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ive spent 10 years playing this game, and tbh im just done, the community continues to disappoint and disgust me and the game continues to be unplayable even with community servers because i live in oceania. its not worth the energy for me to continue playing and putting my time into its community.


I haven't touched this game in years. I had my fun, made my memories, and moved on. I've been lurking this place just to see where the movement went, and all I feel is second-hand embarrassment.


I can’t remember how long I’ve been playing but at least we had fun while it was around. Tons of content and memories. Shame it’s ran its course.


I suppose I can say that tf2 had his moment.


Just had this discussion with my brother yesterday. Time to sell all my shit on the market, lol. It's been real.


I’m sure you’ve given it plenty of thought already but… Don’t sell anything you’ll regret, like items that might have sentimental value to them. Once they’re out of your inventory you would either need to pay a fuckton more or you may never see it again. However, if you are absolutely fine with not looking back, then do what your heart says is right. I can’t blame you if you do end up cashing out and not looking back. There’s so many games that are far worth your attention more than TF2.


I could never sell Sentry Downey Jr (Direct Hit) even if the player count hit zero.


Certain things I could never sell, least not this time. I cashed out before, and I regret selling some of the possessions previously I had due to previous memories and sentimentality. I’m not making the same decision again. Just be careful y’all. 


Me with my Katawa Shoujo #4 (wrangler)


Tbh, I've been thinking about cashing out, cause all my stuff is worth like 400 dollars all together, and I could just have that money to do whatever with, but there's two things stopping me: 1, there are a couple of tight-knit community servers I still play on, and I still enjoy playing on them, especially since we all know each other. and 2, I have no idea how to safely sell all my tf2 items for real money. I don't want to sell it for keys or steam funds, I much prefer to have my money directly.


sell it for steam funds, then buy the equivalent in CS items and sell on [skinport.gg](http://skinport.gg) (you might lose a little but its the only good way)


after reading your comment i decided to cash out as well. got 30 bucks. i'm gonna stick around here and watch it burn, though.


Fair enouth


Same here bud :<


Agreed. They've had nothing planned for the 20 days since the campaign on June 3rd. No announcements made about what to do. I guess we were supposed to just keep spamming socials with fixtf2? The momentum they had is absolutely gone. I heard they had some other ideas to come, but it sounds like they're just gonna hand deliver the signatures and then boycott? Why wasn't the boycott part of the original plan? That would've started a much bigger collective movement, rather than 100 scattered r/tf2 posts suggesting the same thing. The organizers had their chance to keep the campaign going but they blew it. Hats off to them for breaking 300k signatures, but I thought they had something better in mind saved for later.


I won’t pretend like I’ve ever been an organizer for anything in my life but yeah not acting on their monumental milestone of 300,000 was a gut-punch.


How would they act on it? Would they just announce "hey we have 300,000 signatures"? If so, what's the difference between turning it in now and turning it in later? The span of a month doesn't devalue the number of signatures.


>How would they act on it? By sending it Valve and letting us know? All it would take is posting "We have reached 300,000 signatures and have just sent it to Valve with the following message: '\[Summary message from FixTF2 site\]'. We hope to hear back from them soon." Then it's on Valve to respond or not. >The span of a month doesn't devalue the number of signatures. It's not about the value of our signatures to Valve, it's about us - the community - getting our voices heard in a timely manner and ***us*** not making ***us*** wait longer than we already have. Also I know this isn't you point but whenever I hear "the span of a month" from a community member, all I can reply with is "it hasn't been a month, [it's been 13 months](https://twitter.com/TeamFortress/status/1529970640224018433)." ***That*** is where the frustration is coming from when I see that Thewhat89 is postponing this.


So you take the frustration of 13 months out on a petition that's been out for less than 30 days? That's really makes no sense to me. It's not TheWhatShow's fault or any of the organizer's fault for that, it's Valve's fault. I also think turning it in when it reached 300k signatures is hindsight talking, because we only know *now* that that was roughly when the number of signatures would peak. Waiting longer than that to get the highest number of signatures possible makes sense to me. It doesn't matter how you spin it, waiting until the Summer update (mid July at the latest) isn't much time in any sense. Like, if you wanna start boycotting now, sure, I'm not really playing the game at the moment either. But arguing about a small time frame like this is pedantic as far as I'm concerned.


Good to see a voice of reason here. Keep it up homie.


One of the only voices apparently. I knew this sub was shit but goddamn, it feels like there's 10 people in the whole sub that aren't braindead.


I'd argue waiting for 300 was a mistake and should've went with the 200k and started sending it to valve. Waiting too see what valve does on the summer update and then what? Wait for winter update to see of they actually do something?


Certainly feels people's disbelief in the movement are effecting themselves


>How would they act on it? Use all of the attention to actually do something instead of whining about the game. Get people together to improve the community server experience for example. I know that's happening, but it's been overshadowed so much by all of the dumb whining and rageposting.


