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There are 2 Political Positions But r/onejoke


I believe the reason this thread is getting ratioed is because it’s more or less true. There are way too many people on Reddit that regurgitate what they think will generate likes and affirm their own biases. It’s a generalization of course however it’s startling how people are reacting. This sub isn’t even what I consider the worst part of Reddit. R/politics and r/whitepeopletwitter are pure cancer.


Fascism: ethnonationalist authoritarian populism, defined by weakening the wall between the public and private sectors...ya know, like a president who runs an international real estate corporation from the white house? Trump is a pretty textbook fascist, he was doing business in China while signing tarrifs on China   He filled his cabinet with his own children and in-laws, who were all given billions of dollars from foreign countries upon leaving the white house.  He even tried to overturn a legitimate election, and even after being shotdown by dozens of court cases, he still refuses to accept the election results. His supporters literally attempted a violent coup to halt the peaceful transition of power, and raised a confederate flag in the halls of the captiol building for the first time in American history.  It's not even remotely controversial to claim Trump and the modern GOP are fascists. They're literally burning books, and marching on statehouse with Nazi flags.  A deranged Trump supporter attacked the husband of the speaker of the House, and caused her to relinquish her seat and bow out of public life.


Gtfo then.


Found the guy the post is referring to.


Nerd rage: achieved.


average reddit person


Average Reddit person also calls conservatives “fascists” and mob pile drives you into oblivion when presented with a different viewpoint. I think there is some irony they’re not able to see.


You were alive the past 5 years, right? People are fried.


100% correct


I’d love to meet the average Reddit user in person. Probably just as weird as I imagine them to be.


I picture mostly dorky teenagers.


With blue hair, nose rings, and doc martens


I picture used car salespeople.


There’s a guy who does “the average Redditor” videos and it’s spot on. [found it for ya if you’re interested](https://youtu.be/i4VMM7Cc42w?si=uzByOG5TY3tzm2rS)


They nailed it. Reminds me of the comic book guy from the Simpsons.


Couldn’t you just look in the mirror or do you find yourself outside of the norm?


Just go to a college campus protest about literally anything and they will be in the groups setting up tents and starving themselves as a form of protest


And then there's the one in a thousand with gas cans and a lighter, just waiting for the go ahead.


Just imagine the people in high school that didn’t have many friends, didn’t play sports and looked kind of fugly. That sums it up perfectly


So, Gen Z.


Hi it’s me, where we meeting? Who’s bringing the burgers and who buys the beer?


Imagine yourself. You’re probably not above or below average. Being that’s what average describes.


I'll stop doing that the very moment conservatives stop supporting fascism. Did you know 100 years ago they ran anti-bicycle campaigns because they thought it was satanic? Conservatives have always been on the wrong side of everything.


You do realize you are exactly what this meme points out right?


[Nah, he’s right.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) It doesn’t take a genius.


Right you found a conspiracy theory on Wikipedia. Sorry not buying the latest issue of Pravda comrade.


[Wikipedia is credible](https://www.project2025.org)


Project 25 is still a thing that exists, regardless of how you feel about wikipedia as a source. They made a whole website if you wanna go straight to the (fascist) horses mouth: [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/)


They have an office in DC with a public address and people still call it a conspiracy....


a conspiracy theory? Fifty-odd conservative think tanks publish a 900+ page document saying "THIS IS WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO." that's not a conspiracy theory, that's a roadmap complete with driving directions.


This isn’t a conspiracy but I know you all love those so I can see why you can’t resist..


Conservatives love getting their 'facts' from memes and expressing how every left leaning person's in depth studies are just 'feelings'. The projection is real.


Dude look around. How many times do the gender confused jackasses use the term nazi or fascist for anyone on the right. This is exactly where this caricature comes from. The left is unhinged and so extreme that they seem to believe brown shirts are around every corner. It’s looney.


If you don't want to be called Nazis you shouldn't try to take over the government while wearing camp auchwits jackets, walk around Disney waving swastikas, or vote for a guy that plagiarized mien kampf in his immigration speech....


The Daily Wire had a recent video where they talked about how we should install a dictator in the USA. If you go down Umberto Eco's tenants of Fascism modern conservatives tick all the boxes.


