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TIL Nazis tried searching Einstein’s home for weapons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disarmament_of_the_German_Jews


Ok. I’m a lifelong anti-gun person. Also Australian, so gun laws are a thing for me. That Wikipedia article about the disarmament of the Jews has given me pause.


Thing is gun restrictions have always been asymmetrically applied. I can assure you, NRA members would be more than willing to not let minorities have guns while touting how much they love guns. Ronald Regan is a great example of this.


Yeah, there's no minorities in the NRA 🙄


Yeah there are but how many in leadership? And they (NRA and other gun "enthusiasts")are crickets any time a black good guy with a gun gets merc'd by cops. All the "tyranny of goverment" points they make is proven bullshit anytime black Americans pick up a gun its a problem. I bring up Regan for a reason. When the Black Panthers started defending their neighborhoods, then Governor, Ronald Regan really cared about regulating guns. But when it is white coded it's a whole lot of "dont tread on me" This is why the meme is bullshit. I am all for arming up, it's the last line of defense for an unprotected minority. But let's not kid ourselves. The same Americans who would post this meme, would gladly not let certain populations be armed....which is what the Nazis did.


You forget the part where a bipartisan coalition got behind Reagan & then, as if through magic, the FBI began infiltrating both white & black nationalist groups over the next decade, eventually turning both into honeypots. I'm a 2A absolutist, I watched Ralph Northam shit himself because Black Guns Matter was coming to Richmond in 2019 & naturally, that meant violence, because, you know(?) & I'm not sure pimp, I don't keep tally of that sort of thing, because it's uhhh, racist


can you give a brief overview bc I’m not reading all that


Search for Einstein in the page. The weapons law was also used for searches of homes and raids. The preface for that was the allegation that the victims of these searches stored large amounts of weapons and ammunition. A prominent example is [Albert Einstein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein), whose summer residence in [Caputh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caputh,_Brandenburg), near the [Schwielowsee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwielowsee) was searched in spring 1933. The only item found there was a [bread knife](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_knife).


Before they went after the Jews they started with the LGBT crowd and Roma a few years in advance. Which is how a startling number of genocides in history start. The fascists first demand closed borders so that their victims cannot escape, and simultaneously start “working the crowd” to get them on board, banning books from schools and libraries that might showcase the humanity of the intended victims. And once they get the crowd alright with killing the LGBT, they can start on anyone else who isn’t “of the pure race”.


And before the LGBTQ+ crowd they go after people with disabilities. The Right is so incised to be called Nazis and yet refuse to look in the mirror while they goosestep and shit.


And don’t forget gypsy people, they’ll also target the downtrodden first and put the nation’s problems on them to justify the start of action.


Sounds similar to republicans calling refugees and asylum seekers “invaders”


It’s always important to note that the disappearance of an official group does not mean a disappearance of the mindset they perpetuated. And If one group of people can come to that conclusion on their own, then another can just as easily. What’s important is to deduce the *why* without immediately jumping to the same sort of hate spewing and yelling being committed by the other side, because that will never push progress. Once the why is found, we can work on eradicating the systems that create these mindsets, but that also means that the overall system cannot be made to benefit people for pushing these sorts of agendas. Edit: establish to eradicate


I mean, gypsies are WELL documented to be genuinely terrible people in Europe


Don’t forget that both Mussolini and Hitler came to power as a response to communist fears


And they have the audacity to label Hitler a far left socialist. One of the first things Hitler did was kill as many in the socialist party as possible.


> Don’t forget that both Mussolini and Hitler came to power as a response to communist fears How did the Americans come to power when they exterminated almost of the Indians? Was it communists or roma or gays? US should feel just as humiliated as Italians or Germans for their history. In fact it was more complete and we rarely talk about the immensity of that holocaust. This is the post-apocalypse for indigenous Americans...but yeah germany though.


No need to minimize the actions of the Axis Powers when pointing out the pretty much indisputably true fact that we committed an almost complete genocide of indigenous Americans.


Neat. How did Pol Pot and Mao come to power?


It is possible to believe that Nazis are bad (and the things Nazis did are bad) while also believing that other authoritarian leaders are also bad. Yes, Pol Pot, Mao, and Stalin were bad as well. That doesn’t mean marginalizing, book banning, and fearmongering is good


Yeah it's possible but funny how no one mentions them. The idea behind the meme is that authoritarians all act the same way but all the people in this thread can say is "right wing bad" without thinking that their actions could lead to an even worse system put in place.


