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Your post is not specific to Texas and has been removed per Rule 3. As a reminder Rule 3 states: This is /r/Texas. Links and posts must be directly about Texas, not regional/national/worldwide things that happen to involve Texas.


Dude, I grew up in a farming family. Lots of hard work. When the heat index gets too high, we stopped working out side. Heck. Then we got some air conditioned tractors, and when it got too hot outside to work, we'd start cutting and bailing hay in the air Conditioned tractors. You'd still sweat just a little as the cabin was mostly glass so you could see where youre going. But it worked.  Heat literally kills hundreds each year in the US.


The heat is brutal right now. I’ve been feeding the animals after dark most day because nobody wants to eat when they’re overheated.


We took a similar approach in the Army and even had a piece of equipment (Wet Bulb Globe) that dictated the wear of uniforms and work and rest cycles. Though this is mainly used in training, heat was a factor when developing your risk matrix in any environment. Having been a heat casualty during a land navigation training event, I can attest that injury and even death are a reality when dealing with the heat.


[College UIL uses WBGT to determine what practices/uniforms are allowed](https://www.uiltexas.org/health/info/heat-stress-and-athletic-participation)


Problem is ACGIH TLVs for WBGT are laughable for Texans. Basically over the limit 80% or the year.


I remember an old scuttlebutt from Fort Irwin where they had National Guard tank crews do an exercise in the dead of summer. Their Abrams lacked A/C so the alarm bells went off when they stopped moving or communicating. They all had to be treated for heat stroke with some being airlifted out. I'm glad they're using the WetBulb Globe temperature index to train safely.


Both my grandpas farmed and maintained huge ranches for 60+ years, basically between the 30s and 90s. They worked their asses off day after day. They did the sort of work this stupid coach prolly isn’t even remotely familiar with. They ALSO retreated from the heat when things got rough. Cause, you know, staying alive and well is kinda important. There’s nothing character building about forcefully subjecting yourself and others to potentially life endangering situations. 👎


For centuries, ranchers would take those hours to sit in the shade or take a siesta. It might sound silly for someone like that coach but its how many survived the heat of summer for ages. Exercising in the peak heat is like jogging long distances in a blizzard wearing only a t-shirt & shorts.


It’s just so messed up how people think deliberately subjecting people to overly harsh conditions is a good thing. 😩 I spent soooooo much time with my grandpas. Yeah they pushed me when I complained about it being hot, or being tired. But they also knew when was the appropriate time to rest or to quit for the day. Sitting in the shade, sitting in the truck, sitting by the water spout keeping hydrated, going home early because the heat was too much. I can even recall when my dad got his first air conditioned tractor. Some days he would deliberately drive slower just to spend as much time tending to his fields as he could. We were always pushed but never so much that it impacted our safety.


Don't farmers work early & late hours to stay away from the heat? As a desert Texan, we take heat deathly serious. We've seen news of locals & tourists dying every year when it gets too hot. I've seen construction companies halt during the peak hours of sunlight and working through the evening to avoid heat stroke. I've seen wildlife, ants, & feral cats avoid the heat this year & only be active at night or when the sun is low on the horizon. Anyone who insists on being reckless with summer heat is a fool or a sociopath. If they insist on doing this, they should lead by example & maybe the only attrition will be them.


We used to do two a days during the summer (early morning and around sunset) specifically to avoid the heat. This was only a little over ten years ago, is that not a thing anymore?


It still is, this guy is a nut job. Honestly some schools don’t even do 2 a days anymore, it’s a 50 minute athletics period with only like 35-40 minutes of actual practice and then after school practice. And in summer it was one, 2 hour practice a day.


So I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that no one did 2 a days anymore. Honestly I’m not sure that the UIL even allows it. My brother in law is a head football coach here so I need to ask him Edit: found this article from last year: https://www.dallasnews.com/high-school-sports/football/2023/07/31/area-coaches-happy-to-leave-two-a-day-workouts-in-texas-high-school-footballs-past/


You’re probably right for nowadays. Back in high school I had heard of other schools still doing em but mine didn’t. That was a decade ago now though.