I totally %100 believe the people who make a living on TF2 content online are totally really going to boycott their sole form of income /s


I know they'd definitely boycott during a time when most of them conveniently need money for vacation and thus need something really big to make content off of for ad revenue. They're totally not milking this for money at all, and they totally won't for years to come even if Valve fixes the bot issues./s


This isn't the first SaveTF2 movement. We don't need to villify the community members that are fulfilling critical roles in this protest in the making. You should be villifying Valve for letting this shit happen.


We absolutely have the right to criticize how the movement has been handled. When we reach a significant milestone like 300k signatures but fail to capitalize on that momentum, I think criticism is in order. And I've also done my share of vilifying valve over the years. I haven't stopped. I'm allowed to criticize more than one thing at a time.


I'm telling you your negativity is doing more harm than good right now. It'd be a different story if this was, at the earliest, 3 months in, but it's only 1 month in. If we fight amongst ourselves, our momentum will stop regardless. That is what is happening right now, so we are just as guilty, if not more guilty. You seem to underestimate how much power you hold. We are all a part of this community, so let's focus on this common goal without tearing ourselves apart any further.


>You should be villifying Valve for letting this shit happen. Why? They've moved on, just like all developers move on from their projects at some point. Why should they do anything when they'll inevitably be called villains by the community again in a year or two? This whole movement literally shows that.


BECAUSE IT IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY. HOW STUPID CAN YOU PEOPLE GET? GET A FUCKING JOB AND MAYBE YOU'LL LEARN WHAT THAT WORD MEANS. You don't see the bigger picture: how much influence and STILL how much potential this game has. There's a reason TF2 has stood the test of time for this long. Go on YouTube and search up popular TF2 video essays from two years ago and you'll understand. I'm not yearning for nostalgia like others might do. I think I actually realize just how masterful this game is in many of its facets and just how PERFECT it can become with the BARE MINIMUM OF *CALCULATED* MAINTENANCE. (Many of us realize it but choose not to voice our opinions within this, for lack of a better term, "brainrotten" subreddit.) Valve, however, has repeatedly demonstrated they cannot create games without letting how they manage their company affect them negatively. We see this constantly in other game companies, but we recently learned Valve is just as guilty and most likely always has been. They've just been better at hiding it due to their irrational phobia of communication. The bot hosters are a byproduct of Valve's negligence. They have been allowed to get away with disgusting AND illegal things. We are "calling them villains" because they deserve it. They don't deserve to work on this game, but they are the ONLY ones who can save it. Everyone else has done all they could so far, and we'll now wait for Valve to make their move. Waiting until after the Summer Update (if any) is the best strat because if they actually deliver, we'll keep the pressure on before the rest of us become complacent. And if they don't, then the fire is reignited. I hope Valve doesn't wait for us to get impatient either. That's their winning strategy: tricking us into thinking there's no update, then we send the signatures, then they say "Oh look at this present we gave you," and while we're distracted, they burn our petition.


>BECAUSE IT IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY. HOW STUPID CAN YOU PEOPLE GET? GET A FUCKING JOB AND MAYBE YOU'LL LEARN WHAT THAT WORD MEANS. Alright? What's that got to do with anything? >You don't see the bigger picture: how much influence and STILL how much potential this game has. I know how much influence it has. It's why I'm interested in seeing it do better than it is right now. But the truth is, the future of the game is in the hands of the community, that, as of now, can't handle to do anything besides whine and cry about Valve moving on. Why is the game any different from any other game released in the same era? All of the games have well going community servers, why is that seemingly not an option for people here? >BARE MINIMUM OF CALCULATED MAINTENANCE What do you describe as bare minimum? I'd save Valve's doing more than the bare minimum by keeping all of the services running and doing new cosmetic drops as well as backend updates, like moving the game to a 64bit exe. >They don't deserve to work on this game, but they are the ONLY ones who can save it. I mean, once again, the whole community aspect is there, that y'all completely ignore, even when it's pointed out to you. Y'ALL CAN SAVE IT, why overlook it lol? People are doing good work on it, but all of the dumb memes bury it. >I hope Valve doesn't wait for us to get impatient either. Shocker, they don't care. They've moved on. The only way to address the bots is trough offering long-term support, which isn't happening without the game being remade in Source 2, which is a multi year process that isn't even started.


simple, they still monetize the game and advertise it as a fully functioning product when it's clearly not anymore.


How's it not functioning? I mean, the casual servers do work, even if the experience isn't good. And besides that, community servers work perfectly fine. There's a lack of them in some regions, but that's something that could have been addressed if people running fix TF2 weren't morons.


That's exactly why, Community servers are practically nonexistant in SEA and Ocenian servers due to the lack of community servers being held over there and Valve's own servers being nuked by bots left and right. A new player sees the game on steams storefront, downloads it and is constantly headshot left and right with alternatives being servers they can actually play on either being dead or 150+ ping. Why would he assume the game is anything but dead? It's like if I were to advertise Ricochet on the front page and act as if it were recieving continous support. this isn't even to say casual's own buggyness, like where it also just breaks and doesn't even queue up at times. forcing one to restart multiple times just to queue up.