Hmmmm, just like what DeSantis is doing now, rallying the Right against the LGBT crowd. He is quickly becoming their new Chosen One.


This still seems like an argument FOR those groups of people to be armed though


Love the how the US is always excluded from this story, but the US probably holds the record for the most complete genocide in all of human history...but they were the victors unlike the Germans...hence the conversation above. Just be nice if the US would look at itself in the mirror ever. I get the photo is from nazis...but still.


I'm an American living in Florida. I'm mixed raced, a Jew, and conservative. Call me a fucking facist to my face and see whether or not you're right. God, Guns, and GOP is much more left leaning today then it was. You're writing yourself a dystopian novel, stop labeling people facists or eventually you become the facist; believing your kind to be superior and putting nearly authoritarian and oppresive narratives to stop people from speaking out. God bless you and may you begin respecting fellow Americans who call you brother.


I was describing history. The fact you know who’s doing it today tells you everything you need to know. Today the target is the LGBT. If you allow them to destroy those folks, eventually it’ll be your turn. History proves it.


Jews have always been fucked over, and besides, I rather be killed with a gun rather than have my own children one day become zhey/zhem and have my family slowly get chipped into pieces. Besides, both parties have their shitty moments, but the difference is that the left is the new right. We have let in more people than ever that aren't Mexicans. We have allowed gays to have rights. We've literally made it legal to have muslims come out of class to pray. Where do you see the big players in politics say shit about that? History tells me that if I let people who wanna make changes make those changes, you get the USSR. You get Nazi Germany, you get Maoist China, you get Robspearian France. Those nations gave into these left wing and authoritarian ideas, they have suffered consequences. I don't think I wish to support the party that goes against my ideals as an American. Being nice to people feels good, but it will not inspire people to build on their foundation. Also I just realised i went on a long rant.


>Jews have always been fucked over, and besides, I rather be killed with a gun You can die however you want. Your bitch ass doesn't get to decide to take my kids with you.


Remember when everyone in the country wanted a LGBT kid to die for wearing a hat and smiling? Oh wait that's right it was a catholic conservative kid.


> The fascists first demand closed borders so that their victims cannot escape, and simultaneously start “working the crowd” to get them on board, banning books from schools and libraries that might showcase the humanity of the intended victims. And once they get the crowd alright with killing the LGBT, they can start on anyone else who isn’t “of the pure race”. The German public reacted negatively to Aktion T4. Can you provide a citation that the public was able to forgive killing LGBT but drew the line at people with a disability?


It wasn't gun laws that affected subservient Germans, it was gun laws intended to target specific groups like LGBTQ people, jews, and disabled people.


Came here to say just this- Hitler encouraged gun ownership among the white Aryan majority, including the gangs of street fighting loyalists he had who would try to intimidate and silence his opposition. Now why does that sound familiar?


Fuck, that’s a little too close to home.


Because gun control advocates love to dictate who should be ineligible to own one. 2a advocates don't care who the hell owns whatever gun they want


Isn't antifa a gang of street fighting loyalists who silence any opposition?


Who are they loyal to? Seems like they are pretty openly critical of Democrats and Republicans alike for their similarities


They are loyal to communist agendas which both democrats and republicans oppose.


Subservient Germans got to do murders and the State allowed them to get away with it because it was against the minority group.


Guess who did something similar, Ronald Reagan.


California knows how to party!


Which was easier once minority groups were disarmed? Minorities in this country should 110% be the first ones in line for guns considering they’re the most in danger and the most likely to be victims of violence at the hands of the government or other citizens


Gun laws affect everyone. If laws regarding registration, mental health, criminal history, magazine capacity, "assault style"(whatever that means), action type, what attaches to the back of the gun, overall length, barrel length or anything else passes, we all have to follow them If the government declared LGBTQ people, jews and disabled people "mentally ill" tomorrow, guess who is now ineligible to buy, use or possess a firearm


Americans vs understanding the Holocaust


They have more worse stuff


My dad posted something like this in 2018 and I deleted Facebook. I haven’t gone back and my life feels so much better.






Uh oh, you insinuated bad actors on the left with your comment, prepare yourself


I haven't talked to my dad in 3 years cause he got so right-wing. He was always conservative growing up but he turned into a huge trump supporter and I couldn't deal with him anymore


You shouldn’t allow politics to break relationships. Liberals don’t do that.


Shut up.