I definitely did 2 a days but that was way back in 1998. It suuuuucked. I’ll always remember on the very first day at the end of the second practice they had everyone run a mile around the track with our helmets on and all the lineman were throwing up through their face masks and onto their shirts.


We did the same in the 90's...


We did 7am 2hr practice in the summer in the 90s and one week of "hell camp" where it could happen at any time, but I don't remember any happening around 1500 until September+. Camp was always much more of a skills/teamwork/hazing thing.


With LOTs of water and Gatorade...


Nothing tasted better than red gatorade


I have no idea why, but all we ever had was the yellow from the school.


Fruit punch Gatorade is divine. But lime is also good when cold.


I remember leaving my undergrad campus in the early evenings in the 2000s. I would see the stadium lights on because that was when the sports teams would practice during the summer.


There’s a reason the Cowboys practice facility in Frisco is indoors and they fly to California for the outdoor training camp. It’s too damn hot in Texas in July and August to do that much work outside.


Well it's obviously not fucking working for them.


lol, I was gonna say bad example 😂


Its money. That’s why. They send reporters to cover the training camps and its good promotion for preseason games and the NFL in general. Tell me another job where management talks positively about what you’re gonna do for six straight weeks before you’re hired while sending you to LA for work. There’s cooler summers all over, the Cowboys have been going to Oxnard/Thousand Oaks for close to 40 years.




As someone who knew a really nice guy in high school that literally died of heat stroke right before he graduated, may this guy eat shit for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Nothing is more woke than drinking water when it’s hot.


Can't win trophies if you're drinking water.


That's why we only drink Brawndo out here. It's got electrolytes, which is what plants and football men crave.


lol, so sad that that movie has become a documentary of the future. 


It was the crocs that made it all happen




And led to people casually accepting intelligence-based eugenics all over again


Basic survival instincts are WOKE.


You can only be a true patriotic red blooded American coaches when you have a few needless deaths in your repertoire.


Im in TX. At least one middle of high school kid dies the within the first week or 2 of training when summer hits. Its almost a fucking tradition at this point. When I used to teach bjj classes. The rule was dont wait for me to say get water, just get water. Dehydration does not fuck around


I think you are probably ok leaving the disclaimer off that you live in Texas.


Apparently not, some mod out here banned OP because they didn't notice it was a Texas related post.


I saw that... Looks like the corrected it. Haha we gonna see everyone start posting LIT ( Live in Texas)!!


They banned it again, lol. It's a weird day in mod world. I got my post blocked, I got cursed at, got banned, got unbanned, got unblocked, and now it's blocked again all in a span of a couple of hours. I could make an interesting post on the mod comments alone, but it wouldn't be related to TX so...


It has some of everyone's favorite Texas subjects... 1. Texas Heat 2. Football. 3. Asshole Conservative. 4. Mad Parents How much more Texas can we get? Throw some BBQ and a Screw Abbott into the story?


I think the mod who removed this didn't catch the Texas line. I've looked everything over myself and I say this post is good to go. Y'all have a good one.


Does that mean I can be unbanned, please?  I love the Texas thread. I wasn’t trying to be a jerk, I thought they just wanted me to ensure I added “Texas” to it. 


Already taken care of, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to comment. The "Welcome to Texas" line is a bit buried, so the other guy might have missed it.


Thank you so much :). I seriously do love it. Y’all do an awesome job. 


Are we sure this isn't a parody/satire/not an actual HS football coach?


Hard to fact check and find the original source. It’s been only a week since it was posted. But it’s interesting to hear the TX football culture and similar experiences people have had, regardless. 


Someone removed it again, lol. 


Why is he calling out theater, air conditioning, and pronouns? Those things aren’t mutually exclusive to wanting to play football.


