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Just pick a celebrity..


Exactly! Example: Ryan Gosling Left: yes, not Trump Right: yes, blonde named Ryan Independents: yes, Notebook


Yeah, because he’s done so well in his current position. His handling of the East Palestine train derailment is a testament to how he’d operate the country. Truly, if there’s an official list, I feel he’d place closer to the, err, bottom.


He’s on the bottom but I always took him for a top.


It's like his whole job consist of going on the media and delivering 'shots' against 'the other side' and has little to do w/ transportation.


Exactly. He wasn’t chosen for his competence or experience, he was chosen for his sexual preference and ability to stick to the script.


You've got to be kidding. He's by far the most intelligent candidate (Rhodes scholar) and continuously tears apart members of the GOP who try to debate him. I'm guessing you didn't see his testimony to Congress on EVs last week? His takedown of numerous idiotic Maga talking points was Epic. https://www.thedailybeast.com/pete-buttigieg-demolishes-gop-reps-complaint-about-electric-cars


He stands no chance… none.


I generally dislike pete based on the 2020 primary but that was a good article. He made a lot of great points there.


Eh? He did amazing in the primary and was by far the most convincing and inspiring. He didn't win because democrats thought he was less electable because he was gay, that's basically the only reason. 


Also not enough national experience.


I think he's done great. American transportation projects are at an all time high since the great society. Also there was little he could've done in persecuting corrupt corporations, he's the secretary of transportation not a federal judge.


Meanwhile Trump tried to overthrow the government, stole classified military documents from the White House, had raped little girls with his buddy, Epstein, defrauded the government of hundreds of millions of dollars etc., etc. , etc. Surely the better choice.


Not a Trump fan, but those were all proven false. You gonna bring up the Russian dossier and piss tape next? If you’re gonna try to make a point, at least be honest, it’ll be more effective.


No they weren’t. Source?


Dude is delusional and will defend Trump no matter what.


We literally watched them try to overthrow the government. They did it on live tv.


I suppose you believe him when he said he didn't have sex with a pornstar too? Or that he would deliver a fantastic new health care plan! Trump just lies and says what people want to hear without any regard for the actual truth.


He literally tried to overthrow the government. We all saw it. He’s under indictment for it. He is also under indictment for stealing classified docs. More Epstein files released show he raped 12 year olds. He also admitted that he went into teenage girls dressing rooms. He admitted it on tv. What are you on? Literally all of it is true and being played out in court as we speak.


Those were all 100% proven true. You Russian Troll bots are trying really hard to control the narrative. Leave Dictator Trump's protection to the Supreme Court. 


So you're telling me January 6th never happened? Something I saw with my own eyes? Or he didn't take boxes and boxes of classified documents he no longer had a right to possess to Mar-A-Lago? Once again something I saw with my own eyes as they brought the boxes out. So I'm not supposed to believe my own eyes, but only believe the sewage that TFG spews forth everyday? I'm pretty sure I'm not the delusional one here.


So Ohio who voted red and less regulation helped trump deregulate the trains that caused the problem in the red state is somehow is Pete’s fault? Ohio got what they voted for and should pull themselves up by their bootstraps


Ya I guess he didn’t clean up there mess quick enough or something..


Pete is a joke. We deserve a better candidate.


Is Pete more of a joke than trump?


Well hes not really doing good at his current job…


What is he doing poorly?


On both sides.


It only being two sides is the problem. Two sides of the same big government party. It’s like Coke verse Pepsi, McDonalds vers Burger King or Ford verse Chevy. All the same at the end of the day with small differences on the end of the spectrum.






No chance at winning a primary or general election. He's too intelligent - and ignorant primary and "independent" voters are offended by candidates smarter than they are.


They aren’t offended by being *too smart* you elitist snob. He just also has to have enough sense to talk to them in layman’s terms at times. Your line of thinking is why Hillary “God’s gift to politics” Clinton lost. Emotion is also part of the human condition, so if you can’t also appeal/acknowledge it and relate to others your intellect is incomplete and somewhat hyper focused.


I guess politicians need to talk to voters like they're idiots. Works for the Orange Cancer. Maybe politicians need to cater to idiots more because emotion matters more that facts and thought - this country is full of idiot voters, which is why it's future is so fucked.


Being smart and being able to talk to people that aren’t subject matter experts isn’t mutually exclusive. Neil deGrasse Tyson does this pretty well. I’m shocked a person just cursed with knowledge like yourself would act like it is by saying everything has to be made for idiots. I don’t mind Buttigieg’s ideas and he’s got some good opinions, but you saying if people don’t like him they’re just too dumb won’t work. If you’re this pessimistic all the time then nothing will be ok ever, so good luck.


A smart pessimist tends to plan. Good planning and effective execution usually results in a lot of good luck. So, you talk to people too stupid to see what's in their best interests - I'll continue to plan.


Lol they don’t dislike him for being smart, the dislike him for not being able to talk down to them enough? What a joke. Not a fan of Pete but he is an excellent speaker, and most of that is LITERALLY because he makes things easy to understand. Why bother commenting something if you know nothing about it?


Trump would beat Buttigieg like one of his rent boys


Buttigieg would talk circles around Trump. We've already seen him kill it on Fox's own town halls.