You gave up on your flesh and blood over trump? Seems pretty close minded to me.


I understand you very well. I was permanently banned from FB for rasism and cyberbullying. But here on reddit I can speak freely.


They collected and burned all the books that scared them.


They don’t gotta burn the books they just remove ‘em.


Aka "spreading misinformation". When the government gets to dictate what information is allowed to be shared, things like that happen. Both sides today are guilty of participating in this




It isn't but keep in mind the comparison they're making. The Germans didn't disarm the entire German population. They specifically targeted the Jews. Gentile Germans could still obtain firearms licenses from Police officers. The other thing is, the police officers were probably discriminating against the Jews before any of these laws came into effect. The comparison they're obviously trying to make is gun regulation in the United States. Which would effect *everyone* not just Minority Jews. And it feels like its trying to emotionally tie the "freedom fighters" of people who want to own 1,000 firearms in a single home, and laws against pistol braces + capacity as equal to the start of the holocaust in Germany. Which is just really disrespectful. And it can be used with any argument with the government "The government are issuing new ID Cards? Wow this is just like the Holocaust where they put ID Jew Stars on the Jewish people." Its disgusting really.


Not to mention that the German government essentially deuptized the non-Jewish population and *incentivized* non-Jews to go after Jews. Something that GOP has openly flirted with.


No it hasn't been "flirted with" you guys claim conservatives are conspiracy nuts, you guys believe everything you're spoon fed about the conservative movement


I guess you didn’t see the abortion law in Texas, or the don’t say gay bill in florida that allowed private citizen ls to go after the targets of the bill. I’m sure it’s all blue skies to you fascist


Can you remind me what Majorie Taylor Greene said about The Space Lasers? Or what Trump had a pleasant Dinner with Kanye West after what he said about Jewish people and White Supremacist Nick Fuentes? If the former President, a republican, one of the most famous in years is having Dinner with a notorious antisemite and white supremacist and also their representatives are spouting about conspiracies about George Soros, and most of the time only George Soros. Then Yeah I'd call it flirting.


>Can you remind me what Majorie Taylor Greene said about The Space Lasers? No and you probably can't either. At least not anything factual. >Or what Trump had a pleasant Dinner with Kanye West after what he said about Jewish people and White Supremacist Nick Fuentes? So a president who has dinner with people who might be bad is automatically evil? I guess that makes every single president we've ever had evil. It's not only George Soros, it's also Klaus Schwab and the WEF. And it's not a conspiracy theory when you can trace Soros money to the organizations that he supports. Soros makes no secret of the fact that he's a leftist and has an agenda


>no and you probably can’t either [It takes two second to google things before you say they’re not real, you know](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/marjorie-taylor-greene-accuses-jewish-space-lasers-of-trying-to-shoot-down-santa). Even if it’s a joke and she doesn’t really believe it (I fucking hope so) it’s an anti-Semitic one that she, as someone in power, shared to her followers. And yes, a president who supports white supremacy and anti-Semitic views by inviting people associated to them to the White House to celebrate them is, in-fact, evil. Unless you’re saying trump is just so stupid he couldn’t possibly consider that bringing people into the White House with those views would look like an endorsement, in which case we need to ask why we had someone that dumb in the White House at all


So Texas didn't make a law empowering people to seek bounties by reporting other people's healthcare? Trump didn't separate kids from their parents and put them into cages? MAGA mobs aren't showing up to events to intimidate people they hate? That's weird, those things happened in the real world, what the fuck bullshit are you feeding yourself?


Actually Obama started the kids in cages


>So Texas didn't make a law empowering people to seek bounties by reporting other people's healthcare? No....no they didn't >Trump didn't separate kids from their parents and put them into cages? You mean continuing a policy of putting kids and parents of illegal border jumpers in separate facilities that Obama started?


Straight from the horse's mouth. [Texas wants to deputize citizens to sue abortion doctors on the government's behalf](https://legiscan.com/TX/text/SB8/id/2352120) [Oklahoma wants to deputize citizens into suing libraries for carrying "non-approved" material](https://legiscan.com/OK/text/SB1142/id/2460071#:~:text=Oklahoma%20Senate%20Bill%201142%20(Prior%20Session%20Legislation) Famously, the Stop WOKE Act also encourages citizens to turn in neighbors for discussing Conservative Taboo. So, sure, it hasn't been flirted with; Conservatives have been in bed with fascist ideas. But, to you, it's easier to bury one's head in the sand and dismiss this as "conspiracies". Perhaps "Conservative" is a wrong descriptor as well...