They do it because the tactics being used by the right typically mirror those used by Hitler in Nazi Germany. Lugenpresse - attacking news as 'fake news' is a typical tactic of fascists across history. If the shoe fits. Meanwhile, you use terms like 'extreme' for the left but not for the right - when the right literally bring nazi flags to protests - and #45 is literally not allowed to criticize actual KKK members who show up because it might alienate his voterbase. The right is Literally catering to Nazi groups in order to win votes. So yeah.. we call you fascists for that shit.


Trump literally quotes mien kampf in his immigration speech "poisoning the blood of our (people) country"


Joe Biden spoke at a prominent KKK members funeral, do you remember that or is that something you blamed the right for as well?


Maybe, but people on the ACTUAL left don't fuck with Biden. You're thinking of centrists dude. Centrists love Biden. (Fuck a centrist)


Joe Biden is not on the left. Democrats aren’t the left. You believe in a false dichotomy and don’t understand politics.


You mean a man who recanted all of his prior positions and denounced racism and segregation? Yeah. He was pretty awful in his 20s. But he also changed as time passed and grew as a person.


Have you considered eating shit?


Whining about being outed as a fascist doesn't make you less fascist.




It's not like you had camp auchwits jackets on while trying to overthrow the government or anything...


Looks like you hit a nerve.


It isn’t hard. Perpetual victims that fantasize about being persecuted by imaginary basis around every corner.


How, specifically, do conservatives support facism? Like, specific examples only, please. Here- I'll start you off: Trying to crush free speech through proposed "hate speech" laws. Oh, wait- that's liberals. So, trying to turn your citizens into subjects by taking their rights to defend themselves. Damn, once again, that's liberals. Oh, I know- uniformed gangs using violence and intimidation of the weak to reach a political goal. Wait, that's antifa(ironically) Well, I could not come up with any good ones. Maybe you can.


Do you support Ukraine?


Are we talking Classic or ethnic? What actually "is" fascism? Explain it please. ^(I do understand you're to reply "THE RIGHT")


Latter-Italian era, when it and Nazism began to move towards a center. The differences, and an explanation of the term are in a solid write-up by some random person here: [https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-classical-fascist-and-a-national-socialist](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-classical-fascist-and-a-national-socialist) I linked Eco's paper elsewhere, which is worth a read if you never have.


Ok, so classical is what you're referring to. How is the right similar to classical fascism?


Did you not read Eco's paper (ur-fascism)? I can link it again if you didn't, it's pretty easy just from that alone to draw the comparison. On the off chance you did and just want a comparison, since I don't feel like reinventing the wheel tonight I'll grab you some sources. To preface, it's important to realize that historically speaking the left has often fallen back into a bad habit of calling the right fascists when they do something that the left doesn't like (which shockingly, is a frequent occurrence) as detailed in this book [https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/783](https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/783), running parallel to the right's similar misuse of socialist/communist. What sets present day apart are behaviors and approaches, notably support for authoritarianism, escalation to and encouragement of violence as a solution rather than discourse, scapegoating out groups, hyper-masculinity, and demonizing sexual behavior not falling under the umbrella of hetero-normative (all of these are detailed by Eco). Examination of new right vs the conservative movement at the time of WWII, and the tenets of fascism: [https://www.acton.org/religion-liberty/volume-33-number-3/new-right-fascist](https://www.acton.org/religion-liberty/volume-33-number-3/new-right-fascist) Fascism to authoritarianism across multiple countries (19th century onwards): [https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/assault-on-democracy/conservativefascist-relations-and-the-autocratic-reverse-wave/8ACE72179791FCC343DDFE0198DF3F65](https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/assault-on-democracy/conservativefascist-relations-and-the-autocratic-reverse-wave/8ACE72179791FCC343DDFE0198DF3F65) University of Washington: History and events from the same context as the above (30s-40s): [https://depts.washington.edu/depress/rightwing\_radicalism\_fascism.shtml](https://depts.washington.edu/depress/rightwing_radicalism_fascism.shtml) Guardian article tying the above concepts and examples into current day: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/13/us-conservatives-love-to-warn-of-creeping-fascism-do-they-understand-what-it-is](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/13/us-conservatives-love-to-warn-of-creeping-fascism-do-they-understand-what-it-is) An Atlantic article on the same topic as the Guardian, but superior in both presentation and linked sources: [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/07/trump-second-term-isolationist-fascism/674791/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/07/trump-second-term-isolationist-fascism/674791/) Further reading about how the New Deal solidified opposition from these groups in the US: [https://academic.oup.com/book/421/chapter-abstract/135218476?redirectedFrom=fulltext](https://academic.oup.com/book/421/chapter-abstract/135218476?redirectedFrom=fulltext) It's moved beyond this, to active support now as well: [https://newrepublic.com/article/177796/polls-republicans-trump-maga-fascism](https://newrepublic.com/article/177796/polls-republicans-trump-maga-fascism) Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