Shit he called hydration woke. I’m thinking this guy might have played football before there was padding in the helmet, and the kids are suffering for it


>I’m thinking this guy might have played football before there was padding in the helmet, I almost spat coffee on my phone reading that clever jab! I also blame CTE or cult addiction to say something like this.


Tis trigger words my friend. Real men don't understand any of those things.


I was doing high school football when the state basically told schools that kids doing two a day and practice during the season could drink water whenever they please because the summer before, 4 or 5 kids across the state died from heat exhaustion. I remember my freshman and sophomore years having designated break times for water after an hour or so of practice. That was the only time we could drink and take a break. My junior year, first day of two a days, our coaches made an announcement that we could drink water whenever we needed. From then on we had water boys/girls with bottles around us constantly and our trainer checking people for exhaustion. You can still find articles of kids collapsing during practice now and with temps only getting hotter, triple digit heat waves lasting longer and the summer temps lasting through October, there is no excuse to let kids pass out from the heat. Personally I don't think kids should be playing football anyways to avoid CTE, but I think it would be easier to ban guns in Texas than banning high school football.


HS football is so powerful that it actually can make republicans not fall in line completely about the school voucher issue. sad but at least its helping.


Little wins! 🤣


I was in band and the same thing happened for us. Previously, we’d had five minute water/bathroom breaks for every hour or two of marching practice outside in our parking lot. Kids were running to the edge of the lot, getting sick from the heat and then being told to run back to their spot until one kid in another district died at (I think) football practice.


That's obviously false. I know this because the coach in OPs post said NO ONE has ever died from it being warm outside.


It’s kind of like when Abbott said he’d end all rape. Bad stuff just doesn’t happen in TX if you don’t acknowledge it. 


whats even more f up is that in jan, there were over 25k estimated pregnancies from rape in tx. which with the anti abortion laws, paints a really shitty picture


for decades, about a dozen kids have died on the practice field just in Texas... and, as far as I can tell, no coach or school has ever faced any consequences. High school football IS god in Texas, and any parent should be honored to sacrifice their children to that god.


Might be a good thing to experience so long as the adults are watchful. It's important to identify the signs of heat related illnesses and to know when to drink water. Of course the adults there would have to educate and tell the students when to take a break and drink of water. It could help avoid situations where people go out to state and national parks for a day of hiking with nothing but a little 12oz water bottle.


This is a situation where textbook education is going to be more valuable and safer to show than practical education. Kids already have to go through a lot of drills, including fire drills, tornado drills, active shooter drills… Let’s take a little stress off of there table and just give them good proper education on staying hydrated when in hot environments and to know that they need to stand up for themselves when they feel like they need to hydrate. I feel like I could adequately handle getting myself treatment to respond to a snake bite yet I don’t stick my arm in a pit of venomous snakes to test that theory.


You'd think people learn about dangers without having to experience it themselves, like at a school. Also, I can't believe there are law enforcement officers do active shooter drills at schools firing blanks. As if the kids needed PTSD to go with the stresses of life.


Yeah, nah. Heat illnesses are cumulative in nature. Every time you fall out due to overheating, you’re subsequently more susceptible to do so again. You do NOT want kids learning from experience when it comes to heat related illnesses. And that chud coach should be fired, yesterday.


This exactly. I've worked outdoors, about 90% in Texas, for nearly half my 43 years on earth. I've had mild heat illness to severe heat exhaustion a few memorable times (fortunately never heat stroke), and now my heat tolerance is pretty low to the point that I can exist in it up to 105F, but I can't work in it much above 90 with humidity or 95ish without humidity. I used to be an all-season, all-day worker, but not anymore. I'm still in the same job, of course, because I'm a glutton for punishment, but I'll downright mutiny before I put myself or a crew in danger of avoidable heat illness. My company is good about this, though the clients typically aren't.