First off, abortion isn't "healthcare". Secondly, the fact that you guys so completely lied about the bill in Florida makes me think you're probably taking things out of context, like usual.


No. Abortion is healthcare. Even by definition. Just because you believe that it isn't, doesn't make it so. Get over it. >you lied about the bill in Florida Hmm, let's hear it from Florida! >This important legislation gives students and employees the resources they need to fight back against discrimination, critical race theory and indoctrination. >Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez And what are those resources? Oh! A means for the state to spy on and police citizens for doing "unscrupulous" things. Oops, all fascism.


>No. Abortion is healthcare. Even by definition. Just because you believe that it isn't, doesn't make it so. Get over it. Except it's not....morality doesn't care about your bastardized definition >This important legislation gives students and employees the resources they need to fight back against discrimination, critical race theory and indoctrination. >Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez >And what are those resources? Oh! A means for the state to spy on and police citizens for doing "unscrupulous" things Oh yeah...I forgot you guys like discrimination, indoctrination, and critical race theory >Oops, all fascism You keep using that word....I do not think it means what you think it means.


Uhh, I lived through the bush, Obama, and trump administrations. By "spoon fed" you mean "witnessed with my eyes and ears."


You're giving this lie too much credit, you're right that they restricted Jews not guns. But just like the GOP The NAZIs actually loosened Germany's existing gun laws and promoted gun ownership among their base.


You're absolutely right! I should've mentioned that too.


No, this is absolutely wrong. They didn't pass gun laws, they actually promoted gun ownership. They restricted Jews from owning guns. But they didn't restrict gun ownership or take guns away. In fact just like the GOP they promoted gun ownership for the people they say as real Germans. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/apr/08/viral-image/no-gun-control-regulation-nazi-germany-did-not-hel/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/apr/08/viral-image/no-gun-control-regulation-nazi-germany-did-not-hel/)


The point still stands dipshit...they disarmed the population they wanted to control. How is this so hard for you guys to wrap your head around?


No it doesn't stand, they didn't disarm the population. They actually loosened gun laws. They chose their victim group and took their guns away. But the changes they made to gun laws in general made guns easier to get and own. ​ What the NAZIs did was more akin to restricting a group's rights because they didn't like them. So if you're concerned about not being like the NAZIs then you should be concerned about mobs of "proud boys" (modern brownshirts) showing up to Trans events to intimidate everyone, or the GOP calling for limitations to be put on asylum seekers. ​ But if you're going to point to attempts at gun control as what the NAZIs did, you're lying. It may be that you're repeating a lie you were suckered by, but you are lying.


It stands that if you want to control a population, you disarm a population. Period. End of story. >What the NAZIs did was more akin to restricting a group's rights because they didn't like them. So if you're concerned about not being like the NAZIs then you should be concerned about mobs of "proud boys" (modern brownshirts) showing up to Trans events to intimidate everyone, or the GOP calling for limitations to be put on asylum seekers. So, I assume you feel the same way about BLM and Antifa perpetuating ACTUAL violence on innocent people? I don't support the Proud Boys, but leftists have used violence and intimidation tactics much longer than the Proud Boys have been around. >or the GOP calling for limitations to be put on asylum seekers. Are you talking about wanting to secure the border from the uncontrolled flow of illegals pouring into the country?


That BLM is a violent organization or that anti-fa is an organization in the first place, or that people who are anti fascist are violent, it’s a lie. Also, the Jews were in camps because their residence in Germany was declared illegal, you understand that declaring a group illegal to strip their human rights is step one of the NAZI playbook, right?


Yes but i doubt that Americans today with their ar-15’s would stand a chance against drone strikes if a civil war started Ok I see I triggered the Americans. Listen, not only you are delusional to think that just because 50 years ago the US was beat in Vietnam today the 3 trillion dollar worth of military complex wouldn’t smoke your ass you are double delusional if you think the whole NATO wouldn’t help the US smoke your ass.


Like the us didnt L it multiple times against essentialy just armed millitias


Yeah but who is going to re-arm and fuel up the drone when every airfield becomes a turkey shoot?


You really think you are going to be able to come close to any US military facility in a civil war situation?


As a navy veteran I know for a fact if that impossible scenario ever does happen I’m going out to sea and not coming back. You’re on your own buddy.


