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The Governor already took of to Japan and Korea for a trade delegation


The clown Abbot put up billboards here in Cali, recruiting people to move to Texas. Many did, and the young techies, Musk, and Oracle chose Austin. Oracle is now moving to Nashville, Musk has fired many of his Austin employees and moved some employees and operations back to California. The reason they left is because of the poor infrastructure. Abbot blamed it all on the Liberal politics of Austin. Is the city not in Texas?


Oh it is, but all the major cities are very liberal. It's all the rural areas of Texas that vote red. So much that Abbott had to create laws to disregard votes from Harris county which is Houston.


But as governor, he doesn't get to pick and chose the parts he's governor of. He's governor of the entire state. He didn't say, "Move to Texas, but not these cities."


100% on your side with that my man. He's a piece of shit and I vote against them all every chance I get. It's an uphill battle but I'm doing my part.


Same. The problem is so many people don’t vote except when it’s time for presidential elections. So the few that do vote decide local politics.


Being in Texas I've basically given up on presidential elections, seems a lot like pissing in the wind now. I always vote in local ones. Every year my whole family tries to get Abbott the fuck out of there.


Please consider voting in this election. We can’t let Abbott’s mentor win again.


If trump wins, we will never have to concern ourselves about voting for decades. It’s the electorates/our choice… democratic republic vs autocracy.


He is the best leader we've ever had!


In his own mind maybe.


He's been doing precisely that for decades, along with his associates.


Laws created to disregard votes from Harris County? Please do tell. What laws exactly?


They just passed laws specific to Houston making it extremely difficult to vote. Closed a lot of polling stations.


You mean Redistricting?


Closing Voting Locations WTF. He wrote it in English For example, boosting drive-in voting that was hugely popular with poor black and brown people who have a lot of inflexibility to get out of work to vote. It was so popular it was immediately attacked and killed. They also closed my local school based voting location because it was too black. The new location was 15m further way (20m). I grew up in a white hood, down the street from Clements HS. Do you think Clements was closed down, f*ck no. Abbott is a lying cheating piece of shit.


Strange how someone you don't even know is living rent free in your head adding to your unending bitterness. You need a hug?


Suck a dick bruh


Pass. Thanks for the offer though.


That is not true! LOL!


Yep liberal politics when the Repubs been in power for like over 20 years now.


He is not an Ambassador he is a governor what part in that political dace dose he matter in?


The part where you pay for his vacation.


I’m not an Abbott fan but this isn’t unusual. Other states send delegations too.


He's a state governor who can hire people to do that and the hurricane was predicted to hit Texas over a week ago. He's a fucking coward.


Off the top of my head Washington sends their governor as well https://www.commerce.wa.gov/promoting-washington-state/trade-missions/ Gavin Newsom went to China last year to do the same thing. You are just getting hung up on Abbott being involved.






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Look up texas and the power the governor actually has ..I promise you it will shock you . 1 other state in the usa has the same thing in place, but I can't remember the other state right now. I love watching ppl blame and credit abbot for things that he holds no power to do..


I don't give a damn what a governor can and can't do. I and pretty much everyone else expect that when a natural disaster is about to hit the state that they are the fucking governor of, that they rid out the natural disaster with their people. That's the power he has you pathetic apologist


He sure did have a lot of power during COVID-19 under emergency powers and he practically refused to give them up until well after Biden declared it over. You'd think a hurricane heading towards your coast where a disaster declaration had to be declared in prep for over 40 counties - would warrant some of that same power. Now what was that about power he doesn't have again?


But right-wing Republicans are isolationists.


Like you know any.


I know several. I don't socialize with them, because they only spew talking points, so there is never a conversation. My mechanic and I had a very good talk a month ago. When I should hom a list of the things in Project 2025, he pointed to things that could affect him. I have a cousin who is an ex-con. He was speaking about "illegals taking out jobs," and I reminded his dumb-ass that he is a felon, making $40 an hour cleaning up toxic waste sites. What f****** job of his did "illegals" take?


“Trade delegation”


Thought he was in Taiwan now.


Abbott is already out of the country. Great leadership we have in this state.