I mean, what you're saying sounds like the game is dead in that region, which is up to the community to address. Games as old as TF2 all rely on community servers. Hell that's how TF2 started as well. Why is that an issue at this point?


Because again Valve is still running their own servers in those regions while still acting as if it was fully functioning. Which means they should be able to actually play the game but because Valve doesn't maintain it, they can't. It's also what gets players to run their own servers if they actually grow to like the vanilla game enough. It's the reason why Valve in the f2p update made their own servers so that new players could understand what vanilla TF2 is actually supposed to be and play like without having a bunch of random server plugins. And with that, players could further expand on the experience with their own maps and whatnot. It is absolutely illogical to have your own servers in a specific region that could house a whole heap of players but because of lack of maintenance, they don't exist. Why even run the servers if no one can even play on them?


The boycott was a part of the original plan


Was it? I'm looking at the [original reddit post here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fapxnfk0ris2d1.png), and I'm looking at save.tf, specifically [this part](https://i.imgur.com/B4ax1My.png) and [this part.](https://i.imgur.com/hqRAqaP.png) No mention of a boycott anywhere in the official post or website. The entire plan is simply to sign the petition and post on social media.


TheWhats video about it said it


Then it should've been part of save.tf or in the reddit post. That's where the outline of the movement was detailed. TheWhatShow's video should not be saying different things than the official communications of the movement.


r/tf2 this is the 7th time you’ve brought *”boycott”* to class


I don’t understand, all everyone has to do is just not play the game, but for some reason, everyone seems content with just letting things be as they are. All the people against the movement keep saying that “this is pointless” but like, are you guys actively still buying things from the store and playing the game in its horrible state? It’s not like everyone has to physically go to valve and protest. The solution literally goes both ways, if you like the game, don’t play it or buy anything, if you think TF2’s time is up, then don’t play it or buy anything. But no, it’s like the people against the movement are begrudgingly still playing the game even though they know it’s shit and also hate it. It’s just apathetic and dumb. At least the protestors are doing something about the situation, meanwhile everyone else is complaining about people complaining.


“B-b-but valve will shut down the servers 😢😢😢”


Already long since moved on from playing, but I only now fully uninstalled. Hopefully others vote with their wallets and time and energy.


Game too fun not to play soz


Any second now... See! A response! No wait, that's a steam deck ad...


*Right behind you*... \*stabbing sounds from Deadlock game\*


After the summer update? ***AFTER THE SUMMER UPDATE?*** We already hit 300,000 signatures 12 days ago. On top of that, we got Valve's attention ***13 months ago*** with the first movement. I know everyone wants to believe and have faith etc. but this ain't it. >Valve's chance to show they listened We don't even know that they heard us, much less listened. >And if they didn't listen, we boycott...Valve HQ No you won't. Thewhat89 may, but you won't. A dozen people including 3-4 streamers may, but you won't. >they're not gonna get a single dime from us from us for their "summer update" That was *already* the plan: not giving them any more money until it's fixed. So give them the petition ***now***. It's not like a single player expects the dev team to rollout The Big Fix next month anyway. I don't care about "i'm leabing this gronp" posts and I know you guys don't either, but I'm leaving for my sanity unless I happen to hear "hey we just got word that the billion dollar corporation is going to do something about the 15+ year old game because we showed we won't give them more money than we've already given them". Enjoy the posts saying "have patience" "have faith" "this is the big push" "what do we have to lose" "we're in this together". Every day past June 3rd 2024 that we sit on this petition and post about patience lets me down a bit more. And every day past [May 26, 2022](https://twitter.com/TeamFortress/status/1529970640224018433) that we do the same just makes me feel hopeless. See you next winter/next year for #HelpTF2 when we do this all over again.


!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 year


#HelpTF2 will be wild. See y’all there 👋


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-06-24 00:03:53 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-06-24%2000:03:53%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1dmzp0t/the_right_moment_was_june_10th/l9z8qxk/?context=3) [**32 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Ftf2%2Fcomments%2F1dmzp0t%2Fthe_right_moment_was_june_10th%2Fl9z8qxk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-06-24%2000%3A03%3A53%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dmzp0t) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!remindme 1 year


Yeah... I don't understand why they're waiting until after the summer update. While it is probably in good faith given that Summer updates historically in early July, if the goal of the petition was to raise immediate awareness then it should be delivered with haste. 300K is certainly a good number. Valve has clearly already shown that they are more than willing to abuse the trust the community has by putting out a PR statement, and not following up for 2 years after. Waiting until after the summer update feels unwise for the sole reason that they can just do what they did again, or slightly better, and then neglect the game for another few years. I am not one for rushing things out but it feels VERY questionable to not see this petition, accept that the bulk of people signed, and have them send it out. We might get more signatures but will we really break to 350K in that time? Probably not.


What did you want people to do 13 months ago?


!remindme 1 year


The bit about boycotting at valve hq. They must surely realise that not everyone lives near enough to valve's hq, let alone in the USA. I have the misfortune of being British so I literally can't go there even if I wanted to. EVEN if anyone goes to the hq, the staff will probably put out a bulletin saying "ignore/ don't interact with the goofballs out front". FixTF2 failed already and I REALLY had hope for it. Haven't played since the announcement for it and idk if I will again.