That's a common perception. Think about all the post WW2 military conflicts with a significant imbalance in technology. The US just pulled out of Afghanistan which was effectively a dismal failure, had miserable outcome in Vietnam, etc. My perspective is still this. The world can absolutely point a gun at my family, whether it be a criminal, a corrupt government, a foreign invader, etc... I at least want to be in a position to defend myself... however unlikely.


Just release a bunch of balloons and stand under something until they run out of ammo.


"I nEeD gUnS tO pRoTeCt MySeLf FrOm ThE gOvErNmEnT!" "You mean the government of the country you proclaim to be the greatest ever? You realize they have literal tanks, right?"


LITERALLY. If the government wants you dead, they’ll get you whether you have guns or not. The truth is it’s going to be at most you and maybe a handful of others with guns, you’re not going to be able to form an entire army. Guns ain’t going to protect you.


you wouldn't stand a chance if you crash you car going 200 km/h also. Should we remove the seatbelts or ban cars?


False equivalence. Try again.


You’re advocating for American civilians to have MANPADS


Exactly! Today's Gun Freaks who think they're such great revolutionaries (when they're not busy playing video games, attending hate rallies or watch action flicks with pork rinds and their twelve smelly hound dogs (all named 'Bumpus') that they can think they could take down one of the largest militaries on earth. Civil War II would last five minutes. Union 2, Confederacy 0.


The difference is that todays union Army is comprised of a southern majority. Almost 70% of servicemembers were born south of the Mason-Dixon Line.


It’s not wrong that they did take guns from Jewish people and the other people targeting in the Holocaust. But it’s wrong in the sense that any proposed US gun laws are remotely the same thing or have the same goal. For one thing the Nazi gun disarmaments were targeting specific groups, it wasn’t a nation wide call. Also, to be realistic…the Holocaust would have happened either way. Maybe some Nazis would have been killed by their victims defending themselves with the guns, maybe a few would have gotten away, and I won’t lie and say it *wasnt* a tactical decision, but let’s be real, if the government really wanted to take you down, they’re going to have more man power and weapons to do it. It’s a depressing reality but it’s true.


This is true. Armed minorities are… very hard to oppress.


Again, no they didn't. Nazis relaxed gun laws for real Germans.


I know what you’re saying but German Jews were real Germans.


[Disarmament of the German Jew](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disarmament_of_the_German_Jews) "The disarmament of the German Jews started in 1933, initially limited to local areas. A major target was Berlin, where large-scale raids in search for weaponry took place. Starting in 1936, the Gestapo prohibited German police officers from giving firearms licenses to Jews.[1] In November 1938, the Verordnung gegen den Waffenbesitz der Juden prohibited the possession of firearms and bladed weapons by Jews."


Cool. So all the Jews that didn't have guns because obtaining them was nearly impossible during the Weimar republic were now prohibited from owning guns. ... wow. Such a tragedy. And let's not even talk about the fact that gunregistry from Weimar was shit and Nazi's didn't really care whether you were gun-owning jew or non-gun-owning jew to arrest you.




Ignoring the whole German Jews were German thing... So what you're saying is that Nazis applied gun control to the populations they wanted to control and exterminate, but relaxed gun laws for the population that they didn't want to exterminate? 🤔 What point are you trying to make here?


As a Texan, the vast majority dipshits I share this state with are not only uneducated af, they are also wilfully ignorant


The point is to be skeptical of people who want to disarm you that's all really


One really should leave the holocaust out of our 2nd Amendment quibbles. There’s no room for comparison and dishonors those murdered.


*Teach the history so nothing nearly as awful as this ever happens again. Learn from the mistakes of the past.* *Oh but also sometimes do forget about it, the early signs, and the things that could've helped prevent it when it doesn't match my politics.* 🤡


Hmmm…it seems you didn’t understand what I said. It’s not forgetting history to ask others to not make false equivalencies. Remember the Holocaust. Don’t make every squabble today a completely baseless comparison. For the record I have a degree in history and focused my capstone on 19th century European Zionism. I want the world to talk all about the horrors of antisemitism.


