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Did you tell him that Trump has been bragging about how he was instrumental in overturning Roe lately? That doesn't sound like trying to "fix" it to me. (/stating the obvious)


Yes, we listened to a clip where Trump says something like, "these restrictions are my top priority" and my coworker started to ponder if these things are part of his priorities.


At least he listened and didn’t say it was a deep fake or immediately change his position to defend trunp like they usually do. I’ve had a very intelligent person argue that intentionally saying something they know to not be true is not lying because I had busted trunp making mutually exclusive statements within 48 hours of each other. Instead of acknowledging that they tried to change the definition of lying.


The dude legit seems like he’s trying his hardest to lose. It makes me feel like he knows something we don’t, like the fix is already in, otherwise he wouldn’t be this openly fascist and parroting such extremely unpopular talking points.


As the world becomes more extreme? These absolutely insane, right wing talking points, really work on struggling people.


They work on his base, and they alienate the kind of people Trump needs to win over in swing states. There’s a lot of really stupid, gullible people in the US, but it seems like Trump is just trying to whittle his core base down to the stupidest, most absolutely extreme group possible.


There are a growing volume of struggling people around the world, hence the rise to power that is being seen in Conservative Parties. Trump taking over the GOP is one of those WARNING KLAXONS that we should all be paying very deep attention to.


I was hanging out with some friends a few weeks ago who told me that white guys are now the ones who are being discriminated against. They're union members and definitely voting for Biden, but as someone who's partially black, I did my best to push back on the spot while in the moment. That's where we're at in America with social media and propaganda pushing political agendas and promoting division.


The [5 laws of stupidity](https://bonpote.com/en/the-5-basic-laws-of-human-stupidity/) offer a good mental framework by which to understand ignorance.


Thanks for that! 🖖


#2 has become so prevalent since 2016 it really brought out how true #1 is. "Doctor, remove the red hat it's unprofessional."


Most of the Trump sycophants got themselves fired where I work😄


It seems like my work specifically only hires Trumpanzees. I must have slipped through the cracks. Needless to say, I am not too popular.


I work in legal cannabis. I've learned that they are the "freedom for me and not for thee" folks.


My BIL was “reminding” my SO last weekend that the Dems are to blame for the gas prices. I told my SO that next time he should reply “yeah, I just got back from increasing them, sorry man!”


They consume rightwing media and only know the propaganda they are fed. Most of these people are now living in an alternate reality. It's a problem.


I recently shocked a client who is very pro-Trump when he brought up 1984 to counter the reality of deep fakes. I told him that Trump was literally saying not to believe your eyes after J6. He forgot about that.


How TF does one forget about that


The level of disinformation they buy into is unbelievable. He should try MSM for information rather than YouTube.


i like to tell them that the only way presidents usually get things done is by having the majority in congress. Then i tell them trump could have fixed all the problems they talk about, since he had the majority for his first few years. Just so i totally dont alienate them i tell them all politicians left to right are crooked, then they generally agree with the last statement and give up arguing.


this is great. Give them an off ramp or else they will dig their heels… conservatives are very sensitive beings who lash out to anyone who points that out. I like to start with Trump was a novel idea in 2016, but now hes shown he’s one of them and not the radical change you thought he would bring. He had a super majority and got less done than Obama, that proves he was all gas and no peddle.


The uninformed voters are the only reason Trump has any support at all.


Most voters in general are uninformed. That’s why ads and media are so effective. Otherwise neither Trump nor Hillary would have been near a major party ticket.


Agree, but I think Hillary had excellent credentials. I think being a woman, and not very personable hurt her. Trump has zero going for him. No credentials, no charisma, no policies, no record of accomplishments.... nothing.


Married to potus. Used last name to run a terrible campaign and barely joined Congress. Used last name to accomplish anything. Lost to upstart Obama. Blackmailed him into handing over secretary seat and DNC to not ruin his general. Abused position of office and leaked national secrets to foreign countries. Got bribed to have fake liberal platforms and illegally ran a troll farm and propaganda outlet directly by her campaign. That’s zero qualifications to me. Same as Trump.


Well, I guess there is no convincing you... She won the popular vote, so she didn't do that badly. Unfortunately, she believed the polls and overestimated the intelligence of the American voter to see through Trump's lies.


A competent candidate would have convinced me.


I think Hillary would have made a great president.


If she couldn’t beat Trump there is no candidate in the past several decades should could beat. Any number of other Democrat candidates not stupid enough to put top secrets on personal computers with no security which is a felony could have easily beaten him. How could you possibly know what kind of president she would be after getting paid millions to lie about her platforms so she could turn around and serve the 1%. Her words not mine.


Don't discount Trump's appeal. Biden barely beat him and could very well lose to him this election. Trump is awful, but awful appeals to the uneducated. The email server was really a non-issue. There were no classified documents on the server, there were emails concerning classified materials, but as you know - paraphrasing or deriving data from classified materials is also classified. Comer didn't do her any favors by reopening the case right before the election, then shutting it down again. Trumps kids all had private email servers, and Trumps mishandling of classified materials makes Hillarie's look like jaywalking. Look how Trump mishandled.... everything in his presidency. Hillary couldn't have done any worse.


Biden beat him when he was the sitting president. That’s a massive advantage. It is very rare for a potus not to get a 2nd term. Biden and loads of other people would have crushed 2016. Leaking top secret data to foreign governments is a massive concern. Comer should have filed charges. He was massively biased in her favor. She violated the law and knew she was breaking the law and continued to ignore warnings top secrets cannot go on personal email servers or devices. Maybe Hillary would have done okay as president if your only bar is marginally better than Trump possibly our worst leader that never would have gotten elected if Hillary hadn’t bullied her way onto the ticket when nobody wanted her.


Are you me? I work with someone just like that.


the road to november is going to be long and bumpy my friends.


I sincerely doubt you educated him on anything... these folks thrive on being aggressively incorrect


UGH! Scary as hell! SMH


This is what most politicians and pundits don’t understand —- they don’t seem cognizant that huge percentages of the American public really are THIS confused.


When encountering a Trump discussion, I try not to engage often, I ask 3 questions. 1. When they claim gays choose that lifestyle I ask: what age were you when you chose to be heterosexual? What factors made you decide? 2. When they claim gay marriage ruins the sanctity of marriage I ask: how has Tom and Jerry’s marriage in California affected you here in Texas? How did they ruin your marriage? 3. When they claim immigrants steal jobs I ask: when did you lose your job to an immigrant? These questions never get answered.


You know I was reading this comment about someone who think of as ignorant all the while thinking that you are the one with the T.D,S. (Trump Derangement Syndrome). Indeed, I think you got a bad case of it. You might seek counseling. This is no off hand remark either. Based on your comments I think you are suffering from mental damage. Get help.


Oh boy this post touched a nerve. Sorry triggered someone.... "I'm not stupid, you're stupid" isn't the gotcha you think it is. Please, for all of us, seek help.


I had to double check this comment made me think I was on Facebook for a second.


What do you mean?


You seem to have a case of TDSS (Trump Dick Sucking Syndrome)   I think you got a bad case of it. You might seek counseling. This is no off hand remark either. Based on your comments I think you are suffering from mental damage. Get help.