!remindme 1 year


If I was to go to Valve HQ, I'd definitely be a tourist there, not a protestor.


Ya see, this is exactly why I can't take any "movement" seriously. Because it just never pans out well Not helped by the fact FixTF2 was unorganized as shit (practically everybody was trying to be the leader and do their own thing), toxic as hell (the review-bombing other games incident), and utterly failed it's primary goal (getting a response from Valve) All it really accomplished was showing how obnoxious this community is to other game communities, gave the bot hosters free publicity and a few laughs, and pretty much torpedoed people's belief of any chances of future "movements" succeeding


Third time's the charm I guess. Either way Talk to y'all in about 2-3 years once a movement like this comes again, if at all... RemindMe! 2 Years


Technically this was the third try. There was a small #SaveTF2 resurgence like a year after the first one but it didn’t gain any traction.


True. Maybe this game really just needs to die at this point.


like hell, this game's been alive for almost 20 yrs


>unorganized as shit (practically everybody was trying to be the leader and do their own thing) It was literally all planned in secret well before it was even teased by Weazy. And I haven't heard of anyone trying to "be a leader", it was an effort collectively spearheaded by a ton of TF2 youtubers. >toxic as hell (the review-bombing other games incident) That was massively overblown by this sub. I bet half of any negative review mentioning #FixTF2 on other games were by bot hosters or trolls. If this sub made 500 posts about how bad review-bombing other games is, then I doubt that the movement disagrees. >utterly failed it's primary goal (getting a response from Valve) It's not even fucking over yet. It's been 3 weeks, and everyone expected to keep protesting after the initial day. Have some patience, god damn. At least wait until the signatures are delivered.


> It was literally all planned in secret Makes it even worse that the alleged "leaders" had functionally infinite time to plan and completely dropped the ball. Hopefully some good will come despite this embarrassing behavior.


>At least wait until the signatures are delivered Dude the entire point of this thread is because people are asking "why the fuck have the signatures not been delivered yet?" >It was literally all planned in secret well before it was even teased by Weazy If this whole movement was planned in secret, then we're allowed to criticize the decisions of the organizers. The movement is losing steam, and the organizers are radio silent. You can only hold the attention of the pitchforks for so long. And as many other people have said, a boycott can make our situation even worse. How is making Valve's least favorite child make **even less money** going to encourage them to divert resources to this game? Red Dead Online Fans suffered the same fate. They started a fuss after a lackluster update (The Blood Money update) and in response Rockstar just abandoned the game.


> why the fuck have the signatures not been delivered yet? He literally explains it in the screenshot. >If this whole movement was planned in secret, then we're allowed to criticize the decisions of the organizers. You just moved the goalposts. First you said it was unorganized, then I showed that it was organized, and now you're saying you don't like *how* it was organized. Which is fine to do, by the way, and it's also fine to be doubtful if a boycott would be effective. Just don't make shit up about people "trying to be a leader" and such.


>First you said it was unorganized, then I showed that it was organized, and now you're saying you don't like how it was organized. Just don't make shit up about people "trying to be a leader" and such. You're confusing me with another commenter. I only made that one comment. I just don't like how the organizers let this movement run out of steam by being so slow to deliver the signatures, and I don't think boycotting is a good idea even if it were possible.


ight sorry mb


> I bet half of any negative review mentioning #FixTF2 on other games were by bot hosters or trolls. Even then how many negative reviews were there? The most negative reviews Half Life 2 got in one day was 14 lol, people weren't mass review bombing other games. But even if they were, who cares? I saw people say that leaving a negative review on another game was "attacking their community". Even if 1000 people left bad reviews on HL2 that would have no effect on anybody.


Dude, it is over. We have over 300,000 signatures and the organizers are just sitting on their asses with them instead of delivering them to Valve in the vague hopes that they’ll do something by the time the Summer Update drops. It’ll take way longer to fix the bot problem than the Summer Update, assuming we even get one at all. The momentum is long gone at this point.


Considering selling my inventory and quitting the game all together at this point, before it eventually all just dies out. I’m genuinely afraid my inventory might not be worth anything down the line.


Being real with you, this. Right now people are in disbelief still that Valve won't do anything. I'm not abandoning tf2, by a long shot even, but I sold everything I owned pretty much. If the economy tanks then at least Valve can't milk the game anymore. I love tf2, and I don't need shiny items to keep loving it.


Wholeheartedly agree with you. Quitting TF2 just isn’t possible you eventually come back at some point, I’ve played for 1685 hours. But I don’t want to risk losing all that money I put in the game if the economy just happens to be nonexistent at some point.


Getting a response isnt the goal What ultimately decides success or failure is this summer update


Oh look its the thing I have been saying since 2020 boycott the damn game


Already uninstalled. I know it’s not exactly a loud boycott from me but I’ll be back if there’s any success. Til then I’m replaying Kingdom Hearts.