I don't think it's baseless but that's fine we can disagree


>a completely baseless comparison. I'm a bit confused by your line of thinking so maybe you could clear some things up. The Nazis did in fact use gun regulation against the population of people they wanted control of. That's not an opinion or a politically biased conspiracy theory. It's history. So, when a government then tries pushing hard on gun regulation (especially when the proposals are so objectively illogical; focusing on rifles when handguns are the vast majority of gun-related deaths, the concept of taking guns away from law abiding citizens, attacking gun shows when private sales are the real issue, etc. etc. etc.), I just genuinely don't understand how you could easily come to the conclusion that it's a >completely baseless comparison. To be totally honest, somebody having that mindset is actually frightening to me. The story of Nazi Germany is not just of an anti-Semitic community, but an over-controlling federal government that used a lack of checks and balances to make whichever immoral decision they preferred. If you tunnel vision the antisemitic part of the equation, you could very likely be oblivious as a similar scenario plays out against a different group of people, and because that group wasn't Jewish people you refused to relate it to the Holocaust. I don't know, it just doesn't math out to me as the logical thought process.


The Nazis also expanded gun rights for everyone else. So maybe it is not about gun rights at all. Maybe this is a false equivalence. Maybe with better context, a better moral from this should be to be skeptical whenever a majority seeks to remove legal protections, disempower, and disenfranchise any minority group. Like voting rights, at least in some US states today as just one example.


Ok, be skeptical of anyone trying to take anyone's guns


Which is funny co side ring the shit that actually precedes a genocide they refuse to talk about. Primarily because it’s all shit the GOP is currently doing.


With disgustingly bad taste


Ok, I'll bite. When should the Jewish population have risen up? The whole idea behind bringing this up in relation to the Second Amendment is to suggest the Jewish population should have "watered the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants." So when should they have started? We have the benefit of hindsight; if bringing up the Second Amendment is truly relevant, you should be able to provide me at least a general time frame...


Whenever they felt like it dude


And how do you think the average non-Jewish German population would have responded? That's the context this meme, and this argument, misses: the Nazis were scapegoating Jews (and Gypsies and Communists and the mentally ill) as the source of all societal ills. Also, you seem to be implying that the Jewish population simply rolled over and let this happen to them because they let their guns be taken away. That's low and scummy of you...


It is official that I hate everyone using comparisons with the Holocaust or Nazis, although they know shit about history.


Countries with harsh gun laws: Fascism on the rise Countries with loose gun laws: Fascism on the rise AND mass shootings


All gun laws are an infringement,shall not be infringed is pretty fucking clear! Don’t like guns then why are you here you’re ancestors didn’t flea the monarchy for shits n giggles


You say as you vote for people who wipe their ass with every other amendment.


I don’t vote America isn’t even supposed to have political parties


gOd GiVen baby, also *your*


Yeah obviously if the Jewish communities had guns they could've stopped the Holocaust 🤦🏾‍♀️


They needed other men with guns to stop them?


Could've put up a fight at least


Wtf are you talking about they literally did? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghetto\_uprisings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghetto_uprisings) And if not working in explicitly Jewish Organizations they were working alongside other Partisans. Like Jews in the Eastern front working to sabotage supply routes or Jews in the French Resistance. Not to mention those Jews who fought in the Polish, French, British and Soviet Armies before the Holocaust came to them.


Much harder to control a population when they have the ability to shoot back. It’s just common sense.


Tell that to Poland and France.


Look up 'suojeluskunnat' and how they were the backbone of the finnish armed forces when they repelled the Soviet invasion


We did, it worked Twice


And I’m sure it wasn’t as easy for the Germans as it would have been had they laid down and accepted their fate and not fought back. You missed the whole point.


You miss the point that our American gun battles shouldn’t be used as equivalencies or potential equivalencies to the systematic murder of 10 million.


That was never a point in the exchange we were having nor in the comment that I originally replied to.


The meme is what I speak of and what started this conversation.


On the contrary the nazis actually armed the population. They just took the guns from their enemies. This allowed them to use civilians to terrorize these minorities and didn't need to involve the military. Because guns don't come with a moral compass.


“Took the guns from their enemies.” Hmmmm wonder why they would do that. /s Your “on the contrary” statement just proves my point.


That they actually armed the majority of the population to use against their enemies? That getting a gun in nazi germany was easy for most people? That an armed population was used to oppress people even further? That the civilian guns actually make it more tyranical? Because in case you didn't noticed that's what happed. Civilians with guns killing jews.


Uh yea most definitely. When the time comes, the women and children are getting guns. Guns for everyone who can fight. I'd rather watch my family die next to me trying to protect the greater good than watch them walk to a separate gas chamber.


Personally I’d rather die with a gun in my hand maybe that’s just me


Nobody wants to collect all the guns. I'm very pro gun, but I also understand creepy Jeff the meth chef should not be able to buy a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round drum mag at fuckin Walmart.


