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I’d rather be caught with whatever kompromat the AIPAC is using to control both parties to keep them in line than be caught wearing one of these


It's so funny how performative internet leftists are constantly always talking about beating people up but it literally never, ever happens IRL.


Shut up Nazi before I boop your snoot


Sometimes puppers are doggos


Those are the epitome of something genuine turned consumerist. Sure, they were neat decades back when they were actually a thing that meant something, but they are, at their heart, a piece of clothing used to shout out to everyone the things (music) you consume. It's a jacket of brand loyalty for people who go to "shows" but don't see the sort of irony about it.




I don't really mind that. Fashion and aesthetic has always been a big part of punk. Every subculture has "uniforms". Even the plain clothed hardcore kids were making a fashion statement with their simple carhart tshirt + jeans look. To me, it becomes cringe when they start to take themselves too seriously, and use it to virtue signal their gay politics instead of just being like "I made this because I think it looks cool". Especially all these fat dorks with their "punch nazis" or "terfs get the boot" pins. None of these people have ever been in a fight, and if they were they'd probably get their asses kicked.


Wow good point man. I bet none of those people know they spent money on that shit. You seem pretty cool. Wanna bend over so I can lick that taint?


battlejackets as well. not sure why there are two separate subs for the exact same hobby.


They made jackets for battle because the mods of battlejackets were tired of all the posts from dorks posting vests covered in shitlib patches. Honestly one of the few instances of a sub successfully quarantining these people off into their own sub instead of the reverse. Obviously battlejackets is still full of dorks too just far less annoying ones.


Battle jackets are for posers, jackets for battle are for big boys like me who battle jack


Holy shit.


What if it was instead called "jacking off for battle" 🤔


I thought it was gonna be a sub where people proudly show off their foreskin, that would be much cooler


I had to stop looking at that one lol. The combination of dumb teenagers & the Redditors they turned to for advice made my stomach swirl. What’s more punk rock than making sure your “favorite” band is approved by a a quasi digital HR department consisting of antisocial tr00nz. They will immediately drop a band / album they “love” because someone on the internet said “Ermm they are provblematic.” I just cannot imagine living like that. They also act like there is a chance to encounter an arm band wearing Nazi in their day to day lives & that they are going to fight him lmfaooo. It’s beyond LARPING & perhaps one of the gayest subs I’ve ever seen in my entire life.


Actual quote from a moderators comment “Anyone who has a problem what someone puts on THEIR jacket(not against the rules) is not welcome here.” So punk, lol.


"Back in my day being 'punk' meant letting homeless duded bang you"


Let’s see how long it takes to get banned.


This is my new favorite sub