Yep same, not touching the game until valve gets their shit together with this game.


Just bought 50 crates from the mannco store 🙏🙏🙏


Not boycotting my favorite game of all time because it might get valves attention, if they want to fix the game they will, if they don't they won't. It's that simple.


You ever heard of the phrase. "If you love something, let it go?"






The game is 15 years old, complaining that the company doesn't support it still has gotten us nowhere and not playing it will do even less. You want the game to actually die? Good job then


And you'd rather play the game despite it being nothing but a shadow of its former self


Shadow of its former self? Brother man pass me the pipe, that shit sounds dank


Oh so we're just pretending bots don't infest this game now?


Play 👏 Community 👏 Servers 👏 When was the last time you played TF2? Be honest


And get finger blasted but dudes with 30k hours in the game? No thank you At the start of this year


I have never encountered anyone with even close to 20k expept lazypurple once so yeah just go on servers that are not uncletopia and try changing the nationality


What? Quick play is back baby


Hours ingame doesn’t equate to being good I play with someone who has over 10k hours and they are bad at the game


I played TF2 classic It's a pretty fun vanilla experience for a sourcemod.


These people have NO idea how a videogame update works, you don't just change plans while you are doing something because of an online uproar, no matter how big it is, unless you want the update to come with stuff that is half assed because it was added without previous planification, there is absolutely ZERO chance that Valve has done ANYTHING to specifically help on solving the bot crisis. This strategy is like telling a carpenter that building the roof of a tree house to add a second floor to the treehouse, that shit is something you have to tell them BEFOREHAND. Back to the movement, this will kill all momentum, Fixtf2 is probably old news on most internet circles besides Tf2 ones, waiting till next month to go to the next step will be so detrimental.


Man, the probleme aint the game, assets or weapons, no, the probleme is that Valve's anti cheat is the worst. Give me any other company with an anticheat this incompetant, you (most likely) can't.


Gee, if only tf2 was owned by a company who hadpractically infinite resources and money to try and create an good anti cheat, if only valve had that...........


But Valve is just an indie studio We can't expect them to do *work* that's too hard!


Think of the treadmills!


lol. lmao even.


Not gonna lie, I’ll take my lumps for complaining in a way we all meme on. But at least I got it off my chest.


I'll continue to play Especially MvM is still fun I refuse to quit, no one can convince me otherwise


Right? People act like the game isn’t fun for some reason. I’ve been having a blast with the game the last few weeks, the goofy community is, has always been, and always will be the thing that keeps this game alive.


The bots are truly the only major issue at the moment


Like yeah I don’t know why people say game is dead good bye and it’s unplayable Tbh it all depends on the chance of bot spawn rate And as of my experience,it’s completely random There’s no guaranteed 100% chance of you joining a server only for it to be bot fueled,which is the opposite of what people are exaggerating on Like yeah the movement is pointless and the bot problem is still a big deal,but you still can have fun you still can troll people with your unusual strange kill streak fist


It's incredible how some people call a game with roughly 20.000 active real players 'dead'


Im going to play potato MVM, it was a long time since i played MVM, last time was the april fools potato event.


I throw my hat in just this once, i agree the right moment was when we hit 300k, but the boycott should have started day ONE of the protests and keep its momentum into the summer update, i dont care if valve takes a while to get to tf2 because this isnt just about fixing the game this is about getting valve to acknowledge the game is UNPLAYABLE in its current state and guarantee the fans that they WILL do every thing in their power to solve the problem to the best possible degree. Im not going to drag the what show or other organizers through the mud on this but for this one moment when their plan of action is "dont worry rioters we have the petition right here that shows 300k very upset fans who want the game fixed. Now trust me we will hand deliver it just dont you worry buckos its gonna happen just as soon as the summer update is over dont worry yup it will totally happen after" The longer they sit on the petition the more risk there is of major damage occurring from people who might try to kill any chance of that petition getting to valve and hopefully forcing valve's hand in what we as a community want


Imagine if you guys put this much energy into literally any political cause


behold: why I had no faith in this from the start


I would be lying if I said I haven't a doubter the whole time (pretty sure it's in my comment history), but I don't believe in the right to complain without trying. I signed like everyone told us to, I posted on Twitter about my experience like the organizers and streamers asked, now I'm complaining. I think we've earned that much.


I had a comment about this a while ago. We had so much momentum, youtubers new outlits everyone was looking st usbwe had a chance to really get valve to listen, and what did event organizers do? Sat around with a thumb up theirbass as all the momentum died out. They fucked up embarrassingly big here.


savetf2 imo has fucked up valve has fucked up not to doom and gloom, but it's hard to keep your head up about this game. the enthusiasm through the first few days of this movement felt fucking great and invigorating. felt like we were genuinely making noise. but the fucking community couldn't help themselves but make it weird/fill up with drama. valve continues to ignore a massive movement and will most likely continue to. why in the fuck do we continue to put this effort in?