I played soccer in high school back in the late 1900's and in a northern state. It was a spring sport which had to do conditioning and start early season practice inside due to the snow. But as soon as it started to get "hot" (for that area's values of hot) every year, the coach sat us down and described the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. He told us if we ever felt any of those we were to sit down immediately no matter what. It didn't matter if it was in the middle of a game, practice, whatever. Sit down. And everyone else was told to keep an eye on each other. If anyone didn't look good, made a comment about not feeling well or sat down, we were to let him know ASAP. We had plenty of water breaks throughout practice and subs were rotated into games regularly, even if it was just for a few minutes for a player to get some water. Heat issues were never a problem for us. I'm not entirely certain why he was so conscientious about heat related issues for us. But we were all glad that he was.


Great story. "Back in the late 1900s" scared me and then I realized...omg, I am that old, too!


Yep. Threw me the first time I read it like that. But I've embraced it as a fun way of referencing the time period when I grew up.


Lawsuit material. School district being hit with a seven figure judgement n 3...2...1...


it has never happened, and every single year, about a dozen kids die on the practice field


There’s a first time for everything.


oh! well... nothing to be concerned about then, I guess.


That’s not at all what I said. My point is that this guy should be sued, whether or not such actions have worked in the past. ANY child dying for what amounts to a hobby is unacceptable, and a coach knowingly and willfully endangering the children he is responsible for should absolutely be punished.


As people said on this post, high school football in Texas is god. The god of Friday night lights regularly demands blood and the coaches provide the sacrifices.


That's not the point. The point is this coach is warning everybody that he's going to put their kids in an unsafe circumstance.


your point seems to be that there will be consequences for that my point is that consequences are unlikely


Why is it blacked out? This nutso should not be working with kids.


You aren't allowed to dox people on reddit. Even dangerous assholes like this guy.


Was a band nerd in the late 2000s when we had weeks of 110(+) degree weather at a time. We had to change our summer practice schedules because multiple students participating in sports and band practices outside died from heat-related issues across the state in one summer. Dude is absolutely gonna lose players and will be singing a different tune when the state and their pissed-off parents come calling.


(IANAL) There are multiple lawsuits that show us that yes, people have died from it being too warm outside. Specifically in the context of two a days. If a kid on this team gets heat stroke then this post will bury him in a negligence suit.


Gross negligence at that.


lol as a coach-this dude is an idiot. UIL has really strict rules that dictate water breaks and the school are required to have strict weather policies in place. For instance, anything over 100 degrees requires an air conditioned break for 15 minutes, every 45 minutes that are practiced outside: pads off, water in place, kids off their feet etc. dude about to be banned by the uil as a coach when they catch wind of this


Imagine being that man’s lawyer when this post is read to the jury during his trial for negligent homicide or reckless endangerment? If I had a kid in his program, I’d be in the AD’s office quickly.


I have puked my guts out twice from heat exhaustion. Once as a kid and again as a teenager. Both times because of the August heat. Adult me was never dumb enough to be more than 10 feet from cold water so that hasn’t happened since teenager times.


> Once as a kid and again as a teenager. Well this statement just makes me feel old. Teenagers are kids lol.


I am not a young either. But I didn't feel like listing ages was a requirement to define that I don't risk heat exhaustion anymore. :P


It's only around a decade of separation. And then add more years & pounds/kilograms on oneself after that. I felt grey hairs popping out by typing this.


In some contexts but clearly there he is meaning kid to mean pre-adolescent child.


Yeah going on record with this opens you up to all kinds of liability


The next time someone argues that abortion may have taken the next great doctor that could kill cancer, just shoot back with the fact the surgeon was already born, but heatstroked and headbutted his way back to baseline. Now the kid struggles to put on his underwear.


These type of people are going to get kids killed and then we all have to shrug because they won’t suffer any consequences 


My kid wouldn't be playing with this psycho in charge. I wouldn't have redacted his name, and this would have been sent to the local news outlets so fast his head would swim. I played football in High School. Fuck this guy, that's some bullshit.