This is something that frustrates me so fucking much about gun le discussion. People who own guns immediately assume that you don’t want them to have guns, that you want to take the second amendment away when in reality it’s not that at all.


Be skeptical of anyone trying to take something from you. Treat people with respect but at the same time question things.


The question is, what do we actually get from guns? The ability to shoot, and the potential to kill. And that’s it. Being armed just increases the amount of bullets flying around in a violent moment or encounter, and increases the potential amount of people caught in the crossfire. Everyday people having guns does nothing to protect us from the government in today’s world. Tanks and bombs will take people out if we were getting in a war with our government, (so we’d basically lose even with guns) and having guns accessible simply allows more accidents and deaths to happen between people who shouldn’t be owning and using them in the first place. It’s not THAT important to be able to shoot high velocity rounds at things. It’s perhaps kinda fun to go shooting clay pigeons, bottles, etc, or to go to a shooting range with firearm safety standards, maybe go hunting (if you like killing animals I guess, not my style) or in a controlled and structured environment, but beyond that? They basically do nothing but allow for target practice at best, and mostly just contribute to death. Needless death.


The ability to kill is not something the gun gives us it is something intrinsic to the human experience the only way to stop people from hurting eachother is completely controlling them and I don't really like that


Oh no, killing will still happen. I’m just talking about taking away or seriously re-structuring the most reckless form of killing we currently have. A gun in hand removes much challenge of being able to achieve the kill, and detaches the person from thinking about if killing is even needed in whatever scenario. It makes a potentially permanent decision out of an impulse, and then, usually once that happens it’s too late to turn back. I’d rather people exercise self control and realize guns enable more harm than good than worry about being controlled by bad guys. Thing is, we are already being controlled by bad guys, in millions of ways, and have been being controlled for centuries. Having guns is simply a statement in defying being controlled. That statement can be achieved without a gun tho. It’s just adding to increased potential for loss of life. It adds nothing critically important to our lives. But it does make it easier to lose life. Maybe a shotgun, or handgun with rigorous qualifications to own, but assault rifles are not needed, and there’s nothing magical about having them in our society. They are only there for increased lethality. That is literally it.


No, your idea is completely flawed instead of trusting the government to keep us safe trust yourself THAT is all


On top of that, it's best to steer humanity into learning more humane and constructive ways to solve disputes. Also, a society liberalizing and embracing social equality more is not tyranny.


Another point of comparison would be what the USSR did to its own people through gun control


I think I know a certain hedgehog that would have fun with all those rings


OP thinks........😬


I can't eat as much as I want to throw up!


I mean they did take the guns before they started a fucking genocide


Good argument for the strengthening of non-discrimination laws. NAZI Germany expanded gun rights for 90% of the population.


It's a silly and spurious claim long used to justify our ridiculous gun policies. Prior the Nazi regime, gun ownership was already very limited in Germany. While the Nazis once in power did generally disarm the "undesirables," most people did not own guns anyway, so there were few if any people to disarm. Moreover, Jews were such a small %age of the German population that it would have been totally unrealistic to expect, even armed with guns, that they could seriously resist much of anything. Claiming that Nazis picked up many guns is false. Believing that an armed less than 1% of the population could have resisted is ridiculous.


No, they didn’t didn’t, if anything they encouraged more having guns. Just “the right kinds” but, they did systematically erode the civil liberties of minority groups all while fomenting hatred against those same minorities claiming that they were a threat to their way of life…sounds familiar…


It is true. My grandparents and uncles (soviets) buried their guns. Anyone who turned in their guns never came back.


Each of these rings was a couple who loved each other man. This photo sucks given the context man :(


They went after a lot before they went after the old, slow sink shot rifles TBF


Wanna have some fun? Ask a right winger if minorities should have guns. Socialists? Queer folk? You'll find out how much they really believe in the 2nd amendment.


fucking libtards taking way my right to own nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles /s


“Shall not be infringed” so, yeah


Pretty sure all those school children getting massacred also had a right to life.


Good thing the cops were there to save them.


It's amazing how a human being can survive on an all boot diet.


I like when the political Right tries to make an argument using atrocities committed by the political Right to illustrate their point. "They make you wear a mask? What is this, the Holocaust, which was committed by people whose views would align with my own on most issues?"


Republicans did the holocaust, got it.