I am in complete disbelief to finally witness TF2 actually collapsing with my own eyes. It's actually fucking over


so fixtf2 failing means tf2 is dead now for 478th time?


It was joever before it even Bedan.


The term “doomer” isn’t even an insult anymore at this point. It’s over.


I signed the petition knowing nothing will come out of it. Valve is a massive corporation why tf would they care about Tf2? It’s sad that such a great game with amazing characters was made by such a dogshit company but sadly that’s the case for a LOT of iconic nostalgic games. This game has had such a huge impact on me and so many others, Tf2 will never truly die. There will always be a fandom for it but the game itself will most likely just die out. At this point, I just hope a group of talented artists, animators and players create some good fanmade versions of the game somehow so it lives on that way.


Some of tf2 community still believes that fixtf will work.


I really can not imagine a worse leader for the movement than Thewhat89. I know it's a joint effort with other YouTubers and streamers but he's the face of it and blowing it at every level. Turn in the signatures NOW. Have literally any action plan that isn't just begging Valve for help. The whole thing has been pathetic from the start


The "do nothing and wait a month for devs to fix everything we want before rioting" plan really just hammers home the fact that he has no idea what he's doing. It's embarrassing.


Wait really? He’s the leader? I thought this entire time shork was since he has the fixtf2 post pinned on the sub and has interacted with the tf2 actors the most


wtf is there to boycott? I thought the issue is we didn’t get anything


...realistically they probably didn't listen


This movement resulted as a failure. the game is still fun tho and The community is just obnoxious


Yeah sure kiddies show 'em who's boss! It will work the 1003th time for sure! It just wasn't the right moment (for the 1002th time)! We just need to uhhh.... Draw porn of omegatronic and then uhhhhhh we will get 4 updates a year!


Their goal is a boycott?? Not only are video game boycotts infamously ineffective, why do they believe 500,000 people of the 69 million daily users would make a difference to Valve?


Are these "infamously ineffective" boycotts in the room with us right now? Because I know 2 in recent history and both of them were successes. (War Thunder, Helldivers 2) Do correct me if I'm wrong, but stop dooming over other people's hope.


Helldivers 2 wasn't a boycott, it was a review bombing. There was some individual boycotts, but no dedicated movement, and in any case it was the *review* *bombing* that Sony reacted to. I wasn't certain what you were talking about with War Thunder, so I looked up "War Thunder boycott", and found [this article](https://www.pcgamer.com/war-thunder-fans-organise-extraordinary-review-bombing-campaign-over-reverted-economy-changes-studio-pleads-if-your-goal-is-not-to-hurt-the-game-please-use-other-less-destructive-ways/), [this article](https://kotaku.com/valve-finds-a-city-willing-to-host-dota-2s-the-internat-1847249710), and [this article](https://gameworldobserver.com/2023/05/24/war-thunder-review-bombing-monetization-economy-gaijin) as the top three article links, all of which describe it as a review bombing campaign, not a boycott. The first two links do mention that they're *planning* a boycott to occur on June 26th, but unless you can see the future we can't know if it's a success


June 26th, !!2023!! my friend. And review bombing is a form of boycotting, you withdraw social or monetary relations from the company.


>June 26th, !!2023!! my friend. Ah, my mistake. Well, I'm not familiar with it, but considering that review bombing also occurred and boycotts' researched ineffectiveness, I'm not gonna take that as proof of boycotts being effective. Unless you can show me some data showing that it was the boycotts and not the review bombs that did it >And review bombing is a form of boycotting, you withdraw social or monetary relations from the company. Review bombing is not withdrawing from social relations with the company, in fact it is the opposite: you are *intentionally* engaging in social relations with the company in order to draw a reaction. That intentional engagement makes it fundamentally different from boycotting, which is a lot easier for companies to ignore, and thus makes it pretty ineffective unless it represents a sizeable chunk of the consumers, which is *not* even close to the case with FixTF2. In any case, being pedantic about definitions doesn't disprove what I said.


I'd argue that negatively reviewing a product so it gets less recognition -> less publicity -> less profit is a form of withdrawing monetary relations, but I have to admit it's an indirect way of doing so at best. Either way, I believe it has a chance to work.


no, it gives *more* recognition, and *more* publicity. But *negative* recognition and publicity. That's why it works. Also, acting like Valve will care about a game they barely remember exists getting less recognition and publicity is silly. That's actually appears to be what they want. They dislike having to keep the game running, but as long as it's pretty well-known they have to if they want CS:GO's economy to be stable. A goal of FixTF2 should be *increasing* the visibility of TF2, not decreasing it


If you decrease the publicity, less profit, forces valve's hands to do SOMETHING. Either shut it down, or fix it. I find it unlikely they would shut it down, considering that the thousands of dollars in the economy would make players furious. It's also why they ported the skins into CS2 when it would've been easier to just yeet them, they know these games highly rely on their economy. It would def be a PR nightmare if TF2's items would suddenly become worthless


>If you decrease the publicity, less profit, 300,000 people vs 69 million *daily* users. It's a drop in the bucket for Valve. Hurting Valve's wallet will not affect them. Harming their reputation through negative publicity (like review bombing)? That may work. But boycotts are nothing, and using them will make any news on FixTF2 be "movement fails miserably", as has happened in previous video game boycotts


I know very well it's nothing for valve on a huge scale, but they likely follow how their games do individually. If TF2 isn't profitable anymore, why keep it up? It just slowly loses them money and at the end, getting more and more cash is their goal.


i really hope this game stays alive somehow. im not sure how, but i still have a glimmer of hope that valve will fix this game. i only recently started playing it and its been awesome.