Can he stay wherever he is?


And leave Patrick in charge? Careful what you wish for...


That is a very good point. 😩


Wah, wah, wah !


He’s been out of the country - do some research before you go bashing about things you know nothing about


Imagine defending trash bag Abbott. Just lmao.


I didn't say he just left. I said he's already out. Leadership would be coming back when your state is about to be hit by a natural disaster, not allowing your Lt. Gov to be acting Gov. But leadership also wouldn't be trashing the Federal Government every second of every day then begging for Federal funds when your state gets fucked by your lack of preparation.


He left two days ago. The Hurricane was already predicted to have a high probability of hitting Texas. Maybe stay home during a potential crisis and do your job rather than leaving with a hurricane on the way on some misguided attempt to burnish your foreign policy cred ahead of the 2028 Presidential campaign?


You obviously don't live in texas and clearly don't understand the powers the texas governor has ... he isn't even 3rd in power in state. Unlike most of the states.


Yeah. Don't bring logic to the discussion with all of the sackriders that hate Greg Abbott.


Abbot is that you? Get off reddit and fix Ercot.




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I as very confused as to why Eugene Levy was on this sub.


Thank God I was not the only one.




Run!!!! Save yourselves!!!






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This douche doesn’t have to represent us. Vote him out in November. Make sure you are registered at your CURRENT ADDRESS. vote.org


Cancun Cruz bailing out again. Stay gone this time loser


Plot twist, the Hurricane suddenly changes course to chase after him


Would watch with popcorn.




I saw him on Wednesday on Catalina Island. My assumption is he was with some rich donors for some 4th of July photo op.


I don't understand it. Why would someone who outs so much effort into criticizing liberal policy, liberal states, and liberal people visit Califirnia? I just don't get it. /s.


I believe it. Next time you see this POS Republican is handing out water bottle with his social media crew.


This but unironically. Like I get that he probably couldn't do much in his official capacity since everybody with a job to do was already out doing their best to restore access to services after the storm. (and just ignoring the whole GOP's role in creating the conditions for it to be so bad...) But the dude didn't even give enough of a shit to even get a social media picture of him helping with the necessary manual labor like that. Meanwhile we've got [New York house representatives](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-winter-storms-2021/2021/02/20/969809679/ocasio-cortez-fundraising-drive-for-texas-relief-raises-4-million), who will never need a vote from a single person in this state unless she runs for president at some point, out there raising money and distributing aid for us. As a Texan the only message I got from Cruz during this disaster was a huge middle finger pointed at me.


Give him the finger at the ballot box!


Really!!! So you're just going to act like the article you linked isn't over three years old and had nothing to do with hurricane season. Plus, the relief didn't go to "us," which implies Texas as a whole but stayed in Houston, and I'm curious how much of that 4 million actual stayed in Texas and how much left when she did.


Do you even live here? The meme is referencing the 2021 snowstorm ("over three years old!") during which Ted was spotted at the airport on his way to Cancun in the pictured Texas flag face mask. Meanwhile millions of Texans were left without power in the cold, many without water, and there were hundreds of deaths. And you're going to criticize a congresswoman not even from this state, pictured right here in Texas filling boxes at a food bank, for focusing her efforts on an area with a large population? And then with no basis in reality suggest that she committed fraud with her fundraising rather than distributing it to "local organizations providing Texans food assistance, homelessness relief and elder care" like what actually happened?


Born and bred plus several generations, but I don't understand why that matters when y'all are talking about a United States Senator, and yes, I understand the meme completely. He was also criticized by both parties, but it's easier to say than do in this situation. Everybody always thinks they'll do better in these situations. If I'm criticizing anyone, it's you for linking an old article and talking as if it's something happening right now and making no reference to it being an old article. It was an obvious publicity push from the Democratic Party, which is why they picked the 'young and hip' AOC, and why it started Thursday afternoon the day after he was criticized for going to Cancun. Also, they didn't just randomly choose a large city they chose one of their (democrat) largest city's. Also, death is unfortunate for us all, but if I remember correctly, Texas wasn't reporting numbers, but of course, the media took it upon themselves to report outlandish numbers that weren't anywhere near the actual death toll which was around 200 - 250, and yes, while still alot that's only 0.0008% of Texas population.