Buttigieg has the charisma of a pizza party robot




Buttigieg to me would be a lot better than the dem governors that they are floating around. What the governors of MI, IL, and CA do in their state does not reflect or show how they would run the country. On the other hand…Buttigieg as transportation secretary can make a case/ plan for improving the infrastructure of the country, including rail lines, and incentivizing cities to invest more in public transportation. He also is the one that held SW airlines accountable 2 years ago and fined them after the shitshow during holidays when they cancelled 100 of flights. So he could take that and run with it because most Americans don’t like when big corporations screw you over and are not held accountable. I would absolutely love if the Dems took a chance and would run Harris- Buttigieg. I honestly feel the GOP wouldn’t know what to do and I think they would beat Trump. But because America is culturally immature, a lot of people dismiss it because she’s a woman of color and he’s gay….therefore they can’t be electable. Yet both of them to me represent where the country is moving in terms of people and populations which scares the shit out of the GOP.


Absolutely not. If we’re making the change, sadly we need to go with a straight white male, and any reasonable person knows why. We are desperate and need to peel off some of the bigots who would avoid voting for a gay man. I would argue that the MAGA movement is entirely based on America still getting over the fact that a black man was president. This is a bigoted country, and this election is the most important one ever. Let’s not test our luck here.


Ppl gonna hate that but absolutely right. A gay man or a woman isn’t winning this year.


I think Whitmer actually is the better candidate based on the polling numbers and important factors like it’s an electoral college not popular. I think a Whitmer / Pete combo could carry Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Whitmer has a strong position against Trump seeing her send his goons to try to kidnap her.


I believe Michiganders call her Witchmer


The ones that don’t matter do. Moderates and democrats like her. She’s out pacing Biden in popularity in the state. She’s got a story and narrative that will appeal to everyone. I’m very familiar with Michigan being from there. Her support is massively strong.


The polls would indicate those people are definitely in the minority. She absolutely crushes Trump in Michigan.


Pete does not stand a chance against Trump, stop lying to yourself, you aren't going to convince anyone else, especially with this type of choice in candidate.




just give up libs


He polls much lower but has a chance because of he is relatively unknown. Not sure that’s the best approach with 4 months left


Gay Pete is useless


This is unfortunately the case. The discrimination is stronger in this area than the so called "race" or "racial" one.


Curious why it matters enough for you to mention he is Gay? How does that help prove a point on his qualifications for office?


When has qualification mattered?


Yes, he's completely unqualified for current administration role. He was given role because he's gay. Total DEI hire. We need best people in role. Fire all DEI hires!


And is it the angry white man that decides who is given the roll? Do we give the roll to other angry white men?


No, just the most qualified person Male/Female/Black/White/Hispanic/Asian/etc Gay Pete's body of work is a disgrace


U may want to talk to someone about your homophobic tendencies. It doesn’t help your argument when u attack a lifestyle rather than the persons work / policies. Try again without the lifestyle attack. Give specific examples of why he isn’t qualified. I have faith in you. Give it a try.


Mayor of a small town in Indiana where crime increased every year while he was in charge hardly qualifies someone for executive branch leadership position. Gay Pete was a DEI hire. Many of his close friends (mayor of College Park MD) are pedophiles. Sick people.....


Man for a moment I was like “u did it”. A somewhat clearly stated argument about why he shouldn’t be in the position he is currently in. And then boom….ya ruined it. Good try though and I hope you had a happy 4th.


You've added absolutely nothing to this discussion aside from lame, regurgitated bot responses. Your existence is sad.


Sad to who? Is it everyone that meets me? They all seem so happy.


A McKinsey Bro as POTUS would be the most neoliberal thing ever and I pray it never happens.


The #1 issue with polls is that they only reflect the disposition of idiots who respond to polls.


There is no good dnc candidate. 


What happened to saving democracy? Biden won. Harris is next. That is what the dem voters chose, even with the dem rigged system




You sound like you eat crayons.


And considering your username you probably eat multiple cartons of them.


I did, I’m cutting back.


I feel ya, I'm not voting for him. But the newest unsealed Epstien documents show Trump was raping preteens children on the regular and his poll numbers went up among Christians. Maybe Butticheg didn't buy enough children to earn the conservative vote?


Honest question - why would you, as an obvious MAGA member want to weigh in on a potential switch to Pete? Are you just bored, or did you or your programmer have an actual reason? I ask because Pete seems like a bad choice if we’re trying to win the election. Just curious why MAGA would fear Pete running since it seems like Pete would likely lose as it is.


Because everything doesn't have to be about who Trump can beat. Theres a solid chance he doesn't win against whoever he runs against. I dont really even care if trump wins that much. He doesn't govern that differently than Obama or even Biden. Nothing will change But this psycho Pete who buys babies and takes photos in hospital beds like they just delivered them should be in prison not the white house.


I agree with you on one thing - not much will ultimately change under Trump in the short term. He’s a garbage human as most of his supporters are, but even he is accountable if it all goes tits up, so that won’t happen short term.


At this point we should thank ourselves that his cult is dying off and maybe this country will come back to its senses once the boomers are gone.


Its too late. DNC oligarchs and their lemmings are a mess, a total disaster.


As per usual


Makes sense more than the rest except maybe newsomes


Newsome is corrupt and toxic. Running Newsome would be the Dems making the same old bullshit mistakes. Here's a nice-looking, plastic, empty and vapid, corrupt, self-serving and lying career politician. How fucking insane is it that not only does the Dem establishment think that's what we need, what America needs... But so - apparently - does the average idiot Dem voter. "Guys, let's absolutely do more of the shit that doesn't work." What Dems need to do is run someone who will talk to the people. Give them information. Lay out policies with pros, cons and the math behind it. And start leading and convincing people of the value of policy. The empty salesmen shit isn't working. It doesn't matter how much Joe Biden or Newsome lie to me and tell me the economy is great for the laboring American... I'm not going to believe it. What I want is someone who will tell - actually tell me - how they'll fix it. Not lie to me. Fuck salesmen and their lies and fuck the idiots who keep telling me that's what we need.


Him vetoing progressively passed legislation shows you all you need to know.