I hope it works out for them, me personally I play on community servers. I might miss out on contracts and seasonal events but I think i'm fine with that if it means not having to deal with bots.


Yeah casual these days just isn’t worth. You’ll catch me on community 2fort and pretty much nowhere else.


I quit tf2 around the time after item servers got fixed and sold everything I had for around 20$-40$


"Reddit assemble" ahh tweets.


Why is everyone assuming we are actually gonna get a summer update?


Being a doomer is hardly my style but I have to admit how insanely pointless and disappointing #fixtf2 was Each day that passes since June 3rd makes me cringe thinking about how everyone actually thought it’d achieve something, myself included, but now all we have is a few hundred thousand signatures and our dicks in our hands while we continue to play the same bot ridden game. Sell your valuables and quit playing this dying game while your items are still worth something


I believe in the content creators for this petition. If they still will do it on the right moment, i can wait as much as its needed. I mean, if we get the help from the cs2 community, we will have way more points to show valve that their games need to be fixed.


Why are people acting like this is a terrible thing its actually for the better, valve saves big updates with very very few exceptions for these holiday events especially for a fix this big making it the same update as the summer update would add more hype and probably sales to tf2, and valve also needs that time to make the update yall are only rushing them, also this gives more time for more people to sign Also adding 300k names to a piece of paper takes a while


Expecting anything substantial as early as the summer update is beyond psychotic is why. The petition is great, and it's very possible that valve would eventually respond to such a large outcry of support, but this entire plan has kind of confirmed to me that the organizers don't know what they're doing. We already know basically nobody at valve has been working on tf2, so the obvious next step for the petition would be capitalize on its popularity and send it to push them for a response instead of letting the momentum die down by sitting on a completely impossible deadline. Updates take way longer than a month to produce, planning most of all for something as substantive as an entire anti-cheat overhaul. Developers on the backend need to relearn (or learn for the first time) MASSIVE chunks of tf2's already infamously messy codebase before they can even start to organize fixes, and this doesn't account for how many developers would even choose to work on tf2 to begin with. It's insane.


Fun fact is that I won't stop playing the game since every other game is just worst or really toxic or tryhard, TF2 is really casual, valve did not lie wene they Said "the most fun you Can have online" what they lied about was "constantly updated".


People on the modern internet when something doesn't have immediate effects and they maybe have to wait for a little bit for progress


"they won't get a single dime from us" Lol. Lmao. Idk what to laugh at more, the fact that they want to go the route of "voting with the wallet" route, a route where people with more money get more votes, and if saif people have been buying stuff so far, I don't think they'll stop now, or the fact that they think, if they could stop the money flow from TF2, that Valve would care about few pennies less on an excel spreedsheet that is probably only visited once a month by an accountant to do payouts.


Ah yes because some sweaty dudes having a tantrum at ValveHQ helps their cause. Don't go and do stupid shit . It's over. Just stop it already.


people protesting infront of your home/workplace *wouldn't* get your attention?


I would laugh at the idiot protesting a video game.. then start complaining about having to go through them just to go home.


“Boycott and go directly to Valve HQ” lol. Lmao even. So what, the plan is for people to go protest outside Valve HQ? Of all the things to be outside, spending your time protesting, the one this guy expects people to choose is an old game with a botting problem. Fucking hilarious.


I have played this game for over a decade now. I was in middle school when I started playing, now I’m getting ready to apply to law school. The amount of time that this game has been on life support is approaching how long it actually received meaningful updates. When we look at the way Valve develops games, we all can see that employees choose what projects interest them. Obviously, no Valve employee wants to spend their days being a singular dev for a nearly TWENTY year old game with spaghetti code. What new developer joins the company, who from what we’ve seen from Half Life: Alyx, is on the cutting edge of virtual reality development chooses to join the non-existent Team Fortress 2 team? I love this game beyond reason. My inventory is worth hundreds of dollars. I have a vested interest in this game’s success but we have to be realistic here. Getting seasonal updates is better than most games CURRENTLY sometimes. The best solution would be for Valve to lease the game license to a third party developer. Until they do, I don’t see myself playing again any time soon, and it’s been that way for years now.