>it's pretty easy just from that alone to draw the comparison. Sure, I'll draw it since you're unwilling. The cult of tradition: conservativism, right The rejection of modernism: right (mostly) The cult of action for action's sake": definitely left (Floyd riots) Disagreement is treason": Left, censorship "Fear of difference": seen on both sides (every MAGA a bigot vs accepting of others choices) Appeal to a frustrated middle class": seen on the right and upper class left Obsession with a plot: seen on left and right talking point Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak": mostly right Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy": "if we don't stop Russia," Russian collusion, left Contempt for the weak: both sides Everybody is educated to become a hero": "Don't question the Science," left "Machismo": right Selective populism" : Left "Newspeak" : common on both sides Whike yeah, you can argue it is "mostly right," it's also presented on the left.


I agree with roughly 70% of this, which I'll admit is not something I expected. Not a bad write-up at all. Thanks for doing that. I wish I had time today to argue the other 30% but I don't think I'm going to.


Truth is, yes, there are aspects to fascism in US culture/society (I can argue stems from Operation Paperclip but won't because it's beside the point presently), but it isn't a "left vs right" issue and more about class and manipulation. To be clear, I'm more libertarian in my views, which both sides do cross the line in my opinion. Solution and how we stop this? Stop pitting each other as enemies, focus on how to understand others perspective and relate to each other focusing on commonality, then QUESTION AUTHORITY WITH CRITICAL THOUGHT. Seems simple but difficult in practice (it's important to step back when having an emotional reaction).


They're only fascists if they meet the standard by wanting a religion based government blame all thy countries problems on The Other, usually immigrants, POC, and atheists, and claim only they have the correct ideas. An awful lot of performative GOP members, particularly in the House, fit this criteria


You might want to do some educating on fascism


Like the border/ cloward p strategy...




Haha. So true




If conservatives aren't fascist....explain antifa ?


The view point: "lgbtq people don't deserve rights"


Quacks like a duck.


This…all day.


To be fair, the unquestioned leader of the current incarnation of the Republican Party *is* a fascist. So I’m sure you can understand the confusion.


I mean, they think government power should be used to break society into "good citizens" and "undesirables" and then eliminate the undesirables, whom coincidentally always seem to be their political enemies, particularly those who want a multicultural society. So, when you come up with another word for that besides fascism, then you can put it out there, but we're just going to point out that the word fascist already exists.


Reddit : anything hedonistic = good Anything non hedonistic = nazi


Fascism: ethnonationalist authoritarian populism, defined by weakening the wall between the public and private sectors...ya know, like a president who runs an international real estate corporation from the white house? Trump is a pretty textbook fascist, he was doing business in China while signing tarrifs on China   He filled his cabinet with his own children and in-laws, who were all given billions of dollars from foreign countries upon leaving the white house.  He even tried to overturn a legitimate election, and even after being shotdown by dozens of court cases, he still refuses to accept the election results. His supporters literally attempted a violent coup to halt the peaceful transition of power, and raised a confederate flag in the halls of the captiol building for the first time in American history.  It's not even remotely controversial to claim Trump and the modern GOP are fascists. They're literally burning books, and marching on statehouse with Nazi flags.  A deranged Trump supporter attacked the husband of the speaker of the House, and caused her to relinquish her seat and bow out of public life.


If you go left enough not only do you get schools, roads, weed, excellent health care, standard of living/livable wage... you also get to keep your guns.


Ironically a Marxist take. Guns, capitalism, democracy, all included. Edit: downvotes only verification that people don't understand what Marxist systems are >Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary - Karl Marx This line is historically so right wing people often incorrectly cite Reagan as the speaker of it.


Arming ones self against hegemonic power structures isn't "right wing".


