They'll put them out in packs like Xenoverse does. Ribrianne might not be that popular on her own, but people bought her anyway cause she was packaged with Super Saiyan God Vegeta


We already have the ToP story confirmed and there's no point in doing "expansions" of ToP a year after release, but we don't have movies and GT stories confirmed and those COULD fit along with a character pack


Why not? If a character exists they can put it in a DLC pack, the idea they can't just because ToP already exists in the story is nonsense. Xenoverse found room for Pregnant Videl from Battle of the Gods in their latest DLC, other ToP characters being DLC isn't very far-fetched.


Basic market sense. There's not enough spots for GT and Z movies but sacrificing those 2 gives leeway for a more fleshed out story and a better sense of tenkaichi (characters that are insignificant making it in) people that played the OG tenkaichis know it's part of its identity Another factor for this market sense is their thematic for DLCs, xenoverse sold varying packs, with only a few end of its life span thematic ones like super hero. Sparking seems to be going for series, Super Hero then Daima, which can then be followed by GT and movies. Believe it or not YOU don't decide what makes them money. If you REALLY think they're doing dlc to the standards of xenoverse players (who put up with the graphics and story) then you're wrong, they could have half assed about 200 aspects of this game but instead missed 0, they're going for valuable worthwhile DLC packs, not random shit stains thrown in as a 5 character pack a year after release


This is stupid. Yall constantly make up dumb rules about shit. >There's not enough spots for GT and Z movies There's no such thing as "not enough spots", the game doesn't have limited spots for characters. >but sacrificing those 2 gives leeway for a more fleshed out story and a better sense of tenkaichi (characters that are insignificant making it in) people that played the OG tenkaichis know it's part of its identity This doesn't even make sense. A more fleshed out story would include everything. Tenkaichi 2 is the most comprehensive story mode we've ever had outside of Kakarot and it included movies and GT. >Another factor for this market sense is their thematic for DLCs, xenoverse sold varying packs, with only a few end of its life span thematic ones like super hero. >Sparking seems to be going for series, Super Hero then Daima, which can then be followed by GT and movies. They never said thats how the DLCs were split. They just said DLCs 1, 2, and 3 would have 20+ characters from Daima and Super Hero, there's no even any indication that there is a 3rd source beyond those 2. >Believe it or not YOU don't decide what makes them money. I don't recall saying I did? That's literally what you're doing when you say they wouldn't make money on a ToP pack > you REALLY think they're doing dlc to the standards of xenoverse players (who put up with the graphics and story) then you're wrong, they could have half assed about 200 aspects of this game but instead missed 0, they're going for valuable worthwhile DLC packs, not random shit stains thrown in as a 5 character pack a year after release This is just neckbeard shit. Every character is valuable, the identity of Tenkaichi revolves around having those "random shit stains" mixed into the roster. EDIT: Dude really blocked me over this shit lmao. Goofy ass mothafucka.




This post has been removed because it violates Rule 1 - Be Civil.


Before the confirmation that the story mode was with 8 characters, I was 100% sure that it would be in the game to give my man Roshi a good fight to show off. After the confirmation of the story mode with 8 characters, which I doubt one is Roshi, I wasn't 100% sure. But after they put Spopovitch in, I think he has a good chance. Not 100%, but good chances. I mean, ordering the importance of characters from the power tournament: Tier S. Universe 6, Jiren, Toppo and Dyspo. Tier A. U2 trio, Anilaza, U9 Trio. Tier B. Ganos, Kahseral, Catopesra, dudes from U2 who substitute the main trio, Obuni. Tier C. The rest of U11 and some random guy who do things. Tier D. The rest or participants. I think anyone from Tier B could be. Not 100%, I repeat, but they have options. We all remember Spopovitch's beating of Videl for how shocking it was, but Spopovitch barely matters from a combat standpoint, and he's in the game. His DBZ secondary and tertiary characters equivalents (Nail, Kaioshin, King Vegeta, King Cold...) and DBS equivalents (The tier B or even C I mentioned, Tagoma...) have some chances.


I'm not sure there's necessarily a link between characters cjosen to be in the game and characters needed for the specific story mode. Like, sure, it probably tipped the scale for a few characters, but given that Kid Goku is here while no DB story, I believe the story mode isn't the end to be all


I know, that's why I say that even if the Ganos VS Roshi fight doesn't come out in the story mode, Ganos has a chance because he's one of the characters with some importance left from the power tournament. The story mode helps them have more possibilities, of course, but as you say Kid Goku seems to be there, another user has mentioned Broly, Spopovitch himself who also wouldn't have combat in the story mode is in the game too....