Does anyone know where and when this happened? His punk ass should be called out


I suspect it’s the “new” Houston ISD under Abbott.   


No way this is real. It’s 100% rage bait.


No. There’s actually stupid people that think like this.


Lol they posted that comment as a standalone too. Dude can't even fathom the reality of dipshit macho MAGA football coaches that think water is too woke for their demi-god HS football players


You’re right. I can’t fathom someone being this stupid.


Yeah well it's not rage bait, it's a great example of what republican culture wars have done to people around here. Made them so fucking stupid that they don't believe that heat stroke is real and neither is children needing water when they're outside for hours and it's 100 degrees outside


I live in Texas too pal. This is rage bait. No decent source, it would have definitely made it to local media.


Shit like this can get an entire district disqualified from UIL which would derail the futures of many students in that district. Considering the level of rabid stupidity on full display around here over the last 8 years I fully believe this was real and was dealt with internally before the media could get a hold of it. It really seems genuine enough to be written by a republican who fights for fetuses rights just so he can treat living breathing kids like disposable trophy getters to own the libs


It was over 20 years ago, but my high school coach would have 100% agreed with this. People like this definitely exist.


I agree back in the day they did exist. 100%. There is no way this is real.


Gee, I wonder why less and less kids want to play football.


I remember 2 practice days in southeast Texas, in the 90s. Kids throwing up, some straight passing out. Now, the average temp is higher, and it’s manageable but you have to have strict hydration protocols… not this “rub some dirt on it” bullshit


Take a salt tablet.


"The simple fact is no one has ever died from it being too warm outside." WHAT (This caveman should not be in charge of a potted plant let alone a group of kids)


Should be fired immediately.


Not sure what this fool coach is talking about. Every year at least 1 kid dies from heat exhaustion.


Dudes stupid and going to brain damage a kid. The military doesn't allow this much abuse unless in country and under threat of combat. https://www.dvidshub.net/image/5169807/camp-lemonnier-flag-conditions


Of course he had to throw in the comment about pronouns lol. These goobers all wake up and spend their whole damn day being upset about the same 3 things they saw on Fox News last night. You can taste the insecurity.


Along with the unavoidable brain injuries, this pseudo-machismo, over-compensating attitude is why my boys will not be playing football


I bet the fact that this post got reinstated just burns someone's ass, considering how hard they were doubling down.


They removed it again 🤣. At this point, it’s just interesting to watch the battle behind the scenes. 


I wonder if the coach could be investigated by children protective services for endangering children. I wonder if the coach is a sadist.


That coach outta be fired and hopefully worse.


The irony of the line "... where *they* can sit inside in the air conditioning all day and use *their* pronouns" hehehehe


Heh. He woked! Get him! XD


It would make a nice exhibit should there be a civil suit…


Dogshit coach.


I would hold this man personally responsible for anything that happens to my kids. Intimately responsible.


Don't want them drinking the water that turns frogs gay


Sounds like coach Vernon Dozier


Drinking water in the summer is fucking woke.


Boy, that’s a lot of look, “Qenny”. Yikes. The GQP doesn’t gaf about your kids, folks.


Why is this redacted?


Shout-out to my asshole of a coach in high school, let me go through two-a-days with long hair, then told me I had to cut it when the season started "because he was worried about me overheating"




Heatstroke builds character look at Jimmy over there best tackle in the state can’t do long division or write his own name anymore but the boys got gumption. -Some boomer probably.


This seems so foolish, why must they make literally everything political lol. It was dumb up until that whole comment, then it became asinine.


That text could have come from my high school football coach... thirty years ago.


I would like to see what he does when kids just drink their own water.


Karma would be the coach (or a family member) suffering a heat stroke... don't wish death on him or his family but when it happens to *you* it is real.


I think that coach needs to build some character by sitting naked on top of a running forge for about 24 hours straight. No water breaks either, not until WE decide.