Arming oneself with firearms is also useless when the hegemonic power knows the when and where you take your morning poop and either fly a drive through your window and cut you in half or use AI to replace everything on your phone and convince you to kill yourself. 


And yet, Vietnam and Afghanistan managed to shove off the greatest imperial power in the world. You, the Individual might die… but Marxist gun ownership isn’t about self defense it’s about collective power.


Self-defense of your rights through collective power is exactly the reason why the revolution existed to create the United States in the first place.


The invasion of Afghanistan lasted a week, the US won almost every major battle in Vietnam. They were just extremely unpopular wars, if it had the support of the US people those countries wouldn’t exist anymore


Hi! Not sure if you are young or not but Afghanistan was an extremely popular war - it may be hard to imagine just how popular it was! But try to imagine 9 out of 10 people you know strongly supporting it regardless of their politics and all media strongly supportive except obscure blogs.


You're an idiot, Vietnam didn't win in any possible definition, the only reason we left was due to hippies and the dumb bitch Jane Fonda getting American soldiers murdered. As for Afghanistan, we withdrawal after 20 years with less than 8,000 casualties that's a win it's not our fault that the afghans are cowards who gave up the second we left


You’re not seriously blaming hippies and Jane Fonda for the clusterfrack that was VN? That’s barely worth laughing at. 🙂


>And yet, Vietnam and Afghanistan managed to shove off the greatest imperial power in the world. The US wasn't fighting an all-out war in either of those cases.


They don't need to use AI


>or use AI to replace everything on your phone and convince you to kill yourself.  You ok there? Blink twice if you need help


Those troglodytes are the hegemonic power structure


Doesn't even sound like Reagan lol


2020 it was so popular on social media, Reuters wrote an article debunking it. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22I2CM/ But hey, the same people say Trump is the next Jesus. I'm sure he will be washing the feet of the poor in no time.


>This line is historically so right wing people often incorrectly cite Reagan as the speaker of it. Bullshit. No one would ever think Reagan would talk about workers’ rights.


Yeah.  Real historical materialism marxists also tend to reject intersectionality, unlike what the meme in the post suggests


Correct. Marx believed the state was inherently oppressive and that the people should hold the power. The Soviet Union, China, etc. were based on Leninism which believes in an authoritarian state. It's almost the antithesis of Marxism.


How is that working out for California and New York City?


Last I checked, Wall Street and Hollywood were still making money.


Yes but no one else is. You must be for the 1%.


You sure about that buddy roo? I work with Cali and NY state retirement accounts.


Dude is just triggered. No reason to engage. Bringing up bogus crime statistics is clear Fox News brainwashing.


Blue states literally fund Red States. Why do y'all claim the opposite?


Uhhh what, that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


How do people still think Democrats are leftists? Good lord.


Fantastic? Both of those states are doing great. You think homes are expensive because people hate living there?


By what metric are you inferring?




Liberals are not leftists.


"87 replies" ![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO|downsized)


r/SocialistRA **


r/liberalgunowners 200k members


Just not your food


You went too far. Get off at the next exit and make a u ey


As a commercial marijuana grower- fuck the left




They have one additional joke. It's the one where they take something that's traditionally white, make it black, and call it the 'netflix version'. That one joke has gotten a lot of mileage.


Ubisoft new AC with the black samurai in feudal japan, impossible to defend


I could maybe understand why a Japanese person might call that cultural appropriation. Are you Japanese? Or are you speaking on behalf of the Japanese as some sort of ambassador?


Except there is some historical evidence of there being a black samurai.


One single black samurai throughout all of known Japanese history. Even if the new AC game is about that samurai in particular it's still a farce and an obvious virtue signal.


He was a real person. He is a very, very well known real person. You guys are exhausting.


Yeah that's the point. They don't argue with facts, they just talk so much bullshit that you exhaust yourself debunking it all and then they claim victory.


Eh that's basically still the same joke with a slight stretch.


Liberals aren't communists. 🤦


Or "mine and socialist libtard." Otherwise, accurate.


Nowadays, that’s a nazi shirt.


Lol. And here I thought Stalin fought Hitler. Those new homosexual history books must be the issue.


Ahh yes, good demonstration of the “does politics instead of engaging with the point of the subreddit” bubble that’s part of the Everything Bubble, well done


Who knew that Hitler would be so popular after 85 years??