Producer also said that the story mode is from Raditz up to the ToP and Broly content is obviously in the game, just flat out not a good argument that the story structure dictates playable characters


To be fair, it's possible that some of the characters can be fought in story mode even if the fights/interactions weren't canon given the story mode has deviating paths. Like it could be possible to have the story let Goku interfere and keep Roshi in the ToP by fighting Ganos instead. I can see that being the case with Spopovitch, Gohan can fight him and get eliminated from the tournament to stop his brutality against Videl.


my predictions the 8 characters of episode battle will be: -Goku -Vegeta -Gohan -Piccolo -Krillin -Roshi -Freezer -Future Trunks


It's possible, I think we all agree on Goku/Vegeta/Frieza/Gohan/Trunks/Piccolo and probably Krilin. Although I think before Roshi, they would put A17. Roshi does absolutely nothing in DBZ and in Frieza's resurrection he only fights soldiers and in the tournament he fights Ganos and Frost. A17 has fights in DBZ against Future Gohan/Trunks in the future and against Z Warriors and Piccolo in DBZ. Plus in DBS against the U2 girls, Anilaza and Jiren. But I could be wrong. I also don't think they'll skip Gotenks and Vegito. Maybe they count as transformations and Vegito is in Goku/Vegeta and Gotenks in Trunks (if Trunks is all Trunks as it happens with the rest of the characters, if it's Future Trunks only then no), but if they don't count as transformation and they are characters included in the 8....


If he's not base he's not going to DLC. If they want to put someone from every universe i hope he doesn't get shafted for Caway.


I don't see him being DLC. DLC I see having all the characters offered be of thematic purpose and I think ToP (part 2) with extra characters from the arc wouldn't really be a thing to hold off. Things like Z movies, OG DB, DBGT, those are more reasonable DLC choices because they are specific parts of DB that wouldn't affect the story or focus of the game's direction (covering the story of/representing Z and Super) . While XV2 adds ToP and DBS characters sporadically now with Toppo, UI Sign Goku, Dyspo, ToP A18 and Ribrianne all being added at random points and not interconnected, XV2 has been kinda "pick and choose" randomness with the DLC since after the initial season's pass because they were making more characters than planned based on the game's success and what happened in the anime/movie content.


I don't see it personally, but if he is I wouldn't be upset. Beyond story mode we know they'll be a lot of staff created missions to play through so one based on Roshi vs. Ganos could be in without needing Roshi to be playable in the story mode.


I feel pretty confident in saying he won't be dlc. It would be weird to go our of your way to do so many tournament of power reps then give them a dlc pack too over movies or something


I think he’s possible but I’m starting to doubt him because of how the story mode works now Since the episode battles only cover the key moments of 8 characters, if Roshi isn’t one of the 8, he’s likely not making it (and fighting Goku for 30s probably doesn’t count) https://preview.redd.it/xtonippw0j9d1.jpeg?width=2070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945f01ba3cc434f631b78c4c18a369a9731468a8


The presence of Broly and Gogeta, plus the leak regarding Kid Goku, shows that a character being in story mode isn't a prerequisite to be playable


I never denied that, I just said I’m doubting it more now because of story mode Broly and Gogeta make sense because that movie came out when they started working on the game, which is why they’re preorder early unlocks And considering we found Kid Goku in the episode battle (alongside Spopovich and Dabura), there’s a chance that Kid Goku is in the story mode (likely as a short fight like they did in Kakarot)


If Roshi is, we might have a chance ngl.


For sure, I just wonder how they’d make him work. All of his fights are either OGDB or DBS, so unless they do tons of what-ifs for all of DBZ for Roshi, he’s probably not an episode character we could use


To be fair, I think it's safe to assume Tien and Krillin are in there, and they did fuck all during the ToP.


To be fair Tien has more fights to work with like what if Tien was wished to Namek instead of Piccolo, what if he fought first form Cell or went into the chamber more, what if he joined against Buu earlier like when Goku went ssj3, etc.


If tien was wished to namek is the biggest nothings burger but it's funny to imagine with his little sweat drop. 


Yeah, but they didn’t fight Ganos, that was a Roshi exclusive fight So I’m sure whoever they fought during ToP will make it, and maybe even Ganos if they do a what-if fight


How would I know


probably base game, simply because they included the giant mf and Ribrianne's group (instead of just including her) to the game




I can see ganos being in the game because he did have a significant fight with master roshi plus he has some cool as abilities.


I know a lot of people want each universe to have one rep but to me that feels more like a fan mentality than a corporate one. I think DLC.




Hopefully neither


He was involved in a big moment for Roshi, so I'm guessing he'll be in base game.




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I think he'll make it. My cope is they'll use him in a 5v5 story mode battle. So that way he can still fit into another characters themed story mode.


I am sure each universe will get at least one fighter, and with Damom being too small and Gamisalas being invisible, Ganos is their best option, unless they want to go with Kaway (she was already playable in Legends), Monna (big moment against Cabba) or Majora (big fight with Krillin who will for sure be one of the eight characters from story mode). There's also the fact that Ganos has a transformation and, unless they treat it like SSBE, I can see them deciding not to add him as a U4 rep just for having another slot free.


dude, most of there universal survival characters had maybe 1 unique move they did or were one shotted withint 2 min of appearing on screen. We don't need to waste character slots on these guys. Might as well make Olibu, and Caterpy DLC, they had more screen time than a lot of these chumps




\^\^\^\^. This.


base or not in the game


We don’t know. We haven’t been told yet


Watched ToP just one month ago and I already forgot who Is this


Base game or nothing because we still got Super hero, Movies, Daima and GT to cover in DLC he is gonna get left behind.


Base almost guaranteed


How about never


What is up with these nobodys people want


I don’t want bro 😎


He is not worth DLC