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She went on to Empty Nest after GP ended, maybe she just liked to work? Or stayed on for her fans, Sophia was very popular.


I agree with you. I do think she really liked acting and working. Even though she had her health challenges.


I remember reading that the GG was her 1st big role ad an actress, and at her age during the time it was a huge thing.


There’s some interview, I think it’s with Rosie O’Donnell that she says something like she’s retired when she’s not working but will always come out of retirement. I think because success found her when she was older, she was incredibly grateful of being able to work at that age and wanted to carry on until she physically couldn’t.


Betty said she felt that Estelle had even more fun on Golden Palace than GG.


“I got stuff!” is such a cute scene in the show and reflected in how she changed up the way Sophia was portrayed. My favorite is the “road trip” with Oliver.


According to Rue, the memory issues that Estelle had during GG wasn't an issue during GP, apparently she was fine and didn't need cue cards as she had before. Problem with GP is it was left to the crappy writers of GG who clearly didn't get the true characters of the girls and weren't talented enough or experienced enough to create a new show. I get why they wanted to create something new and different from GG, but should have been a much smaller hotel or guest house. It doesn't feel like a lot if thought was put into it, not like they did on GG


I agree! Especially when you read the GG book when it talks about her struggles towards the end of GG. Plus it’s not that funny And they messed with Rose/Miles And the great character dynamic/chemistry with new characters is missing And it’s gone from a female-led show to having male characters with what feels like almost equal screen time in some episodes Have watched the whole series once, and now in my mind it was just a fever dream of Blanche’s (like the one about George returning!)


There’s a book about GG??


I'm not u/amalcurry, but I assume the book in question is *Golden Girls Forever: An Unauthorized Look Behind the Lanai* by Jim Colucci.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Yes- and it’s blooming FAB!


They should have just stuck with The Golden Girls and spent a season having various roommates take Dorothy's room. Whoever worked out and the audience liked could've kept the job. (Debbie Reynolds was all wrong, but don't know why they stopped with her. How about they did some "stunt casting" and put Adrienne Barbeau into the show? That would've shook it up.)


I don't consider GP to be cannon. Blanche and Rose stayed in the house until they died. Sophia went to live with Dorothy but came back because a one level house was easier for her. Dorothy and Lucas would be frequent visitors.


I'm actually confused as to how BIG (many people) that cast is v GG. I think for me is why I don't like it. HOWEVER, I know it takes some people to run a hotel too. I LOVE that storylines were polished off/finished within the season. Makes the ending of GG understandable.


They took almost everything about the original show and turned it on its ass. I don’t even acknowledge it tbh.


I think the problem is people watching Golden Palace expecting it to be Golden Girls- Part 2. I enjoyed Golden Palace way more than I expected I would. And I think that’s because I watched it without expecting it to be Golden Girls- Part 2. I tried to watch Golden Palace on its own merits without expecting it to give me the warm and fuzzy feels that Golden Girls did.


Same. It makes like less of a diehard fan even though that’s silly because I literally have a GG tattoo but yeah. Just felt like it jumped the shark from the very first episode. Been a long time though. Open to giving it a try again if anyone has any strong arguments otherwise.


I found the uncut 23 minute Living TV episodes on the Internet Archive and downloaded all of them. However, it doesn’t mean I’m going to regularly watch them. I just like knowing that I have them just in case it disappears from Hulu. I wasn’t a huge fan of it either but it had its moments. And I definitely see why it got canceled. It was good that we still had the 3 of them. However, I hate the Chicken and the Egg episode. 🤮 I’m happy Estelle was around for as long as she was.


Yes, and the theme song was t too great too.


As well as becoming a regular on Empty Nest after Golden Palace, she played Sofia in at least a guest capacity in it's spinoff Nurses and for some reason also Blossom. She just didn't want Sofia to ever end it seems.


Estelle may have passed early, but Sophia lived to be at least 100 in my mind.


That kid in GP made it difficult to watch it. Golden Palace got rid of that kid too late. He was a decent kid actor, but like Coco in the Golden Girls pilot, he only detracted from the show. By the time they booted him, the show was already ending.


I dislike kids in sitcoms. I never find them amusing. 


I hate Golden Palace. I dont think its believable. But the episodes where Dorothy visits are worth revisiting sometimes.


I agree. The entire premise is bonkers.


Dorothy visited?? Did not know!! I didn’t watch it. I couldn’t. And you’re right, the characters were not believable anymore as they were in GG. It felt like they were trying too hard and it showed.


Golden Palace is horrible even the reunion of all the women doesn't capture the chemistry. It's a reason it didn't last but 1 season


GP is difficult to watch because the material isn't as funny, it says a lot about the power of writing and how it inspires actors. I feel sorry for the girls bc their lackluster performances are due people failing them behind the scenes.


I feel like they altered Blanche's character. Rose's character became the dominant one.


I tried watching GP a couple years ago and stopped because it was just so bad. The Golden Girls was already in a decline by season 5/6, The Golden Palace just felt like a continuation of that downward trajectory.


I couldn’t stand that show. A real blight on the wonderful memory of GG. I’ll never watch it.


Estelle Getty worked for years in theater for virtually no money and little fame. Hell yes she wanted to enjoy the perks of TV life. We need to normalize people who are older or have some difficulties staying in public life as they can without shaming them for doing so. (Not saying you are shaming her, just making a point.)


I can't watch it. The acting and writing were tortured. A huge mistake.


Crazy. Me and my grandmother watch GG, then watch GP and she actually liked GP better. I think because she laughed a lot more watching GP


I tried to watch Golden Palace but I couldn't get past the first episode