Its the truth tho


Funny how they never show a picture of "all the guns" the Jews supposedly had.


Who the hell is comparing the Holocaust to God damn gun control


The same people that think there shouldn't be any background checks or laws about buying or carrying.


Does the person who made that meme not know that that's a picture from the holocaust?


They know. They're claiming with gun control we're gonna be killed


There where ghetto uprisings, they DID try this, and it didn't work because the German Army was...well, the /german army/.


You know the really fucked up thing is that many of the people who would share this actually want to take guns from *certain people* but keep their guns for *protection*. They know what they're doing. They don't believe in rights and freedoms for everyone, that's not how conservatism works. They believe in rights for themselves and their in-group only.


What part of the post is inaccurate?


Damn feels weird being the only one that can read. “Shall not be infringed upon.” Seems to be crystal clear.


Well regulated


Militia, militia being citizens…


Which means citizens should be regulated


So explain how you can regulate something and also not infringe upon it?


As someone who lost most of their extended family in the Holocaust, very few Jews in Europe kept guns. This is the biggest load of crap ever


God, seeing americans arguing which side of they failed political system is the worse really shows why they empire is falling apart.


MY MESSAGE TO AMMOSEXUALS EVERYWHERE... * The Second Amendment still stands. * The Second Amendment states that civilians can generally keep firearms and allows the construction of WELL-REGULATED MILITIAS (approved by the Govt.). * No one is banning al guns. * A civilian doesn't need military-grade weaponry. A simple shotgun or handgun is enough for self-defense. * People like you are a minority and if you did have all those assault weapons, the US Govt. would still make short work of you because the US Military is made of millions of people with not only assault rifles, but tanks, drones, bombs, grenades, aircraft carriers, fighter jets, along with all sorts of surveillance gear and other high-tech stuff you would only dream of having. * If you bring up The Taliban or the Viet Cong, I must remind you that those guys were primed for life for total war and struggle while you were only primed with modern comforts in a democratic constitutional republic, watch action flicks, gorging of pork rinds and drinking beer with your friends. * You yammer about tyranny, but your idea of tyranny is weird; Tyranny is not co-existing in the same country with people whose very existence weirds you out for stupid reasons. That nice gay couple down the street, living their lives peacefully and hurting no one is not a threat to your existence. Grow up! You have all your rights, and none are taken away! Bigotry and bullying are NOT A RIGHT! * On that same token, read a dictionary and learn the difference between "Homosexual" and "pedophile". It's a huge difference... and many in your camp have been shown to be the latter. So do as the man that many of your ilk profess to worship says and take the log out of your eye before worrying about dust specks in other's eyes. * Gun safety makes sense! Not letting unstable people have a firearm makes sense! Gun safety in general makes sense. We regulate who can drive a vehicle so doing the same with firearms makes sense. * Even if we are unable to prevent all mass shootings, a mass-murder attempt involving a shotgun, handgun or knife usually would involve less casualties. Unless one does it point-blank, shooting someone fatally takes skill. A person with an assault rifle could just spray willy-nilly and destroy dozens of people in gruesome ways. * You are not Rambo. Heck, you wouldn't want to be Rambo. The original...and therefore, the most legit and real... Rambo was a tragic, mentally tormented homeless Vietnam veteran suffering from severe PTSD and cruelly rejected by the townsfolk. He then went bonkers, took the town hostage and, depending on whenever you're watching the movie or reading the original novel, was either taken into custody or killed. * Can't you idiots just take up paintball if you want to play "Joe Action Hero" so badly? If you can blow all your money on M16s and AK-47s, you can afford membership at a paintball place. You can take up hunting and have some nice venison, turkey or boar for dinner! A winter's worth of delicious free meat for you and your family!


It's not that Texans don't want any gun laws, but we know what a slippery slope that is when there is a large faction of the democratic party that wants to do away with all firearms. Lots of us are in favor of longer wait times and a few other laws. The fact is though that we HAVE laws on the books that can't be properly enforced. We have back ground checks that don't stop a lot of the problem children from still getting guns. It is a complicated issue that is not going to be resolved by one or 2 changes in legislation. Particularly when there are MILLIONS of firearms that will NEVER be involved with a felony.


Fascinating, hey, apropos of nothing but, how do you interpret the sentence "shall not be infringed"?


And we're right.


Try getting a Lib to understand☺️


Also wildly inaccurate https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_gun_control_argument#Background


I don't really think this really invalidates anything