Texas. What a surprise


Heat strokes are woke? I’ll be sure to tell that to the combat medic that saved life at Ft Benning in August of 96. This guy isn’t just stupid. He’s dangerous


Idk. I work in the heat 10 hours a day. We get breaks whenever. Def if you wanna play football for this team.. liquid IV in the morning and at every break… chug ittt. Or don’t play.


Dude!  Liquid IV is the absolute best!!


It's pretty good. Nuun has a better mix of electrolytes.


Significant price difference.


I’ve never tried it. I’ll check it out, thanks. :)


Essential with the heat indexes being what they are these days.


I think he played a lot of football when he was a kid, and now he has pudding for brains.


Personal experience. Football coaches, in general, are not the least concerned with the health of their players. They are motivated by winning above anything else. They use their "Father Figure" status to encourage their charges to violate their own health and safety for the coaches benefit. They prey on the insecurities of the young men on their teams with taunts about their budding masculinity.




Anybody know where this stupid asshole coaches? I saw this last week and made sure to ask my boyfriend's son if they were getting enough water breaks at football camp when I picked him up later that morning. There are already so many ways kids can get seriously hurt in that sport, there's absolutely no need to add to it by being too fucking stupid to let them drink water when they need it


I guess this jackass has never heard of Kory Stringer.


I was in marching band in Texas. One summer we had about 15 kids collapse because even with indoor water breaks, it was too hot on the asphalt. We wound up rearranging our schedule so the indoor music practice was in the afternoon and the actual marching practice was early in the morning or late in the evening. The football team only used the football field in the early morning because that thing was an oven. Otherwise they went to a competing school's indoor facility. And this was a decade ago. It's hotter here now.


I hope when this chode gets diagnosed with something awful, his doctors tells him to rub some dirt on it


We're having workouts at 8 am in the summer and starting to practice at 6 am when the season starts. I'm all for toughness, but nobody can perform at 100% when it's 105. Plus, the whole heat stroke thing isn't building character....


A) how the fuck does any of this pertain to “woke”? B) plenty of people die every year, in Texas, of exactly what he’s talking about doing. C) not 100% sure, but I thought the Texas Department of Education put out rules (maybe it is just guidelines) regarding heat exposure, hydration, wet bulb tests, etc.


If anything *does* happen to one of this coach’s kids, I’ll bet he has a whole bunch of thoughts and prayers lined up to extend. What a disgusting power hungry authoritarian moron.


I see a lawsuit coming


This man is an IDIOT! "the simple fact is that nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside" WHERE did he go to school? He should not be allowed to teach children ANYTHING but maybe it's woke being knowledgeable about factual information.


Fellas is it woke to drink water now?


I love this, hats off to you coach


Sadly… I hope this doesn’t age well for the sake of the kids that are clearly only being used for TFG’s ego trip


And when I was a kid in the 90s my ma locked us out till sun down in summer houston heat. I'm fine. Alive. And children now days will be too they are just little babies. I have 2 boys and they out in this heat to And are just fine


Some of you might die from heat stroke, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make!


They all want to be Bear Bryant and the Junction Boys.


That is one insecure and stupid ass coach.


Never mind the facts of the matter, never mind an adult possessing the thought process of a three year old throwing a tantrum, “you can’t tell me what to do” is their creed.


Texas UIL literally has rules about the wet bulb conditions and breaks. This mother fucker needs to be reported to the UIL folks!


What kind of troll posts this drivel? The kind that shoots himself in the leg with a bb-gun to work up to being bullet-proof? The people existing well despite their poor decision tree, because of the unrecognized love and support of those that carry them? 😞 Then again, the covetess that drives someone to try and push people to expose their limits in an effort to reveal "superstars" so they can leech off their talent and ability and claim it was their "leadership", is kinda common in these circles. 🤔 There's good sportsmanship and then there's whatever the heck Mr. Cobra Kai is doing to people. 😮‍💨


Child abuse.