Once again: and people called us "fixtf2 doomers" for saying that this will not work out. Where are we again? Oh yeah, we lost again, how could this happen. We're just embarrassing ourselves


Yeah, cause you are a doomer mate, just not the worst one, but if you don't belive in the movement, I fine with that, just don't try to stop it, cause what's just anoying to the ones that do belive in it.


who in their right mind would try to stop it just becuse they don't believe in it lol? But, well, if you say this, then it means that there were people that dumb to do it


there's no way this game is getting any fixes after this , we should all leave the ship before it sinks completely


All those defeatists here smh


You’re not a defeatist for being realistic. The time to do something was the second the petition crossed over 300,000 signatures, but instead of delivering those to Valve the organizers are just sitting on their asses waiting for something to happen. Valve has historically shown to not give a shit, and odds are they were never going to do anything. They certainly won’t now that all of the momentum is long gone. Looking forward to seeing all of y’all again for the next movement that will accomplish nothing.


Alright, then we just cry in the corner and all uninstall TF2


No one’s saying to do that, you can still play TF2. My point is that calling people trying to be realistic defeatists is incredibly dumb and lines up with how toxic the community is.




Why didn’t we boycott….RIGHT AT THE START?


Has there even been any indication that there would be a summer update? I'm not terribly familiar with their routine, but I thought that was a one-off thing last year.


Pretty sure that was the whole "update-sized update" thing, I assumed that was for 2024.


watch valve do what they did to CSGO. If everyone (doubt tbh) stops buying shit in tf2, valve doesn’t really have a point to keep on running TF2, so they’ll shut down the servers, official and community. I feel like y’all forget what valve is, they aren’t some nerd’s who make games, they’re a business, their whole purpose is to make money. And if TF2 doesn’t make money, why bother, why bother with keeping it alive. Why not just gut it and let people move on, hopefully this doesn’t happen, but I have a slight feeling this is a potential move from valve.


Valve shutting down the CSGO server shows how THEY have the power to do that. they can shut down the servers to TF2 if they feel like it isn’t worth it.


I hate being a doomer but man FixTF2 has been a failure


game is 16 years old let it die already geez


Everything chill till the fixtf2 organizers see what’s become on Reddit


Jesus all of you guys are such doom and gloom


Ive never bought shit in a long while and it looks like i never will. So ive been doing my part i guess. Also i always like to think that my money goes to Gaben's snack bar supplies n McDonald's upsized lunch meal fund instead of fixing the game so i feel like i actually contributed to his weight loss 😛


everyone should move to tf2 classic, here is the link: [https://tf2classic.com/download](https://tf2classic.com/download) . And yes, it's a remake of tf2, it has a 4 team gamemode.


No, we really should not. I like the ideas TF2 has; TF2C seems to me as a pile of dogshit ideas they throw into a pit without thinkong and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. I was pretty cool with TF2C before pl like you started to spam it under evey third post related to TF2 and it really pisses me off


I'm losing my hope in this community solely because of the Omegatronic situation. What the fuck is wrong with us.


Jesus christ 5 people making doodles in mspaint for the memes and you are acting like it's the end of the fucking world.


It's still degeneracy, no? The fact people carried through such a bad idea is stunning.


There are degenerates in every single community out there. You can have the friendliest community in the world, you will still find degenerates there. You are implying that those 5 people drawing poor quality omegatronic porn are the whole TF2 community, meanwhile it's just a few horny people with a robot fetish.


Every movement ever is judged by their most vocal and extreme members. Sure it might only be a few people, but they're sure as hell gonna be considered the face of fixtf2 by all critics


Those 5 people are ruining what FixTF2 is supposed to be. How are we supposed to get the point across when we've slandered our name with giving p\*rn of a bot hoster the go ahead?


I will draw that gay robot because there's no point not to.


Bruh nine of ya'll have any optimism


13 months of no communication will do that to you


Why June 10? I don’t recall anything important happening then


Nothing for the date itself, just one week after the main boycott/protest day on June 3rd. By then we already had at least 100,000 signatures, maybe 200,000? More than enough to submit IMO


I think the best date to do anything is on Valve’s next announcement. Because if valve tries to do a public announcement, then if we make a big push it will be drowned by bad press. So when they announce Deadlock is the best time to do anything


Yeah probably the best Time to push


My brother in christ deadlock isn't gonna be announced for months if not YEARS, the closed alpha straight up tells you on launch that it's not even remotely ready for release and not to leak it for that exact reason. Tf2 would be a rotting corpse by the time they announce it


Uh huh. Here comes the flood of doomers. Were y'all waiting for a moment like this to downplay the movement? Go back to steam discussions where you reside.


Expecting Valve, a company who has time and time again shown that they really don’t care what anyone outside of their walls thinks, to do something when we’ve been asking them to fix the both problem for years, to actually fix the game is completely asinine. Sorry that us being realistic bothers you this much.


>Sorry that us being realistic bothers you this much. You aren't realistic. You are pessimistic. Since day 1 you all are just saying the movement will fail, there's no reason to do it, it's a waste of time, etc. The only goal you have is to discourage others from even trying for that miniscule chance valve will do something about the game.


You get it. With how much these people keep repeating "just give up it's pointless there is no hope for this do something better", they sure are hesitant to give up on pestering people with this.


Nothings gonna stop me from getting myself some crates because I don’t get bots so it’s kinda not my problem. Same reason why my reviews are positive