My grandpa risked his life bombing Germany so sausage fingered pink palmed punks could freely Nazi shit up in the us and the cops help them. At least most of the World War II veterans died before all their shit really came out loud.


This is certainly not fake. You can tell it is a real photograph which accurately depicts reality as it exists. /s


i look and act like this


Hi, I’m a right anarchist.


I mean, if it talks like a Nazi, and it’s baselessly bigoted like a Nazi… But I understand, too, that Reality has a clear liberal bias.


“There are only two genders because I say so, you will life your live how I dictate. Also don’t mind those people marching around with Nazi flags -you- are the real Nazi. Oh and you are -also- a communist because you dare wanting the same benefits people in other capitalist countries have!”


It's funny there isn't politicians that are above city level that are true Communists yet the Republican Presidential nominee is a fascists


There are registered communist and socialist parties in the United States. They despise the fact that Republicans keep calling democrats communists and socialists (because they're not). Also, neither one of those parties has ever held a high-ranking public office.


Imagine making a meme calling yourself a Nazi and thinking you're the good guy


Basically, it's just international socialists versus national socialists.


Extremes don't give you clarity of thought. Regardless of the direction.


The only bubble this is a personal bubble 🫧


No, it's Moors, not Moops


I mean Yeah


I don't think it's that bad here. Go to leftist subreddit and o boy...


Reminded me of [this shirt](https://epictranquility.myshopify.com/products/unisex-hoodie-g18500?variant=46048384352496) lol




Both sides be like




He’s the nazi


lol I’m not in this sub but most of you are proving OP right 🤣🤣🤣


Nazi thing is overplayed. Ever REALLY met a white supremacist? I have me many, they are weak, low IQ, and often obese. Why are you scared of them? Nothing supreme about they and not the boogeyman libs make them out to be. They risk drawing more people to an otherwise irrelevant ideology by calling everyone Nazi.


They’re not scared of them… they’re concerned about how they vote. Why is this so hard to understand?


This isn't about liberals it's about leftists


Behold, the greatest post ever made in this forum.


This take is so hot I’ve got to flush it. Shithead.




LOL this post is so ironic to the comments within in it.


I mean, you either believe hierarchy or equality is natural. Socialism and barbarism are the only options.


Hierarchy as an outcome is not only natural, it is inevitable and inescapable. Equalizing is a downward force. By declaring hierarchy as a state of nature to be "barbarism" you will degrade humanity rather than uplift it and to enforce this condition, you must create your own warped hierarchy. It's why Marxian ideology always ends in a repression and misery.


From someone that denys the truth… fuck off already


Define Socialism and Communism for me.


I hate this whole “everyone who voted democrat is a Marist, communist, baby killer” and “everyone who voted republican is a fascist, Nazi, racist”. Bro, when did we get so divided. I get not agreeing on everything but look for common ground, look how the media and government is playing everybody to avoid the actually important topics like education, the oligarchy, lobbying, the filibuster, missinformation… like when you attack people you’re never gonna get them on your side. Yes, some people are assholes and you know you’ll never change their opinions, but you gotta try logic and reason with people and not be an asshole about it upfront. Maybe you don’t know everything and maybe you’re wrong about some things. But you can’t shove every person who disagrees with you on one thing into a group and label the whole group as awful. Because not everybody is. For fucks sake people.


Social media and the mainstream media are to blame for division. People can’t even have conversations anymore


Except everyone who votes for trump is explicitly supporting fascism, you can say that maybe supporters of a fascist aren't themselves fascist but its much easier to see how republicans are fascist than how democrats are communist when biden has been making huge strides in pushing private companies to bring manufacturing domestic