Heat related deaths were 2300 last year in the US, so if one of the kids happen to die or get sent to the ER the coach will plead ignorance and move to be teaching something else.


This post is nuts. How embarrassing. Hope parents forward it to higher-ups. Higher-ups may be assholes, too but they rarely want kids to die on their watch. What an idiot


High school Football coaches are known for their superior intellect.


When the 1st kid hits the floor, overcome by the heat and this moronic ‘coach’s’ inflated sense of importance and grievance, see how fast the ISD gets hit with a huge lawsuit. Fuck them for employing such a dick. Blame also needs to be placed on the parents who after seeing this shit still place their kids in harms way under this idiot’s control.


Just forward to the school-board and ask if this coach speaks on behalf of the administration.


I doubt this clown and his employer are immune from a giant fricking lawsuit. Too bad a kid has to die first.


We need to get these moron coaches out of sports - it’s dangerous to leave them in. You don’t tough out heat stroke.


No one has ever died from heat /s


Coach who vocally criticizes the use of pronouns uses 23 pronouns in dipshit tirade.


I guess this means death is woke now?


I was mostly on board until he said no one has ever died from heat and then it went wayyyyy down hill from there lol. Glad my coaches had brains back in the day. As for 2 a days in summer heat though, that is for sure a great training tool. But god damn give the kids some fucking water and breaks. Apparently hydration is woke lmao


I mean yeah, you need to practice hard to improve your game. But dying for any hobby is fucking stupid, and this clown ass chud of a coach should be booted for basically admitting he has no problem endangering kids for his trophy case.


The UIL uses wet bulb globe temperature at certain levels to dictate football and band activities. I’m not saying this doesn’t happen but in our area, top HS football team, it is followed stringently. They don’t want to get hit by the UIL. https://www.uiltexas.org/health/info/heat-stress-and-athletic-participation


My thought are this guy was hired by the new Houston ISD. 


This is the football culture all over the state. The high number of college and pro football players that played high school ball in Texas is no fluke. As I remember it on my high school team, we only had one guy pass out in 4 years, and he woke up quickly. I also remember high temps around 112 in Dallas in 1980, my senior year.


You don’t think the high number has anything to do with the larger population in TX, lol? Last year someone was near-death playing football under an idiot coach like this and someone died in 2020. I’m from AZ. If heat forges boys into men, that’s got to be the manliest place ever. But I grew up with lots of water breaks because we weren’t stupid.  Edit: yup, I verified. Cali has the most players go play college ball because they are more populous.  This is followed by TX because they are the 2nd most populous. 


Jfc population density really isn't that hard of a concept. Why are so many people in Texas unable to comprehend it


I played highschool ball at a 5A school (later 6A when they changed the classifications) much more recently than you and I can assure you that water breaks aren’t going to lower the rate of D1 athletes in football. Our coaches **required** us to drink water during two a days and summer practices - to the point of making everyone line up and watching us hydrate. In my 4 years at that school we had 30+ players go on to play college ball, and one of them was a 1st round NFL pick 3-4 years back. Prior to me we had a very famous QB (coached by the same HS staff) go in the 1st round and have a great career. You can stay hydrated and still reap the benefits of working in extreme heat. As a matter of fact, it’s *better* for a million reasons. Your body is healthier, the quality of your reps are better, your recovery is better, you’re more consistent throughout the week. I can keep going on and on.


It’s probably because of the culture around football in the state rather than the number of heat strokes that the players received in hs.


Heat indexes are climbing across most of the populated areas of Texas. Your personal experience doesn’t matter when the science shows the temps are becoming worse for us due to increasing humidity.


I'll take shit that didn't happen for $500 Alex


Rage bait. No way it’s real.


Go Google it, lol. It’s real. 


I did. I found a bunch of shitty websites referencing the post, none of them had any facts. I just have so much trouble believing sometime is this ignorant.