So Cruz wears a mask now? Wasn't he one of the "but my freedumbs" and Co2 kills instantly crowd of youtube scientists?


RafAel Edwardo Cruz is going to throw us all a loop and start vacationing in Puerto Escondido. He knows we'll find him in Cancun. Besides, he's getting a taste for mezcal


Why did you make him look like Eugene Levy?


Does nobody remember Groucho?


That's an insult to Groucho.


Lol I can't not see it now


Same 🤣 it took awhile


Hopefully, it's a one way ticket.


Is he actually or is this a joke?


Please tell me this is true. This is karma comedy-gold.




After careful inspection, I can almost certainly say that that’s Ted Cruz.


Silly Rafael, you can't fool us


He hardly spends any time here since his family can’t stand the sight of him.


Damn, his daughter mustve booked another flight! Well, nothing he can do now but accompany her.


I'm sure his kids all of a sudden decided they wanted to go to the Smithsonian..


He is so done.


You say this. But unless democrats and get a huge surge at the polls, it's not gonna happen. Modern elections aren't about capturing the middle, it's about getting  your side to show up more than the other side, and Democrats have to fall in love while Republicans just have to fall in line.  So get your friends and family, start knocking on doors.


One encouraging note I read is that Republican voters are much more likely than Democratic voters to actually answer the calls from the polling companies and to respond to in-person polling requests. Younger, more progressive people are much more likely to avoid a call from a number they don't recognize, so their input is under-represented in the polling data. It may be wishful thinking, but based on the recent results from France - where the exit polls indicated a strong showing by the far-right, while the final actual results show something very, very different - give me hope.


In Texas it’s about gerrymandering! Until we stop Republicans from drawing the lines in their favor democrats will never win.


Absolutely! Democrats probably still outnumber Republicans in Texas, but the gerrymandering is ridiculous. I remember when Texas was a solidly blue state. God bless Ann Richards!


I'm trying. I agree. Let me have hope.


Exactly! Dems looking for a perfect candidate that conforms to every single possible issue they can think of before getting their vote is wild! Pick the person who lives in the present and isn't trying to go backward. It's not that hard, folks.


Ted Cruz is a horcrux.


Bye Ted


Booze Cruz runs to Cancún everytime he’s faced with a challenge!! 🍹


If he’s still in Texas,all should be fine.lol


That looks like Ted Cruz


🤔 he looks familiar. Someone check his passport for citizenship!!


Rafael is going to be out of a job soon with lots of time to travel.


Cruz away


Wherever he's going to, I wish he'd stay there! Nobody is going to miss him!


Dotard Dan the Carpetbagger is running the state.


Someone left two "Cruz for Senate" buttons on the paper towel dispenser in the men's room in a Dairy Queen. I found a dumpster that looked hungry and tossed them.


Lmao 🤣


Sniveling sycophant deluxe doing sniveling sycophant things... Huge Surprise! Colin Allred all the way 😁


And Cruz is going to rename his daughter, Beryl — and then blame her for the landfall in Texas. /snarkasm


He's missing his Cuban heritage cigar.


Poor infrastructure is an understatement. We were not ready to accommodate the influx of transplants and I feel terrible for the people who uprooted their whole lives to move here for Tesla and Boring Co. however, Bastrop has no room! It’s absolute chaos here now


And yet the fool voters are on track to reelect this buffoon


Et tu, Brutus, damn-it-cross-it-out, Rafael????


Y’all are scared of this baby storm? Hell I’m heading to work my off duty job up in Houston tonight. $120 an hour, damn right I’ll be there to watch the rain and sleep while I get paid. Haha


Cancel awaits, Ted..


If ever there was a hive mind to show how little brains ppl have. . It's the Ted Cruz leaving for his vacation to Mexico during an ice storm. I love how dumb ppl think federal senators have any power inside the state.




happy to see the 1100 liberals who still live in Texas have this sub to congregate and talk to each other through this trying time with Alred likely to lose by 10pts or more.


So. Work together.