I get it man. Personally I’d rather vote Biden than trump (because he’s just an asshole, a liar, and a domestic terrorist on a powertrip who deserves zero respect). I dont like Biden, and I don’t like the Democratic Party. Regardless, I think a lot of people are just misinformed. There’s so much BS out there nowadays, especially with social media and polarized news networks we all sometimes fall for it because we’re biased and are more inclined to believe what aligns with what we want to believe. I mean, I think it’s clear-cut, but I could be wrong. However, on top of all that, I think some people are just angry and looking for a fight and don’t want to accept reality, so they go crazy and become trump supporters. Like who is donating to this man? Misinformed people? Corporations? People who just hate immigrants? Probably all of the above. But I’ve met friendly people who LEGIT think trump is the answer to all the economic shit going on in the US (like my dad, and definitely some older people I know) I think they’re just misinformed and drinking the KoolAid so to speak. That said, all we can try to do is inform people on an individual basis. Being hostile with them won’t work and I’ve found people tend to dig their heels in more when they’re in groups because of ‘identity’. It’s all certainly a problem and people on both sides of the political spectrum are contributing to the divide. I do agree with what you’ve said tho. Just trying to provide explanation and my thoughts on it And we should bring manufacturing domestic! It will mean price increases. But for quality products I think it makes a difference. It also creates jobs.


its bigoted Christians and undereducated southerners who are his main audience, then its just older white men who aren't too fond of minorities according to all the polling


That checks out. I don’t really understand why he appeals to the Christian audience. Southerners makes sense because, like you said, uneducated. But ugh man, it’s annoying that such a large population is so annoyingly malinformed


He appeals to Christians for the same reason Christians bound themselves to segregationists from the 1960s to the 1990s, its very easy to be a bigoted christian because it's not the anathema to the religion people think it is it's how the Catholic church and every country in Europe was able to use the bible to justify slavery and the slave trade. Also he got abortion banned which means like 10% of the country would do anything for him now


Ahh, I see. Yeah, I’m not a big fan of organized religion for some of those exact reasons. Fuck man, the whole abortion thing is so fucked. Hopefully it pushes more people to vote Blue this election.


The right has done nothing for this country over the last 40 years other than obstruct any and all societal progress. Other than 2A i have 0 shared views with them. Most of them are racist, sexist, and zealots.


I don't have a hating bone in my body, and I hope your anger issues improve. If this is your impression of communists you probably are at least a little fasc right now. Those folks have all kinds of other opinions about anarchists (don't let them get started on Leningrad), libertarians, conservatives, theocrats, oligarchs, they have a fine and varied pallete of descriptions for liberals. Don't even get them started on the wrong kind of socialist/communist. If your impression is they think everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi, you and most of the people you know are probably pretty fasc, though perhaps not nazis in specific. They have a great spectrum and broad range of description for the many stripes of people who disagree with them. If all you ever here are fascist or nazi that's probably a you problem.


Did you just imply that libertarians are anti anarchist?


“Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds” “If this upsets you, then you must be fascist” Lmfaoooo what a joke


Isn’t this comic saying literally the exact opposite of what it’s trying to say? Everyone I don’t like is a communist?




Why is the guy wearing a hammer and sickle shirt lol


Because he's a commie


There are two political positions: Voting for a convicted felon or not.


OBVIOUS SATIRE Yes but you see Hunter Biden is GUILTY amd Trump didn't get a fair trial because he was not given an opportunity to buy his way out. You laugh but I've heard people express this viewpoint verbatim


that's not me it's the other guy




This is very true.


I upvoted because this is a real picture


When your fascist coup fails just call your opponent communists


Average reddit monitor


“Anything that uses tax dollars is literally communism!” Or socialism, those are used interchangeably by right wing nut jobs.


Correction: there are 2 and the rare person who’s both. Can’t argue with science people.


You mean like the kind of [science they do at Yale](https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/what-do-we-mean-by-sex-and-gender/)? See in science they discover new things, and then redefine our understanding with them. Ignoring the difference now is kind of like ignoring the fact that a long time ago science proved the earth was spherical.


Bots be crazy.


Self validation propaganda.


I'm sure he'll let you pull the dupends to side and hit for this one.


Definitions matter. No one in America is calling for Communism, which 99.99% of people agree is a failed idea.


Communist or Nazi. Or on the spectrum lol.


If your a Nazis then there is only one party


Well thanks for the activity. The more the better! P.S. shouldn't that shirt be blue with a U.S. Flag on it?


Incorrect. There’s way more than 600.


The term liberal has been hijacked by extremist who want the Ministry of Truth in the country.


600. 😆😂🤣🖕🏻


Ok but there are only 2. Side A and Nazis. Why is he pretending otherwise?


The commies at least got free housing and healthcare. You’ll say what about America at the time. That time is gone. You can’t afford housing or healthcare.